*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Undertaker's Wrestlemania Streak Discussion

who should be the next victim of 'the streak'?

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The Streak will end. The Undertaker will not retire Undefeated at Wrestlemania.

Why not? Because that would mean WWE leaving money on the table. Once Undertaker is retired, the Streak doesn't bring in any revenue. Like everything in pro wrestling, the Streak is a gimmick.

And the tradition in pro wrestling has always been that you put someone over on your way out. (i.e. Bret Screwed Bret) There are no Rocky Marcianos in wrestling.

That said, since the Streak has been built up as a big deal, Ending the Streak has to be a big deal. It would be a mistake to do it on the cheap--a cheap win wouldn't build anyone.

If it can't be a cheap win, it has to be a "legit" win. After an epic match, some young gun gets a three count or makes the Undertaker tap, ending the streak and launching a new legend. It doesn't have to be for the title, either. Whoever can beat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania is an automatic No. 1 contender anyway, setting up a series of matches and rematches with the champion and 'Taker that could run through Survivor Series.

So the only question is WHO will end the Undertaker's streak. Who will WWE give that rub to? It should be someone new. WWE is trying hard to build the next generation of main eventers to go with Cena and Orton. Cena and Orton don't need that rub, and certainly no one older/more established than them. No Kane, Edge, Jericho, HHH, Mysterio, Angle, Big Show--they don't have enough time left. There's no point to having them be "the guy who killed the Streak."

Candidates are people like Seamus, Punk, Swagger, Morrison, Danielson, Barrett and Miz. Guys who could be headlining Wrestlemania 2020. (Of course, any one of them could also flame out and be the next Shelton Benjamin or Test). Could Miz or Seamus wrestle the kind of match where he credibly takes everything the Undertaker has to throw at him, and outlasts and outwrestles the Undertaker? I don't know. I think you would want someone whose game is more built on athleticism--Morrison or Punk or Swagger or Danielson. But right now, WWE isn't showing much faith in any of those guys.

So it might be a few more years.

Not Miz
Not Cena
Not Sheamus

NOBODY is ever beating Taker at mania. If it was going to happen it would have before. Its done. He retires with the streak in place.

Miz will have to make his name elsewhere.
I doubt this would ever happen.

A. I don't think Undertaker will ever lose at Wrestlemania, it's just one of those things that's a constant in the WWE and is so prestigious that it would be such a waste to end the streak at this point of his career.

B. If anyone was going to end the streak, it sure as hell wouldn't be the Miz.

THIS is about how I would answer this. The fact is, if anyone here thinks that Miz should or even could get a clean win over Taker to beat the streak, that would truly be my last time watching WWE programming period! As someone previously said, Michaels tried in two straight wrestlemanias and could not pull it off so why could Miz, who is not even half as good as Shawn all of a sudden pull off a clean victory against someone twice his size and a legend like Taker? If someone thought this was a good idea, they are crazy!

I will say, to catapult a guy like the Miz or someone else, a dirty victory to make everyone HATE that person could work if done correctly.
I believe this is a GREAT idea, it give The Miz a monumental achievement and still let Taker look strong, it may even be a perfect loophole to keep Taker undefeated in an official signed WM match but still have been pinned there.

Good idea man good idea
Brahma Bull said:
Here's my idea: Undertaker faces his opponent at wrestlemania with the title on the line. It doesnt really matter who enters with the title because taker will win. They when taker beats his opponent. The miz cashes in and 1 skull crushing finale later, he beats the undertaker at wrestlemania.

I'm in favor of using the Streak to hotshot a new star to the top, but I don't think that your idea would work. The Streak is big enough, and people are passionate enough about it, that a cheap win using an MITB case wouldn't do much to help the Miz. It would get him some heat, but maybe "go-away heat." Look where Punk and Swagger are now.

Edge was able to use MITB to rise to stardom because it was followed by a good series with Cena. The series reinforced Edge as a new top guy. A cheap win by itself doesn't do it.

Besides that, the idea means that the Miz goes into Wrestlemania holding an MITB contract and not using it yet? Does he get a 'Mania match at all? If he doesn't, and still has the MITB contract, won't we be expecting him to cash in on someone?

For the Streak to vault someone to the Cena-Orton level, they have to go toe to toe with the Undertaker in a real match and overcome him. He can maybe use some heel tactics, but at the end of the match they have to be standing and the Undertaker has to be lying on the mat, beaten. He has to do what no one believes he can do--beat the Undertaker, beat the Streak, send the Dead MAn to Rest In Peace.

That is how a new star begins to become a legend.
miz should go to hell and take orton and cena with him

What a well thought out and poignant response.

