*Merged* All Tag Team Division Discussion

Absolutely, bring them back, they were way over with the fans and never had a tag title so they'd be fresh for the division and allow Air Boom to split.
The likelihood is that this is just a house show thing. Ryan has been tagging with numerous people at live events, and it just so happens that he's been working with Kofi recently. If you genuinely think Mason Ryan is going to be Evan Bourne's replacement in Air Boom, you're probably not that smart.

But, for the sake of argument, let's say this does turn into something on Raw. Cool. Kingston should be at tag team level at least, Ryan needs experience - and they both need relevance. Before you guffaw in derision at the notion that the tag team division ensures relevancy, remember that that's compared to what they'd otherwise be doing (namely appearing on Superstars).

For those positives, however, I'm not sure how well this team would get over. The thing about Air Boom is that you could tell that these guys were good friends - a true tag team. I'm not sure people will get the same vibe from two guys who are so different.
I could never see what people saw in Cryme Time. The characters they portrayed were way out of date stereotypes and they were both dull as hell in the ring. Quite why JTG is even still there is beyond me. The Hart Dynasty on the other hand.......god dammit, why weren't they used more?
A temporary Rikishi return would without doubt help the Usos to get over. 'Kish isn't the biggest legend in history, but he's a big enough name to elevate two incredibly gifted guys to a relevant spot on the card! If they were to bring him in, it would be awesome to see him back in a WWE ring. The man has a lot of talent and a ton more charisma. His family has one of the biggest legacies in all of pro wrestling, and that is a rub the Usos are definitely missing.

(Aside: I wonder if the Rock and the Usos have ever had any backstage involvement...)

How to effectively use Rikishi and the Usos: Have a big heel team beat down the Usos for several weeks in a row. Get one of the boys "injured" temporarily, and the following week make it look like the heels are going to take out the other Uso brother. Cue Rikishi's music, he hits the ring, cleans house, and makes his triumphant return after all these years! Over the course of a month or two we see Rikishi schooling the boys backstage, at ring-side, and getting involved in matches if necessary.

If you really want to get as much as you can out of the return as possible, have the Usos take out their father and "end his career" before he leaves. You turn them heel, draw them mega heat, and all in the name of some angle where Rikishi encouraged the boys to find a new intensity and do something "big". They can then take the championship off a face team and become the dominant heel team in the WWE. Or...you just keep them face and eventually Rikishi fades away and is never seen from again.
This doesn't work. Putting Ryan in a tag team is a good idea, but not with Kofi. Put Ryan with Justin Gabriel would be much better. They both have weird hair and seem more compatible. I think Booker T would be a good fill in for the time being until Bourne came back. Booker would really add to the promo's and Kofi could handle the ring time. Kofi could learn a lot from Booker. While were at it throw Slater and Husky Harris together and Dibiase and McGillicutty should combine. Then you'd have Uso's, Primo/Epico, Hawkins/Reks, Kofi/T, Ryan/Gabriel, Slater/Harris, and Dibiase/McGillicutty. That would make for a pretty solid tag team division. Plus it would give some guys some things to do in the undercard.
As we all know cryme time were awesome..
I think "was" would be the word you were searching for. And I'd say mildly amusing at best.

And the tag team division needs more teams..
Yes. But also teams that matter. They could have 10 teams, but if none of them get more than 10 minutes to develop their characters, who the hell cares?

And JTG is being underused (and missused)..
No, JTG just isn't being used. I was surprised to see that he actually works for WWE still. Seriously. I would say miss-used is a huge over-statement, because I can't think of a single guy getting time right now that should take a back seat so JTG can get yet another shot.

Would anyone like to see a return?
Only because the tag team division needs help. If we had legitimate teams worth watching, I'd say no. Honestly, I didn't find them that amusing. I really hate that WWE can't go ten minutes without bringing up some stereotype and being incredibly offensive. Just because their main draw is middle-class white people doesn't mean they have to make it blatantly obvious that Vince has never interacted with a real black person before. Seriously, you think he'd give a white guy a gangster/thug/thief gimmick? Only if he were a part of the FBI...and ITALIAN stereotype.

How would you have them return?
I don't know, save some face from being beaten up by the big bad heels? Sounds about right.

Heel or Face?

