*Merged* All Tag Team Division Discussion

Just because Brodus has a comedy gimmick, doesn't mean he has to be degraded to the lower-card with Santino. Just because a character is funny and dances doesn't mean they should be kept to show-opening dance offs and jobbing to more "serious" competitors. Brodus can still have something big, should be kept in feuds, and should be kept as a singles competitor, at least for now. Hanging with Santino will only damage him.
This idea seems... rather lame.

Brodus has just begun to get really over with the crowd and he is in the same position Sin Cara was in around May of last year. What I mean by that is that he is getting larger and larger reactions each week, and is improving overall. Clay hasn't really been in a full blown feud yet, but I can see Regal helping further put Clay over. The guy has skyrocketed in both charisma and personality since he "Hero Destroyer" days on NXT. T put him with Santino at this crucial stage before his first feud with maybe Regal, will just hold him back.

Santino is a jobber, he has been for a majority of his career, his purpose is to be a comedy act and job to heels in filler matches. Brodus may have a rather comedic character but at least I can see him progressing through WWE as time goes by, rather than Santino who will remain in this position for good, we've already seen him solidified into his role. Take Kozlov for an example, he failed to make an impression after he was given an opportunity with Triple H to get himself over and improve in all aspects of being a WWE superstar. He failed miserably and to keep him around since he was proven very expendable, they paired him with Santino. Do you want the same thing to happen to Brodus?

Clay should fly solo for now, he is only starting to develop into something.
I'm not sure that Santino is the right guy for Brodus - but I wouldn't be surprised if the WWE packaged him into a tag team. Right now, the guy has the look and the charisma to be a real player in the future. The only thing he's missing is a main-even caliber gimmick.

Before some bash me for that last comment, let me clarify. I enjoy Brodus's current gimmick as The Funkasaurus. It cracks me up. But the chances of Brodus EVER getting over in a main event / title feud as The Funkasaurus is slim. The gimmick is fine for right now, but when the WWE wants to make Brodus a real player in the title scene, he is going to need a change of character.

An easy way for a face performer to change character is to turn on his "friend." In this case, the WWE could use him to help beef up the tag division and then, when they're ready to go "all-in" with Brodus, he can turn on his partner. I know it's a simple, unoriginal way to turn heel and that it lacks creativity, but that method has worked forever.
Keep Brodus as far far away from santino as you possibly can. That wouldn't really kill his career but it would take a while for him to be taken a seriously as he would have to be taken for the main event. But he doesn't need to fall to santinos level like ever!
Brodus is still actually pretty serious, if you watch his after match promo on WWE.com, he explains himself pretty well. His gimmick is designed to shock people and opponents so they don't take him seriously. See:
Week 1 - Curt Hawkins makes fun of him ringside pre- match
Week 2 - Tyson Kidd is seen laughing pre-match
Week 3 - Heath Slater is practically ROFLing

And then, halfway through the match, he flips and goes all aggressive on them. What's the saying? "It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt". So yeah.

Santino can't be rescued, let him be content playing the imaginary trumpet for the rest of his career and being squashed by almost everyone. Even Kevin Nash is guilty of indulging in Santino...
Fuck no!!!

Santino is ok by himself. Brodus "The Funkasaurus" Clay is a joke. It's not funny, it's not cool, and frankly I don't see why people are loving this gimmick. Yes, it's fresh, new, and unexpected, but of all gimmicks they could've chosen....the Funkasaurus? Are you serious, Bro?

If some sort of team developed between Santino and Clay..it would not last long.
Its a shame that Santino has been a comedy act for his career!! The boy can actually wrestle and its a shame that he hasnt been used that way!! As far as him being teamed with Brodus this accomplishes absoultely nothing!! No good can come from this santino is too far into his act ever ever to be taken as a serious threat to anyone!! Brodus if he keeps going this rout will follow in the same path. Brodus is a beast and could make alot of noise if given the right act. Is the funkasarus the way to go? Maybe it is its a change of pace alot of serious people in the E right now but they need to give Brodus a decent feud to work with? Brodus can move very well for someone his size and is decent as a wrestler!! I dont wanna see Too cool V2 though please dont let that happen
I really don’t like Ryan, he’s far too green to be on the main roster. His movements are worse than Khali and his mic work is horrendous. His only real quality right now is his look and even that is almost too much. I think he certainly has an upside and maybe in a couple years he could be a great addition to the roster however right now he’s just far too amateur for me.

