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*MERGED* Hardy/Sting: Judge For Yourself (While Available)

The thing that gets me is that they had to have known that Hardy was in this condition long before the match (you know unless he popped his magically delicious goodies in Hogan and Bischoff's office before the match). Why still have him compete? Putting a veteran like Sting in a position like that isn't just insulting on so many levels and had the potential to lead to something worse than what did happen.

Plus with the #1 Contenders match ending in a draw (which is beyond ******ed in my humble opinion), why not just have Anderson/RVD/Sting as your main event? I mean hell, it would've salvaged the PPV a little. Oh TNA.....
You know, once upon a time the WWE made a mockery of Road Warrior Hawk's drinking problems, and WCW made an even bigger mockery of Scott Hall's problems. If TNA goes down this road with Jeff Hardy, that would be a complete mockery. Why do we really need these 'shoot storylines?' Do we need Kurt Angle and Jeff Jarrettt bringing Karen Jarrett into their feud? Do we need Matt Hardy and Mr. Anderson playing bitter against the WWE angles (not that they're bad, because they work, but still...) Vince Russo loves these storylines but he should know that wrestling is fine the way it is. For years wrestling has gone on without a need to bring people's real life issues into the mix. If TNA makes a storyline of Jeff Hardy and his issues and these matches, then creative is saying that not only is the match at Victory Road OK, but it's acceptable and marketable for the company. To condone such actions and move on in a storyline would be shameful and disgusting.

I mean, we can obviously assume that Sting and Jeff Hardy are NOT going to have a match anytime soon barring some major changes, so with Sting as the World Champion, Hardy has nowhere to go except as acomedy act like Eric Young.
Well that's the first time I've watched it back since last night, so it was interesting to see it knowing what I know now.

Hardy does stumble on the way into the ring, which I did notice at the time. Before that he is pulling at the flag on the guard rail which did seem strange, but I put it down to a heel move at the time.

I'd not noticed the ref putting the X up before. I'm not sure what the plan Eric gave to them was, but he obviously never let Hardy in on it, cos he was trying to kick out. That leads me to believe that Sting made an executive decision and ended it. He wasn't fucking around by the way he put the move on him and pinned him hard.

It got me to thinking that it's fortunate that it was Sting in the ring with him. Other less established wrestlers might have just tried to wrestle him. RVD being his "friend" wouldn't have pinned him against his will. If ending the match early was in fact Sting's executive decision, then it has to go down as a strong one, and a good one. With all that experience on his side, he wasn't fucking around and putting up with Jeff's shit. He also wasn't worried about the consequences of pissing Hardy off, which maybe again some less established stars than Hardy might have been. They're lucky Sting was in there.

Having said all of that, they should have just changed the match and had RVD and Anderson go out there and call it on the fly. Or failing that, take Sting out of the match and replace him with Joe so he could have given Hardy some much deserved live rounds.
i thinks this was really bad for TNA and the crew.
But it wouldnt suprise me if this was done like a Mcmahon screwed Bret thing.
If its like that,then they have done a great job.Everybody is talking about it.

Thing is,it looks like Jeff was really out op his mind.And what the hell was TNA thinking letting him go in the Main Event.Didnt they knew it was that bad??
now this is why vince wanted jeff to go rehab and he didnt listen he just quit wwe and went to tna and this is twice now he really messed up look wat happen at the ppv, tna should of been smart to put aj,somoa joe or matt to replace jeff i mean it would of make sense to have matt hardy replace jeff cause its better instead they had the worst mainevent ever in wrestling
Hardy broke character - chanted "this is bullshit" with the crowd. Shouldn't be lost in all this. (as a few have mentioned Sting recognizing the chant)
Well that's the first time I've watched it back since last night, so it was interesting to see it knowing what I know now.

Hardy does stumble on the way into the ring, which I did notice at the time. Before that he is pulling at the flag on the guard rail which did seem strange, but I put it down to a heel move at the time.

