*MERGED* Hardy/Sting: Judge For Yourself (While Available)

I don't understand two things about this whole situation. First, had someone known before the main event happen that Hardy was in no condition to wrestle? If yes, then why he was allowed to go into the ring in the first place? Who made this decision? This person should also be held responsible for what happened.

Second, why in the hell sting would made his finishing move on jeff hardy in that situation. This move seems quite dangerous. So why would sting risk it as if something had happen to hardy or him, sting would also be held responsible for knowingly doing his finishing move on a person unfit to wrestle. He should have just refuse to fight rather than make his finishing move.
I don't understand two things about this whole situation. First, had someone known before the main event happen that Hardy was in no condition to wrestle? If yes, then why he was allowed to go into the ring in the first place? Who made this decision? This person should also be held responsible for what happened.

Second, why in the hell sting would made his finishing move on jeff hardy in that situation. This move seems quite dangerous. So why would sting risk it as if something had happen to hardy or him, sting would also be held responsible for knowingly doing his finishing move on a person unfit to wrestle. He should have just refuse to fight rather than make his finishing move.

I think Sting put Hardy into his finisher and pinned to quickly end the match. I know, you're thinking "DUHHHH!" I know. But put yourself in Sting's shoes. He has to bring the match to a quick end against Hardy's wishes. Did you notice how Hardy kicked out and gave the ref attitude, real attitude? Sting didn't really have many options for getting Hardy into a position where he could get him into a pinning position. Sting did the best he could in a crappy situation. And yes, it probably was dangerous, but that's Hardy's fault. It was probably dangerous for Sting too.

I started a thread many years ago about Hardy's antics. I was blasted by tons of white trash Hardy fans defending him. Who was right after all???

Hardy is a disaster. He needs to go. He's putting other performers' safety at risk and shows no signs of remorse. He just doesn't get it. He never will until someone throws the book at him! He needs to go to prison for his drug problems and he needs to be fired!
Thought about this some more - Hardy has court dates soon and it is hard to believe they would make his condition such public knowledge (on PPV, Twitter, ect. ) if it would ensure Hardy getting a less favorable ruling when he attempts his Guilty-plea deal.

Likely a work, just a poorly executed one. Should have run the ppv to about 10:45, then use the final 15 min to conduct this nonsense.
As a teenager I can notice a few signs and mannerisms someone has when they are high. I can't confirm if his eyes are bloodshot or not because of his red makeup hiding are obstructing my view. His mannerisms were a bit, awkward to say the least.

If you have watched any of Hardy's matches he has never acted the way he did in that match. It's like he didn't care the title was on the line, or any of the kayfabe or his gimmick. He didn't give a fuck.

Too me, it looked like he had a hit or two of some marijuana before the match.

lol he may have had weed before the match, but that's not what had him totally fucked up. he looked to be on more of a Crank(Methadphetamines) high. I've seen many people stoned on weed, but never seen anyone that could hardly stand up because of weed.
Sting seems incredibly annoyed in the video. That being said, all opinions are based on assumption and internet rumors. Two things that can be hit and miss, to say the least.

I'd have to assume that they wanted to technically have the match, but didn't have a better back up plan. Makes sense. So, either they made some people talk by getting the quick pin with Hardy struggling. Either Hardy knew about this or he didn't, but that seems pretty obvious.

Regardless, this SHOULD be the final straw if this is a legit incident. Either rehab or release. Nothing else should even be considered.
With this Jeff situation sting can carry some blame as he went along with the match being the man he is he should have said no. TNA couldnt have done anything if they fired him suspended him he could have seen there asses in court . With this jeff thng i lost respect for TNA,Sting and the Vets and guys in the back that let this happen and i think this should be all over the news and TNA should be shammed this could set the Drugs in wrestling debate again which is not good for none of us fans

TNA were idiots for even hireing Jeff let alone make him champ surely anyone in TNA could see this was going to happen its Jeff hardy the biggest let down in Professional Wrestling.

When i watched the rise and fall WCW dvd people said they knew it was comeing do you think people in the back are feeling the same now in TNA ?
When i watched the rise and fall WCW dvd people said they knew it was comeing do you think people in the back are feeling the same now in TNA ?

In short, Yes. I bet Kurt is now seriously reconsidering his contract situation. I bet Sting is seriously regretting not going back to WWE (unless the huge elaborate work was planned when he returned to win the belt with Jeff Hardy's face on it). I bet Nash/Booker are thrilled to be out of the woods. Shelton Benajamin heading back to the big leagues when he would have come in and been a huge somebody for TNA to sign (all things considered). Heck, even the Dudleys must be thinking towards how to position themselves to get into the WWE HOF and have real spotlight on them at Wrestlemania.

