{Merged} Kobashi / Luther Aftermath Thread

I would argue the fact that you got 46 of 94 votes would prove that many people DID read your posts and WERE motivated to post Kobashi because of them. Do you really think he would have gotten that many votes if no one took up his cause like you and X did?

You're right. Unless further provoked, I'm dropping this.
Well this is just bullshit. Yet again HBK wins because most of our posters are fucking pathetic virgins who would kick their own mother's in the crotch to be a white knight to Becca.
Well, of the Staff members who voted, 8 did so for HBK and 8 did so for Kobashi.

And we on Staff usually like to assume we are some of the best and most informed posters around. Are you going to then say that the 8 who voted for HBK didn't know what they are talking about?

If I had truly wanted to, I could have laid out a great argument for HBK. But I didn't...didn't want to. Doesn't mean that I, or anybody else, can't, we just didn't.
It's not, you're right, D-Man. And, I'm just getting the frustration off of my chest as this is something I don't want to hold a grudge over. All I'm trying to say is that X and I deserved better for all the hard work we put into pushing Kobashi. Obviously, the votes don't show it, but we won the match.

My head is still spinning from the epicness that you two showed in that tourney bracket. But sometimes, even our best isn't good enough. The votes decide the winner. Killer effort, but you lost.
Yes, that and more people have heard of Michaels and will vote for him over some guy they've never heard of despite being told not to vote unless you can accurately compare the two.
And people will vote for the Japanese guy because they've been told that Japanese works are superior to American workers.

It goes both ways.
Well this is just bullshit. Yet again HBK wins because most of our posters are fucking pathetic virgins who would kick their own mother's in the crotch to be a white knight to Becca.

But hey, you guys sure put up a good argument for HBK. It's not like TDigs and myself painstakingly outlined in dettail every fucking minor reason for why Kobashi would win. Nope, Becca said vote for HBK, so we lose. Can't argue with that argument.

This amuses me, I might sig it.
My head is still spinning from the epicness that you two showed in that tourney bracket. But sometimes, even our best isn't good enough. The votes decide the winner. Killer effort, but you lost.
Allow me to equate it to an example in the NCAA Tournament. Holy Cross, the #16 seed, played Kansas the #1 seed a few years ago. Holy Cross played their wheels off, out-hustled, out-played, and out-coached the Jayhawks. But Kansas still won because they were just simply better.

So it goes here. Kobashi supporters played their wheels off, but HBK was just simply better. ;)
Eh, it sucks, but oh well. I think those of us who actually know what we're talking about can be happy that we got so many people to vote for Kobashi and to take their heads out of their asses.

It does absolutely suck though that TDigs and myself post these epic fucking essays outlining every detail of why Kobashi would win, and HBK has maybe three posts supporting him, most of which are Becca saying she likes Shawn better because she knows who he is.

I mean, fuck, this wouldn't be so lame if someone had actually presented even a halfway decent argument for HBK. But no, it's obvious most people who voted for him probably knew they were wrong, but just voted for HBK anyways. Because he's American. Oh and Becca likes him, so if you vote for him, she might sleep with you. No, really, she might! :rolleyes:

By the way, that's not an attack on you Becca. Just an attack on the masses of desperate sad virgins who populate this forum.
Eh, it sucks, but oh well. I think those of us who actually know what we're talking about can be happy that we got so many people to vote for Kobashi and to take their heads out of their asses.

It does absolutely suck though that TDigs and myself post these epic fucking essays outlining every detail of why Kobashi would win, and HBK has maybe three posts supporting him, most of which are Becca saying she likes Shawn better because she knows who he is.

I mean, fuck, this wouldn't be so lame if someone had actually presented even a halfway decent argument for HBK. But no, it's obvious most people who voted for him probably knew they were wrong, but just voted for HBK anyways. Because he's American. Oh and Becca likes him, so if you vote for him, she might sleep with you. No, really, she might! :rolleyes:

By the way, that's not an attack on you Becca. Just an attack on the masses of desperate sad virgins who populate this forum.

Actually I voted for HBK just to tick off the supporters of Kobashi.

Also, keep in mind that's like the 6th different reason I've given that I voted for HBK, so ya know...
Becca saying she likes Shawn better because she knows who he is.

I love that you read my posts :)
Oh and Becca likes him, so if you vote for him, she might sleep with you. No, really, she might! :rolleyes:

I totally might... Okay I won't. But just pretend I will.

By the way, that's not an attack on you Becca. Just an attack on the masses of desperate sad virgins who populate this forum.

