*MERGED* [OFFICIAL] Undertaker Injury/Vegetative State & Kane's Search Discussion

Well, this sort of reminds me when back in December 2008 Jeff Hardy was going through some things, like the car accident and the pyro going off, and Matt was saying "Im going to find who's doing this to you" and in the end it was Matt himself.

Kane already has a heelish vibe to him. So it could be that it was Kane behind everything all along.
It's definitely possible. I, for one, would not rule it out.

After what the WWE created last night, no one would be surprised if it turned out that the NXT guys carried out the attack on the Undertaker. In fact, it would make a whole lot of sense for that to be route that the WWE go with this. It would instantly set them up as bad-ass Mother fuckers and would immediately put them into a feud with Kane that has set Smackdown alight over the last few weeks. Personally, I like what the WWE have done with this and having them attack the Undertaker and perhaps taking him out of the game, is certainly one way to get them over. After what they did to Cena and Punk and... Well... Everyone else last night, they certainly have enough ammunition to get them over and enough people to stand against them.

hen you think about it, You will likely have John Cena, Kane and the Straight Edge Society standing up against the NXT rookies right now. That is an estimation but after the evidence that was shown on Raw, these guys could be the ones to take to the front-line and stand up against this new faction. Add The Undertaker to that mix and you certainly have an intriguing angle.

I think and hope that this is the route they go.
I really hope that using the 'Mr Perfect' moniker and mis-spelling any word that ends in 'ack' is an attempt at irony on your part, i really do.

That aside....

Mrperfect19_6 said:
I was wondering why is Kane so concerned about the Undertaker's attacc putting him on the shelf?

Killing two birds with one stone. They needed to write Taker off of TV for a while so he can heel from his facial injuries that he suffered a couple of weeks ago, and Kane hasn't had an actual storyline to work with in months, so they've decided to come up with a lame excuse for Taker being missing (he's supposed to be undead, how excactly do undead people suddenly become 'comatose' without being killed again?), and a reason to turn Kane into 'psycho Kane' again, where he just attacks someone/everyone for no reason i.e the May 19th angle and the Rey's mask angle.

They have not been seen onscreen communicating or working with each other in idk how long

But apparently there's is the only fake family worth maintaining in terms of kayfabe. Edge and Christian? Nah, fuck calling them brothers, despite doing it for the better part of 7 years. Just because Christian left doesn't mean we should erase nearly a decades worth of kayfabe.......... but anyway, i digress.

Someone in the 'Best Raw ending....' thread suggested that maybe the NXT Rookies took Taker out, and to be perfectly honest, that's how i hope it goes. I mean, are all 8 of them seriously going to stay on Raw and none of them go to SD!? Are we going to tune into SD on Friday and they simply don't bother mentioning this again until next Monday? I doubt it, so as they're apparently doing this whole 'The Rookies are invading' storyline, it makes sense for some of them to go to SD, and fued with some of those guys as well.

You've got 4 rookies, you've no plans for Kane and now because Taker's hurt and you decided to come up with a really shit reason as to why Taker's missing, you need someone to play 'The Attacker'. Why not 4 guys who've never even appeared on the brand before?

That way Kane can help get these guys over, maybe just by working with one or two of them, and the other two have got Rey, MVP, Christian etc etc to work with as well, and then later (assuming Vince doesn't suddenly decide to release them all), the better two can work with Taker when he comes back thereby, hopefully managing to cement themselves as members of the main roster.

Taker and Kane live to put new guys over. Here's a bunch of new guys and Kane's twiddling his thumbs right now.... makes perfect sense to me. PLUS wasn't there an episode of Superstars or something where Kane took on several of the NXT guys, and they all jumped on him at once and he chased them all off? So right there, there's history between them all. However......

President Evil said:
Kane already has a heelish vibe to him. So it could be that it was Kane behind everything all along.

