*MERGED* Hardy/Sting: Judge For Yourself (While Available)

the "one-eye" symbol can be found everywhere (like a dollar bill for example). it doesn't have to look exactly like the eye of horus (which is why we say symbolism). do research on how and where it is displayed in other areas of popular culture - then (and only then) may you see exactly what sting and jeff are wearing. again, this is off-topic with regards to this thread...but important nonetheless. this is one vid on the topic (but just one, there are thousands of more videos/documentaries/websites that u should go through if the truth concerns you). remember, you don't have to believe in every conspiracy theory to understand the substance of what is being conveyed...


lastly, there is no reason to have one eye and half the face covered up (sting never wore a shirt like that before). perhaps its a tna thing and sting isn't smart enough to realize the nature of those he is working for. that is a possibility. how else do you explain how a committed family many and professed devout christian like sting can even be remotely associated with people like jeff jarret, eric bitchoff, and vince russo!?

anyways, as far as your opinions on why sting didn't join wwe - i completely agree. however, i was referring to when wwf bought out wcw - and *one* of the reasons sting stated had to with the morality of the wwe at that time which was rated r and deep into the attitude era!! similarly, shawn michaels has said similar things (yet he has remained a wwe employee). so sting and shawn are hypocrites at *best*, and their word is not to be trusted. i brought all this up to relate it to what ppl were saying about sting and his expressions and demeanor in the victory road main event. all those things could have an act, for sting to his credit, is a good actor. too bad he didn't make it in hollywood the way that hogan, triple h, rock, and others have.

i think most sting fans would have loved to see him in wwe for an appearance. hogan was in no better shape when he returned to wwe the last time around (before coming to tna in which he again wrestled before the back surgery). and like bret hart's appearance, there is no obligation for a long term program. sting would probably make a lot more money (and then he could return to tna if he wanted to - i mean look at what flair has done after his supposed retirement lol).

so the reasons u give, which i agree with u on, and they are understandable, could have been worked out to give us a sting/wwe program (however short). it didn't have to be against the undertaker (although fighting undertaker would certainly be in sting's league far more than the likes of aj, rvd, or jeff hardy)!

instead, here he is on spike tv (not a christian friendly station u know) being involved in or a party some of the most dirty angles i've seen in the past several years - like jeff's real-life drug problems, or kurt angle's real life marital problems.

SHAME on sting for that.

and to the guy calling me glen beck...i am Muslim. so how can I be anything like that ring-wing, racist, anti-muslim nutcase?? and speaking of Islam, the one thing that dixie carter/vince russo and the McMahan family have in common is a deep seated hatred for Islam. the evidence is in the heel run of Muhammad Hassan in the wwe, and the stuffing of raisha saeed's (another heel) head (while she was wearing the sacred niqab) into the toilet.

professional wrestling (like all of hollywood and the rest of the entertainment media) are run by jewish people and freemasons with an undeniable hatred for Islam. realization of this can be a tough thing to swallow, but patience is one's refuge in the severity of trials...


Dude I don't need to do research I know what the eye of Horus is and I know where it can be found and I probably know as much as more about the Freemasons than most. Sting he is wearing a shirt designed by TNA most likely and in my opinion the only people who would even think about it supposedly being the eye of Horus is conspiracy theorists and they can find conspiracy looking into a bowl of soup.

As for your constant assertion he didn't go to WWE/F because of the rated R content that is clearly not right if you watched the video he made in 2004 stating his reasons why he didn't join the WWE/F after Vince bought WCW. I provided the link did you watch it? Yes he did state at times he didn't care for the WWE/F content but I never saw that stated as his reason for not going.

He actually was almost signed to WWE in 2003 to start a program with Kurt Angle and work Wrestlemania against him. He decided not to due to his not trusting what they would do to his character and they threw together the Angle vs Kane feud instead.

I am a Sting fan and I didn't want to see him in the WWE. From what I saw the only people who wanted Sting in WWE are WWE fans that wanted Sting to job to Taker at Wrestlemania as if it was something important. Newsflash: The UNdertaker, Wrestlstlemania, WWE HoF or any other WWE wrestler are only relevant to WWE fans.

But anyway I'm not going to argue with you so have a wonderful day and go ahead believing the way you want.
I'm not sure if this article (posted below) has been addressed on this thread yet or not, but so far this explanation of the Victory Road debacle seems to be the most likely scenario (in my opinion, at least).

