*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] WWE Title Unification/Possible Brand Unification Discussion

Who will be the first Undisputed Champ when the Reunify the Titles?

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

  • Triple H

  • Orton

  • Edge

  • Jericho

  • Sheamus

  • Punk

  • Big Show

  • The Miz

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Hello everyone. I believe that WWE should have just combined the Divas Title into the Women's Championship. I've always hated the divas title and was glad they were finally unifying the belt with the Women's Championship. Thought then it'd just be the Women's Championship and no more Divas Title. Now we have a retarted looking title belt with 2 freakin divas champions? The stupid co-champs thing has to come to an end. Hoped it would have been Melina winning so theres 1 champ but no, some ****** decided to have mccool win. The divas title has always been like a rip to TNA with the Knockouts Title, "knockouts" are their women and in wwe "divas" are their women.

So does anyone else think they should have kept the Women's Championship name & title? Anyone else sick of the co-champions of lay-cool?

On a side note, when RVD was IC Champhion and unified the European & Hardcore titles, both them other belts were just abandoned cuz there were the younger belts. Divas Title was a younger title therefor it should have been abandoned and kept the Women's Championship.
Combining the rosters is a great move. I feel like they should also expand Raw to 3 hours and keep Smackdown at 2, like WCW did with Nitro and Thunder. That way more wrestlers can get exposure on the A show, and Smackdown will have some main event fire power as well. Featuring the same 15 wrestlers on each brand tends to make things predictable and redundant.
WWE needs some kind of change and this might be it.. I agree with manstis, it does get too predictable and theyre are just so many feuds they could spotlight if they combine rosters.
In my opinion it will never happen. The WWE have a humangas roster, I don't think putting both the world titles together will help at all. They unificated the Tag team and Womens title as they only needed one for each as they are both dieing. The World Title's on the other hand are defended on a regular basis and multiple people get a shot at it; if they were to unificate them a lot of wrestlers would be staying/going back to the mid card as only the top wreslters would get it.
I know Jericho was the "First" undisputed champion... and a few others have held it before it split again.

But when the "Reunify" the titles again, presumably at WM27, who will be the first to hold it again?

My vote is for The Undertaker, although if Vince has any say so, im sure it will be Cena :(

Your thoughts? If you think someone Other than I listed, please explain.

Edit: Surely this will be the Main event at WM27. So its looking like the WWE Champ vs. WHC vs. Royal Rumble Winner in a Triple Threat match.. but thats just my speculation..
Goldust is the only superstar deserving of holding the belt. He's the only one who's open about his sexuality in the wwe

What??? Just because a wrestler is open about their "sexuality" gives them the right to reunify the World and WWE Championships. Goldust is a tremendous wrestler but there's no way Goldust wlill unify the titles, he's a midcarder at best.

Who else should add this to their resumè other than the first ever Unified Undisputed Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho. Chris deserves this honor. I could see Undertaker or John Cena winning it. Undertaker is getting a little old and can't perform like he used to. Adding the Unified WWE and World titles to his career and that would be a great way to go out. If given to John Cena, that would be a great way to get him over even more then he already is. But if I had my pick, it would be Chris Jericho without any doubt at all. Chris is a decorated athlete and a great worker. I mean the story writes itself...
I chose Orton. I have a feeling it will be Taker v Cena, so Orton is the next most logical choice. The only other person it may be is Miz if Vince feels he is ready. Be on the look out for his face turn.
The Fact that some people actually think the Miz is deserving of Unifying BOTH world titles honestly makes me nauseous. Look, I am not a Miz hater, I think he has a bright future and a lot of potential. But This guy hasn't even officially made it into the Main-event yet and people are saying he should be the Undisputed champion? take it easy guy's.

I think we should all realize that they're is a very strong chance they might give it to cena, even thought I hope that doesn't happen. My personal choice would have to be orton, he's already got a good title reign going on at the moment. If he keep's it up, imagine how over he will be around Wrestlemania time? It would be epic.