Who could they fued with?
The angry gangster Mexicans. No, not them, the other ones.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3665654 said:
Seriously, you think he'd give a white guy a gangster/thug/thief gimmick?

Nope, I don't think we would ever in a millions years seee a white wrestler in the WWE with a thug gimmick, rapping and wearing bling and talking about thugonomics and...oh, wait, damn, that was John Cena's old gimmick. :disappointed:

Seriously though, CrymeTyme was amusing, their backstage segments were sometimes hilarious, but once they got in the ring they were less than impressive. I wouldn't say bringing them back would be a high priority for anyone.
Who wouldn't want to see The Usso's dancing in the ring with their father, Rikishi? I would love to see rikishi come back and help them out. Then, after a while maybe they could turn on their dad and become a great heel team. I think they defenetly need more match time and more mic time as well. They need a voice. rikishi could be their voice for a while, then they could get jealous and say that their dad is stealing their spot light and turn on him after one of their matches. I could see this helping them out a lot.
Sounds like a good pipe dream but the Uso's came in strong and WWE dropped the ball, WWE need have them come back with that desire for the tag gold and keep the haka for the big ppv's so it keeps special, maybe a change in look and theme song would help them, but Rikishi returning mightn't do much for them in the long term plans.

Unless you had him return for a couple of months and have someone (or team) take him out and the Uso's go for revenge and I mean a long term revenge programme not just a random match here and there, i mean have them loss via dq make it personal so the fans want to invest in their time in the angle and not feel like it's been pushed upon them.
Heck yah i would love to see Kish in the ring!! Where has he been all this time i been wondering. Have him helping out his boys that be a cool thing to see!! Give them fatherly advice (sorry couldnt pass that one up) be their manager and get involved in matches to help his sons out!! The Usos are super talented and i want them to take the titles asap but a little help from Rikishi wouldnt hurt either!! I wold love to see all three of them dance in the ring together that be so cool!!
To be honest, I hope they don't bring back Cryme Tyme. There would be no point, Shad Gaspard has been released in a total of 2 times now so why bring him back a 3rd time to a gimmick that never really got off the ground in the first place? They HAD potential but honestly never did much for me.
Unless Rikishi is going to stay out of the ring then don't even bother. Let these guys generate their own heat or reaction. Hell why isn't Tamina been added back into the fold with these guys. Not really much of a Rikishi hater or lover, but i fail to see what value Rikishi would bring to these guys.
There is only one real option for me and that is something I have seened mention on here and that is JUSTIN GABRIEL. He really isn't doing much on Smackdown so bring him on over to RAW where he could have some actual significance. The African Express sounds like a legit tag team name for these guys.
truthfully I dont see it with this tag team... Kofi should be doing some singles fighting either with the US/IC title or better yet, being a contender for the WHC or WWE title... more so the WHC title seeing that DB has the belt, it would be more believable for Kofi to go at DB. All I can hope for is a Kofi heel turn and for Kofi to go at Punk's title. Yet as far as this tag team is concerned I don't see it, but I'm looking to be entertained either way.
I would like to see them back, I was thinking the same thing about them when I saw The Usos vs Epico and Primo, WWE needs more real tag teams and why not bring back Cryme Tyme. JTG is back on tv so i could see it happening.
As much as i would love to see this... Shad left WWE and was EXTREMLY pissed about the way he was treated and therefore would most likely be open back to a return to the company as for JTG, i have no f'in clue why the hell he is still in the company, its as if they have something BIG planned for him, WHICH THEY BETTER NOT! But the fact that they have kept him around for long when they have cut stars such as Chris Masters, and so many more when honestly why not cut this guy... Like do you know what i mean? Why not release this guy rather than someone like Masters who worked very hard to be in the company and has been released twice!
i'm not sure on how this will turn out. i did enjoy 'air boom' as both kofi and evan mixed very well. now that mason is in the scene i personally think this isn't going to be an exciting time for them. like two WAY different types of wrestlers in a team. hrmmmm, i'm just getting confused thinking of it.
Unless Rikishi is going to stay out of the ring then don't even bother. Let these guys generate their own heat or reaction. Hell why isn't Tamina been added back into the fold with these guys. Not really much of a Rikishi hater or lover, but i fail to see what value Rikishi would bring to these guys.

Because he's there father and was an over guy DER!!!