This is an exert from tnawrestlingnews.com (just the part about the Sting/Hardy match at VR). If you want to read the entire article, go to: http://www.tnawrestlingnews.com/headlines/302183841.shtml

Chan E. Chan Asks:

So what was the deal with Sting/Jeff Hardy at Victory Road? Do you think Jeff Hardy should be fired? Great to see if my question would be answered.

Ah, I knew this was coming. What went down? Well basically, Jeff Hardy showed up under the influence of something. TNA knew he was screwed up, but Sting, Hardy and TNA agreed that they would run a short match with Sting going over. The idea being that if Hardy wasn't in condition to perform, they could cover it with a brawl (Thus the last minute No DQ stipulation) and they would keep it short, send everyone home happy and not have to do anything major.

While you might consider that "unprofessional", it's hardly the first time a wrestler has worked a match screwed up. TNA only went with it, because Sting and Hardy both agreed.

So what went wrong? Sting called the match early. Perhaps because of Hardy's stalling (which I think Hardy was actually doing to help pad the match out but may have been misread by Sting) or because Sting's too old for this crap, he quickly ended the match. Hardy was caught off guard, because he expected them to wrestle in a short, but fun brawl.

Who's to blame? Well, Sting called the match early. So if you're going to get technical, it's Sting who shortchanged the fans. However, obviously showing up screwed up is Hardy's fault.

Why didn't TNA replace Hardy? Largely because they've been trying to build up a storyline keeping Anderson away from the belt and it didn't make a whole helluva lot of sense to throw a last minute replacement in there. According to my sources, TNA was confident that they were going to get a 5-10 minute match and that everyone was cool with that. When Sting called things off the way he did, TNA were caught completely unprepared.

Ultimately nobody was really mad at Sting, but it was too late for TNA to do anything about it. Hardy was mad because he felt he could still deliver a decent little brawl (and probably could have) and Sting was mad because he had been put in this situation to begin with.

To answer your second question, no I wouldn't fire Hardy. Yeah, he's a screw up. He still makes TNA a lot of money. Firing Jeff Hardy would be like CBS firing Charlie Sheen... It doesn't benefit anyone but Hardy. A better course of action is to suspend him (which is seems they're doing) and milk the fact that Sting slaughtered him at the PPV.

I don't know how much weight this "professor" guy holds; ie: I don't know if he has inside information, I don't know who his "sources" are, etc. To tell you the truth, this is the first article I've ever seen written by him. However, I do think he raises some interesting points.

Regardless of whether or not the explanation given by "The Professor" is true or not, I agree with him that Hardy should NOT be fired. I think TNA should suspend him indefinitely (until everything can be sorted out, which seems to be the case as of now), and force him to go to rehab if he wants to keep his job. If Jeff refuses rehab, then maybe firing him would be in order.

I also agree that the Sting/Hardy match at VR would HARDLY be the first televised (or PPV) wrestling match where one of the performers was under the influence of something...not that it makes it okay that Hardy was (allegedly) fucked up in the first place.

I think Sting made the right call by ending the match early (if that's the way it went down). Jeff definitely needs help, and Sting knew that wrestling that match wasn't going to be the help he needed.

It breaks my heart to see what's happening to Jeff. I know that everyone wants to jump on him, call him a druggie/junkie and a fuck-up (which isn't entirely untrue, by any means). The fact is that Jeff needs help. Whether or not he is willing to admit that he needs it, or will get the help he needs is beyond me. Only Jeff knows the answer to that one.

The part that breaks my heart is knowing how many fans love Jeff, and how he seems to be pissing his career away. I'm not the biggest Jeff Hardy fan by any means, but the guy is talented and definitely still has "gas in the tank" to keep his career going...but not if he keeps doing what he's doing.

The other reason that all this breaks my heart is his family. He has a wife, and a daughter (I think only one child? ...I don't know for sure). If he ruins his career, there goes their financial support. Also, I don't think anyone would want to grow up knowing that their father threw away a fantastic opportunity and a huge salary for being a dope-fiend (again, allegedly).

Hopefully once Jeff's court battles are behind him, he'll be able to deal with his demons in a healthy way. If TNA were to fire Jeff Hardy, I think it would only exacerbate his problems (he could start using more, he could commit suicide, etc...who knows??). At least if they were to try to help him (whether or not Jeff would accept that help remains to be seen), it would be better than just giving up on him entirely.
I have the strangest feeling that everybody in the world is being played by Russo, Bischoff, & Hogan! This reeks of Scott Hall coming out for a tag match with Nash while being "intoxicated" back in WcW. All three of these guys were in charge of WcW when that happened. Now, fast forward to TNA, and we have the same three guys running the show and a similar situation happens.

