*MERGED* Hardy/Sting: Judge For Yourself (While Available)

It almost makes sense really.I mean come on....If the guy was so wasted like they said why now have some angle to remove him from the match? They could always have someone "jump" him from behind or just make up some lame excuse to get him out of the match.The fact that TNA went ahead with him means they probably figured either way it would generate buzz whether thats good buzz or bad buzz.Fans think that there is no way this could be planned? How long have you watched wrestling? How many times have we seen people had to be replaced on the fly for various reasons?

Beniot no showed his last ECW ppv and Morrison was called in last minute.We all know how that turned out both for Beniot with the tragedy that took place and with Morrison going on the hold the ECW title for some time.

When Owen fell they didn't just end the show and believe if ever there is a time in pro wrestling when a show should have ended that was it.No they had Jeff Jarrett fill his spot and won that match/title.

These are two much more extreme situations compared to just a worker showing up unable to perform for possible drug/alcohol intoxication but the point still stands.For all the Jeff Hardy hate coming out of this there should be even more questioned aimed towards TNA for allowing someone in no condition to even be in the ring to go out there.That is why part of me thinks this was a publicity stunt.They had to had 20+ guys backstage at the event that would have loved to put on a ten-fifteen minute match with the icon.

The thought of this being a publicity stunt isn't so outlandish considering the business its coming from.Just my opinion.Even if the intoxication was real i think TNA had other reasons for allowing him to go out there anyways.
Hmmmmm.... Well I wont be tuning into impact to watch it, so not everyone in the world of prowrestling will be watching ''even for a second'', and I do not think that EVERYONE in professional wrestling are focused on TNA, namely because WWE are about to go to RAW and WrestleMania is 3 weeks away.

Everything about this was awful, TNA are going one place at the moment, and thats in the toilet. Shit like this is a slap in the face to the lockeroom and fans of wrestling, and it wasn't a shoot. Stings reactions and Hardy NO selling the Scorpion Death Drop says everything.
I posted this on another post and im going to post it now people cannot have their cake and eat it to, people want to talk about how TNA's blows, how they are WCW 2.0, how their booking sucks, how russo sucks, how they are based of shock booking BUT NOW..... o not even russo would do that, really pick one or the other

Who's the writer for TNA? That would be Vince Russo. What is Russo famous for? Pandering to and FUCKING WITH THE INTERNET FAN BASE.

It's a work. If Hardy was really in that bad a shape, they wouldn't have let him get in the ring. Stop and think for one moment - Jeff Hardy who everyone loves to call a spot monkey is going to be allowed to go have a match, had he been that fucked up and had seriously hurt himself or his opponent, TNA would be liable for knowingly letting him perform in that condition. Imagine if Hardy had not gotten up from that scorpion death drop.......Sorry, wake up. It's russo. I can't believe how many people he's getting with this based purely on how fast the net wants to jump at hardy.

All EVERYONE says is TNA is WCW circa 2000, guess what circa WCW 2000 had a bunch PPV dumbass shoots like this one, anyone remember Goldberg stopping Nash's finisher and walking out of the match, and telling Russo Fuck you, no Hogan ego to blame their for that shoot, its Russo's booking. He used Scott Hall's alcholism, so much that hall would have a drink MID MATCH while holding his guy in a submission hold and i would not be surprised if he is using Jeff Hardy's past drug abuse now just alot more subtle.

Ontop of it TNA always talks about how the want REAL storylines, taking your top guy who EVERYONE at bound for glory wrote off and didnt give a chance to win because he has drug charges is a pretty easy way to have a shoot at PPV where he comes off as "high" and have everyone believe its real.

And most importantly TNA wants real storylines see Angle vs Jarrett this could be an exit stradegy for Jeff if he does need to legally step away from wrestling due to his charges this being they storyline equivelant to his real life, again would not put it past Russo.

