*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Undertaker Injury/Vegetative State & Kane's Search Discussion

First and formost, it's cool OP that you're being yourself or whatever and not confroming to an "ack" world, but seriously mispelling shit intentionally is A11 M05T A5 LAM3 A5 TH15 5H1T.

Now for the subject: It's been done before. I'm pretty sure before this week is over another thread similar to this will pop up, and a MOD will come along and kill it. Just thought I'd give you a fair warning.

My thoughts: It was either Kane (which would be lame as shit because Taker vs. Kane has been done to DEATH literally) or a young guy needing that special push that will catapult him to a serious run as a heel (my guess is McIntyre, because he is Vince's newest squeeze).

As for the NXT going renegade, I think it's just a coincidence.
Undertaker in a vegetative state . . . The term screams SES to me. Maybe not who inflicted the beating, but who can bring him back. Undertaker, back as a heel, as the ' overlord ' if you will of the SES, hell, who knows, even as the enforcer?

Punk is the future, so this may really benefit him and really give him that last push to constant main eventer...

Who did it ? WWE curveball ahoy. It's hard to call . I pray it's not Kane . I pray he earns a main event couple of months from that storming promo and his clear ability in the rinng.
Since they are pushing Kane with this storyline, they should of had the Undertaker randomly just go away like they did, but kept it quite for a few weeks. Make people wonder why he got taken out of the PPV, wonder why there was no story behind him going away. Then 2 weeks to a month later have Kane come back with his old mask on and old ring gear on trying to find out who hurt his brother. Have him come back and just start destroying random people and have him actually be a Monster again like the announcers keep calling him. Then have the NXT rookies end up teaming with Kane to try and find out who did it, have them be the only people Kane doesn't attack only to find out later that they where the ones who did it.

This lets Undertaker have his time to heal, Gives Kane his push, brings back the old monster Kane with his mask, and gives the NXt guys a push and gives Kane the the NXT rookies all something to do for a month or two.

Maybe even bring Paul Bearer back again and some how bring the Undertaker back to life.
What to talk about? The question or using two 'c's to substitute for a 'ck'? I'm a grammar-man, but in this instance, it's hardly worth mentioning. There are plenty of people on these forums who don't even bother using punctuation or substitute letters for words (r, u) as if they have a very lax interpretation of synecdoche. It did unintentionally distract from your own thread, Mr. Perfect, so maybe that's at least some reason for you to drop the habit.

I think it's too easy to say Kane or NXT rookies. I would much prefer they use it to build up one of their up-and-comers. I would like to see it turn out to be Dolph Ziggler. He could've put him in a wicked sleeper and, after a short feud where Christian makes him look like gold, he'd be in the perfect position to step up to a feud with Kane/Undertaker as early as Summerslam.

NXT Rookies wouldn't be a bad idea, but they are going to need to start individualizing these people. The group attacc mentality can only work so long, but eventually, like Spirit Squad, Raven's Flock or NWO White, you're going to start blurring these guys together and detract from any personal qualities. In fact, it would make them seem that each, individually, is weak. How many singles matches did Sick Boy ever win? That would be bad for the up-and-comers. That being said, I would like to see maybe two rookies in a team: Slater and Sheffield, for instance. Slater as the brains, Sheffield the brawn, and then we could set up for a nifty BoD vs. 2 nxt rookies at a high quality PPV like Summerslam.

This is also a good time to turn one of their many faces. MVP, Christian, Hardy, Kingston, take your pick, there are WAY too many upper-midcard faces and at least one of them should turn heel and see how that goes.

They could also use Rhodes or McIntyre...(this, for you grammar guys, is an inappropriate usage of ellipses that are being used for dramatic pause purposes as opposed to the intentional omission of text) but I hate them.
I think it's Wade Barret.. maybe he's trying to make his impact on the WWE. First by attacking undertaker, then grouping his NXT rookies and him acting as the 'leader' and doing what they did on RAW last night. The only reason that wouldn't make sense is Undertaker isn't world champion, and Barret obviously made his impact on Cena.
is it possible that the nxt gang is part of this vegative state. They could use this to make a name for themselves and make an impact? Would it be a smart thing to do?