Honestly, think about it........do you really, really, believe that ANYBODY in TNA would have let Jeff Hardy walk out there while he was allegedly "under the influence" of anything? You don't think D-Lo Brown, Al Snow, Simon Diamond, or Sting would have put their foot down had this been "real"? Do you really believe Dixie Carter or Jeff Jarrett would have put their entire company in danger for the sake of "the show must go on"? The match with Sting could have easily been changed......that little message that pops up EVERY TIME a live show is announced says it all......."Card subject to change"!!! I mean, come on, when there is a PPV, don't these guys show up like 6 to 8 hours before hand? If it was "real" why hasn't there been an announcement stating Jeff Hardy has been suspended or forced into rehab? So far, we have got nothing but speculation. Ask yourself, if you was in charge of that company, would you wait 2 or more days to take action on what happened? Wasn't it just announced that Jeff Hardy recently got engaged? And his court case is FINALLY about to go to trial? What better way to get him off television so he can focus on getting married and getting out of jail time.........

Hogan, Russo, & Bischoff are known for pulling the wool over everybody's eyes, even the boys in the back. They drool over people saying "Now, THAT was real". But, this time, I for one think they went to far. It didn't get the right "shock factor" result. They wanted everybody to say "I gotta tune in Thursday to see what happens." Instead, they got everybody saying "I want my money back" and "I will never order another TNA PPV again."

I'm not bashing Hogan, Russo, & Bischoff at all. All three are very talented in the world of pro wrestling........individually. Together, their egos won't let them be outdone by the others, so they pull theses worked shoots over and over and over and nobody has the courage or sack to say enough is enough. Think about when these three were in WWE.......Russo had Vince to filter his outlandish ideas, Hogan did what Vince said, and Bischoff was just another performer. As much as they don't want to admit it, people don't tune in every week to see these three. TNA hasn't taken over the world since Hogan & Bischoff arrived like they thought for sure was going to happen.

I'm afraid we've all been played.....yet again....by Hogan, Bischoff, & Russo. Except this time, for every person that said "I gotta tune in Thursday to see what happens", five people said, "I will never watch again". And it won't stop until TNA is gone or Dixie grows balls.......
Well, as of now no word yet about what truly happened. So if he was stone/drunk out of his mind then he should be fired, if he was legitly injured at the last minute while entering the ring, then its not his fault and should not be fired. But if this is a elaborate «Work» then wow TNA got a lot of people talking but i'm not sure its for the right reason.
I don't think they're going to make a public announcement. Hardy was sent home from tapings yesterday and Hogan made a statement on Twitter saying they were having to deal with it. I think they will probably let him go to rehab and see if he can get it together before firing him.
If this is a work - dumbest thing ever! It didn't work in WCW, why try it again. If it was a work, again - why go as far as alienating people who purchased a ppv which is an area TNA desperately needs in order to increase revenue. Just doesn't make business sense, even if the work makes sense in wrestling "shock value" sense.
as I've said, I'm all for Hardy being let go so he can get the help he needs. As long as that is the case.

If this turns out to be a work, and Russo/Hogan/Bischoff are behind this it's going to spell the end of TNA. They might have thought this would be a cute little thing to try to pull the wool over everyone's eyes but I think the absolute shitstorm they will have to withstand if they did this on purpose would be astronomical. PW Report spent over an hour on TNA on the heels of Raw last night. If this turns out to be a work, they will spend a week on it tearing TNA apart.

So while I hope Hardy gets himself better because no one should have to be like that, I really hope it was legit. Because if its not, TNA is finished. I don't think they could ever recover from this legitimate feeling the fans have for the product right now.
Like i said before time and time again we really don't know what truly happened. This is just to weird, if Jeff Hardy was so out of it at the PPV why is he still as of now employed by TNA? I don't get it to say nothing yesterday i can buy it because they were in shock, but now its been almost 2 days since the «Main-Event» happened and all we know is that Jeff Hardy was sent home. Granted that Jeff Hardy being sent home means something big, but he has not been fire yet. If this is a work, this will turn out like WCW in 2000 all over again but is Russo that stupid? is Dixie Carter so blind? like i said i still don't get it.
For those that like conspiracy theories take a look at the colors certain people have been wearing. Leading into BFG TNA did a fair amount of storytelling with who was wearing black and white, while Sting busted out the red. Shannon Moore started with his red and black mohawk a while back and surprisingly Jeff Hardy started sporting those colors not that long ago. On the off chance this is a work you would really have to cop to its success even with the abomination of a main event. The amount of people it has talking and focusing on that clip is impossible to deny. If they made it that convincing then you have to give them props.
On the off chance this is a work you would really have to cop to its success even with the abomination of a main event. The amount of people it has talking and focusing on that clip is impossible to deny. If they made it that convincing then you have to give them props.