I'd not noticed the ref putting the X up before. I'm not sure what the plan Eric gave to them was, but he obviously never let Hardy in on it, cos he was trying to kick out. That leads me to believe that Sting made an executive decision and ended it. He wasn't fucking around by the way he put the move on him and pinned him hard.

It got me to thinking that it's fortunate that it was Sting in the ring with him. Other less established wrestlers might have just tried to wrestle him. RVD being his "friend" wouldn't have pinned him against his will. If ending the match early was in fact Sting's executive decision, then it has to go down as a strong one, and a good one. With all that experience on his side, he wasn't fucking around and putting up with Jeff's shit. He also wasn't worried about the consequences of pissing Hardy off, which maybe again some less established stars than Hardy might have been. They're lucky Sting was in there.

Having said all of that, they should have just changed the match and had RVD and Anderson go out there and call it on the fly. Or failing that, take Sting out of the match and replace him with Joe so he could have given Hardy some much deserved live rounds.

Yes, your right. Jeff Hardy got pinned against his will.

That's why the possiblity of it being a work, and/or screwjob is out of the picture.
they have to at least mention it....even if its just someone sayin "Sting caught Hardy by surprise" or something and moving on, but no they shouldn't make a character or anything
i think they just need to send Sting out there to talk and run down Hardy and basically say as long as he has anything to do with TNA, Hardy wont be around... and that can be the storyline, and they can move on and cut their losses...
Say what you will about the Jeff Hardy/ Sting match at Victory Road 2011. But one things for certain, EVERYONE in professional wrestling is focused on TNA at the moment.

I can honestly say myself that for one night I totally forgot about WWE, forgot about Wrestlemania.

TNA lately has been pulling every trick in the book lately to get more ratings then WWE and this week that could happen, and having a there top wrestler come out heavily noticeably under the influence seems like something that could of been planned. But was Sting against it the entire time? causing the end we all speak of now? We all know with his Cristian background Sting would be. If you notice at the end of the match Jeff Hardy was completely aware of what happened and for a second looked clean.

Everyone in the Pro Wrestling Universe will tune into TNA: Impact even for a second just to see what will happen about Jeff Hardy.

Could Victory Road 2011 have been a publicity stunt gone completely wrong?
I hope they dont make anything out of this. Im not the biggest TNA fan ever, but i enjoy watching it, as does anyone else, but after Managment actully let Hardy into the ring, without anything done before just makes me wonder if they actully care. WWE tried the storyline with Jeff and drugs, when CM Punk beat him in a cage match, and Hardy left due to him 'feeling offended about bringing his court case into kayfabe'...so if TNA try the same thing, wouldnt that give him the incentive to jump ship again??? not like any company would want him after his..well, we all know what happened...I'm Just Sayin...
The only GOOD storyline I can see coming out of it is one that puts the focus on Sting, and OFF of Jeff Hardy for the most part.

Bischoff came out to catch Sting off-guard, making the match a No-DQ. Sting, the crafty vetran, knowing that Immortal would interfere on Hardy's behalf, decided to strike fast. TNA always has the option of trying to pint the story that "A match can end at any time", ad point to last night's debacle as an example. In doing so, it takes the focus OFF of Hardy's drug problems, and actually builds a coherent storyline. Sting beat Hardy fairly quickly to win the title, and he beat him even quicker in the rematch. Why would you want to go down the road of exploiting someone's real-life problems by playing them out on TV? That's almost like encouraging what obviously was a very dangerous behavior. But if TNA ignores it and just acts like Sting has Hardy's number and was able to outsmart Bischoff, the storyline that can arise is just more challenges being thrown at Sting.

