
As has always been my stance on these sorts of things, the less there is of something, the more valuble it becomes. The most precious scant resources, are the most valuble. if you hadnt ate in a week, food becomes more important. If you havent fucked in a year, getting pussy would be pretty epic. Same thing with titles. you make less of them, they automatically have more value, becuase more people are fighting for them, aspiring to attain them. Therefore, a condensing of the tag titles, and the division itslef, breeds more prestige, and competition. after a bit, even being the number one contender for it, will have a some prestige. No one can sit here with a straight face and tell me the tag division is godd as it is. Its a sham. Having one, strong, prestigious tag title would fix this, at least somewhat.
There comes a point when having two titles and barely enough tag teams to stretch across three brands, that unification becomes a necessary option.

Considering the number of legitimate tag teams in the company with Legacy, Jesse and Festus, Cryme Tyme, Ryder and Hawkins being the only true tag teams in the company with the exception of the champions, it has to be pointed out that without throwing teams together to challenge, there isn't enough credibility to lend itself to running two teams across 3 brands. At least with unification, you could have the champions moving brand every week or month if they so choose to decide which brand gets the shot. Have inter-brand matches. At least it would make the tag scene a little more exciting.

Go for it by giving the titles to one of them. If it works, keep it unified. If it's not, then have them drop a belt and continue as was
With one set of tag titles, the tag division is potentially fairly deep...

Miz and Morrison
Brian Kendrick + Ezekiel
Cryme Time
Legacy (Rhodes and Dibiase)
Sim Snuka and Manu

You could have a good two fueds out of that, the top two in a title fued, the bottom two already have history to base a fued on, and the middle two would be tag teams to face of against the others etc, and when the fueds are doen they couldswitch positions etc.......

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