Now back to the topic at hand: First let me admit I actually like your idea from a fantasy booker point of view. Every big time heel needs an impressive accomplishment (however undeserved) that they can constantly brag about. While beating The Undertaker at WrestleMania would undoubtedly be the biggest, The Miz already has the distinction of being the first ever United States and Unified Tag Team champion at the same time.

He has also been talking of becoming the first ever United States and WWE champion which is very possible but not likely. However, it is infinitely more likely than him ever ending the greatest streak in all of pro-wrestling (Goldberg INcluded! That's to the guy who thinks an imaginary undefeated streak that went from 12 to 56 in a weeks time is an actual streak and is somehow greater than Taker's. I have one thing to say to you sir: look at my eyes... now roll 'em!)

Where was I? Oh yea, The Miz defeating Undertaker at WM, never gonna happen. Your logic was already flawed with the belief that the red money in the bank briefcase could be cashed in for the blue brand's world championship. Or your other belief that The Deadman might jump ship to RAW at this point in his career while he is the only solid main-eventer on SD!
Those are the stipulations for the Wrestlemania MITB, not the MITB PPV. The MITB winners who won their briefcases at "Money in The Bank" are from SD and RAW and can only cash in on their brands.

The wwe has been know to pull mysterious "loopholes" in there storyline (Benoit wins royal rumble while on smack then he is in the raw main even at mania for example) or "the my contract expired on one show and i signed a deal with the other brand storyline" (thats how Randy Orton got back on raw from smackdown) in the past so I don't see why it couldn't work this time and this is the scenario I have been telling my friends should happen miz cashes in on undertaker after under wins the belt from john cena (wrestlemania 25 featured 2 inter-promotional title matches so don't give me the cena and taker on 2 different brands argument) at mania cue miz music briefcase to both taker and cena skull crusher onto briefcase on taker the ref reluctantly count to 3.This would make miz the most hated heel since pro Iraqi sgt slaughter.
It's a good idea, I always that having Cena cheat to win to end the streak would be an amazing way to turn him into the biggest heel in history. But no of this will ever happen.........He will go 20 and 0 and then retire. It will be the biggest selling dvd in wwe history...........UNDERTAKER 20-0.................They will never have him lose at WM and at WM 28, he will either beat Cena(if he doesnt get Cena at WM 27) or someone else, and retire from wrestling. This is how it will happen.
HA HA HA I can't believe some of the things suggested here. Miz to end Takers streak HA HA HA Miz to win the Rumble HA HA HA OMG people. Is this what you really want to see? Years of heritage down the drain because of a bumped up reality star who can't wrestle? Just cause Vince is pushing this guy doesn't mean we all have to push him too. He has a title he never defends (omg if he cant have a good match with Danielson, then there is no hope for him). He was in a tag team with Show and Morrison, these 2 guys handled all the workload. Hell Vince didn't even trust him enough to give him a match at SS. Promos dont make you world champ. Best thing for him would be to cash in MITB and be the first to lose. Fans get on his back and jeer him. He then makes it his priority to be the best in the world and prove them all wrong and fulfil his destiny to be World Champ.

Truth is he needs a lot of in ring work. It wasn't long ago that Cena quite clearly berated him for being out of position on a spot. Orton did too. He may have improved, but even Hornswoggle has more moves than him. In fact the only guys with less in ring talent than him are Otunga and Tarver. Oh yeah I forgot, they are in the main event too. Oh dear.
I'm a sole believer that Undertaker's Undefeated Streak at WrestleMania SHOULD NOT be broken! Look at who he has beaten; Shawn Michaels (Twice!), Triple H, Ric Flair, The Big Show, and Kane (Twice!). The only person coming to closes to beating The Undertaker at WrestleMania was Shawn Michaels and IF SHAWN MICHAELS (AFTER TWO ATTEMPTS) CANNOT END THE STREAK NOBODY SHOULD! Especially The Miz! If you want to have The Miz get over this is not the way to do it. Maybe winning the Royal Rumble? If I am honest I wouldn't (along with a few others) want to see Undertaker vs The Miz Headlining WrestleMania! I think The Miz is a GREAT talent! He has a very bright future ahead of him, but I just cannot see The Miz beating The Undertaker something that Legends and Greats couldn't do! It would almost make him superior to everybody else who has tried before which in my opinion Shawn Michaels is WAY better then The Miz.

