*Merged* All Tag Team Division Discussion

Read an interview with Road Dogg recently where he said he's not physically capable of working a WWE schedule.

I'd bet Billy could still go and honestly I was disappointed they didn't have him in the Rumble too. That would have been the perfect place for a mini-Outlaws revival

What if it wasn't a full WWE Schedule? I mean, a light, TV only sched? I feel like he'd be better with that, but if they avoided using Dogg or the NAO for house shows it might be a tad better. It would just be amazing to see them back, and they're better than any tag team we've had in the past few years. :p
Hasn't Billy Gunn completely burned his bridges with WWE, especially Triple H with comments he has said since his release? As they rehired Road Dogg and X-Pac to work behind the scenes since Hunter got more power, and haven't brought back Mr Ass....maybe there are some truth in the rumours?

However, I'd like to see Road Dogg and Gunn team up again, even just one more time in a WWE ring. I think it would be great nostalgia to see them win the tag titles and even if they only held them for a short while, and appeared more in skits than actual matches, it would definitely bring some attention and fun back to the tag-team division which is something it is sorely lacking at the moment.
I have no doubt in my mind this will happen as long as Sopp musters up some pride and apologies straight to their face.

He began that process not too long ago, and I guarantee WWE would be up to doing some sort of program to help get over a tag team. It's exactly what HHH is looking for, the only problem is, would a team like Epico/Primo be the right choice to face them? More teams, of quality, need to be established first.
I've said for a long, long time that WWE should get the NAO back together.

They so desperately need some credibility in this tag division. They can be used as heels or faces quite easily.

It doesn't matter whether people know who they are or not - they can talk, and they can work.

No better team to have some feuds with. It'd be great to see a nice 3 way tag feud develop to try and get some newer teams over.

But, that being said, they'd need to put a few tag teams together before they even considered putting the NAO back together.
This really isn't a bad idea at all. We saw a snippet of what the Dogg can still do, the obvious pitfall is in whether Gunn could do it. I don't know of his current relationship with the WWE but I would think with Jesse James being tight in the WWE and him being tight with James, he could find a way to worm himself back in. Smaller superstars have burnt bigger bridges and come back from it, I wouldn't discount it at all, business is the number one priority in wrestling and I think an N.A.O reuniting would bring in a nice bit of business.

End of the day, it comes down to whether the WWE cares enough about the tag team division to make something like this happen. Going on the state of it over the last two years, I'd be inclined to say that they don't. I wasn't ever the biggest Outlaws fan myself but they would be massively better than what we have at present and could really jump-start things the same way LOD did for them back in the late 90s and we all know the heights tag teaming achieved shortly after this.

I am up for this notion, I think it would work if the WWE wanted to try and do it; Dogg is one of the best unsung speakers of the WWE yesteryear and Gunn is renound as being a good worker (as is Dogg is Sunday was anything to go by). Plus imagine Gunn v. Ziggler, Fameasser v. whatever Ziggler calls it. It's something I'd like to see but I don't want to get my hopes up, because I just don't think the WWE is bothered enough about tag teaming, but if it did happen it could be just the thing to turn WWE tag teaming around in an instant, a quick-fix solution.
I would definately love for the tag team division to go back to the way it was but I think Road Dogg shouldn't be apart of it. It is time to move on and start over. No DX, no Hardyz, no Brothers of Destruction, no one! They need to bring new tag teams in and actually give them a chance to show what they can do instead of making old tag teams new again. Also bringing guys like Jericho and Big Show down for a 4 month period isn't the way to solve this. The new tag teams need to stay here, be given time and help blossom the tag team division again.

More notes on Road Dogg though, I was never really a fan of the NAO because I wasn't into wrestling as much back then, but from what I have heard and can slightly remember is that he was pretty good, as a tag team wrestler anyways. But I think his body and the brutul schedule would be to much to handle for him to come back. Maybe a few tv stints would go okay but that's it.
Read an interview with Road Dogg recently where he said he's not physically capable of working a WWE schedule.

