*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Undertaker Injury/Vegetative State & Kane's Search Discussion

I think this has the potential to be a great angle, but I don't like the pay off with these types of angles as it will turn out to be Hornswoggle probably.
But it gives Kane a chance to get out of the 'mid-upper carder' and a break for the main event scene.
I think it will be Swagger also, and I wouldn't mind that.
The fact Raw has the NXT invasion angle and Smackdown has this makes for some great entertainment in WWE and hopefully a new found interest in Pro Wrestling.
My first choice for this would be the nxt gang as most people have said.

HOWEVER i no this is highly unlikely and proably will never happen but i thought i might aswell throw it out their :) It might be the person he retired at wm thats right the heart break kid himself shawn micheals. Returning as a heel
Very unlikely but as far as i know (cba checking all the previous posts) this hasnt been mentioned so i though meh might as well could create a good storyline about how everyone cheered for undertaker at wm and how he wanted revenge for retirering him
Drew McIntyre: Again, not likely given his current story with Matt Hardy...unless it was a contract hit under orders from Vince McMahon. Could be what's really behind McMahon backing McIntyre all the way.

The NXT Faction: The most likely. A group attack like the one that took out Cena. They could be going after everyone at the top one at a time. This also has the most possibility for entertainment, particularly with Kane hunting them down one by one and taking them out in various creative and excruciating ways. It could be just what Kane needs to bring him back into the main event.


Drew would be really good as he is deserving of a big push and I feel he is now ready for it. However its doubtful as it either needs to be alot of people, like the NXT faction or an established super star.

I just hope they dont make it be Kane who was the one behind it.

I can see a rookies vs pros coming though. Most likely at S series.
My feeling is that its a current face. I really don't know who that leaves but I personally feel like it doesn't make sense for Kane to risk getting heat by taking out some of the top faces if its not a current face. Maybe I'm completely off on this but I guess we will see. I also think we will find out within a month, another logical choice because if it takes much longer than that then the Undertaker can handle his own retaliation and Kane would not be needed. Also, given the history of the WWE their is a very good possibility that they will change their mind or don't already know who the attacker is.
Over the last week or so I've seen countless opinions about who put the Undertaker in his "vegetative" state. I saw many saying that they think it is the NXT guys or others but I disagree. I think the culprit is Kane himself.

Have you ever heard the saying "the lady (or in this case man) doth protest too much"? I think this perfectly applies to the way Kane has been acting lately. I think it was him who is responsible for the Undertaker's condition and him blaming everyone is just building up to the big swerve that it was actually him. This would of course lead to yet another feud between the "brothers". There is another thread saying that Kane is going to get a huge push so maybe this is how. Personally I think Kane is waaaay overdue for a push and also a world title reign. And hopefully, this time, it will be longer than twenty four hours and not just a way to pad the title reign count for that wife-beater Steve Austin.

To be honest, I'm surprised they have kept up with the storyline "brother" relationship between Kane and the Undertaker all this time. Especially since we are now supposed to magically forget that Edge and Christian were billed as brothers for years but now it's like it never happened. I don't mind when history is tweaked a bit for storyline purposes but that's a pretty large thing to expect people to forget about.
No. If it were Kane, he would've done it in front of everybody. Like he's done on so many occasions. I seriously doubt they will rehash the Kane/Undertaker story all over again. Especially if its done in almost the exact way as last time. The idea here is to leave the possibilities open. it leaves a huge space for whomever is designated as the culprit. It can be the NXT boys. It could be the Straight Edge Society. Triple H. Paul Bearer. The point is the door is open for somebody new to feud with The Undertaker when he returns and at the same time, it doubles as a push for Kane.
While I agree that the door is open at this point to declare anyone the mastermind behind this vicious attack on The Undertaker, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if TugBoat77 is correct. It certainly makes as much sense as anyone else who might have done the deed -- and more than most, considering it would take a pretty powerful person to do this to the almighty Undertaker.

At this point, Kane's rampage is a great way to cover for his part in the act. It's also the WWE's means of building him back up in the minds of viewers. Since inevitably many viewers, like me, have started to think of The Big Red Machine as little more than a jobber of late, this gives him an opportunity to build momentum and even move into the title picture while Undertaker is gone.

Then, when The Undertaker returns, Kane can say how the fans only love him when his brother is gone. That for his entire career he's been lost in his sibling's shadow, so he did the only thing he could to shine -- and that was take his brother out.