Sadly, this is the more likely outcome of this angle, and tbh, none of us want to see this fued done for like the 50th time. I'd honestly prefer Sheamus or McIntyre to be behind it if they're going to use Kane again. It's overdone and the matches will never be anywhere near as good as they were 10 years ago.

Feedbacc anyone?

Buy a dictionary.
I did mention the NXT Rookies being attackers. It would make them good heels by attacking the Undertaker,Kane and Cena.
Anybody remember Kane vs NXT and Kane vs Heath Slater.
NXT might try to make a stable kind of like New vs Old to make new stars for the WWE.
The problem is, we don't know how the NXT angle is going to develop, knowing WWE they will fuck it up. I hope not because I really enjoyed it. Plus I think the NXT thing will draw back HHH.

I would like to see the attacker being Drew, firstly because I think he needs a big push now before he falls further back. And secondly because I think taker needs a nice fresh feud and the match they had on SD! and few months ago was pretty good.
It is well known within the industry that Kane and Undertaker are brothers, so if anything happens to each other they both are put as number one priorities in any feud, whether they are with or against one another. Considering both are face characters (or cheered by the fans, making them face), Kane is siding with Taker.

Kane hasn't had anything in months, as well as Undertaker needing time off... so by writing it this way will have everything wrapped up in a neat little package. It's a storyline that looks like it'll be consuming the entire SD shows from now on and I for one am glad to see something that makes me want to tune in each week.

One thing, Mr. Zur-En-Arrh is correct. It's best to spell words correctly and use proper English, not that bullshit text-talk like "u" and "wit."
Gotta love pointless arguements over grammar.

Anyway, I somewhat agree with TC on the fact that this is weird even though Kane is his kayfabe bro, only because they havent "crossed paths" in quite a while. But at least Kane is finally getting a push, although it seems pretty obvious he will be then one who attacked him.
Personally I would love to see all 8 NXT Rookies make appearances on both shows for a while just jumping all the top stars whenever there is a big match just so they can start to make a name for themselves. Most of the Top stars now are getting old and wwe needs to start pushing new fresh talent and the best way to do it would be to have 8 new main roster stars just destroy all the top stars face and heels. This week go to Smackdown and beat the hell out of Jack Swagger and maybe Christian. Then Next week on Raw Jump someone new. Make it like they jump a top star and then one of the pros that voted them off. IE This weeks top star John Cena and just because he was there NXT Pro CM Punk.
I personally had the feeling right off the bat that they'll make Kane the one behind the Undertaker's "vegetative state," which I agree is a lame way to write him off. I wish they wouldn't make it Kane, because we have seen this fued over and over and over. But in reading a recent news post that Kane's in line for a pretty big push, one would think that it will likely be him. I actually like the idea of it being the NXT Season 1 rookies, but I just don't see that happening. Although having them take out Cena, Punk, the SES and everyone else around ringside (except Cole, mysteriously...) on RAW is a good way to put that thought into viewers' heads. If they have them show up on Smackdown to do the same, that would give it a little more validity.
At this point, the NXT Rookies being the ones who took out The Undertaker makes the most sense.

They're waging war on the WWE. With how they took out John Cena last night, as well as whoever was out there, it would be foolish to think that they're not starting an invasion of sorts. And what better way to wage war on the WWE than to take out the two biggest stars who are/were currently active? As shown 16 years ago at the Royal Rumble, it basically takes a small army to truly take out The Undertaker. The NXT rookies, with their strength in numbers, had to have been the ones to take out The Undertaker this time around.

I can't wait to see where this goes. The sky is the limit right now with this NXT Season 1 storyline.
If it's indeed Kane, then that's just a recycled waste of time. We've already had this happen with Matt Hardy, and Triple H back when Shawn Michaels was returning to the ring to exact revenge.