The end game in professional wrestling is not to "fool the fans". A work isn't a success if people are convinced it's real; a work is a success if it generates money. Just because people in the IWC (a group you both belong to and frequently deride, but only when it suits your purposes) are paying attention to TNA doesn't translate into extra money. All publicity is not good; the expression "there's no such thing as bad publicity" refers to the fact that in the right hands, even a bad situation can be spun to your advantage.

None of the stunts TNA has tried over the past year have successfully gained viewers who stayed tuned into the product. How would demonstrating to your fans that you will disappoint them intentionally after spending their money be any different? I have no reason to have faith in TNA writing's ability to spin this to their benefit. It's not about saying to the fans "so, you didn't see that coming, huh?" It's about getting the fans to keep giving you their money.

This last bit goes for much of the boards in addition to you- quit hedging your bets with the various "but if it is a work...." statements. Everyone seems to be afraid to say "I got fooled" here, because everyone's so worried about preserving their precious smark cred. I really hope this was a shit salad TNA got served and did their best with, because if this is a work, I'd be pretty pissed off were I invested into the TNA product.
I just have to sit back and laugh at TNA. I'm not laughing at Hardy I truly hope someone steps in and gets the guy some help.

I'm laughing because they did this to themselves in hiring a man facing serious jail time and making him the face of their company.

If this turns out to be another Russo classic work then congrats TNA you just bought into another Finger Poke of Doom scenario and have fun trying to stop yourself from circling the toliet bowl after all your paying fans collective flush you.
If this is a work russo should be shot, the general wrestling fan simply wonder wtf is going on, and those of the IWC CANNOT HANDLE BEING WORKED, EVER!

Bound for glory was the perfect example:
Kurt Angle is on a huge winning streak if he loses he retires
Mr. Anderson is be pushed more then ANYONE in the company and becoming a fan favorite.
Jeff hardy has been in the mix but not a mainevent player in TNA, and everyone and their mother said he doesnt have a chance in hell with his court cases its pointless for him to even be in the match

Then every smark possible said the ME is going to be dull and predictable because Angle is going win because he wont reitre, or mr.anderson will pin hardy so he doesnt have to retire kurt, the ME is boring because its all faces so Anderson is going turn etc....then Hardy wins and joins Hulk Hogan and everyone is pissed calling it terrible booking and it was a retarted ending.

Because its not what they predicted or what made sense to them they want to be able to watch the show and say "AH HAAAA i knew it see see i told you, wrestling is so predictable" then when its not they want to shit all over it. Its almost as if Russo wants to just point his nose down and flip the bird to show he is the booker and the smarks are not, that he isn't going to let you be right which i find hilarious because it gets people pissed who dream/ want/ wish to be bookers but will never come close in their life, and he is there for 3 different companies doing shit like this

So if it wasnt a work your fucked because you let hardy go to the ring high as gas if it IS a work you are still fucked because people dont like being worked, the only way/reason i can see this being a work is if hogan turns his back on hardy and then/ if hardy comes back he says even in his lowest times after he turned his back on the fans they stuck by him etc... and he comes back as a face.... you cant exactly write some storyline to change the biggest star in your company back to a face after you made it such of big deal at your big ppv of the year in october that he turned heel, and gave him the strap to lead at stable that was talked about for months prior to the big ppv
I sometimes wonder if people are simply attempting to play devil's advocate, or simply somehow believe that this being a work whether it is or not is somehow a good thing

Frankly it doesn't matter if it is or not. This was simply a bad idea, any way you slice it.

-If you want to protect your talent you make sure they can compete as to do no harm to themselves or others. No exceptions.

-As a work it doesn't benefit Hardy to be buried that quickly in a match that you bill as the main event of your PPV. you don't put your recently renewed Icon in this sort of bizarre predicament.

I have asked this question numerous times in these threads with no actual response. What is the upside to doing this? When it happened to Scott Hall, it did him no favors. When it happened to Hawk of the road warriors it just plain made no sense and helped the story very little. And in all cases someone had the silly notion of doing this in the ring.

