**Merged** Raw Supplemental Draft - Discuss ALL PICKS Here!!

Mighty NorCal

For a second time. Odd since he has less heat than the first time. Worries me a bit since the card is so wide open on SD, but it appears they just may have big plans for him since they have involved him with Cole. Lets hope a big time heel goes to SD at some point soon
With Cole staying on RAW I figured this would be an obvious move. I thought it would be done on last nights show. I think Swagger has more heat on him right now then he did when he was World Champ. If the Miz keeps transitioning to a face like everyone seems to think. This could be a new feud for him. Cole will be forced to choose between his two love interests and then turn on Miz.
Not too shocking. I don't think there are any real 'big' plans for him. He is good in his comedy role right now.. But I don't think he has the charisma to stay over after this whole Cole fiasco is over.
This had to happen as he has been involved with Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler and has actually been on Raw for the past few weeks than he has been on Smakdown. He will probably snap on Cole at sometime around SummerSlam and that will create a Virgil/ Dibiase like moment.

After that he needs to be built up from scratch, probably as a midcard face. There are too many midcard heels on Raw and so there should not be a lack of people to feud with.
I wouldn't be too surprised to see Ziggler or Sheamus moved to Smackdown. Swagger on RAW just stuffs the mid-card/upper-mid card roster even more especially for heels. Sheamus could move to Smackdown! as the US Champion, continue his feud with Daniel Bryan. Ziggler could also move since right now RAW has a wrestler (oops bad word) + Manager heel combo.
I honestly have no idea why this guy even has a job so whats the point of even moving him in the draft? Does anyone actually think he will even get the hint of a push. I imagine he will just be fodder for people like Nexus and Sheamus to beat down. He might fill the Evan Bourne role
In my opinion this is incredibly stupid. There are far too many heals on raw and it has left smackdown short of a former world champion.

Raw : Miz, Punk, Del Rio, Sheamus, Ziggler and now Swagger. I would presume that Ziggler or Sheamus are not moving tonight so this means Swagger unless turning face will be lost.

He should have stayed on smackdown and stayed heel as there is only Rhodes, Barret and Mcintyre who are true heels with an actual future.
This is an obvious move, as he's involved in the whole Cole/Lawler/Ross storyline. What I expect is for Swagger to turn on Cole and break out as a face on Raw, then slowly build him up to a main-event face. We all know he can do it, and personally, a lot of us want him to do it.
Guess we'll have to wait and find out. But in all honesty, I don't think he'll ever amount to anything more than a jobber on RAW considering that was really all he ever amounted to on Smackdown. I don't think the draft will change whatever direction he's going in. Which is a shame because I always thought he was the more talented half of Cryme Tyme, both in terms of in-ring prowess and charisma. I'll be surprised (though pleasantly surprised) if he even wins whatever midcard belt is on RAW following today.
Hm. I forgot he was even on Smackdown to begin with considering the guy has been on RAW just about every week for the past few months as part of Cole's feud with Lawler. But anyway, this could be good for Swagger. I'm guessing he'll continue his association with Cole for awhile longer. I'd like to see him break out as a face at some point as I think he's pretty much exhausted all he can do as a heel. Having him turn on Cole is the perfect way to start that up.
I think we will be seeing face Swagger sooner rather than later. Having him attack Cole would be the perfect way to achieve this.

If he stays heel, he will only be lost in the shuffle on RAW. Wouldn't mind seeing him hold the US Title for a while actually.
Sometimes the Draft provides a breath of fresh air for some Superstars. JTG was going nowhere fast on SD! and this could be a new start for him. Not saying he's going to amount to much, but it gets him out of SD! oblivion.
It looks like this hot diva is making another move this year... this time back to Raw. Do you think she'll finally get to taste the Divas Title? Or will Michael Cole interrupt her matches, too?
Unless they plan to team him up with the new heel R-truth playing the role as someone else who is sick of being cheered by fans. if not he will most likey be a jobber.
I haven't really been following the Divas recently but the last time I checked, it seemed that Kelly was riding a fairly big push. She looks good and therefore marketable. Last time I watched her, she has also somewhat improved in the ring. She could very well be labeled the face of the Divas division and therefore a shoe in for the championship or at the very least, a top contender.

I only wonder if this means the storyline between her and Drew McIntyre has been scrapped. I mean, it hasn't been given much emphasis in awhile but I think it had SOME potential. Maybe it could resume if McIntyre gets drafted but that's for another thread.
Well Mcintyre just got drafted to RAW....

Dunno how i feel about this, thought he might get the heel push on Smackdown, i guess not.

This will finally be Drew's chance to shine and rise to the top. He has everything it takes to be a world champion. I see no reason why he won't be pushed within the next month or two towards a world title, especially with all of the top talent that Raw has recently lost.

Just imagine... Cena vs. Drew... WOW...
So apparently Drew Mcintyre has just been drafted to raw which is a good move as I expected but what the hell is up with raw and all their heels it's ridiculous you have Miz, Punk, Del Rio, Ziggler, Swagger, Sheamus, and now Mcintyre. Should be interesting to see how it plays out.
I love this move! Drew to raw is a great choice. I'm looking forward to a program with Sheamus maybe, either way I say have him stay in the mid card for the next few months. Two or three tops, nothing wrong with that because of Sheamus. Have one of them turn face, it would be a great oppertunity for Drew to get some much needed mic time. Plus I get to hear my favorite themesong in the wwe on monday nights?! Epic
I don't know about McIntyre to Raw, he's going to be behind a lot of other heels unless they push him. I really like McIntyre and I hope he gets tv time and doesn't remain as the chosen jobber like he was on smackdown
i can see sheamus and drew have a good rivalry. they kinda teased it last night during the battle royal, when mcintyre set up sheamus for the double underhook ddt and all the smackdown stars surrounded them
I'm glad to see Mcintyre on RAW... but it can't save this draft. after watching the trades and the names on the roster, RAW looks really weak. Del Rio and Mysterio are the only good names coming to RAW. the rest are filler.
JTG? HA please.
Kelly Kelly? ... well I do like eye candy
Big Show? what year is this?
Swagger? decent enough wrestler but boring overall

p.s. sad to see Natalya go. I really like her.
RAW looks freaking stacked actually it has all the up and coming heels where as Smackdown has the up and coming faces. So the balance is a bit weird.

On a side note notice how long it takes for WWE to post the next draft pick? Smart move on them since it requires most fans to refresh their page ... more times your refresh or visit the site ... the more hits the site can claim :)
Curt Hawkins is one guy a while back that I thought could go someware. He has the look, and was pretty good with edge in La familia. But really he and Zack Ryder have gone no ware. Look for jobbing, maybe the ocasional tag with him and Zack. But unless things pick up for him I see him getting the big ulgy axe during cleaning time.
I think Curt Hawkins should be teamed up with Zack Rhyder again... And chris masters should be pushed as a top face on raw,there arent many top faces right now,just cena,morrison and rey´!!!!!

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