The last thing that needs to be done right now is for attention to be drawn to Hardy's "issues", and I can't think of a better way to do it then to have a dejected Hardy "not show up"(as he was sent home from the TV tapings) because Sting's beaten him so quickly and easily twice. There's your storyline, and the only one that can be done without them in any way evn acknowledging what happened. Because they shouldnt. No swerve this time, no games from Immortal. Hardy's health and wellbeing are more important then any storyline that can be cooked up.
This is what needs to happen. Hardy needs to come back face if he stays with the company. Then I think Immortal should get Mr. Anderson. Now how they can play this out is Anderson wants the title so bad he sells out to get it. Then Hardy can return and sell it as the drugs leading him down the wrong path and made him do things he regrets. Then him and Anderson can continue their program when he returns. Great way to sell that drugs are bad to Hardys young fan base.
Dont believe everything you read !!!!!! thats what im gonna say.. we have seen stranger stuff before.. This could be a work and if it is its been done perfect by TNA.. history repeats itself maybe bischoff thinks he can pull a SS 97 all over again which clearly turned wwe around, FOOD FOR THOUGHT.. think about it... DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ AND BELIEVE HALF THE SHIT YOU SEE!!!!!!
In one word IMPOSSIBLE. Like i said in another thread, even Russo would not stoop this low. This is not WCW and the year 2000 there is no way in hell this is a work not even by Russo standard. I can buy Jeff Hardy being legitly injured at the last minute coming to the ring or him being stone/drunk out of his mind, but a publicity stunt NO CHANCE IN HELL not at a PPV. Even on Impact it would look stupid let alone at a PPV.
:wtf: Are you crazy? Even TNA wouldn't pull this crap. Of course this wasn't a Publicity Stunt. Like TNA wants people to know that they have a junkie for their top star? Yeah . . .
This is what needs to happen. Hardy needs to come back face if he stays with the company. Then I think Immortal should get Mr. Anderson. Now how they can play this out is Anderson wants the title so bad he sells out to get it. Then Hardy can return and sell it as the drugs leading him down the wrong path and made him do things he regrets. Then him and Anderson can continue their program when he returns. Great way to sell that drugs are bad to Hardys young fan base.

No. TNA should have kept Hardy at the Impact tapings and fired him right in the middle of the ring with all their cameras rolling.
Ive spoke about this to loads of friends, showed them the video and all agree that Hardy wasnt 100%. kinda obvious now, but posters are saying that this is a work...hard to believe...but if it is one (which pretty much isnt) would be a great screw...but that didnt happpen, instead, Sting, who is obviously pissed, loses it and wins the match for the SAFETY of everyone inthe ring at that time.

For one, SDD is a finisher...in wrestling, a finisher is a move that incapatates your opponent...Hardy shot back up after he was pinned
Two, Commantators usually have a script...it was obvious that Taz had no idea what hardy was doing, hence the line 'What the hell is jeff doing'
3, the end, Sting acknolages the 'Bullshit' chants..this wouldnt happen if it was worked as you would still be in character, sting broke away, and with good reason to...I'm just sayin...
Dont believe everything you read !!!!!! thats what im gonna say.. we have seen stranger stuff before.. This could be a work and if it is its been done perfect by TNA.. history repeats itself maybe bischoff thinks he can pull a SS 97 all over again which clearly turned wwe around, FOOD FOR THOUGHT.. think about it... DONT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU READ AND BELIEVE HALF THE SHIT YOU SEE!!!!!!

Dude what the hell? This can't be a work. I know we are talking about Vince Russo, but damn even by his standards he wouldn't stoop this low. Even if it would have happened on Impact it would be low, imagine on PPV there is no way this is a work. Look its either Jeff Hardy was legitly injured going inside the ring or he was stone/drunk out of his mind. It can't be both .
Let me get this right, Jeff Hardy shows up drunk , high or both and it's a great
publicity stunt ? If you mean pissing off fans, turning the locker room against you a publicity stunt then yes destroying the very product you are producing is an excellent publicity stunt. Tna is not getting better the story lines are getting lame. squirting Kool Aid on a guy in a first blood match, C'mon man!! This was a huge set back for Tna. They better get a identity real fast or nothing will be left.
I think the answer is obvious. Call off Hardy wrestling (play an injury angle or something), have a legitimate end to the RVD-Anderson match, and have the winner of that compete against Sting.
I posted this on another post and im going to post it now people cannot have their cake and eat it to, people want to talk about how TNA's blows, how they are WCW 2.0, how their booking sucks, how russo sucks, how they are based of shock booking BUT NOW..... o not even russo would do that, really pick one or the other