Or do you think they will use someone else for this angle?
i hope it was the rookies... plus i think it was cole who is in charge of them.. thats why he didn't get the snot beat out of him
I think people are reading way too much into the fact that Cole wasn't attacked. I'll admit I was waiting for him to get attacked as well , but I think the reason he wasn't, was that the WWE needs him for commentary duties for NXT, Raw, and other shows. I don't think it had anything to do with him being behind this group. That would just be stupid. He would in no way benifit these guys by being their manager and it would make no sense for them to choose him as their manager (especially given the Danielson/Cole feud).

As far as the topic of discussion goes, I think what people aren't accounting for is the possibility that this attacker might be someone not currently debuted yet or the return of someone from the past (ie Mordecai or Paul Bearer). I'm not saying I think this is going to happen, but it can't be ruled out yet either.
Out Of The Whole WWE Roster The Only Real Person Who Would Have A Reason To "Take Out" The Undertaker Is......Triple H.!!!! THe Storyline Will Be Based On Him Getting Revenge On Taker Retiring HBK (His Best/Last True Friend On The Roster)

When Trips Come Back, Most Likely He'll Go Back Into A Feud With Sheamus...Keep Him Face For Atleast A Month Or 2....When Taker Does His Return Match...Triple H Attacks Him Which Will Lead Up To An Eventual Match At The Hell In A Cell PPV...IDk Who Should Win (Maybe HBK Could Make A Return Himself & SuperKick Taker!! Lol)
Kane is on a hunt to get the suspicion off of him, because he did it. Think about it. Always overshadowed by his brother, Kane felt a surge of jealous rage and violently attacked Taker. Or, on the other hand, it was probably just the nXtWo, up to their old antics that they just started. Meddling kids. But I think the reason for Kane doing this is to put him on television in a solid role, and not just be a big, scary jobber.
Out Of The Whole WWE Roster The Only Real Person Who Would Have A Reason To "Take Out" The Undertaker Is......Triple H.!!!! THe Storyline Will Be Based On Him Getting Revenge On Taker Retiring HBK (His Best/Last True Friend On The Roster)

When Trips Come Back, Most Likely He'll Go Back Into A Feud With Sheamus...Keep Him Face For Atleast A Month Or 2....When Taker Does His Return Match...Triple H Attacks Him Which Will Lead Up To An Eventual Match At The Hell In A Cell PPV...IDk Who Should Win (Maybe HBK Could Make A Return Himself & SuperKick Taker!! Lol)

Why are you capitalizing every word?

Anyway, I doubt it was Triple H. The guy got beat down pretty bad against Sheamus, and there's no point in using another Superstar that's also on the healing bed.

The WWE is going to need to use someone that's in good health to move this storyline along, because honestly - in my opinion - if they drag on the "who dunnit" phase of the angle for months until they're both back, no one is going to be interested when the mystery is revealed. Sure, the crowd might give out an "Oh so it was him," but they won't be so interested in it that if we receive a curve ball in the revelation, we'd flip the shit out.

I think everyone with a sensible mind can mutually agree that it isn't going to be Shawn Michaels, though. :glare:
I am going to say no on this. Unless they make the statement tonight on NXT or on the Smackdown tapings, I don't think it was NXT that did it. I think the attack on Cena was the only person they jumped, as well as taking out everyone else. It could be Wade Barrett, but I have a hunch it is CM Punk. We'll see what happens.
Why are you capitalizing every word?

Anyway, I doubt it was Triple H. The guy got beat down pretty bad against Sheamus, and there's no point in using another Superstar that's also on the healing bed.

The WWE is going to need to use someone that's in good health to move this storyline along, because honestly - in my opinion - if they drag on the "who dunnit" phase of the angle for months until they're both back, no one is going to be interested when the mystery is revealed. Sure, the crowd might give out an "Oh so it was him," but they won't be so interested in it that if we receive a curve ball in the revelation, we'd flip the shit out.

I think everyone with a sensible mind can mutually agree that it isn't going to be Shawn Michaels, though. :glare:

1) Because I Felt Like It :)

2) Triple H Has So Far Been Out For 2 Monthss So You Would Never Know...He Has The Best Reason To Do It As Well

3) I Never Said HBK Was Gonna Do It.! I Said (Even Though We May Not See Him For A While) He Could Make A Appearance & Superkick Taker In The Hell In A Cell Match That I Thought Could Happen..
1) Because I Felt Like It :)

2) Triple H Has So Far Been Out For 2 Monthss So You Would Never Know...He Has The Best Reason To Do It As Well

3) I Never Said HBK Was Gonna Do It.! I Said (Even Though We May Not See Him For A While) He Could Make A Appearance & Superkick Taker In The Hell In A Cell Match That I Thought Could Happen..