I have seen somebody say Wade Barrett and to be honest I see Wade Barrett having a better chance at ending the streak then The Miz. I even see Sheamus having a better shot then The Miz at ending the streak! And I am going to put this to rest... TED DIBIASE JR. WILL NOT END UNDERTAKER'S STREAK! That would be more of an insult then The Miz ending it. People are saying let Chris Jericho have a shot at it, people are saying let John Cena have a shot at it (which in all honesty he has the best chance out of everyone to end the streak), and recently my genius of a friend said, "Let Vince McMahon have a shot at it" which I think would be interesting. My point is The Miz is not worthy enough to end it! Whoever ends the streak will be AN ESTABLISHED STAR WHO WILL MAIN EVENT/BE WITH THE COMPANY FOR THE NEXT COUPLE YEARS!
It's an interesting idea for sure. But as much as I like the Miz, I respect that streak a little bit more. Sure it would gain heat for the Miz, but the way he's going, I don't think he needs THAT kind of help getting completely over. Besides, if the WWE does one thing right, it should allow Undertaker to retire, streak intact, never to be matched again. For all he's given to the company, the business and the fans, he is deserving of one lasting record that NOBODY will ever match or beat.
I'd like to see The Miz take on The Undertaker at WM but, the truth is, I don't think that most people seriously want to see The Streak come to an end. The Streak has taken on something of a life of its own and has become such an important component of Taker's legacy. It wasn't something that was planned, but it's what's happened.

If Taker's streak were to come to an end then I'd honestly like to see someone like The Miz be the one that ended it. The Miz is one of the best young talents in wrestling today, in my opinion, and he's someone that works very hard so ending Taker's streak would be a huge feather in the cap of someone like The Miz. IF the decision is ever made to end The Streak, which I think it'll ultimately be The Undertaker that makes the call on whether it happens or not, then it needs to be done in a meaningful way and by someone that needs it and that rules out the likes of John Cena.
Years of heritage down the drain

Let me explain something in very simple, unmistakable terms.

Fuck. Heritage.

Pro wrestling is a business. Business is about money. The only "Streak Forever" argument that comes close to mattering is that 20-0 or 21-0 would sell more DVDs than 19-1 or 20-1.

Tell me, how much money is Michaels or Undertaker going to make WWE at, say, Wrestlemania XXX?


The smart move is to use The Streak to build someone who CAN make money for WWE in the future. The only real question is who is the best choice for the rub.

(I'd say Miz is not the best choice because I don't think that he could convincingly beat Undertaker in a 5-star 'Mania-worthy match. Miz' strength is his promos, I don't think he's ready for a top-level match at Wrestlemania, and that applies to the two title matches as well. He's Awesome, but Cena or Orton would have to carry him in a title match. I would match Undertaker with someone with more in-ring skill, like Punk or Swagger or Morrison. Punk would be my personal choice.)
I know there is already threads on undertakers streak, but i feel this post to be a little different.

Im not really a fan of the miz, but it would take a moron to not see that he is being primed for something big and will probably make a huge impact in the near future.

Here's my idea: Undertaker faces his opponent at wrestlemania with the title on the line. It doesnt really matter who enters with the title because taker will win. They when taker beats his opponent. The miz cashes in and 1 skull crushing finale later, he beats the undertaker at wrestlemania.

Now, again, i dont like the miz. this isnt fanboy stuff. I just feel this way would serve many purposes. It would get the miz huge heat and give him something to always brag about (like jericho and being the first undisputed champion.) Taker has been shown to not mind giving up the streak if it was for the right person, and the wwe has said they wouldnt mind having him loose to an up and comer who would be around the main event for a long time (Miz.) Also, since taker won the match, his undefeated streak could be said to continue in a way. It would allow his streak to still be put on the line, while allowing the miz to say he has done something that countless legends (flair, orton, hhh, batista, edge, etc) have not been able to do.

what do you think? stupid fiction or good idea? could this actually work?

never happen....taker retired HBK keeping the streak alive...the streak wont' be broken and if i does at this point it'll be cena not the miz...but i see taker retiring with a perfect mania record
There's no doubt that this is a great idea. However I'm not too fond of the idea that a young guy ends Undertaker's streak. I want it to live forever, or if it has to end have a veteran like HHH or someone end it.
well wwe has been trying to figure out who would end undertakers streak if it were to ever happen. they also said they dont want someone who already a big star to beat him. they want a superstar whos the future off the wwe to beat him. its funny because i thought about this same exact thread about 2 weeks ago and i emailed wrestlezone.com about but never got a response. i would love to see miz cash it in against taker a mania and win. not because im a huge miz fan but because that could draw alot of heat for the miz and that would really get him over in the wwe to be the top heel because everyone respects the undertaker. i just think it would be such a shoking moment that wwe would benefit from.
If that happened people would complain and cry about the miz beign misused and screwed etc. trust me-it will be one of those moments people would never forget.