How do either Sting, Hardy, or TNA itself benefit? For a good laugh by the writing staff saying hey fans, we really got you didn't we? What on earth does that do for the company in the long or even short term?
I don't know if anybody has pointed out but if you listen closely, Bischoff is telling Sting to "Just squash him." I heard it loud and clear. This is not a work and may have been something TNA could not change until the last minute. Seems like TNA had their hands tied in this matter not know Hardy's full condition.

This is too disappointing, even for TNA to prepare it to be a work. I don't think Russo, Hogan, Bischoff, Dixie or anybody else would allow this to become a work. Not with Jeff about to have another court date soon. Nobody has really pointed out because Jeff has a court date scheduled next week, why would TNA do this as a work? Trust me, they wouldn't, unless they were trying to seal the deal and put Hardy in jail. It could become evident that even if Hardy was acting out his real life situation on television, it could be used to state he is making a joke of his drug situation.
I don't know if anybody has pointed out but if you listen closely, Bischoff is telling Sting to "Just squash him." I heard it loud and clear. This is not a work and may have been something TNA could not change until the last minute. Seems like TNA had their hands tied in this matter not know Hardy's full condition.

This is too disappointing, even for TNA to prepare it to be a work. I don't think Russo, Hogan, Bischoff, Dixie or anybody else would allow this to become a work. Not with Jeff about to have another court date soon. Nobody has really pointed out because Jeff has a court date scheduled next week, why would TNA do this as a work? Trust me, they wouldn't, unless they were trying to seal the deal and put Hardy in jail. It could become evident that even if Hardy was acting out his real life situation on television, it could be used to state he is making a joke of his drug situation.

I'm not certain if the head's up was aimed at me, and i do appreciate it, but I wasn't asking because I thought it was a work.

A lot of people have been posing this being a work as a possibility and I was simply trying to understand from their veiwpoint what the point of such an awful work would be, and how would it benefit the performers or TNA in general?
I wasn't aiming at you. :) Other's have mentioned it was a work and I've been watching the video since yesterday just to see if I can get it all to make sense. Either way, it was stupid for TNA but as I said, can't be a work. Funny, it's march, 10 years from when WCW went down the drain.... Makes me wonder if we are about to relive that moment. I guess I better pre-order my DVD of the Rise and Fall of TNA produced by WWE Media
If this turns out to be another Russo classic work then congrats TNA you just bought into another Finger Poke of Doom scenario and have fun trying to stop yourself from circling the toliet bowl after all your paying fans collective flush you.

Finger Poke of Doom came long before Russo even went to WCW.
I have watched this video over and over again for the past few days, and I just can't believe this is a work. Hardy didn't look like he was in good shape at all. He had trouble maintaining his balance, and he looked like he was in a daze. Hardy was VERY hesitant to lock up with Sting, and he just seemed to be scared. Also, Sting looked legitimately pissed. He made sure to give Jeff a couple off cold stares, he was upset about Jeff popping right back up after the Scorpion Death Drop, and you could tell Sting wasn't happy with how Jeff conducted himself after the match.

Why would this be a work? I'm sure a lot of people were anxious to see these two go at again, so why would TNA give their fans(especially the paying customers) a big middle finger? Because if this was a work, then TNA just insulted their fans. This was supposed to be the main event World Championship match on a pay per view, and I'm sure everybody would've had liked to see an actual match. Also, Tenay and Taz never get into Jeff's awkwardness during this whole fiasco. Sure, they mention Jeff's mind games with the crowd, as he teases a t-shirt toss, but they never get into Jeff's stumbling, or his obvious kick out attempt during Sting's pin cover. I think Tenay and Tazz went out of their way to not mention Hardy's obvious problems.

I have to believe this was real, and TNA should do all they can to put this mess behind them as quickly as possible. But if this was a work, then I guess Vince Russo has fooled us all again, unfortunately. I just can't see a worked shoot being a positive thing here. If TNA wanted to piss a lot of people off, then they've accomplished their goal. But I seriously doubt this would make Jeff look more "cool", and only a small portion of the IWC would love a fiasco like this.
I can't believe some people think this is a work or a publicity stunt. This is the kind of shit that could really hurt TNA. If he gets jail time in his drug case TNA will get a lot of bad press regardless. However if it comes out they let him wrestle while he was impaired it will be even worse.

Jeff was clearly blitzed out of his mind TNA should have never let him go out there. The fans and Sting deserved better than that BS main event. If he was in bad shape upon his arrival. They should have put someone else in his place. If that was the case TNA management are a bunch of ******s that don't care about the well being of their talent or care about their fans.