It offers yet another level of betrayal to the relationship between the two, AND it gives the fans a little something to think about. There's a degree of ring psychology there that's been missing for a while from most stories. To me, it seems significantly better than many of the alternatives.

Then again, in the WWE of late, that alone reason enough to think it won't be what's planned at all.
Before the whole NXT raid on RAW I thought Kane was the one who most likely did it, but now I don't know who they will have be the suspect. I think this angle has been great for Kane so far. As much as I would like to see the two join forces once again, I don't think a feud between the two is the worst thing they could do. The WWE has got me tuning in to see where this is going and with the NXT angle both shows are starting to pick up.
I'm not sure whether it's Kane, it wouldn't make sense over any of the other potential attackers, because of Kane's constant hunting for the attacker of Undertaker.

If it was Kane, I don't think he'd go so far to try and find the attacker, seeing as WWE is trying to push Kane now, I think it would've made much more sense of for the push if Kane is involved in Undertaker's situation, that they had Kane actually talk about taking out Undertaker "finally".
There has been another thread on this. I have thought it was Kane right from the start. I think it will come out he is fed up of being in the Undertakers shadow, and being a mid-carder. I couldnt really see any other possibilities for it - - untill Monday night when the 'nxtwo' attacked Cena. This has just opened the storyline right up that thay could be out to get all the top guys to make a name for themselves.
I couldn't help but consider Kane when it first happened. When the Undertaker is taken out like that and Kane gets involved in the storyline, then you have to consider it. However, I just don't think it is him. Like others have said, Kane isn't the type to take someone out and then cover it up. He would've taken out the Undertaker in front of everybody and then bragged about it for ages. He also seems very emotional over what happened, as though his emotions are genuine and not just some sort of cover.

So, I wouldn't be completely surprised if it does turn out to be Kane, but it wouldn't make much sense to me if it was him. I think there are more likely candidates in Punk, Swagger or the NXT rookies.
I don't think they'd go down the route of a 3rd or 4th Kane/Undertaker Feud. It's not like they can do anything more to eachother.
One option i'm yet to see is HHH. Lest ye forget that Undertaker just retired his best friend at WM26. Maybe he has had a little help aswell.....from Sheamus. Could do the whole'' i beat u at Mania, then you took me out'' kinda respect thing goin on??? And it would lead to a much needed HHH heel turn (personal opinion, dont shoot me) and a storyline leading right through to WM27, where we have a Taker/HHH/Possibly Sheamus Blowoff???? I know its a long shot, but this is WWE were talking about!!!
I think, at this point, the situation is still very wide open.

Kane is a suspect, whether he acts differently or not. However, I just don't think it would be too smart to let that happen unless they were eventually going to have the Undertake feud with him when he returns. Otherwise, it is pretty meaningless overall. Here we have a chance to finally get Kane over as a monster heel after the destruction of his brother and if they take that away from him, by revealing that it was Kane that carried out the attacks, then I think they are robbing him of a golden opportunity to have a great feud right now for one that may make him look bad in the future (See The Undertaker).

As much as I would like to say that it was Kane, I don't think it is very wise on the part of the WWE to make that happen. I have really enjoyed the way Kane has composed himself over the last few weeks and I have to feel that there is a lot more left in this tank. Robbing him of a feud right now, when he is constantly dominating everyone just seems like a cop-out and lazy booking. Plus, it takes away some other poor persons chance of getting over. I say, make it Sheamus or someone similar. Have it be someone that realistically could take out Taker and have Kane feud with them.

I have my fingers crossed for that anyway.
I like "Spawn of Kanes" suspect to the taker situation

I have had this thought in the back of my mind that it is HHH that has taken out the Undertaker. Kane could basically come out every week on every show and not find who is responsible then bam...HHH will come back and lay claim to the Undertaker situation.

Back when the raw roster was stuck in england and Taker showed up on raw...HHH had a segment wit him after the show ended saying how they were the only ones left and that there was only room for one of them

And i just dont see it being Kane...i mean for the june 19th supershow they had the brothers of destruction on the matchcard....did takers injuries cause creative to make that much of a curveball...i dont think so
I think they have kepy the brother storyline because they have both been in the wwe and had amazing 'brother' storylines...edge and christian never..plus christian left wwe...then came back...