At his present weight, I can believe it. He looked visibly winded after going for awhile and I was surprised he stayed in there as long as he did, given his conditioning. It's said the worst thing a person can do after retiring from a career that requires physical exertion is to slow down. Plainly, Road Dogg has done that.

Still, it was exciting to see him in the ring again. He isn't coming back for one more run; his showing up in the Rumble is the same as Dusty Rhodes climbing through the ropes to deliver a bionic elbow from the past to some poor set-up. It doesn't portend anything, it's just a treat for the old-time fans.

It's good WWE gave him a job after his days as an active wrestler were over. It's a nice reward for all his years of good service.
NAO are desperately needed right now. A revitalization of the tag team division is needed and 2 veterans could easily be the starting point and help build it in to something credible again.

Also if WWE played it right a re-formation of DX. Obviously there's no HBK and I wouldn't want HHH wrestling either but what about NAO as the tag team, HHH in a managerial type spot and a couple of younger guys going at the US and WWE titles? The veteran support of NAO will help the faction and keeping HHH as the manager of the group would give it a more old-DX type feel. Hell even throw X-Pac in to the odd few matches as well.

But as far as I'm concerned the tag division is easy to fix. Just like on WWE '12 have Regal and Drew team up, they have a reason to team, could work well together and Regal brings the experience. There's many more possibilities, that's just one example I thought of.
NAO are desperately needed right now. A revitalization of the tag team division is needed and 2 veterans could easily be the starting point and help build it in to something credible again.

This is so completely untrue. I think it's more about you wanting to see them than the division "needing" them.

Tag team wrestling needs a whole lot more than just ONE tag team to revitalize the division. Not to mention the fact that everyone seems to think that bringing back an "Attitude Era" personality will somehow catch lightning in a bottle again. Guys, face it... the Attitude Era is LONG SINCE over. As much as we remember it all, the majority of the audience has gotten over things that have transpired in wrestling over 11 years ago. Every time the WWE throws us a bone and provides us with a surprise appearance by a former staple of the Attitude Era, they get little to no crowd reaction (of course, Road Dogg was an exception at the Royal Rumble). This just proves how that era of wrestling is over, done with, and is never making a comeback.

But most importantly, it's been said a billion times before and apparently none of your are listening so I'll say it again: tag team wrestling does not draw money. That is why the WWE doesn't put more muscle behind the machine that fuels the division. No matter how much they try, no one ever cares about the tag division and they're making plenty of money by concentrating on the singles divisions right now.

So don't expect the Road Dogg to come back on a full-time basis anytime soon. Not only is he over the hill, he'll do nothing to spice things up in the WWE. Sorry to burst everyone's bubbles but it's true.
I dont think it would really be successfully, as what most of you are forgetting, is that the majority of the audience has absolutely no idea who the hell these two guys are. It worked for Road Dogg at the rumble, but the rumble is an event that has a higher percentage of IWC fans then your average TV taping's will.

And honestly, they dont even need Billy Gunn, they could throw some young guy in there with Road Dogg, and call them the New Age Outlaws, as the only purpose Gunn served was to be the worker of the two, why not let Road Dogg be used to help elevate a younger guy. Although i think the best use of Road Dogg would be as a manager, hes taylor made for that.

Firstly did I once mention the Attitude Era? No.
Why didn't I mention it? It wasn't about that in the slightest.

I stated NAO are needed right now because it's true. They can both be funny or serious, they can both work in ring and make ANY team look good. If you can't see or appreciate that fact then that's a shame.

I also didn't say one team would revitalize the division, I said they could be used as a STARTING POINT and then further assist the division in to becoming credible. In future read EXACTLY what I'm saying before trying to reply to it. It's just annoying that I have to take time to explain something further because people fail to read it correctly the first time.