For those saying you not even russo would book this... the guy had murder angle for a abyss less then 2 months ago!! he booked what NO BODY Wanted "They" to be a Hogan Bischoff Heel group, he took the biggest face the company had turned him heel and gave him the title at the biggest company PPV of the year because no one thought he had a chance in hell of winning. Russo is shock booking

You're wrong, bro. Reports say the TNA locker room was full of pissed off wrestlers last night, and even Hogan has eluded to the topic publicly today. Jeff Hardy was stoned last night, and anyone familiar with pill abusers can see it in his eyes.
I seriously think something went wrong. Maybe Jeff's back was acting up and he took too many pain killers in the locker before the match? Sting looked seriously pissed and as for pinning him. Yeah when i wrestled high school and used cradles you knew when someone was using all their body weight and Sting was. I think Sting was told to make it as good as he could and he just said "Screw this" and ended it ASAP as a wakeup call to Hardy. Imagine Hardy trying a Swanton in that state? He could have broke his neck or crushed Sting's ribs.
i think this could be a publicity stunt!!! pissing off the fans ummm im not pissed off im talking about this as well as everyother person.. If you paid money well you got ur moneys worth u got to see something different.. Its like when i ordered the mike tyson vs hollyfield 2 ppv and when tyson bit his ear i was pissed and wanted my money back but now i think about it i saw history be made that night.. and that didnt stop me from watching mike tyson i wanted to see more of him to see what he would do next and guess what vince got his ass for wrestlemania 14.. soo publicity stunt dont count it out !!!!!!! and russo is so low and dirty dont act like bring in kurt angles person family issue isnt low or cole speaking about kings mother on raw, its wrestling and its a dirty sport to get ratings, controversy creates CASH!!!!!!
its definatly not impossible anything can happen in pro wrestling so try to keep an open mind having said that tho its very unlikly it was meant to happen like that. aparrantly any publicity is good publicity but being known for having a stoned and smashed meth head as the main guy in your company probally isnt
I don't believe it was planned. If they had been any plans earlier to finish the match in 20 seconds, then they would had put something after it. For example, Bischoff would come and made Sting to fight to the end of the PPV with some else. But it did not happen. They finished the PPV 10-20 minutes ahead of schedule. Also the NODQ stipulation added by Bischoff made no sense. Bischoff came only to communicate with both hardy and sting.
this more than terrible, it is just sad. If you are still a TNA mark after this, there is no hope for you
:banghead: I saw the match on You tube my mouth dropped to the floor The fans every right to be angry they did not buy a ticket to see a 90 second match people theat worked back stage dropped the ball big time Tna should be embbaresd , what happen ;last night made tna look bad how can they let Jeff go out there if he was not in any condistion to wrestle. The fans deserve better for what they goy last night. If Tna company lookd bad the tna Roster looked bad. When one annocer say lets go over the match you saw tonight , that is a another world for lets kill time and Taz sounnd surprise and said okay.
Sat tune
Just posted on the main page

WZ reader Jay Ray has sent in the following email:

Long time reader, first time email-er. I have a brother who works backstage at the Impact Zone occasionally, and he was there last night for the TNA PPV. He sent me a text message before the main event started telling me that something was about to go down, and I visited him today to ask him what was up. He told me that Jeff showed up to the arena later than he was supposed to and went missing backstage shortly after arriving. Management had to rush to find him before the match; he was apparently laid back in the corner of a bathroom. He got chewed out pretty harsh and had to be helped to the ring entrance. My brother was near the entrance and he said that they were all pissed off at him for his condition, and because of their yelling his was late for his own entrance. Sting wasn't saying much, but he was visibly upset. Jeff, according to my brother, seemed like he didn't have a clue what was going on and seemed to be nodding off while standing up. He said it was pretty bad.

Just thought you guys would like to know. My brother said that he thinks Jeff was supposed to win the title, because they mentioned repeatedly how much this would change their plans. Of course, they may have just meant for the match and not for the future story, so take that as you will.
I seriously think something went wrong. Yeah when i wrestled high school and used cradles you knew when someone was using all their body weight and Sting was. I think Sting was told to make it as good as he could and he just said "Screw this" and ended it ASAP as a wakeup call to Hardy.

I agree I feel Bishoff came out to let Sting and hardy know they were gonna end it early. Sting didn't want to take any chances so when he pinned hardy he put all his weight into it (as u could see hardy trying to kick out but couldn't). It was a bad idea to let him out there anyway. They shoulda had the participants of the No 1 contenders match that ended in a double count out come out to a 3 way dance w/Sting.
Well, we've heard that the wrestlers backstage were pissed, Hogan has eluded to the incident on twitter and now someone working backstage has told a family member about last night.

Is it now safe to say that Jeff was indeed stoned last night? I think so.