I actually think it might be kane as well, i stated it before...the finger is pointing at about anyone right now...so i think we'll have to find out in coming weeks..
I hope it isn't Kane. The brother feud has happened so many times now between them. I just hope it was Punk and the SES or Swagger to build them up, because Kane ripping through the roster is more than enough for him. I really hope Kane gets the gold again and can wreak all kinds of hell at the top one last time. He's getting up there and he's just been so loyal to the company and has done so many minor feuds.
I know that Kane isn't exactly known for his sanity, but he's always been lucid enough to know what he's done and what he hasn't. Besides that, I agree with those who've said that the struggle of brother against brother has been overdone. However, now Kane has a mandate (at least in his own mind) to go after everyone and anyone and he's always been most successful on a full on rampage where nobody is safe. It gave us a nicely solid match between him and Sheamus after all (and I hate to admit this, but as a side note, the ol' Celtic Warrior is actually starting to improve.)

The only way I can see it being Kane is if he's somehow developed an alternate personality, perhaps coming out later (maybe with the return of the mask.) Could be that what we've been seeing since he unmasked is an entirely different Kane personality and when he puts on the mask he'll become the true inhuman monster again. Just a thought.
I have an idea for this storyline.it may not have been the plan fro the beginning but makes the best out of two situations.

They have Kane continue to look for the culprit on smackdown having feuds with the SES and swagger(over the title cause i like kane-hope he wins it again at some point)

Continue the NXT rookies destoying all the main eventers on RAW along the same timeline including the Pros from season1 to give validity

Then after a few weeks/months have the NXT rookies invade smackdown and do the same.

Have the rookies beat down Kane and reveal it was them who took out the undertaker.as previous posters said what better way to make an impact than to take out the top stars on each roster

Have Kane recruit some help and have a match at A PPV with the NXT rookies.Have it that KAne is going to win but then have BRIAN DANIELSON(after he has been hired back after the 90 day no compete clause) come out,take out KAne then reveal he was the mastermind behind the attacks and VKM found out and fired him because of it but now he is back to make an impact because he doesn't car about VKM as he only like the big guys.He wanted to show him what smaller guys are capable of

THis starts a program with Kane and then the Undertaker whe he returns.the feud could last possibly survivor series with a match where if taker and kane win then they NXT rookies disband?idk

The reason i think this would work is because it pushes new talent,involves a lot of wrestlers with intersting mini feuds and explains the firing of brian danielson as well-fired for being so violent he can even take out the undertaker

what do you all think
my theory is it was th nxt guys,can see it playing out like this

They have Kane continue to look for the culprit on smackdown having feuds with the SES and swagger(over the title cause i like kane-hope he wins it again at some point)

Continue the NXT rookies destoying all the main eventers on RAW along the same timeline including the Pros from season1 to give validity

Then after a few weeks/months have the NXT rookies invade smackdown and do the same.

Have the rookies beat down Kane and reveal it was them who took out the undertaker.as previous posters said what better way to make an impact than to take out the top stars on each roster

Have Kane recruit some help and have a match at A PPV with the NXT rookies.Have it that KAne is going to win but then have BRIAN DANIELSON(after he has been hired back after the 90 day no compete clause) come out,take out KAne then reveal he was the mastermind behind the attacks and VKM found out and fired him because of it but now he is back to make an impact because he doesn't car about VKM as he only like the big guys.He wanted to show him what smaller guys are capable of

THis starts a program with Kane and then the Undertaker whe he returns.the feud could last possibly survivor series with a match where if taker and kane win then they NXT rookies disband?idk

The reason i think this would work is because it pushes new talent,involves a lot of wrestlers with intersting mini feuds and explains the firing of brian danielson as well-fired for being so violent he can even take out the undertaker

what do you all think
No i suspected him instantly when i heard this. If they are sticking to the magical story line only kane would have the power to subdue the undertaker. Hes getting a big push and loads of camera time now. Which is good, maybe it will be "THE MASK" that made him do it and it will take over him and he will wear it again who knows how WWE will do this. But Kane is more likely then anyone.
I like the iea of the NXT rookies been behind the attack on taker but i cant see them as beign a big threat to the deadman.....but on the other hand do we really need to see another kane and undertaker fued???
At this point, I have to admit I'm already weary of Kane's promos regarding the situation. Yes, we know, you're on the hunt and once you find them you will unleash hell and they will end up in the coffin.

The first promo was ok, but now it's just the same drivel.
As much of a Kane fan I am, he WANTS to stay there. I don't think there's any other superstar that's as generous as he is. He'd rather be jobbing to up and comers than chase titles. As for Kane's legacy. We're talking about it aren't we. It's proof that Kane's legacy won't go anywhere. Though I don't exactly see him as a HOF, I do see him as one of the icons of wrestling. But seriously, the guy LIKES where he's at. Gotta respect that.

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