However, if it's someone else and it happens to be someone we totally didn't expect (which is doubtful since the WWE has been pretty lazy with their writing), then it'll be a nice swerve to see (remember DDP?). But, I feel like it's gonna be Kane because of the big push that he's supposed to be receiving.
I think they're getting into a storyline similar to 2002 with HHH and shawn michaels, remember when someone shoved shawns face through the car window? and HHH went around trying to find out who did it and it ended up being him. Maybe creative is trying to build a storyline with kane and the undertaker
I think is total bs this angle. I think I'm like alone cause not only I hate this angle, but that Kane's speech was lame IMO. I know everybody think's that Kane's speech was sooo emotional (even Vince is pleased with that one) but I'm sorry I just couldn't bought it.. The only good thing IMO here is the fact that Kane will get a push cause I think we are all tired fo NOT seeing Kane.

on another point who is the guy that put Taker in that "vegetative state"? No idea..I'm pretty sure that even the creative team doesn't know either who they want to be that guy...Hopefully it isn't Kane. we want to see Kane but not AGAIN against the Undertaker.

I would love to see Sheamus doing this angle but he is on RAW so... anyway I think it would be good to see that is Drew or even the S.E.S, because I can't see anyone else making something that "horrrible"lol who REY??KOFI??CHRISTIAN?? and we know that the E is so focus with the division of brands ( with the exeptions of PPVs) that is impossible to think that is someone from RAW (Jericho, Sheamus...)
I think it is a good angle but it would have better if we seen the attack on The Undertaker. I think it very well might be Kane and the S.E.S with Kane being revealed as the mystery member.
The problem with this though is if the NXT stable are all heel then theres hardly any faces.
Maybe Danielson will take a few to Smackdown and help Taker against Kane and S.E.S finishing with Kane retiring The Undertaker at wrestlemania. just a thought.
Well lets be honest here..

I think all of us want it to be an up and comer that will get that "rub" from the Undertaker

But I think half of us have it in the back of our head that its most likely a swerve with Kane being the attacker.

Kane had one hell of a promo and I hope they don't ruin it with the 20th Kane/Taker feud.

I hope it's an FCW monster that will debut... notable Jackson Andrews.
I didn't even think about that possibility until reading this.

Very good point.

If you would of told me 2 weeks ago Raw would be ending with Gabriel hitting the 450 on the beloved John Cena, I would of most likely laughed. That being said, anything is possible.

This NXT angle single handedly made me want to see RAW/NXT/SD! for the next couple weeks just to see how it plays out. The WWE hasn't done that to me in a LONG time.

I think Barrett is going to stay on RAW though, and I see the attacker being an FCW Monster (Jackson Andrews) If you haven't seen him check him out... He's 7'0 monster that has a somewhat Matt Morgan look to him (Lean and Mobile mosnter)

Another possibility is Archer/Hawkins (remember they are there to make and impact)
People have to remember this is the Undertaker, the guy has been *kayface* burnt in a casket, buried alive etc and rose time and time again. With that said an attack by someone normal will simply not do, even if there was eight of them (Lets recall the Yokozuna angle, Undertaker did not go into that state).
There is only one man who could do such a thing to Undertaker and thats Paul Bearer. Whether they bring him back or not isnt important as they'll be someone helping him anyways. Either bring in a third brother seeking revenge for Paul or Paul brings in someone to seek revenge. After all it all makes sense, given the past and the urn giving powers to the Undertaker for a long time.
I think the attacker will end up being CM Punk. If you think about it, at the time Undertaker is the biggest threat in the Fatal Four Way match, along with Big Show. It is likely that Jack Swagger or CM Punk would attack Undertaker to get him out of the picture. It would be easier for Swagger to retain and a better chance of Punk winning the title.

Depending on the amount of time Undertaker will take off, I can see a Brothers of Destruction vs. SES match Or Kane/Taker vs. Punk for the World Title if CM Punk wins the World Heavyweight Title any time soon, which I hope he does, at one of the Big Four PPV's like Summer Slam, Survivor Series, or Wrestlemania 27.

Another thing we can take into account is Undertaker defeated CM Punk for the World Heavyweight Title at Hell in a Cell PPV. If it was me, I'd still be fuming that I lost my title to him. And taking a leaf out of Orton's book, he could've waited for a chance to strike.