Tag Team wrestling doesn't draw though. I'll correct you with one match; Triangle Ladder Match at WM 2000. They STOLE the show, they gave something new, something exciting and provided some memorable spots. Tag Team wrestling DID draw but with the big teams of the time disbanding or moving to other companies it began to draw less and less.

Your ignorance is shocking quite frankly.
This is so completely untrue. I think it's more about you wanting to see them than the division "needing" them.

Tag team wrestling needs a whole lot more than just ONE tag team to revitalize the division. Not to mention the fact that everyone seems to think that bringing back an "Attitude Era" personality will somehow catch lightning in a bottle again. Guys, face it... the Attitude Era is LONG SINCE over. As much as we remember it all, the majority of the audience has gotten over things that have transpired in wrestling over 11 years ago. Every time the WWE throws us a bone and provides us with a surprise appearance by a former staple of the Attitude Era, they get little to no crowd reaction (of course, Road Dogg was an exception at the Royal Rumble). This just proves how that era of wrestling is over, done with, and is never making a comeback.

But most importantly, it's been said a billion times before and apparently none of your are listening so I'll say it again: tag team wrestling does not draw money. That is why the WWE doesn't put more muscle behind the machine that fuels the division. No matter how much they try, no one ever cares about the tag division and they're making plenty of money by concentrating on the singles divisions right now.

So don't expect the Road Dogg to come back on a full-time basis anytime soon. Not only is he over the hill, he'll do nothing to spice things up in the WWE. Sorry to burst everyone's bubbles but it's true.

Again. D-Man smacks some realism into the brains of marks.

Sadly, I agree. As much as I'd love to see Road Dogg back, it makes more sense that he doesn't return. A light schedule would be cool, but logically, WWE doesn't care about the Tag Division, and they never will. Once can dream, cant they? :'(

Firstly did I once mention the Attitude Era? No.
Why didn't I mention it? It wasn't about that in the slightest.

You wouldn't have put so much emphasis on how successful they'd be without weighing their past success in the Attitude Era. Don't even act like this wasn't true.

I stated NAO are needed right now because it's true. They can both be funny or serious, they can both work in ring and make ANY team look good. If you can't see or appreciate that fact then that's a shame.

The same goes for any tag team. It all depends on how they're booked. But the NAO are old news... a novelty act. All they have going for them is their past success which is over ten years since removed from the WWE.

If they have so much potential in your eyes, why did they completely fail in TNA as the 4 Live Crew?

I also didn't say one team would revitalize the division, I said they could be used as a STARTING POINT and then further assist the division in to becoming credible. In future read EXACTLY what I'm saying before trying to reply to it. It's just annoying that I have to take time to explain something further because people fail to read it correctly the first time.

Trust me, it's even more annoying when posters like you actually think that revitalizing a concept that draws no money is a smart move in the business of professional wrestling. :rolleyes:

Tag Team wrestling doesn't draw though. I'll correct you with one match; Triangle Ladder Match at WM 2000. They STOLE the show, they gave something new, something exciting and provided some memorable spots. Tag Team wrestling DID draw but with the big teams of the time disbanding or moving to other companies it began to draw less and less.

Thanks for proving my point by mentioning a match that took place ELEVEN YEARS AGO. :disappointed:

In the late 90's to early 2000's, several marketable tag teams existed in the WWE. Teams like the Dudleys, Edge & Christian, Hardy Boyz, Los Guerreros, Legion of Doom, APA... and the list goes on. Just look at the star power that made up those teams for a minute. At present day, the WWE has few tag teams with synergy, let alone any kind of drawing power. They tried to fix this by creating teams like Miz/Morrison, Jeri-Show, Show-Miz, Air Boom, and Rated RKO but where did it get the division?? Absolutely nowhere.

Your ignorance is shocking quite frankly.

The irony of this statement is staggering.
You wouldn't have put so much emphasis on how successful they'd be without weighing their past success in the Attitude Era. Don't even act like this wasn't true.