I would rejoice if Miz wasn't able to cash in. He is one of the most overrated wrestlers I have ever seen.

I never understood why people always want someone to lose when cashing in, it would be a waste of time and do nothing to help someones career and as i said it would be looked at as a screwing (imagine if christian cashed in then lost, could u imagine the uproar)

Somebody has to lose. If they allow every single MITB winner to become champ, then it lessens the appeal. Miz is the perfect person to be the first to fail in his attempt to cash in. Plus, I can't wait for all of his marks to post here while crying in their jammies and milk.

And it won't be thought of as screwing Miz if he lost. Look how much the MIB win did for Swagger.

I believe this is a GREAT idea, it give The Miz a monumental achievement and still let Taker look strong, it may even be a perfect loophole to keep Taker undefeated in an official signed WM match but still have been pinned there.

You aren't all there upstairs, are you? If Miz decides to cash in at Wrestlemania, it becomes an official match. Thus, Undertaker will have been defeated at Wrestlemania. It would only be a loophole if Taker remains undefeated, which wouldn't be the case if Miz did cash in and beat him.
No, I gotta say I hate the idea. Now, I like the Miz, but he is overrated sometimes. He's great on the mic, he's okay in the ring, but not great. The honor of ending the streak should go to someone who can put on a huge Wrestlemania main event quality match which is not The Miz.

If it were to end, which I don't really think it should it should go to someone worthy of the push. Someone with the total package not just charisma but can actually match his talent on the microphone with his talent in the ring.
The only person who should ever be allowed to beat taker is someone who is a pure wrestler like jack swagger or orton but the miz? come on that is the dumbest shit ever! Miz is ok and good in my book (better than AJ styles) but not deserving to break takers streak

WWE doesnt need AJ STYLES they have JUSTIN GABRIEL
WWE doesnt need SAMOA JOE they have HUSKY HARRIS
WWE doesnt need CHRIS SABIN they have DANIEL BRYAN
That would be a really crappy way to end the legendary streak. Have it ended by some loser with a briefcase? WWE would NEVER end it like that. They would get a lot of crap for that. EXCEPT I could see WWE putting Miz vs Undertaker in a fair match as WWE is giving Miz a major push and trying to boost his credibility.
That would be a really crappy way to end the legendary streak. Have it ended by some loser with a briefcase? WWE would NEVER end it like that. They would get a lot of crap for that. EXCEPT I could see WWE putting Miz vs Undertaker in a fair match as WWE is giving Miz a major push and trying to boost his credibility.

People on this thread have gotten me thinking--someone beating the Undertaker's streak is probably the biggest single WWF/WWE event since Ultimate Warrior beat Hogan. At least a half-dozen people are writing like the Undertaker at 'Mania is as invincible as Hulkamania was. People are really saying that "It can't happen", as if wrestling were real and not scripted. I'm not making fun, it's part of what we like about wrestling that the stories get us like this.

When the Streak ends, WWE will not do it in a cheap way. I still remember when Lesnar beat Undertaker in a Hell in the Cell, and posed with the belt on top of all four sides of the cage. That is the kind of visual you want, not a cheap trick of some kind.
a Miz RR win, possible. Maybe even a World Title win at WM, then cash MITB in on WHC and win. Miz wins both World Championships at WM. Thats a dream to some i bet. Would never happen though.

Best. Idea. EVER.

I'm not necessarily a huge Miz fan, but I would mark out if he won both world titles in one night. You think he's cocky now? Imagine him as the undisputed champion. That's a feat that not many people in WWE can say they've accomplished.

Only 6 men held the Undisputed Championship: Chris Jericho, Triple H, Hulk Hogan, The Undertaker, The Rock, and Brock Lesnar. That would put him alongside quite an elite group. It will never happen though. I don't see them having another undisputed champion anytime soon.
Ok, again I am new here, so, if this is in the wrong spot or already done, please forgive me.

I know there are a lot of questions about whether or not the Undertaker should lose his Wrestlemania streak. I for one say NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Here is another guy, just like HBK, who has been with the WWE since the begining. For the Undertaker to lose his streak would be a dismissal to his entire career and a spit in his face!

In no way should the Undertaker lose to the likes of someone like Wade Barrett, CM Punk, Jack Swagger, or even a Kane. I mean, no disrespect, but when you have the Undertaker on a 18-0 streak, what the heck, why even cause him to lose?