That's just my opinion.
People still argue over grammar, even when they make ******ed mistakes themselves. Disappointing. :disappointed:

Now onto the topic at hand.

Kane and Undertaker are (kayfabe) half-brothers. Despite not having any on-screen interactions with him in a long time, it only makes sense that Kane would still go (even more) psycho that someone took out "big bro".

Besides, with The Undertaker character being mystical and "dead", why would McMahon or Long come out and just go, "The Undertaker will not be able to attend the Fatal Four Way because of a broken nose and orbital bone." It completely takes away from his character, and I don't think it would really put people in seats, too.

Best option, then? Turn the entire mishap into a blown out storyline with Kane to get people interested (and thereby giving him a push as well) and tuning into SD! to see what happens next. Of course, now that we have that whole NXT Rookie blowout from RAW, that's another interesting angle, and now people are going to tune into RAW more often as well.

My guess, and hopefully the creative writers are going to pull through on this, is that the NXT Rookies took out the Deadman to make a statement, considering he's the main man for SmackDown. Just like John Cena is the main man on RAW. Only this time they made the statement on a three-hour special where they KNEW people would be tuning in to see the action. Boy, did they see action all right. Officially the best episode of RAW I've seen in a long time.

Making Kane be the one to freak out over Undertaker is just using common sense to both ends on giving him a push, while simultaneously getting people into seats and tuning in. Ratings people, ratings!
I think its one of three possibilities...

1. CM Punk/Straight Edge Society
They jumped him trying to reform him, and maybe even they'll unveil The Undertaker as this masked man.

2. Kane
I don't think this is a real possibility but something to ponder where Kane has a split personality and dons his mask again to become the "Evil Kane," doing things he doesn't remember or re-creating his character as a schizophrenic. I've seen stranger stuff happen.

3. NXT Rookies
The most likely as they totally destroyed the company's top face and didn't make a name for themselves by taking out smaller mid-carders but being thrust into taking out the company's top stars.

A fourth could be Rey Misterio, but with the help of perhaps another masked man...
I believe it will turn out to be Kane who did it to the Undertaker, I honestly believe they'll span this out to the Survivor Series and Undertaker will return possibly as the American Badass, no deadman can be beating to a vegtable state, so I'm guessing Survivor series 2010 could be Undertakers retirement (or as the deadman) maybe I'm reading to much into this I don't know, but Kane is in line for a monster push or so the news sites have stated, what better way to put the deadman on the shelf? he's did it once he'd do it again.
oh arguing over an internet forum...... how mature these 12 year olds are. =).

Oh well. i kind of hope it is the NXT rookies to set up a young vs old storyline to see if it can out perform the wcw version that sucked so hard. But it won't be. cuz that would be logical, and it would push the young guys.
1. CM Punk/Straight Edge Society
They jumped him trying to reform him, and maybe even they'll unveil The Undertaker as this masked man.

I think it very well might be Kane and the S.E.S with Kane being revealed as the mystery member.

Are you guys kidding me? Have you watched any episodes were the masked man appears? He's certainly NOT a 7 foot monster and certainly does NOT have any of the same moves as Kane or Undertaker, i mean come on now.

I think it will most definitley be Kane or the NXT rookies, those two are the only ones I can see pulling that off right now.
first off, the ending last night was the worse i have ever seen. and are you forgetting who's career undertaker ended this year? ill leave you with that.

The ending last night was awesome, I don't know what episode of RAW that you were watching. Also, your culprit is invalid. Shawn Michaels is retired for good, and I highly doubt he wants to come back to wrestling so soon after his departure. Besides, he and the Deadman departed on good terms, in case you didn't see during his farewell speech (AND the two even congratulated each other in the ring after the match was over). There's no sound reason for him to make a return, with him spending time with his family now and getting more involved with his religious beliefs.

In his famous last words, "Shawn Michaels has left the building."

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