Fire this bum immediately...
Thats nonesense. Hardy is clearly messed up and should be fired first thing YESTERDAY!! I dont know how TNA managment didnt see this coming, Since the moment they showed him smoking in a promo you could tell it was going to end wrong.
You're wrong, bro. Reports say the TNA locker room was full of pissed off wrestlers last night, and even Hogan has eluded to the topic publicly today. Jeff Hardy was stoned last night, and anyone familiar with pill abusers can see it in his eyes.

Yes bro because reports NEVER LIE RIGHT!!! Im pretty sure if a reporter from the NY Times a credited newspaper lied about sting signing a 1 year contract with the WWE that a reporter for a wrestling website can just as easily do the same thing, sorry i dont listen to dirt sheets im not that gulable.

And oooo you mean the same Hulk Hogan who said himself about TNA "we are going to be shooting" PUBLICLY, the same Hulk Hogan who had videos of him going through back surgeries only to show up at Bound for Glory and make a heel turn.

So sorry to say "reports" and "hogan speaking publicly" as your proof is rather weak, and trust me as someone who works in the criminal justice system the only way to tell if Hardy was pill abusing is to look at his pupils which is not possible at theonly time the camera was in his face close enough was his entrance where therei was smoke and green lights over the place sorry bud if you think Hardy did it and you dont like him thats fine their is a good chance he did but dont use bs reasons
They obviously didn't know Jeff's condition until the last minute. So they needed to think fast. And they failed.

Personally i would have made it 4 way elimination with RVD and Anderson coming out, just call them both number one contendors ecause they went to a no-contest. Get rid of Jeff in 60 seconds, then have the other 3 battle it out.
Yes bro because reports NEVER LIE RIGHT!!! Im pretty sure if a reporter from the NY Times a credited newspaper lied about sting signing a 1 year contract with the WWE that a reporter for a wrestling website is can just as easily do the same thing, sorry i dont listen to dirt sheets im not that gulable.

And oooo you mean the same Hulk Hogan who said himself about TNA "we are going to be shooting" PUBLICLY, the same Hulk Hogan who had videos of him going through back surgeries only to show up at Bound for Glory and make a heel turn.

So sorry to say "reports" and "hogan speaking publicly" as your proof is rather weak, and trust me as someone who works in the criminal justice system the only way to tell if Hardy was pill abusing is to look at his pupils which is not possible at theonly time the camera was in his face close enough was his entrance where therei was smoke and green lights over the place sorry bud if you think Hardy did it and you dont like him thats fine their is a good chance he did but dont use bs reasons

Jeff was stoned, man. Come to terms with it...


And my stance on this subject has nothing to do with liking or disliking Jeff Hardy. I'm completely indifferent where he is concerned. I'd also like to let you know that a man's pupils aren't the ony give away to pill abuse. People's eyes in general can and do get a "glazed over" look when they're abusing pills. People that are high on prescription medications (or non-prescription narcotics for that matter) can and often do stumble as well, and Jeff definitely stumbled a little last night.
A worked screwjob. No chance!

You can clearly see frustration o Sting's face after Hebner tell's Sting something and Sitng mouth's, "Are you serious?" Or something like that.

As I stated in another earlier post, you can faintly hear Sting say to Bischoff, "Why don't you tell them what your really out for then." Then he gives a really hard connected punch to Bischoff. Then, Jeff just stand's over Bischoff, a watches him get hit. It's like if say, Kofi Kingsotn hit Wade Barret, I doubt Justin Gabriel would just stad there, they would try to protect him. The only thing Hardy did was hold out his arm in a failed attempt to back away Sting.

Jeff was forcibly pinned by Sting, yes. But it probably was for the safety of himself and Jeff.

You seem to have not read the part where I said it was a shoot, dude. Nothing about that screams work to me. If it was a work, then it was a really well executed work. However, it would also be the most ASININE thing that TNA has ever done. What advantage would any part of TNA gain long-term from this?

So everything you say here is rather irrelevant as a refute to my original post.
Yes, your right. Jeff Hardy got pinned against his will.

That's why the possiblity of it being a work, and/or screwjob is out of the picture.

This is the most nonsensical statement I've ever read. Did Bret lose to Shawn willingly? No. Was it a screwjob? Yes.

Do you KNOW what the definition of a screwjob is?
For anyone saying this was a work: It wouldn't be any better if it was. That would mean that TNA deliberately screwed the people in the audience and those who had purchased the ppv out of their money, left them chanting "bullshit" at the finale of one of their largest ppv's of the year, and likely burying the company to anyone who would listen afterward. And for what? To further a gimmick? TNA isn't THAT stupid, sorry.