But I'm not getting my hopes up too much, because people need to remember that this whole unifying of the titles thing is still at this point only a rumor.
Here's the thing, it won't be any of the established champions or former champions that we are seeing in the ME right now. Just look at the time Jericho held it. It was Jericho's first world title and NO ONE thought he would get past The Rock let alone go on to beat Austin as well. Even though Jericho only held the title until WM 18 which was shortly after, the credential of being the first ever undisputed champion was a catylist to Y2J's career.

So with all that said, I believe it will be someone relatively new to the main event scene. The only one on that list that fits the bill is The Miz. You could possibly make a case for Barrett as well, but he's not currently on that list. None of the others NEED to unify the titles to get over, but I believe it would help The Miz in the same way it helped Jericho. With Miz already holding the MITB briefcase, it pretty much guarrantees that he holds the WWE title, all they would need is the right guy holding the WHC on the other side to make the main event something special. So before anyone says that The Miz doesn't deserve it, ask yourself if you thought Jericho deserved it back when he did it. When you think about it, think about the fact that Jericho did it despite the fact that there were many in the company that were successfull main eventers, i.e. The Rock, Austin, Angle, Taker etc.
It is not that I like the Miz or think he is great. He is growing on me and has improved greatly. Originally I thought of Orton and other starts, but if the WWE unifies the titles you need to go with someone that is young or at least up and coming. I recall how Jericho was the surprise to win the title originally and is still around unlike the Rock and Austin.

Miz would be the choice because of his mic skills he can rub it in people's faces that he wont the reunification title and will be around awhile. He has a lot of the brash personality that Jericho had years ago and would be a great choice to be cocky and win the title. I am sure he can win it by cheating, but it still would make for good tv.
I sincerely doubt that either Big Show, Miz, Punk, Sheamus, nor Edge will be the first to become Undisputed champion.

As for the others, well I break it down a bit.

Chris Jericho: I can tell that a good number of people are [obviously] going to pick him. And it's no surprise really. Chris was the first ever Undisputed Champion, and it would make sense for him to become it the first again. Then you have the fact that he's been considered the best in the world (etc.) so it really adds to people wanting hi to be the first to reunite the belts. But the thing is, is that Chris Jericho's time is coming soon. It won't be long before he hangs up his boots. If the WWE is going to have a top guy re-unite the titles, I think it should be someone that still has a good while left in the E. Although, it would be nice for Jericho to re-unite the belts, but I just don't see it being the right choice.

Undertaker: The idea sounds nice, but same with Chris Jericho, the guy is pretty close to hanging up his boots. Besides, Undertaker has already accomplished enough in the wrestling business. I don't think he really needs this win for him.

Orton: Here's a guy that WWE would probably have re-unite the belts. Though quite frankly, I just don't want to see it happen. I mean Orton is cool and all, but I find him to be a rather boring champion (no offense to Orton fans out there). And if he were to become the first Undisputed champion, I just don't think it would be as much of an impact as the other guys I'm about to mention.

Cena: Now here's my pick. I would personally love to see John Cena become the first Undisputed champion [when the titles arfe re-united]. John Cena is the current torch-holder of the company, the main draw, the guy that gets the [arguably] biggest crowd reaction. It makes total sense for Cena to become the first Unidsputed Champion. Of course, you have your people that will not like this, but these people have to admit, John Cena is a great wrestler and he deserves this honor. Besides, could you imagine how big this move could be business wise? It would without a doubt rank in alot of cash---something we all know Vince loves.

Triple H: Last one. I actually think that this choice is very possible. Sure, before I said that it would be best to have the first Undisputed champion be someone who still has a good while left in the E, but if you think about it, Triple H is one of those guys that will stick around for a veyr long time (kinda like your Ric Flair). Triple H is a 13 time World Champion (I believe), one of the big a-holes to ever come out of the WWE. He's been around as long as legends such as the Rock and Stone Cold---meaning, he's experienced it all. From the Monday Night Wars to the Attitude Era's prime to the Invasion angle to Evolution to the re-union of DX and to now, Triple H has accomplished so much in his career. It would be pretty fitting for him to become the first Undisputed champion once the titles are unified.