I say, if the Undertaker were to lose, the Undertakers loss should be against a Chris Jericho considering Jericho is such a crazy heel and on the verge of retirement his ownself. But!, what if, and this is a BIG BIG IF -

John Cena were to turn HEEL, face the Undertaker, and beat the Undertaker to end the Undertakers streak. Cena starts bashing the crowds, etc., talk about a MASSIVE HEEL TURN! Obviously, Cena IS THE FACE of the WWE and doing great things, BUT, if Cena were to turn heel and end the Undertakers Streak; LOL - man, think about the HEAT CENA would draw!

Still, I do NOT want the Undertakers streak to end!
Could somebody please tell me; why is there need for Undertaker's streak at WM be broken?

There's totally no need for it!!!

Undertaker losing at WM isn't the only way for him to retire. Anyway is there really anybody who deserves to end the streak?

Undertaker's streak is one of the reasons that people look at him as the best wrestler of all time, the streak is one of the biggest things about WM. It is a legendary thing being undefeated but only being beat once isn't.

Can all the people that think Undertaker's streak should be broken tell me why, because I just don't think there is need for it.
The streak is meaningless. It just means that for 17 specific matches, the Undertaker was booked to win. It is merely a way to market a wrestler, and I doubt you could find many people that would stop marking for the Undertaker should he lose. The Undertaker doesn't need the streak in any way shape or form, he would have been one of the true icons of pro wrestling regardless. If HBK were to be booked to end the streak, let me ask those who think the streak is important a simple question...is a 17-1 Undertaker any less likely to be an instant WWE Hall of Famer than an 18-0 one would?

It would be different if pro wrestling was an actual sport, where the outcomes of matches were not pre-determined. You can't compare the streak to something like the 49ers being 5-0 in the Super Bowl, the women's UConn Huskies basketball team having a 71 game win streak, or something like that, because sports teams earn their streaks, pro wrestlers are scripted them. If the streak ends in three weeks, so what? Will anyone think less of the Undertaker's character?

The streak is anything but meaningless, except to yourself but I hardly think you'll affect anything when it comes time for Vince and Taker to plan the direction Wrestlemania will go in, thanks for watching wrestling in denial though all the same.

The streak ending would not affect Taker being in the HOF, but it would definitely have an affect on his Mania match. If he is not fighting for his streak then it's simply just another match on the card. The streak is the one thing that no one else in the business has. It is above the world titles when it comes time for Mania. Shamus vs. Taker with no belt on the line is just another match. Shamus vs. Taker with the streak on the line instantly raises the stock of of the marketing of the match.

Wade Barret vs. Taker in a regular match with nothing on the line at Mania is not near as high profile as Barrett vs. Taker for the streak at Mania. All great matches have something on the line, whether it's a belt, a career or a streak. Once the streak is broken, Taker, as great as he is, as storied as his career has been, becomes just another match on the card unless there is a title involved.

Do you really think if Shamus or Orton were to end the streak this coming year, that if Taker was back for Mania next year against Cena, that the hype on the match would be as big? If he's been beaten at Mania once already, then he's beatable in the eyes of the fans.

What do you think would happen if in a comic storyline if Batman beat Superman in a fight? Comic fans have been conditioned to believe that Batman is of the highest intellect and would find a way to outsmart Superman and defeat him. This is assuming he uses his gadgets and tricks from his utility belt. I'm not talking about that.

In a knock down drag out fist fight, if Batman knocked out Superman and defeated him, it would ruin Superman's credibilty. Would he still have his fans? Yes. Would they still read his comic? Yes. But I guarantee you that there would be a dip in sales and the next time they promoted a Batman/Superman battle it would not have near the excitement surrounding it because he already beat him once. Batman is not invulnerable, Superman is and he was bested by Batman. Taker is the Superman of wrestling, he is the one guy who is supposed to be able to rise up from anything, especially at Mania

Wrestling is not a real sport but it lives and dies on it's marketing hype for big PPV matches. PPV's are already at an all time low for buyrates on a consistent basis, why would Vince want to spoil the one unique stipulation he has at his biggest PPV of the year, featuring his biggest star?

The Streak is meaningless? I think not.

It's not about affecting his HOF potential, Taker was a lock for that honor before the Streak ever became a marketing tool for Mania in 2005, which was the first time that the streak was ever used to promote the match. They mentioned him being undefeated previously but it was never used to sell his match with Kane, or Flair or Hunter leading up to the PPV.

Vince wants to make money today, right now, and he'll sell the streak, which makes Taker even more of a legend leading up the the match and use it to sell the PPV. Taker in the HOF does not sell buys today.

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