*Merged* All Tag Team Division Discussion

Theoretically, it could work... but realistically it wouldn't work. If Bret Hart returning couldn't stop the inevitable split of Hart Dynasty, then Rikishi damn sure can't stop them from becoming jobbers. And to be honest, I'm normally the guy that would consider that somewhat of a good thing, but I just don't see the legitimacy in the Usos anymore.

They have the talent, no doubting it. But how many times do we have to see new tag champions come in and dominate them before they can even do something relevant? The last thing I remember them for was their debut on Hart Dynasty where every match afterwards they were jobbed out.

Bret Hart had next to no involvement with the Hart Dynasty what only 2 segments b4 he went on his way fighting Vince then left again.

Hart Dynasty had no presence, they were a shell of there forefathers other then a few flashy moves.
No one. He needs to be one of the guys to help put Drew over and than spend the rest of his time being a waste like Hornswaggle and Santino. That's all Kofis good for now a days. I don't understand why the few people that do pop for him pop.

Did I mention Kofi sucks?
Because he's there father and was an over guy DER!!!

The USO's just need help from creative not an outside source, they are more then capable of being tag champs but creative keeps making them job to morons.

Saying that Rikishi wouldn't hurt,

Ok then why don't we bring in:

Ricky Steamboat for Richie Steamboat

IRS Man for Bo Rotundo

Or any other wrestler that has a father in the business. Let the god damned talent get over on their own.
Rikishis name gets dropped in all of their matches, we all know he is their father. Maybe a surprise Rumble entrant and the three in the ring at the same time would be nostalgic and all that jazz, but with the impending Goldust vs Cody feud, thats enough washed up Attitude era guys coming back for mine.
If they decide to keep Kofi in Tag Team action I have the perfect partner for him. Richie Steamboat. Kofi's favorite wrestler growing up was Ricky Steamboat, why not call up Richie from FCW. I think that would be an awesome tag team.
I like the idea of tyson kidd and kofi. I was thinking the perfect partner for him right now would be Zack Ryder. It could lead into a confrontation or they could be a great tag-team. It could also allow for kofi to do singles. I hope sydal can come back from suspension and get himself together. As for mason ryan he just seems goofy to me not sure why. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
I doubt this is permanent. I haven't read any full length reports on the house show yet, but for some reason it seems like Ryan and Kofi wouldn't have much chemistry together. And, of course, Ryan is really green. Everything he does in the ring comes off incredibly stiff. If he's given a quick go-ahead at the tag titles, then it makes them seem pointless right now. I know, they haven't been truly relevant in years, but it started to look like WWE was committed to bringing at least some measure of prestige back to the belts. I'm not saying Ryan is worthless (he reminds so much of Batista, who eventually turned into one of my favorite heels in recent memory), but he's far from ready to do anything long term in a WWE ring. In FCW, yeah. As a bodyguard-type role, fine. Just don't leave him to work a full match, and don't let him touch a mic, at least for now.

As for Kofi, I feel really bad for the guy. He seemed lacking direction for the longest time, then finally forms a cohesive unit with a fellow high-flyer and is given the chance to be a building block for a new tag division. Evan kind of screwed him on this, so I hope Kofi can recover in some way. I feel a change in character for Kofi could really freshen him up and get him excited again. Now, he seems to be going through the motions instead of putting out his best effort every night. Since colorful gimmicks may be making a small comeback with guys like Ryder and Brodus, maybe Kofi could be repackaged in some way. I know he's fairly over with the crowd as it is, but if he ever wants to reach his full potential, he needs something new soon. I'd like to see him get another chance at a singles push, only followed through on this time.
Almost anything would help the Usos out. At this point, they're basically a jobber tag team.

I wouldn't guarantee it'll help a whole lot as Rikishi has been irrelevant even longer than the tag titles, and he never really was the hottest commodity in the first place, but it would be showing that someone is taking some sort of stock in the Usos.