So yea, my pick for the unification of the titles is John Cena. Though, I would kind of expect Triple H to unite the titles. In the end, which ever of the two become the Undisputed champ is fine with me...
Jericho unified the titles at one point to make the unification a feel good moment. He was an up and comer that deserved to be a champion but they were too afraid to pull the trigger. My guess is it wouldn't be anyone on this list. Instead they'd use it to push a fan favorite and attempt to give him instant credibility while making the crowd rejoice. Right now it would be hard to guess but I'd have to go with someone like John Morrison.

For the sake of the poll I voted for John Cena since he's the biggest fan favorite. The only thing is WWE seems to follow a formula and I have to lean towards how they've done it in the past..
I think it will be Triple H. He missed out on being the first undisputed champion before, if they were to unify the titles (Which I think they won't, but hypothetically) I think they would give it to Triple H so that he can have a go at being the one to unify the WWE and World championships.

On the other hand, if Vince wants Cena to become the biggest heel in the WWE's history. What better way than to have him (WWE Champion after his run with Nexus) and The Undertaker (World Champion) and whoever wins the Royal Rumble wrestle at WrestleMania 27 and Cena screw Undertaker and win the Undisputed Championship.

Although I do not want to see Undertaker lose, giving Cena the Undisputed WWE Championship that way could just do it.

Although, again, the World titles will not be unified anyway since Vince wants SmackDown to be the number one brand, I think having one world title for two rosters worth of people wouldn't be the smartest idea unlike the tag or Divas titles where there are only a handful of people who could potentially win it.
It's simply Cena. He's the face of the company, the current torch-holder. Plus, if he gets the title, it'll be more cash for Vince. And he's the best logical choice right now.

Jericho, Edge, Taker wouldn't make sense because they're retiring soon.

Show can't carry it.

Hunter and Orton are also a good choice but I think Hunter has far too many honors in his career and is getting old. Orton just sucks as a champ (no offense to his fans).

Punk is far too uncomplished to get this honor.

Miz and Sheamus are still making their way to the A-league.

So, I think it's Cena. Cena gets the honor.
If it does happen I would treat the unified title the same way the Undisputed Championship was treated and have the first title holder be a guy who is very established but just hasn't won the title just yet. People didn't expect Jericho to win against the two best in the WWE in The Rock and Austin but look what happened. I'll join the Mizanin Wagon and say the Miz should be the first title holder. I could just imagine the promos. He would have a ball just rubbing his win in other people's faces and it would be some entertaining stuff.

John Cena's definitely next in line. It only holds fair that the WWE's top face (or the WWE's biggest heel if and when it officially happens) holds the greatest title and having him as the Undisputed Champion just feels right.

Though I wish Chris Jericho was not retiring soon cause if not for that he would be my number 1 choice. He would be the first holder of both Undisputed Championships. The gloating would be endless and it would only further his Hall Of Fame career.
I've gotta believe if were talking about the two guys currently holding the belts that it will be orton because his story rotates around the belt whereas kane's and taker's doesn't require the belt to keep going. But if the belts were unified you have to believe within a shadow of a doubt that whoever won the match would be cashed in on by the Miz so whoever won the belt initially doesn't really matter, they would hold it for about a minute and miz would be considered the first undisputed champion of the PG era. If the belts are unified, im pretty sure that is what would happen.

But as who I would like to see be the first holder of the belt, I'd think that heel cena, sheamus or Punk just so he could say 'FIRST UNIDISPUTED STRAIGHT EDGE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD'
The Fact that some people actually think the Miz is deserving of Unifying BOTH world titles honestly makes me nauseous. Look, I am not a Miz hater, I think he has a bright future and a lot of potential. But This guy hasn't even officially made it into the Main-event yet and people are saying he should be the Undisputed champion? take it easy guy's.

I think we should all realize that they're is a very strong chance they might give it to cena, even thought I hope that doesn't happen. My personal choice would have to be orton, he's already got a good title reign going on at the moment. If he keep's it up, imagine how over he will be around Wrestlemania time? It would be epic.