Who's the writer for TNA? That would be Vince Russo. What is Russo famous for? Pandering to and FUCKING WITH THE INTERNET FAN BASE.

It's a work. If Hardy was really in that bad a shape, they wouldn't have let him get in the ring. Stop and think for one moment - Jeff Hardy who everyone loves to call a spot monkey is going to be allowed to go have a match, had he been that fucked up and had seriously hurt himself or his opponent, TNA would be liable for knowingly letting him perform in that condition. Imagine if Hardy had not gotten up from that scorpion death drop.......Sorry, wake up. It's russo. I can't believe how many people he's getting with this based purely on how fast the net wants to jump at hardy.

All EVERYONE says is TNA is WCW circa 2000, guess what circa WCW 2000 had a bunch PPV dumbass shoots like this one, anyone remember Goldberg stopping Nash's finisher and walking out of the match, and telling Russo Fuck you, no Hogan ego to blame their for that shoot, its Russo's booking. He used Scott Hall's alcholism, so much that hall would have a drink MID MATCH while holding his guy in a submission hold and i would not be surprised if he is using Jeff Hardy's past drug abuse now just alot more subtle.

Ontop of it TNA always talks about how the want REAL storylines, taking your top guy who EVERYONE at bound for glory wrote off and didnt give a chance to win because he has drug charges is a pretty easy way to have a shoot at PPV where he comes off as "high" and have everyone believe its real.

And most importantly TNA wants real storylines see Angle vs Jarrett this could be an exit stradegy for Jeff if he does need to legally step away from wrestling due to his charges this being they storyline equivelant to his real life, again would not put it past Russo.

For those saying not even russo would book this... the guy had murder angle for a abyss less then 2 months ago!! he booked what NO BODY Wanted "They" to be a Hogan Bischoff Heel group, he took the biggest face the company had turned him heel and gave him the title at the biggest company PPV of the year because no one thought he had a chance in hell of winning. Russo is shock booking

People slam him 364 days out of the year but today not one person wants to believe that he would be capable of booking a dumb ppv
TNA has a great opportunity to do something no other wrestling promotion has ever done.
1. They need to have Jeff Hardy apologize to everyone (Spike TV, Sting, TNA, his family & the fans ) at the opening of this Thursday Impact.
2. Have Dixie Carter come out and suspend him for 3 months and tell him that if he don't agree to go to rehab, she will fired him on the spot.
3. If Hardy agrees to do #1 & #2 then TNA can use this as a positive storyline in the future.
Right now TNA needs to think about fixing its image and doing a reality suspension and rehab for Jeff Hardy would send a positive message to the rest of the locker room and its fans especially their teen Hardy fans. Any other script gimmick or angle about this situation can make matters worst for TNA .
TNA needs to put Jeff in their rear view and move on. Have Sting burn that specialty title and pick up the traditional TNA belt to wear. Don't turn Jeff's troubles into a storyline, just write him off and move on.
I can't believe for a second that this is a work. Firstly the way that main event went down 1:28 seconds and the match was over I dont think anyone thought the fans would be ok with setting something up like that. Sting forced the pin hardy was clearly not sober and a mess. TNA needs to fire Jeff Hardy be done with him he isnt worth the trouble, fire the entire Hardy clan they are a cancer a stigma nothing but a problem when it comes down to it.

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