I don't say this because of Victory Road - I say this based on a full year being scripted to prompt up Jeff Hardy, even designing a belt for him, and then this happening. For those who say it was a work then I reply: How does this look for him considering his court date and his plan of pleading guilty to reduced chargers when he mocks his own situation. If the idea of the legal system is to help correct the people who are ills to society - does this look like an action that demonstrates correction? If I'm a judge, I say fuck Hardy and put him in jail for making such a mockery of his serious drug charges.

If it was for real - ditto, and he really should be put in jail before he dopes up in front of his kid and winds up leaving the car running in the garage.

Either way - there is no good to come out of this. and for a company to go out and spend money the way they did to bring in names - Hogan, Bischoff, Flair, Hardy, Hardy, Anderson, they have pretty much wasted over a year dating back to 1/4/10.
To be honest this could be one of the best things to happen in TNA maybe now people will start to think about the consequences of what they do and how much this will actually piss off the fans.

After the whole 3-3-11 promo fiasco and now this it might force TNA to take a proper look at what they are doing and finally get back to what they do best and that is Wrestling.

I mean having read the spoilers for the next 2 weeks of impact I can see that we MIGHT be in for a little bit better and more cohesive show
The only way to sort TNA now is to chop the head of the dragon and trim the fat.

In other words Dixe Fired and Hardy Drug & Fat,Flair,Hogan & Ezy E Gone. Sure if Dixes shit over the last few years aint shown how useless she is at running TNA Victory Road has and how many people sar saying TNA has only got worse the they brought in these guys

I had High hope for TNA i was starting to enjoy it then hogan was signed thought cant be that bad and then we had Eric and then hardy and i thought if hardy stays TNA is its over and it happend. They soon got shot of Razor when he was in his state so whats so diffrent about hardy
They soon got shot of Razor when he was in his state so whats so diffrent about hardy

Up until Victory Road he was showing up and was able to go and plus he is making them money on merch.

But the thing with TNA is this is just history repeating itself. they had hardy before and had to get rid of him due to the drug issues. They should have known it was going to be the same again.
Up until Victory Road he was showing up and was able to go and plus he is making them money on merch.

But the thing with TNA is this is just history repeating itself. they had hardy before and had to get rid of him due to the drug issues. They should have known it was going to be the same again.

Yes TNA should have known, but if he was sober and making money at the time they had to capitalize on his name value. Now its been two times that Jeff Hardy has screwed them over, so in my book he is finished in TNA.
Just watched the PPV and dam that was a wtf moment at the end. No doubt in my mind Hardy was off his tits on a cocktail of drugs. He wasnt pissed or plain high. He was spaced to fuck in my eyes.

Irony of it is if it were a work i think this couldve turned into gold, but it so wasnt so the shit may hit the fan
Hardy obviously has an addiction. Many reports over the years say that Sting is Hardy's idol... so to go out to wrestle him on a ppv high blows my mind. Wouldn't that be one of your most proudest moments if you were good enough to stand across the ring from your hero?

Hardy really has problems and I hope he gets help. It's a real shame for him, TNA and the fans. That match could have been been atleast something to watch as the two face painted top guys in the industry were about to fight. It's a real shame and a real disappointment. I'm a huge Sting fan and I'm proud of what he did to legit hold down Hardy to make sure nobody got hurt due to Hardy's impairment.

This was a slap in the face to all the people that paid for the ppv and TNA really needs to step up and give some big time matches on Impact and deliver a great card for Lockdown.
Hardy obviously has an addiction. Many reports over the years say that Sting is Hardy's idol... so to go out to wrestle him on a ppv high blows my mind. Wouldn't that be one of your most proudest moments if you were good enough to stand across the ring from your hero?

Hardy really has problems and I hope he gets help. It's a real shame for him, TNA and the fans. That match could have been been atleast something to watch as the two face painted top guys in the industry were about to fight. It's a real shame and a real disappointment. I'm a huge Sting fan and I'm proud of what he did to legit hold down Hardy to make sure nobody got hurt due to Hardy's impairment.

This was a slap in the face to all the people that paid for the ppv and TNA really needs to step up and give some big time matches on Impact and deliver a great card for Lockdown.

I agree. It was a total slap in the face to all 27 people who paid to watch that PPV.

Hardy is a white trash loser! It's funny how so many people are commenting on his performance at this PPV like it was his first time doing this sort of thing. I'm tired of reading people saying, "He needs help." Blah blah blah. Those of us paying attention and with a good head on our shoulders knew he needed help 4 years ago. The time for "help" has passed. He needs some serious repercussions now. I'm all for helping people who have a problem, mess up, realize they have a problem and want help. Help those people. Help them! But that isn't Jeff Hardy. He doesn't want help. That's why he left WWE. They wanted to MAKE him get help. He wasn't having any of it. He's perfectly content with being the drugged up white trash loser he is. Why? Because he can!! He hasn't suffered any consequences! He needs to be fired! He needs to be sent to prison!

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