1.) Then that's ******ed and really annoying.

2.) I highly doubt that Triple H is going to return after being beaten down by Sheamus with HBK at the front of his mind. My guess is he'll be more focused on the Celtic Warrior for the "disrespect", if he comes back with a focus at all. Also, technically Haitch has no reason to be going after Undertaker unless the Deadman put out Shawn through deceit. But the two went off with each others' respect. But even The Game wouldn't just go behind the scenes and take someone out - he'd WANT people to know. He's always been a camera man.

3.) I never posted against your whole "HBK might make an appearance", minus the correct grammar, of course. I was referring to the point I made in a few posts ahead of this about Shawn. He's not coming back to the ring so soon after his departure; if anything, it'll be a while (maybe nearing the end of this year or even the next) if he comes back at all.
1.) Then that's ******ed and really annoying.

2.) I highly doubt that Triple H is going to return after being beaten down by Sheamus with HBK at the front of his mind. My guess is he'll be more focused on the Celtic Warrior for the "disrespect", if he comes back with a focus at all. Also, technically Haitch has no reason to be going after Undertaker unless the Deadman put out Shawn through deceit. But the two went off with each others' respect. But even The Game wouldn't just go behind the scenes and take someone out - he'd WANT people to know. He's always been a camera man.

3.) I never posted against your whole "HBK might make an appearance", minus the correct grammar, of course. I was referring to the point I made in a few posts ahead of this about Shawn. He's not coming back to the ring so soon after his departure; if anything, it'll be a while (maybe nearing the end of this year or even the next) if he comes back at all.

1) Mind Your Damn Business And I Don't Care

2) If You Was Readin Instead Of Trying To Be Right I Said This Would Take Place Atleast A A Month Or 2 After...This Is For His Heel Turn...And You Must Have Forgot Back In 2000 When It Was Revealed That Triple H Ordered Stone Cold To Get Hit By That Car Driven By Rikishi

3) I Never Said He Would..I Basically Said It Would Be A Good Add To The Feud
1) Mind Your Damn Business And I Don't Care

2) If You Was Readin Instead Of Trying To Be Right I Said This Would Take Place Atleast A A Month Or 2 After...This Is For His Heel Turn...And You Must Have Forgot Back In 2000 When It Was Revealed That Triple H Ordered Stone Cold To Get Hit By That Car Driven By Rikishi

3) I Never Said He Would..I Basically Said It Would Be A Good Add To The Feud

1.) Jesus Christ, are you serious? You're posting in a forum that is open to all comments from members here, and you seriously tell someone to mind their own business when they make a comment toward you? If you can't take the comments, then go somewhere else or drop the subject. Herpderp.

2.) It's difficult to focus on reading your posts with the constant capitalization everywhere. But again, I'll remake my statement: In the time that it will take for Triple H to heal and finish his feud with Sheamus (if he even returns with a feud), and then for the time it would still take for Undertaker to heal, no one will CARE by that point. McMahon can't rely on the fans to wait for months for a revelation. More than likely, we'll have our culprit in the up and coming weeks. Triple H would still be out of the equation time-wise.

3.) We know you never said he would; it's all just guessing games from here. All we can say is "maybe". All I'm doing is taking out the works that I know are NOT going to happen; which includes Shawn making an appearance, even if it it's just a guest or interfering in a match. He's not coming back this soon.

However, in the chance that it IS Triple H, then I for one will be able to admit I was wrong and probably lose interest in the feud; I, for one, want to see some younger stars get over - not already-made stars go at each other and ultimately doing nothing for the company's future wrestlers.

Now, I'm going to drop this subject because it's become uninteresting discussing with you, and I don't think that I can find anymore patience to read Through All Of This Nonsense.

I still tip my hat toward the Rookies, just because I want to see some stables be formed.
Hey, I just had a thought, what if the NXT rookies were behind the Undertaker's condition? Think about it, they just went after the top guy on Raw, why not take out the top guy on Smackdown? The two incidents do kinda coincide with each other.