How else can you measure success besides past achievements? You can't. You couldn't turn around and claim your successful without being able to back it up with PAST accomplishments. It just so happens they achieved a lot during the Attitude Era. The era isn't the reason due to the success, the success is due to them in that era.

The same goes for any tag team. It all depends on how they're booked. But the NAO are old news... a novelty act. All they have going for them is their past success which is over ten years since removed from the WWE.

I agree, of course it depends how they're booked, but the same goes for any singles star as well. The thing is though NAO have chemistry when it comes to tag team work. That's what I was highlighting at. The fact they make others look good was based on my judgement of in-ring work, something that varies person to person despite booking.

If they have so much potential in your eyes, why did they completely fail in TNA as the 4 Live Crew?

Why not ask VKM why they were hired by WWE in the first place? Because they had potential and they proved themselves. As you stated it all depends on the booking. BG and RD are best known as NAO, change that and they lose a lot of appeal.

Trust me, it's even more annoying when posters like you actually think that revitalizing a concept that draws no money is a smart move in the business of professional wrestling.

In the late 90's to early 2000's, several marketable tag teams existed in the WWE. Teams like the Dudleys, Edge & Christian, Hardy Boyz, Los Guerreros, Legion of Doom, APA... and the list goes on. Just look at the star power that made up those teams for a minute.

If you're that great at the business aspect of professional wrestling why don't you work in it? Wait I know, you aren't great at it, or business for that matter, judging by your posts in this thread. Yes look at the star power you had in the division, but look what the division did FOR them. It built a lot of these guys in to being the STARS that they have become or became. It's a foot hold for a lot of guys, it's the starting point to bright careers, it's a great way to assess talent. You have a solid Tag Team Division and you get more buy rates, you make more money.

If Vince is so against the Tag Team Division as they don't draw then why would we still have Tag Team Titles? Why do they try to replicate great teams with the likes of Rated-RKO? Simple, they draw. You can get a great match, you have a further attraction and you bolster up a card with a reputable and interesting match. What you're basically saying is you're happy to see these slap-dash, half thought out teams on TV and PPV because WWE aren't investing anything in to the division? If you don't mean that then explain why you haven't stated it should be disbanded altogether. Wouldn't you rather a respectable division that puts on great matches in any slot on the card (minus the Main Event!)?

Thanks for proving my point by mentioning a match that took place ELEVEN YEARS AGO.

You said the Tag Team Division DOESN'T DRAW and you also stated "No matter how much they try, no one ever cares about the tag division". I couldn't PROVE your point when your point was unclear. The context in which you stated that was that the division has never drawn, I corrected you. Now if you had said "in recent times" then yes I would have agreed, however you didn't, therefore my post was correct. If you would like a more up-to-date example, SS Elimination Tag Team matches. They are the main draw of Survivor Series, they are expected by fans and normally the match has a big feud behind it. Yes these may not contain actual tag teams at times but are tag team matches, and yes they can draw.

Feel free to reply if you want but I will just ignore you seeing as you are rather poor at your control of the English language and don't even realise many mistakes you have made in just two posts directed towards me. I respect your opinion as it's your choice, however I don't respect you trying to act like the "big guy" online and attempting to "1-up" me. You can try arguing I'm doing the same but in reality no I'm not. I'm merely correcting your mistakes and stupidity.
How else can you measure success besides past achievements? You can't. You couldn't turn around and claim your successful without being able to back it up with PAST accomplishments. It just so happens they achieved a lot during the Attitude Era. The era isn't the reason due to the success, the success is due to them in that era.

I understand what you're doing. You're trying to back up your opinion by using information from a decade ago. We all get it. But it doesn't mean you're right. Like, not at all.

I agree, of course it depends how they're booked, but the same goes for any singles star as well. The thing is though NAO have chemistry when it comes to tag team work. That's what I was highlighting at. The fact they make others look good was based on my judgement of in-ring work, something that varies person to person despite booking.