The USO's just need help from creative not an outside source, they are more then capable of being tag champs but creative keeps making them job to morons.

Saying that Rikishi wouldn't hurt,
Goodness FUCK no it damn sure wouldnt. I doubt anyone in the current era of fans really remember him, besides a small contingent.

Get them involved in some wild matches, some tables, some ladders, etc. Get some of that high energy and passion from their entrance involved, plus it can incorperate their athletic ability. Have to get them over through high spot matches, since clearly the WWE has very little interest in getting them over through segments, promos, and character development. It would be a simulair build to how the Hardys first became popular way back when.
What do they need? What would I do with them? It's simple. Team them up with Brodus Clay. Don't have to call them Too Cool, give them a name that represents their funkalicious dancing, but the idea is the same. This would be a great idea even if they weren't Rikishi's sons, but the fact that they have a connection to the original dancing trio just makes it perfect.

I suppose bringing in Rikishi to be their manager or something wouldn't hurt, but I don't think it's necessary. At least not at ringside. I think you can maximize his contribution by showing him with them in the occassional backstage segment, giving advice, cheering them up after losses, congratulating them for wins, etc.
The Randy Orton/Kofi Kingston beginning promo for their feud.
This proves why Kofi should be feuding with at least the likes of Cody Rhodes or some other up and coming talent in a one on one feud. He needs to be edgy like this. He should have a slightly remixed less kid friendly sounding theme. That would be my ideal Kofi. He shouldn't even be in the tag team division. As for the tag team however I can see these two as a team, The best kinds of teams have the best of both world,power and quickness in which both these guys bring.
Their problem certainly lies in their lack of presence; the energy that they show when they do their thingumajig on the ramp leaves them in actual matches. But would bringing their father back from retirement give them the presence they sorely need, given the minimal exposure they have as a tag team (the bookers seem reluctant to give them more air time than they already bestow, and Cole gives them minimal backstory - the thingumajig, their parentage, and that's it)? That depends on whether the audience knows who Rikishi is. All of us who have posted on this thread know Rikishi and his career accomplishments through actually seeing him perform or by research

*stands up and raises right hand*

but does the audience know who Rikishi is? If they do, then Rikishi would provide some heat and free publicity for the Usos even in the limited time they have. If not... well, you know.
Theoretically, it could work... but realistically it wouldn't work. If Bret Hart returning couldn't stop the inevitable split of Hart Dynasty, then Rikishi damn sure can't stop them from becoming jobbers. And to be honest, I'm normally the guy that would consider that somewhat of a good thing, but I just don't see the legitimacy in the Usos anymore.

They have the talent, no doubting it. But how many times do we have to see new tag champions come in and dominate them before they can even do something relevant? The last thing I remember them for was their debut on Hart Dynasty where every match afterwards they were jobbed out.
I don't see why they don't put Kofi with Tyson Kidd. They could really bring something to the tag-team division. Kidd has experience as a bona fide tag team competitor and if they do want to keep Kofi in the division then he could really help Kofi. Kidd's not doing much could really help them both.
As has been mentioned, besides being their father, Rikishi isn't known as much...save for a small handful of fans watching.

As a mentor for a bit...maybe, but like NorCal said, they need to be involved in high profile matches. They need to be placed in positions that make them shine and stand out.

Part of what made E&C, Hardys, and Dudleys be legends in WWE tag teams were the matches they performed in. Why do you think they show Edge spear Jeff from the ladder while he dangles from the title. That match was just 1 classic match of the 50 they put on, whether they were all 6 together in the ring, or just 4 at a time.

Granted you cant go to the extreme in todays WWE...but put them in a MITB or ladder match for the tag titles against Primo and Epico and some other tag team. Make us believe that all these guys WANT the titles. Make us want to see these guys perform. Right now it just feels like they are going through the motions.

In order for all this to happen though and to make these 4 stand out, there needs to be more teams in the division. Even when there were 6 teams, E&C, Hardys and Dudleys were the stars of the division.

I digress.
Rikishi shouldn't be needed to get his sons over. HOF or fathers shouldn't be needed to get 2nd or 3rd generation stars over. Use them sparingly, but dont overuse them. Ted DiBiase, Cody, Orton...they used their fathers, but WWE didn't overuse them to get these guys over. Even Cody's brother was used in the beginning to an extent.

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