I know, I was about to make a point similar. 48 people voted for Shawn but I'm the bad one :lmao:
Actually I voted for HBK just to tick off the supporters of Kobashi.

I know. Which is pathetic.

Also, keep in mind that's like the 6th different reason I've given that I voted for HBK, so ya know...

I haven't seen you give a single reason other than the one you've just given. I've seen you say several times that HBK is better, but I haven't seen you provide a single reason as to why you believe that to be true.

Again, it just sucks that absolutely NO ONE could step up to the plate and argue for HBK other than Becca.
Apparently you don't know what the word ethnocentrism means. And atleast get our exagerrated bullshit right, KENTA and Kobashi have squared off maybe five times at most, you could've atleast said Misawa/Kobashi or a feud that's actually notable.

My exaggerations have to be accurate now? But I thought they were exaggerations? Look who doesn't know the meaning of words now.
And no, I never say that whenever you say a wrestling match is good. I usually argue with you when you call a good wrestling match shit, not the other way around. I don't know what the fuck kind of matches you like.

Okay, I'm sorry. I'll go back and post "When I call a match X thinks is good shit." It's still the same difference. I haven't seen Kobashi wrestle his 200th match, so I don't know what I'm talking about.

Or, you know, don't be a fucking troll like Razor and actually vote for who you believe is the superior man.

:( I can't be a troll now? But what the fuck will I do in the Bar Room?

f you think it's HBK, BY ALL MEANS go and post right now and outline an argument for HBK. Because TDigs and myself have torn every shabby attempt at an argument for HBK to pieces with relative ease.

Notice how half of the people voting for HBK are either A) HBK marks who admit to not even knowing who Kobashi is, or B) A troll who's sole reason for voting for HBK is because they know it will piss off a few certain people.

You guys DID get 46 votes or something like that, no? I didn't vote, because I abstained from this mess. Both sides had alts, as Sly has said himself. You lost. I'm sorry. I know it sucks. I was pissed at Will and his word forts in the WZ Tournament last go around.

Fucking Jake voted for Kobashi. Jake, the most negative man in the history of the planet Earth.

What a fucking troll that Jake is.
we all know that it is going to be ethnocentric and there is going to be voting against groups because they don't know the wrestlers
I know. Which is pathetic.
And untrue.

I haven't seen you give a single reason other than the one you've just given. I've seen you say several times that HBK is better, but I haven't seen you provide a single reason as to why you believe that to be true.
I've given like 6 different reasons for why I voted for HBK, although none of them really had anything to do with wrestling. :)

Again, it just sucks that absolutely NO ONE could step up to the plate and argue for HBK other than Becca.
Again, it's not that we couldn't, it's that we didn't.

Do you really think that out of all the posters who voted for HBK, none of us could make a valid argument? Of course we could. But we didn't. Didn't need to. HBK was the favorite...as Kobashi was the underdog, it was more on you guys to sway people's opinions.
That's a very shit excuse Sly. "We could've, we just didn't want to!". That's the sort of excuse a shy kid would give for why he didn't go to a party he wasn't invited to.
You know for someone who prides himself on being so articulate and intelligent, you sure aren't displaying those qualities in your argument against Kobashi. Which can be summed up as "I like America".
That's a very shit excuse Sly. "We could've, we just didn't want to!". That's the sort of excuse a shy kid would give for why he didn't go to a party he wasn't invited to.
Perhaps, but there's a difference.

If the shy fat kid gave that reason for not going to a party, everyone would know he's lying, because there's always cake at a party (at least the good parties anyways). And we all know fat kids love cake. So, we know the fat kid is lying because he really did want to go.

In this case, you had people like FTS, Klunker, Norcal, Big Sexy, Will, myself, etc. who voted for HBK. Do you REALLY think we couldn't have come up with a valid argument? Do you REALLY think we couldn't have debated you?

I see what you're saying, but unfortunately it's false. I'll tell you what though. If I find some free time (and remember to do it), I'll write up a nice post explaining why HBK deserved to win the match. Deal?
You know for someone who prides himself on being so articulate and intelligent, you sure aren't displaying those qualities in your argument against Kobashi. Which can be summed up as "I like America".
Are you saying you don't like America, you commie traitor? ;)
Unfortunately half of the people you just named I know for a fact have seen very little of Kobashi's work Sly, so no, I think several of the well-known posters who voted for HBK would not have been able to present a sound argument. A word fort, sure, but a a sound argument? No.

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