{Merged} Kobashi / Luther Aftermath Thread

No, you didn't. We have evidence of someone using an alternate account to vote for HBK twice.

So, actually, it should be a tie.
Where else could you have told him to vote for Shawn Michaels, HBK-aholic?

I'm sure he'll verify this is need be. We were talking on msn, I asked if he'd voted yet. We talked about how Shawn was on Team USA which he jokingly used as a reason not to vote. I also love how you ignore the part where he says he was voting for Shawn anyway.
Anyway, the shit ended up in a tie, since a guy clearly used his alt account to vote twice; those votes shouldn't be counted.
First of all, calm down.

Second of all, you can only dismiss one vote, not both of them, since the first one still counted.

Third of all, you have had alts vote for Kobashi as well, so it all works out the same. You've also had people use an anonymous proxy server to vote, which again indicates an alt.
Can everyone stop taking this so seriously? It's a tournament on a wrestling forum. Not deciding which patient in need of a liver transplant gets the only liver available.
If its a tie I'll cast my vote as I don't think I voted.
Oh, and because I'm sure people are dying to know:

Rizza - Same IP as White Machismo

PTD - Anon Proxy

jeff0759 - Proxy

And those are just 3 of the first 7 I looked at. And I'm sure there are people like that who have voted for HBK too. It's gone both ways, and usually does.
First of all, calm down.

Second of all, you can only dismiss one vote, not both of them, since the first one still counted.

Third of all, you have had alts vote for Kobashi as well, so it all works out the same. You've also had people use an anonymous proxy server to vote, which again indicates an alt.

Go ahead and look through every single vote then.
Go ahead and look through every single vote then.
No. That's not what this thing is about.

This thing is about having fun, creating discussion and hopefully give people a chance to learn more about various wrestlers. The sooner you remember that, the sooner you'll enjoy it a lot more.

So Kobashi didn't win. Big deal. Is it really worth getting upset over? Especially since HBK is better? ;)
Well this is just bullshit. Yet again HBK wins because most of our posters are fucking pathetic virgins who would kick their own mother's in the crotch to be a white knight to Becca.

But hey, you guys sure put up a good argument for HBK. It's not like TDigs and myself painstakingly outlined in dettail every fucking minor reason for why Kobashi would win. Nope, Becca said vote for HBK, so we lose. Can't argue with that argument.
Well this is just bullshit. Yet again HBK wins because most of our posters are fucking pathetic virgins who would kick their own mother's in the crotch to be a white knight to Becca.

If I knew the shifty eyes emoticon code, I'd use it right now for humorous effect. I want you to know that.
Nothing angers me more than people voting for someone only because they have no idea who the other one is. But, this is the norm in our tourneys. Like I said, it's not the end of the world.
Yes, that and more people have heard of Michaels and will vote for him over some guy they've never heard of despite being told not to vote unless you can accurately compare the two.
It's because of stuff like this that people have little to no incentive to participate in these tournaments. If your posts are going to fall on blind eyes, what's the point?
I would argue the fact that you got 46 of 94 votes would prove that many people DID read your posts and WERE motivated to post Kobashi because of them. Do you really think he would have gotten that many votes if no one took up his cause like you and X did?
Oh for the love of ass.

We had nearly 100 votes in this thing. People argued over it for a LONG time, and we're arguing over this now? This is a fictional match in a fictional tournament about a fake sport and you're reacting like it's Bush vs. Gore.
Nothing angers me more than people voting for someone only because they have no idea who the other one is. But, this is the norm in our tourneys. Like I said, it's not the end of the world.

It's not, you're right, D-Man. And, I'm just getting the frustration off of my chest as this is something I don't want to hold a grudge over. All I'm trying to say is that X and I deserved better for all the hard work we put into pushing Kobashi. Obviously, the votes don't show it, but we won the match.
Nothing angers me more than people voting for someone only because they have no idea who the other one is. But, this is the norm in our tourneys. Like I said, it's not the end of the world.

Yo, D-Man, I'm going to take your post literally and tell you to get some fucking perspective. I know you'd do the same for me.

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