However after seeing the footage again and reading other post and new reports. I'm starting to think maybe he got fucked up backstage during the show and TNA had no choice to do what they did. Anyway you look at it Hardy was completely unprofessional. Obviously for being drugged up and the way he no sold the SDD.

Hardy should definitely be fired or forced into rehab after this situation. I have said many times on other threads that TNA made a mistake hiring him. Now it's blowing up in their face, if they keep him without him going to rehab. I think TNA will lose viewers I will definitely never watch it again. If he comes back.
I don't know if anybody has pointed out but if you listen closely, Bischoff is telling Sting to "Just squash him."

Interesting. I think some people might have it backwards if this was the case. I think Sting and Hardy where prepared to put on a brawl match to appease the crowd. That is why there was no replacement and they went out there. Something happened with Hardy at the last second and that changed people in the backs minds. Bischoff came out telling Sting to just squash him and Sting still wanted to do the match in spite of whatever happened at the last second. Did Sting change his mind during Hardy's t-shirt thing or did he actually give in to the desires of Bischoff etc?
We don't know and its been two days. Fuck it, its either a work or Jeff Hardy was really fucked up and should be fired or sent to rehab. Either way TNA is in trouble.
100% Not a work. Jeff cannot act. Jeff was gurning and clearly off his face on pills.

Having said that I disagree with everybody going nuts about why TNA sent him out in that condition. I sincerely believe the major players, Hogan, Bischoff, Russo or Dixie had no idea Jeff was so blazed. I assume Jeff has his own locker room and onlky gets the call to get ready when his match is due. I highly doubt the Hulkster walks around getting everyone ready and prepared for their entrance, it is much more likely an errand boy called for Hardy to get ready for his match.

For me Bischoff looked really surprised and had to rush down and create a new stipulation so he could tell Sting to destroy Hardy, who knows was he told Jeff but Jeff certainly got screwed and was not expecting the finish that happened.

I think the major players in TNA noticed something was wrong (X from the ref) and quickly had to freestyle a change. If the people who had the powers to change the Main Event saw Jeff there was no way he would of been sent to the ring.

Although it ruined the main event of the PPV, once Jeff was out in public view, the powers did all they could to correct this fuck up.

Jeff Hardy should be the one apologising as he should be a professional wrestlers rather than a professional junkie.
We don't know and its been two days. Fuck it, its either a work or Jeff Hardy was really fucked up and should be fired or sent to rehab. Either way TNA is in trouble.

TNA is in huge trouble, and the silence is deafening. Why the hell haven't we heard anything from Dixie Carter? If there had been any sense whatsoever, TNA would have been coming out on Monday morning with an explanation, Hardy being publically suspended and forced into rehab, and it made clear in no uncertain terms that this was not acceptable.

I feel so sorry for Sting. For him to be put in that position by a fellow 'professional' and the company he is employed by is disgraceful. I just wonder how many times the thoughts of WWE went through his mind after this 'match' on Sunday night.

TNA must get to grips with this, and quickly. They're already 3 days behind, and its not getting any better.
TNA is in huge trouble, and the silence is deafening. Why the hell haven't we heard anything from Dixie Carter? If there had been any sense whatsoever, TNA would have been coming out on Monday morning with an explanation, Hardy being publically suspended and forced into rehab, and it made clear in no uncertain terms that this was not acceptable.

I feel so sorry for Sting. For him to be put in that position by a fellow 'professional' and the company he is employed by is disgraceful. I just wonder how many times the thoughts of WWE went through his mind after this 'match' on Sunday night.

TNA must get to grips with this, and quickly. They're already 3 days behind, and its not getting any better.

Well Jeff Hardy was taken off the live events tour for this weekend, so i guess Jeff hardy is being somewhat suspended.
The thing is, if it was such a big deal, they should have either sent Matt, RVD or Anderson down there. Why would they risk health of Hardy and Sting if it could have easily been prevented. This is why I think people are jumping the gun on claiming Jeff was high. From what I can tell, Sting held Hardy down and this wasnt how it was supposed to go down.
:banghead::disappointed: Jeff Hardy was on Someting he was passed out in the Bathroom people back stage was scrableing looking for him, the truck told the annoucers to stall for time so then one said lets go over the matches. The wrestlers has to be Pissed:banghead: they busted the ass of at the ppv , all eveybody is talking is Jeff Hardy and not the matches. If Jeff Didd thid in the WWe Vince Mc mahon would not let him go out there he would have sent him home

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