Hell, it'd be nice to see Rikishi show us how a big guy is SUPPOSED to take a clothesline. But didn't I hear one of them had just gotten a DUI? Not the best way to receive a second push in the WWE.
The only reason I'd have them back is to help the tag division. The only reason I'd have them back rather than just bring up a new team is because it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE for teams to get over and they at least have a head start.
I definitely didn't need to see this tag team. I like Ryan well enough; no one can deny that he has the look of a Batista, er, champion... but he's as stiff as a board anytime he does anything. Even talk.

Every time I have to say anything about Ryan, I always say that he's just not ready to be in there and have matches of acceptable quality. It's confusing why they ever tried?

I do hope Kofi gets another tag partner though. He was doing well in the tag division where the U.S. and Intercontinental titles were doing nothing else for him. I thought Kidd would have been a pretty good choice until I heard Gabriel's name thrown out there.
cryme time had their moment, stealing the plasma tv and the monitors on the announce desk.
ringwise they were meh.

should have had a good feud with highlanders, but they ruined their own push by having Robbie turn up in the crowd at TNA.....

i would say ok to a novelty appearance by CT but proper return? no thanks
Cryme Tyme was never that great in my opinion. They were the epitome of racial stereotypes plus they couldn't wrestle and hearing them talk was the most annoying thing ever. I would rather see Cena do the ghetto thug gimmick than those 2 jokes...
crime tyme bored me, they just wrent exciting. the tag time division stopped being exciting about 2008, every tag match is just too predicable. they always end the same, 1.illegal man #1 runs in
2. other illegal man #2 runs in and throws him out the ring
3.illigal man #2 is also thrown out
4. whilst legal man #1 is distracted legal man #2 jumps up
5.legal man #1 turns around and is hit by legal man #2's finishing move.
personally i loved cryme tyme and i would to to see shad return and team with jtg i loved there face persona but im curious to see if they could of got further with a heel makeover maybe have them turn on the "wwe universe" saying they are more then a stereo-type it would be controversial but i belive it would be new and might be able to pull it off
So I was watching Survivor Series 2002 today, the one that had the first ever elimination chamber, and I watched the triple threat elimination tag team title match for the almost newish WWE tag team title belts. The match featured Edge/Mysterio, Eddie/Chavo Guerrero and Angle/Benoit.

At the time nobody was really a star apart from Kurt Angle, although Edge, Eddie, Mysterio and Benoit would all go onto the big stage. The WWE tag title belts were exciting when they came in and most would say that they were pretty prestigeous until Eddie and Tajiri won them. The titles have gotten hot over the years but mainly have stayed almost un-worthy for majority.

This got me thinking, having Kurt Angle even just in the title picture made the titles presitgeous. Even though he wasn't in there for too long it was long enough to make these titles worthy. Also having big baby faces like Edge and Mysterio as well as Eddie being a very heated heel at the time helped, but Kurt Angles presence made it what it was.

So my questions to you is; Should WWE bring down a main event star to fight for the tag team gold regularly for maybe a year or so and teaming up with a midcarder? Would it help the divison at all?

Please note: I do know that people like Jericho and Edge as well as DX and etc had the title belts at some stage but to be fair there feuds with other superstars weren't really for the belts they were move of just faction wars. Also title reigns that promote feuds like John Cena and HBK do not count at all. And yes I do know that Kurt Angle went on to feud with Benoit during the reign but it still felt that they were trying to be a team because they wanted the prize, not because the GM made them a team.
Yes!! Yes!! And Yes!! I have always thought this and it did in fact click in my head during Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit’s reign as WWE Tag Team Champions. I always joke around and say I’d like to see John Cena and Randy Orton form a new version of the Two-Man Power Trip and gun for the Tag Straps, but I’m partially serious about this. I think it can only help out the Tag Team Division as well as make room in the Main Event scene. If a Team were to defeat John and Randy, it would put that Team over without “ruining” Cena and Orton’s individual credibility as singles competitors.