This has been speculated since last night. Honestly I would rather not have the NXT superstars as the culprits though. They should just be people of interest; helps add on to the list of suspects and fuels a mystery. But hey who knows where WWE wants to put them storyline-wise...all I know is it will definitely put asses in seats come next Monday.

The Undertaker is alledgedly a supernatural being; to have a few wet-behind-the-ears rookies take him out really would be a shame of a story in my opinion. I think it should be one guy the public eye already whom everyone knows and has everything to gain with taking him out; the NXT has nothing to gain but "street cred" and I'm not sure WWE would follow that path. But hey who knows weirder Who Dunnits? have been named *cough* Rikishi *cough*.
nahh.... let them make an impact on Raw first..... i prefer a feud with cena rather than kane. Maybe it can be reviled later... on taker's return
It's a definite possibility and it'd only further what looks like a potential "NXT Invasion" angle. They took out John Cena on Raw, though I've little doubt he'll be on Raw next week, and made a huge statement. The entire point of what happened on Raw was about making a statement. How much bigger of a statement can a group of unknowns make than by taking out The Undertaker?

As long as it's not Kane that winds up being responsible, I think it'll turn out ok. But, having the NXT Rookies responsible would be one of the better scenarios I can think of.
Everyone is a possiblity TBH...favourite picks are Punk, Kane, anyone from smackdown in the main event scene actually...

I was thinking it could be NXT rookies, but unless they actually appear on Smackdown, I don't think it will be them...i hate the fact that VKM will keep the rookies on Raw and not have them on both shows...
I'm pushing toward them being the culprits. Because honestly, what better way to make a statement about yourself than taking out both SmackDown and RAW's biggest stars? They're also the most believable to me at this point.

There are a few people here and there who suggest Kane did it, and that he's just playing the "concerned/psycho brother" to put off suspicion, but I just doubt that would be the case. Reason being, WWE reports claim that Kane is in for a big push because of his promo - why would you pit someone who's in for a push against Deadman, just to go back to mid-card after the match is over? That would be the most useless strategy I'd ever seen.

There's also people claiming that they want CM Punk to be the culprit; while I can't say much on this topic because I missed the apparent feud that happened between them, I also doubt this. We've all seen how WWE is with connecting past incidents to the present (Christian and Edge), and they'll most likely completely overpass that whole incident that occurred between them. Of course, I could be wrong, because as I've said, I wasn't around during their feud.

I still can't believe people suggest Shawn Michaels, though. WWE would not invite him back so quickly after he officially went into retirement. The guy wants to be with his family. I know that we're fans, and we'd like to see the Heart-Break Kid back in action, but give the guy some time off. I personally will be severely disappointed if the angle produces Shawn to be the culprit. I'm all for seeing the big stars in the ring, but I prefer they also have their time to themselves to spend it with their family and friends while they can. They constantly put their bodies (and lives, if the wrong move gets botched) on the line for us. We should be willing to let the man go - he deserves it.

If it were the NXT Rookies, we'd be getting something that we haven't received in a long time. That would be a stable. Note: If the NXT Rookies did take out The Undertaker, then obviously when he comes back, he and Kane are going to team up together. Brothers of Destruction are back - but they also assaulted CM Punk and John Cena. So those two are likely to add into the mix. You've got BOD, SES and Cena versus an entire season of competitors. Depending how McMahon goes with this, it could be one of the best or worst feuds we'll have seen since the Attitude Era.

It better be the damn Rookies.
1.) Jesus Christ, are you serious? You're posting in a forum that is open to all comments from members here, and you seriously tell someone to mind their own business when they make a comment toward you? If you can't take the comments, then go somewhere else or drop the subject. Herpderp.

2.) It's difficult to focus on reading your posts with the constant capitalization everywhere. But again, I'll remake my statement: In the time that it will take for Triple H to heal and finish his feud with Sheamus (if he even returns with a feud), and then for the time it would still take for Undertaker to heal, no one will CARE by that point. McMahon can't rely on the fans to wait for months for a revelation. More than likely, we'll have our culprit in the up and coming weeks. Triple H would still be out of the equation time-wise.

3.) We know you never said he would; it's all just guessing games from here. All we can say is "maybe". All I'm doing is taking out the works that I know are NOT going to happen; which includes Shawn making an appearance, even if it it's just a guest or interfering in a match. He's not coming back this soon.