In that case, the WWE should bring back the Hart Foundation or Demolition. Hell, they both made their opponents look great, back in the day. And we should ignore the fact that they're way past their primes in terms of star power, physical attributes, and synergy as a tag team because it all looks good on paper, right?

Why not ask VKM why they were hired by WWE in the first place?

I don't need to ask. As singles stars, they both had individual success. But they had more success once they were put together in a tag team. No denying that. But once again, you ignore the fact that they last had a decent run at the beginning of the new millennium, over ten years ago. Times and pro-wrestling have drastically changed since then. Just because they were household names back then doesn't mean they'd have the same weight in today's market. It's like apples and oranges.

Because they had potential and they proved themselves. As you stated it all depends on the booking. BG and RD are best known as NAO, change that and they lose a lot of appeal.

Yes... ten years ago in a different market, time period, and era.

If you're that great at the business aspect of professional wrestling why don't you work in it? Wait I know, you aren't great at it, or business for that matter, judging by your posts in this thread.


Yes look at the star power you had in the division, but look what the division did FOR them. It built a lot of these guys in to being the STARS that they have become or became. It's a foot hold for a lot of guys, it's the starting point to bright careers, it's a great way to assess talent. You have a solid Tag Team Division and you get more buy rates, you make more money.

Wrestlers don't need the tag division as a launching point. They can go the route of the other midcard titles or by merely paying their dues like everyone else. The division didn't make the stars; stars made themselves through years and years of work and a grand mixture of different factors. You make it seem like the tag division is the SOLE reason for every success that the WWE ever created which is an ignorant statement, at the very least.

If Vince is so against the Tag Team Division as they don't draw then why would we still have Tag Team Titles? Why do they try to replicate great teams with the likes of Rated-RKO? Simple, they draw.

No. Just no.

First of all, Rated RKO did not draw. They were a feeble attempt at pushing Orton and Edge as singles stars, not as a tag team. All of this while giving Degeneration X someone formidable to feud with. So just like with every other tag team, the division was nothing more than a conduit for elevation onto bigger and better things.

The division in itself did not draw, has not drawn, and will not ever draw anything. It's a launching point for two men to become singles stars, thus proving that it doesn't need to be "revamped". Regardless of how popular the division is or how much effort the WWE puts into it, stars will benefit from it from a singles standpoint. Therefore, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

It's because every wrestler on the roster needs something to do besides job out to bigger stars in singles matches. Different divisions create diversity and give every wrestler than chance to become relevant. What they do from there is up to them and the WWE machine, since it becomes a combination of proper booking and proper execution.

I'm not arguing any of this. But you fail to understand that no one draws money for the company as a result of this diversity until they become singles stars, once again proving that the SINGLES division draws while the tag division does not. So why does anything need to change? More on-topic, why would Road Dogg do anything better for the division than what it's doing on its own right now?

You can get a great match, you have a further attraction and you bolster up a card with a reputable and interesting match. What you're basically saying is you're happy to see these slap-dash, half thought out teams on TV and PPV because WWE aren't investing anything in to the division? If you don't mean that then explain why you haven't stated it should be disbanded altogether. Wouldn't you rather a respectable division that puts on great matches in any slot on the card (minus the Main Event!)?

We already agreed that it produces diversity throughout the divisions. But what you've failed to prove is how it draws money prior to the tag division's stars branching out into singles competitors. The tag team division is doing fine on its own right now, preparing superstars for the future. But right now, it draws no money.

You said the Tag Team Division DOESN'T DRAW and you also stated "No matter how much they try, no one ever cares about the tag division". I couldn't PROVE your point when your point was unclear.

If you relayed the point back to me so easily then it must have been clearer than you thought.

The context in which you stated that was that the division has never drawn, I corrected you.

How? By bringing up ONE match from 2000?

Now if you had said "in recent times" then yes I would have agreed, however you didn't, therefore my post was correct.