But I'm not getting my hopes up too much, because people need to remember that this whole unifying of the titles thing is still at this point only a rumor.

I'm the opposite, I don't really see much potential in the Miz, I'm a bit of a hater, not because of him himself, he's has improved greatly but because of how people jump all ove him because thye know he's going to be big, when I myself can see it but don't wanna believe it.

But even I recognize it's about change, thank god cheamus got elevated to the main event last year, it was a breath of fresh air. You may be forgetting that jericho had never been World champ just like the Miz and just like the miz feuded with cena, jericho feuded with HHH back in the day. And if your talking about deserving the honour, jericho won the belt after interference from booker T, mcmahon and angle I think so did he exactly deserve to win it. Back then people would have been saying stone cold or HHH or the rock just like your doing now.

But jericho won and nobody has looked back, people still credit it to him despite the circumstances under which he won and that is because it elevated him to becoming a future legend. Every so often you have to take a step into the unknown foreseeable future and the Miz is that step. I'll admit that I don't want it to be him but if anybody is going to be the first undisputed champ it WILL be the Miz because it would be the ultimate MITB cash in. And then we'll look back and be saying, Miz: First undisputed champ of his generation, 9 time intercontinental champ, 6 time world tag team champ...etc... The legend has to start somewhere.

.......................that is of course if the belts are being unified, I mean it's quite possible seen as women's and tag belts are unified and now bryan and ziggler are opening up a little bit of a feud which could end in unification. The world titles would be last on the list in that case, and if all other belts are unified, the world titles CERTAINLY would be, right now it's kindof anyone's guess but if the US/IC belts unify, the world title will too, I'm sure of it.

So this is what will happen if Miz cashes in. Remember he can't wait until after the match otherwise he would be the second champion. Miz has to interject himself into the end of a guelling match where both guys are down and at the end he comes in to deliver the skull crushing finale. He enters the match itself effectively making it triple threat and cashes during the match. The match would likely be something like taker/cena or orton/? some kind of cross branded match anyway. But yeah, just read the polls to see what everybody thinks, I'm not alone
You know, I tried to think about the WrestleMania main event just there and, truth be told, I could not see past John Cena wrestling Randy Orton in the main event. If the WWE are going to unify the World Championship belts, I would like to think that they are going to have it be the marquee attraction for the event, since The Undertaker against anyone other than John Cena as the main event will likely not pull in the same intrigue as his match against Shawn Michaels did this year. If all of this comes to fruition, I would have to say that the WWE will likely put the new unified belt around the waste of John Cena.

However, I doubt it will be as clear cut as people would like to think it would be. Let us get this straight, the WWE are high on both of these guys. For the last couple of years, these are the guys who have been at the forefront of everything to do with the WWE. They have been the biggest heels and faces in the company and the people that constantly get the most emotion from live crowds. Whether they deserve that acclaim or not, they have it and it would make a great main event (on paper) to have them wrestle over a newly created belt, which puts you right on the top of the company.

Then again, I would probably need to think that it will be a Smackdown superstar that will be wrestling a Raw superstar to increase the legitimacy of this match. When I do this, I really think it would make sense for Taker to take on Triple H or someone similar. Those two guys would put on a great match and the pay-off would be quite substantial. However, the steak itself is enough to get a reaction to and a Championship into the mix would not really do anything for the match.

I think they should give this opportunity to someone who is going to make waves in the future, much like they did for Chris Jericho when they unified the Championships for the first time. He took that and ran with it. It propelled him into the main event for the rest of his career and gave him another feather in his cap. Someone like The Miz would make a good choice because they could use it the most, I think.
If the WWE had done right by the Nexus angle, I'd pick Wade Barrett any day of the week. His mic skills are coming along and again like I said, IF the WWE had done right by this angle, he'd be the best choice because by then he'd be over as a monster heel to take the company into the new "generation" (my apologies to the former "new wwf generation").