I’m disappointed that Bourne got himself suspended again as I felt Air Boom (terrible name) was a great team to head the division. With teams like the Uso’s and Primo/Epico it almost looked like there was some hope for tag team wrestling again in the WWE. I’d still like to see Kofi in a tag team, he’s done the US and IC title multiple times but still isn’t quite main event level yet so the tag division is a great spot for him right now. He should be paired with someone who could match his athleticism though. Someone like Morrison would have been perfect. I’d turn Kidd face and put them together, he’s very underrated in the WWE. He needs more work on the mic but match wise he’s a quality asset. Pairing him with Kofi would do wonders for him and would also allow Kofi to keep what momentum he has now going.
I personally dont see that happening though it would be entertaining as anything..

I still find it funny that they previewed Brodus as this mean animal.. delayed him a few months, then finally he redebuted.. jiggling his man titties and shaking his ass everywhere.. most definitely unexpected. I foresee very interesting things from him.

How about BC and Mark Henry as a tag team? Lmao
I could maybe see this happening somewhere down the line, but not any time in the near future. If Santino were to approach Brodus within the next month or so (with the purpose of trying to team up with him), I would just assume that Brodus wouldn't respond verbally at all...he would just level Santino in less than 30 seconds.

Like I said though, maybe this could work somewhere down the line...once Clay's current "Monster" gimmick starts to lose steam (at least in singles competition). Right now, I see Brodus following a similar path to Umaga's last run, just with a different gimmick. IE: Brodus is a human wrecking-ball for a while, until creative decides on who will get the rub of finally defeating him. Only after that point could I see Brodus going to the tag-division at all.
I hope not. I really hate these stupid angles that just make a fool of wrestlers and make fans turn the channel. I wish they would have canned Santino a while ago. I am willing to give brodus a few more weeks to see what happens maybe they will do an angle where he snaps and is sick of it and becomes a huge monster heel.
My first post hehe, but anyway what a werid pairing thought he would of been better to have justin gabriel or tyson kidd. but lets see how this plays out.
I dont see it happening,. not anytime soon. Brodus is getting a push, Santino is a glorified jobber. Makes zero sense to team them up.
Nrodus Clay I expect to turn heel soon enough, thi comedy act will not last long, it will not be over by Mania. Santino is over but novbody takes himseriously anymore. Hopefully he gets a run in the rUMBLE
I like Santino, I like Brodus. But good god keep that idea tucked away lol. Santino would damage Brodus as a serious contender in the furture. Sure, maybe have a one off comedy tag match. But keep it at that :lol:
Not sure why everyone hates on Santino, but no. This would be what's known as 'overkill'.

Too much in one sitting. It'd be like having 2 desserts intsead of a dinner and a dessert.

Santino has his SD! role, and Brodus is on the up. I think they need to be left to their own devices. But, I do totally agree they need some more tag teams.

Throw some random FCW guys together (by that, I mean throw them together IN FCW and allow them to build as a team), then bring them in to WWE. I don't follow FCW so I can only hope they're doing something of the sort.

If you're going to have tag belts, you need depth and legit competition. WWE has neither. I'd honestly rather they got rid of the titles if they plan on doing nothing with them, because at the moment, they mean jack all.
I don't think that Brodus needs to be in a tag-team with anyone at this point. He is in the beginning of a push and gets good crowd reactions. Putting him with Santino, a guy who is a jobber, would not be that good of an idea. Maybe they could have a match together, but not more than that.