However, in the chance that it IS Triple H, then I for one will be able to admit I was wrong and probably lose interest in the feud; I, for one, want to see some younger stars get over - not already-made stars go at each other and ultimately doing nothing for the company's future wrestlers.

Now, I'm going to drop this subject because it's become uninteresting discussing with you, and I don't think that I can find anymore patience to read Through All Of This Nonsense.

I still tip my hat toward the Rookies, just because I want to see some stables be formed.

1) God Your A Lame....So What If I Write Like This...This Is None Of Your Concern Just Read It Or Keep Going

2) How ?? Can You Read ?? & It Was A Prediction!....As He Truely Has The Most Reason...If Kane Can't Hold It Together THen They Would Bring Up The Subject Later Whenever They Returned

3) Again...A P R E D I C T I O N Smhh
I hope this is the case. Not 1 breakout star but 8 come out of season 1 of NXT as BREAKOUT Stars and would dramatically rise to the top. Thses guys are the next generation of WWE and have made a statement taking out John Cena and CM Punk/Luke Gallows(which nobody gives credit to). They just devoured Gallows then CM Punk. Then mauled Cena like there was no tomorrow. 8 of them fit in with this and it just looked good. If they put Undertaker in a "vegitative state", they would be the #1 force to be reckoned with in the WWE. They could take over all the WWE titles. They could have feuds with the top WWE guys and progress in their development. Let's just hope that they were the ones that beat the shit out of Taker and not Kane or anyone else. I mean, what better way to make a statement than destroy Raw's top guy and SmackDown's top guy? No other way is better.
As soon as the NXT gang hit the ring I thought that they were behind the whole Undertaker situation, taking out the two biggest stars in the WWE sure is one hell of an impact.

Giving it more thought today at work, I think it would be better if it weren't the NXT guys involved in the storyline. The Undertaker storyline gives a reason to tune in to SMACKDOWN every week. RAW steals enough talent from SMACKDOWN, don't steal their best story.

The WWE has the opportunity to have two very good storylines going, I hope they do not decide to combine them into one.
Well, I'll do a bit of speculating on this one. Yeah, as it has been mentioned already, 'Taker and Kane, kayfabe brothers, friends and enemies often at the same time. Wonderful storyline extending for years and years. Now with 'Taker taken out, Kane is the obvious choice for a rampage and it finally brings one of the WWE's hardest and most reliable workers back into a relevant story line. The question remains...who is responsible. I think they're going to stretch that question out a good long time while Kane does his own brand of "detective work", but I've got a few possibilities.

CM Punk: I put him at low possibility. He and the SES would be way too obvious and you notice that Kane went after them first. Still, the WWE might be running a double bluff on us which is why I'm keeping him in the realm of possibility.

Drew McIntyre: Again, not likely given his current story with Matt Hardy...unless it was a contract hit under orders from Vince McMahon. Could be what's really behind McMahon backing McIntyre all the way.

The NXT Faction: The most likely. A group attack like the one that took out Cena. They could be going after everyone at the top one at a time. This also has the most possibility for entertainment, particularly with Kane hunting them down one by one and taking them out in various creative and excruciating ways. It could be just what Kane needs to bring him back into the main event.

Triple H: The second most likely candidate. We haven't seen much of him, after all and if they wanted to re-introduce him as a heel, that would be the most convenient way to do it.

Shawn Michaels: Not likely given the character of Michaels especially since he's likely to hold himself to his retirement, but if they bring him back for a time in a non-wrestling capacity, then he might be a good twist.

Hornswoggle: Okay, I admit I just threw this one in as a joke. Still, the WWE does like to throw twists into our perceptions and if there was any one person on the roster least likely to have done this, it would be him. Okay, now I've made this suggestion, I'm thoroughly ashamed. Bye, y'all.
personally id rather see a feud with taker (or B.O.D) and the S.E.S, i just reckon it would be more interesting. As much as i hate to say it, i can see kane being the attacker, thus leading into a feud with taker and kane AGAIN! Like some of yous have said, they've had many of feuds and another one will be just boring, but if they are going to push another feud between them, id love to see it at mania and kane end takers streak. personally i think it would be the right ending to the streak.

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