Barrett would be a likely canidate because almost everyone else (other than the Miz) has held either one or both of the titles at some point in their careers. The WWE audience would probably do a collective cringe if Cena won, but all accounts are indicating he may be busy with someone else by the time WM 27 rolls down the pike. Randy Orton, Sheamus, Edge, etc etc, they've been there, done that. If the WWE's plan to unify the titles is indeed true, then that means that they're trying to move forward with a new generation and what better way to start that than to have someone be their first (second-first) unified champion who has never won the title. Like when Chris Jericho won. Nobody saw it but when it happened, it started the change from the old guard of Stone Cold & The Rock having the title most of the year, to someone new, refreshing and interactive. Sure, Barrett is no Miz, but he could be a beliveable champion (The Miz too). Here's to hoping it's not Cena, Orton, Edge, The Big Show or any former WHC or WWE Champion. It's time for New Blood.
I think that if they were to give it to someone from the new generation of WWE stars Id have to say Shaemus but personally if you ask who Id really like to see have that honor Id say Triple H even if it was a short title reign
First off, Everyone is speaking about Cena vs Undertaker for this opportunity. And you pick Cena to win....Now dont get me wrong Cena would get it, but against the Undertaker at possibly his last Wrestlemania?? Come on...are you forgetting the streak? People would go nuts if taker lost to cena at WM27 for a title.

Anyways back to this thread, I picked Jericho as I believe the man deserves it, he has always been a great performer, excellent on the mic and always puts younger talent over. So in my mind he would deserve it as a Thankyou, just like they have put the belt on Kane atm for all his hard work and dedication, and Kane actually said he didnt care if he never had another title run.

But my overall pick would be John Morrison, Why? Because he is so talented, his style in the ring is brilliant. I know at the moment he is a midcarder, but if he received the right push, promo's etc. He could really be a huge future main eventer.
In my opinion, I don't think Vince has even thought about this yet...Like many have said, this is only a rumor that the belts would be unified, and Wrestle-mania is still months away, SO much can change in that amount of time.

Theres no way it would be a clean ending, especially if the Undertaker is involved and going to get a loss....So the only logically person is Sheamus, i see a HHH, Sheamus and royal rumble winner matchup....Last year Triple H said Sheamus wouldn't get his wrestlemania moment, that he would be forgotten forever. I think Sheamus gets a monster push towards WM27 while feuding with HHH, and maybe Cena wins the rumble or something along those lines.
I think if you're going to start a new unified title it should start with someone new wearing the actual belt itself (e.g. Christ Jericho). Therefore, (and I know this is a longshot) I would personally love to see the title put on Alberto Del Rio. Since the day he debuted, he has been the best thing going on Smackdown, perhaps even the WWE (Barrett as well who, too, should be greatly considered). His charisma and in ring ability has, in already such a short period time, has catapulted him to the top of the Smackdown roster. Personally, I look forward to seeing him every week on Smackdown. And for surely wouldn't mind seeing him win the title at Wrestlemania.
Honestly, I believe it will be The Miz. I do not say this just because I like him or because I think he is ready, but I really believe that they will use him holding the unified titles to elevate him to the main event scene and prove he is an established main eventer. They did the same with Jericho. I know a lot of people will argue about that and I know that Jericho was more over than the miz when he won the unified titles, but The Miz reminds me of a young Jericho which is why I think if they unify the titles within the next year, The Miz will be the champion. Oh and also because He's the Miz and He's awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwesome!!!
I can't figure out why people keep referring to Jericho's unified title win as his "first world championship." This is incorrect, as he was actually feuding with the Rock leading up to the time the belts were unified. Although the Rock did hold the belt at the time, Jericho had actually won it from him previously on October 21st, 2001. No Mercy was the pay-per-view and Jericho held it for around 3 weeks, until the Rock regained on the first Raw of November. Anyway, I just had to put it out there so the people claiming the Miz will win like Jericho won his first title know the actual facts.

With THAT said, I'm going with the Miz as well. Not for the same reasons, I'd just love to see it. I think he'd make a good choice going forward for WWE, and although he's never been there yet, there's no doubt that he'll break the glass ceiling sooner rather than later.

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