And as for the Koslov-Brodus comparisons, at the time when Koslov was put in a team with Santino, he had nothing to do. Koslov was fairly pointless at that time and they put him in with Santino to try and revive his career.
Ummmm how about no? There would be no point to it. Just because they both do comedy, doesn't mean they should be a team. And Brodus is meant to be a legit gimmick, but a monster as well. Santino is pure comedy. Yes, they are both good wrestlers. Santino's gimmick doesn't let him show his great wrestling skills. Brodus I'm sure they'll show. Santino will stay a comedy jobber, while Brodus I'm sure will get pushed up the card. Not all the way up, but y'know, mid-card.
I'm all for the return of pretty much any tag team. Cryme Tyme was always pretty over, and without Shad JTG doesn't really serve much purpose on the roster. Same with the Hart Dynasty. Neither man was ready for a singles push so why on earth did they break them up? The WWE has a bad habit of breaking up teams even though there's no real plan for either team member.
Why am I the only one who likes the prospect of Brodus briefly teaming up with Santino? Yes, yes, I know that one is a comedy jobber for life, no matter how great he is on the mic (and no matter how good a wrestler he actually is), while Brodus' size and skills pre-destine him for the main event at the very least; but he won't be getting over anybody fast or soon, given how crowded the main event is at the moment. And even if the bookers try a slow-and-steady approach to legitimizing Brodus as a fun-loving burly threat (why not? my bias for comedy's showing, but Brodus' gimmick is one he can keep for the rest of his career) by giving him a mid-card title reign, would it hurt if he were associated with a very over face like Santino?

Fuck no!!!

Santino is ok by himself. Brodus "The Funkasaurus" Clay is a joke. It's not funny, it's not cool, and frankly I don't see why people are loving this gimmick. Yes, it's fresh, new, and unexpected, but of all gimmicks they could've chosen....the Funkasaurus? Are you serious, Bro?

If some sort of team developed between Santino and Clay..it would not last long.

How is "The Funkasaurus" a joke however Santino is not? He won the Miss Wrestlemania competition as Santina, remember?

I'm not entirely sold on Clay's in ring skill. He's been squashing people, not much to go on... but I am sold on calling his momma. I'd rather at least they see where he can go for a while before they team him with a "comedy jobber for life".

If they need to put him in a tag team (which God knows they will), why not with a returning Zack Ryder? There's a tag team you can set your watch to!
Why do people always want to throw two random guys together in a tag team?

Both guys are entertaining as hell doing their own things. I don't see a need to put them together. I'm very much enjoying Santino's new role on SD and Brodus is a refreshing change of pace for the "monster" role. Not all comedy characters need to go together. Should we throw R-Truth in with them too?
how about Brodus takes on and defeats Kane, then ZR and BC become tag team champs?

Although I like the idea of those gimmick and them teaming up would be very interesting but it wouldn't make sense for Zack Ryder to do it. WWE are trying to really build him up as someone who can take pain and continue to wrestle for the fans as a singles competitor and not be some whimp like some people see him as. So teaming up with Brodus wouldn't make sense because WWE are trying to push Zack as it seems.
What if...

Road Dogg came back? What if the New Age Outlaws returned for a brief run in the tag team division? I mean, the tag division does suck nowadays, and clearly, the Road Dogg can still go and whip the crowd into a frenzy. He looked amazing on Sunday night. I marked huge because he was one of the entrants I didn't even think about. I guessed Foley, and after marking over Lawler, I realized Booker and Cole were gonna enter too. Hacksaw and Road Dogg were completely unexpected, and both performed well.

I'm getting distracted.

But what do you all think? What if Road Dogg or the complete New Age Outlaws returned for a brief run? Certainly not this year because WMXXVIII is already too big (as some say bringing back Lesnar is too much). But does it seem like a good idea you'd like to see?
As a huge fan of Road Dogg I would love to see him back for some tag division work with Billy Gunn. If they reform the NAO, then there is so much untapped potential for awesomeness still left in the tank from both men. Even at their age, it's not like their hogging the spotlight from the younger guys, it's just the tag division. Lets make this idea happen.
Read an interview with Road Dogg recently where he said he's not physically capable of working a WWE schedule.

I'd bet Billy could still go and honestly I was disappointed they didn't have him in the Rumble too. That would have been the perfect place for a mini-Outlaws revival

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