Other Teams I would like to see form are:
CM Punk and Daniel Bryan
Cody Rhodes and Jack Swagger
Dolph Ziggler and Mark Henry

Putting 2 former WWE / World Champions together would make the Tag Team Championships seem a bit more prestigious as far appearance goes. Imagine if the New Colons or the Usos defeat any one of these teams I listed.
So my questions to you is; Should WWE bring down a main event star to fight for the tag team gold regularly for maybe a year or so and teaming up with a midcarder? Would it help the divison at all?

Reading your idea brought back a memory from Smoky Mountain Wrestling. They had a loose working arrangement with WWE and I recalled a time when Vince McMahon sent Randy Savage to work a match against someone named Bruiser Bedlam.

Obviously, Smoky Mountain was a small, regional wrestling promotion that didn't attract enough audience or sponsorship to keep them going for longer than a few years. Yet, having Macho Man come down created loads of excitement in advance of the event and vastly increased attendance the night he appeared. Plus, the residual excitement probably helped Smoky Mountain overall, at least for awhile.

If I remember, some outside interference was used so Bruiser Bedlam could even win by pinfall. Good for WWE for allowing this....and good for Randy Savage for agreeing to job.

That whole event makes me think of your tag team idea. Having a top guy "come down" to the mid-level tag team scene could provide a "visiting royalty" type effect. You wouldn't expect a John Cena or C.M. Punk to be wrestling at this level, so more people might get interested in following the tag team division if they did.

They shouldn't do it too often, obviously, or they negate the effect they were going for in the first place. But I like the idea.
I think the WWE has a decent young potential core of tag teams when you take a deep look into it. Usos, epico/primo, Air Boom (If bourne stays out of trouble). I feel that if they put some of the mid to lower card talent together they could make a few more decent tags, like a Titus O'Neal/Ezekial Jackson or a R-Truth/Alex Riley (The Anti Miz) just as random examples. Lets face it the tag team division is not what it used to be, but with all the bodies they have, their is potential.
If they plan on giving them a loosing streak, then bring on Big Daddy Kish to get them focused and bring on the boogie - then yes. I think it woudl was fare fairly well on their belhaf. However, if if they continue to be a serious tag team, then I am not sure how it would work. One idea could have a feud with Bo and Husky and their dad with the family Uso. Haha.
Two guys come to mind
1. Alex Riley
If he teamed with Kofi for a few weeks and then turned heel on him this would lead to some great singles matches.

2. Trent Baretta
Can you imagine what teaming with Kofi can do for his career?
Classic tag-team. Ryan needs the help of a good worker to be better in the ring. I think WWE would be much better with more tag teams like this - it would give guys like Yoshi Tatsu a chance to do something worthwhile whilst pairing them with a wrestler who is over could only help the guys on the undercard out. Way back when the tag eam titles were as important as the IC title, if not more important - it would be nice to see some of the undercard guys used more effectively than as food for Funkasaurus
Obviously, this will happen in the future b'cos they are both comedy acts & WWE will wanna put them together like they did with Santino & Vladimar, just a comedy tag team.

I personally would love to see this as i'm a big fan of Brodus's character at the minute & it would give a good injection into the tag division.

After Primo & Epico defeat the Usos (Obvious next challengers), they should face Santino & Brodus for a while.

So.. what do you think?
No No No!!! This should be the very last thing they ever think about doing with Brodus. Santino is a good wrestler but hes way too far gone into the comedy that he will Never be taken seriously again. The same CANNOT happen with Brodus. Lets see where they go with Brodus, he could still be dominant even with his Funkasaurus gimmick. Just look at Rikishi, body popping with too cool never did him any harm :)
Future Tag Team? More like "Future Endeavored" for both.

WWE is trying to bring back legitimacy to the tag team division, not bury it again.

These two bozos have no business being a tag team
This is actually a good idea because they can only go so far in WWE as singles stars with the gimmicks they have.
Plus, they both can actually wrestle. They combo of ring ability would work well together.

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