Judging by the video, it looks like a desperate, last minute attempt to salvage the main event without anyone getting killed. It's difficult to say whether or not the people backstage were aware of just how bad of a state Hardy was in, and whether or not sending him to the ring to attempt to work the match was sensible. Obviously, in retrospect it wasn't. I'm guessing that the plan was that by adding the no DQ stipulation, TNA could send out members of Immortal to carry the match for Hardy; a plan that Bischoff changed when he got to the ring. We can't be certain of anything yet, of course, but that seems a lot more likely than TNA deliberately pulling a stunt that could irreparably damage the companies reputation for the sake of a stupid angle.
No. TNA should have kept Hardy at the Impact tapings and fired him right in the middle of the ring with all their cameras rolling.

Yeah because that is the best way to handle this situation. That would only make it worse. Lets be honest. TNA will not fire this guy and if they do I will be shocked. You need him to take some time off and get every thing worked out. Bring him back on a 1 strike your out policy, but as a face. Then use his problem and recovery as a way to apologize to his fans and TNA in general. People love a story when some one fights a real disease and is able to recover. A lot of people can identify with that weather it is themselves or a friend or family member.

The way TNA handled the ME was bad. Real bad. However Jeff Hardy the person outside of wrestling has a disease and not only does some one need to step in and help, but he also needs to take responsibility and want the help. I already no for a fact people will quote this with hateful things to say about Hardy because that is how wrestling fans are, but whatever. I guess you have to know someone that has these type of problems.
The thing is, if it was such a big deal, they should have either sent Matt, RVD or Anderson down there. Why would they risk health of Hardy and Sting if it could have easily been prevented. This is why I think people are jumping the gun on claiming Jeff was high. From what I can tell, Sting held Hardy down and this wasnt how it was supposed to go down.

I totally agree. If he were actually high then they most likely have sent someone else out. Maybe Hardy mistakenly kicked out late, I know that's a stretch please don't flame me for it. But most likely Hardy was high, but we don't officially know. So I'm no taking sides, it could be something entirely different then that.
Just rewatched the video for the first time (since seeing it live last night) and there is so much I didnt notice (the stumble up the steps because I was on the side opposite the ramp, the X by the ref, and Sting saying "I agree" because of my seat again)....

With that said, I actually am thinking that despite everything, perhaps Bischoff expected Sting to still lose the match no matter how fucked up Hardy was and that is why Sting took it upon himself to end it the way he did with a forceful pin and SDD. This could explain Hardy's shock - including the shock (and his state of mind) when Sting punches Bischoff which looks like a real shot on the video and did last night in person. Hardy doesnt appear to be mad at what Bisch says to him, and Sting doesnt seem angry prior to Bischoff coming out. Likely Sting knew the state of Hardy and simply refused to lose or wrestle him in that condition. Also why he didnt go after him when he did the T-shirt throwing nonsense. This makes sense that Sting and Hardy agreeing with the chants of "bullshit" as they left - especially Hardy who had to be escorted out by security (imagine if he thought he was winning despite being fucked up and all that goes down, he could have gone nuts with cameras rolling).

The sending home of Hardy and Hogan's comments could all go along with Sting's decision and maybe Hardy is no longer cooperating with TNA now that this happened, or he was once again messed up at tapings and needed to be sent home (I'm under the impression he showed and was sent home, not suspended and didnt show).

Crazy to rewatch and see what I missed live in the heat of the moment. But yes, TNA has got interesting even if for all the wrong reasons - no doubt this WILL NOT translate into good TV and storytelling.
Some good breakdowns of the video in this thread. The only additional comment I have is that while Bischoff is talking to Sting he says fine have it your way off mic. Sad thing is that if TNA just promoted tune in to hear what really happened they would probably do their biggest rating ever.
Don't post much but I keep rewatching this video trying to find different things, perhaps I am overreaching.

At 9:17, it looks like Hardy says "What in the hell was that", the ref shakes his head and when he is imitating the count, he only slaps his hand twice, not three times, and then Hardy immediately gets in an intense stare down with Sting.

This got me to go back to the pin, at 9:01 on a frozen frame, the ref's hand is clearly flat for the two count, at 9:03 it is pulled into his chest and looks like he was trying to prolong the count (which could explain the hesitation to begin the count)

I think Sting made the executive decision to end the match then and there, which would explain TNA not deciding to go through with an alternative main event, because they thought they were still going to have one.

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