Wait a minute, aren't we talking about bringing the Road Dogg and the New Age Outlaws back right now? Do I really need to be that redundant for it to be clear enough for you?

It's simple reading... left to right... top to bottom.

If you would like a more up-to-date example, SS Elimination Tag Team matches. They are the main draw of Survivor Series, they are expected by fans and normally the match has a big feud behind it. Yes these may not contain actual tag teams at times but are tag team matches, and yes they can draw.

Is that why they went from having PPV's full of these types of matches to having only 1-2 of them on the card each year? I mean, if something "draws" as much as you claim, shouldn't said format be utilized more throughout the PPV? If we are going to analyze this point even further, shouldn't this "top draw" be the main event of the card??

SS 2004 - 2 traditional SS matches (1 was main event of the card)
SS 2005 - 1 traditional SS match (main event)
SS 2006 - 3 traditional SS matches (none were the main event of the card)
SS 2007 - 1 traditional SS match (middle of the card)
SS 2008 - 3 traditional SS matches (none were the main event of the card; 1 was even the curtain-jerker of the PPV)
SS 2009 - 3 traditional SS matches (none were the main event of the card; 1 was even the curtain-jerker of the PPV)
SS 2010 - 1 traditional SS match (middle of the card)
SS 2011 - 1 traditional SS match (middle of the card)

The last time the WWE felt that it deserved to be the main event of the card was 2005 (almost 7 years ago) which is a direct determination of its "drawing power" in today's current market.

Feel free to reply if you want but I will just ignore you

Ah, the ignorant route. Yeah, that usually happens every time I win a debate against a new poster and they need to try and post something for them to "save face" on the forum.

seeing as you are rather poor at your control of the English language and don't even realise many mistakes you have made in just two posts directed towards me.

It's spelled "realize."

Once again... irony. Gotta love it.

I respect your opinion as it's your choice, however I don't respect you trying to act like the "big guy" online and attempting to "1-up" me. You can try arguing I'm doing the same but in reality no I'm not. I'm merely correcting your mistakes and stupidity.

Yeah, sure... that's exactly what you're doing. Pitting the startup of an entire division's success (or lack thereof) on a wrestler whose ship took sail over a decade ago.
I think it might be worth try bring back The Outlaws to feud with Epico and Primo. Who else do they have to challenge for the tag titles? It would really help put over E & P by beating one of the greatest tag teams of all time. I could also see The Outlaws feuding with Ziggler and Swagger.
What if...

Road Dogg came back? What if the New Age Outlaws returned for a brief run in the tag team division? I mean, the tag division does suck nowadays, and clearly, the Road Dogg can still go and whip the crowd into a frenzy. He looked amazing on Sunday night. I marked huge because he was one of the entrants I didn't even think about. I guessed Foley, and after marking over Lawler, I realized Booker and Cole were gonna enter too. Hacksaw and Road Dogg were completely unexpected, and both performed well.

I'm getting distracted.

But what do you all think? What if Road Dogg or the complete New Age Outlaws returned for a brief run? Certainly not this year because WMXXVIII is already too big (as some say bringing back Lesnar is too much). But does it seem like a good idea you'd like to see?

Ok, I see what you're getting at here and some a degree I would love to see them return for a short time to help revamp the tag division and give the division some credit with an "Old school" tag team like the LOD in 1998 in WWE to put the NAO's over, so sure I'd be happy for that.

Personally though I always thought thee best Road Dogg we ever saw was the singles star who took the Hardcore title from Bossman and pretty much beat all comers (Snow, Gangrel, Blackman etc,) I was always taken back why WWE didn't build the division around him for a while and had that one of the main reasons the NAO's split.
My first response is to the people saying tag-teams dont sell. They may not have the "Marquee" value, but Shawn Michaels, Brett Hart, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash(as Diesel), the Brtish Bulldog, and many more all became names in tag-teams. Throw in the Rock, Mick Foley, Austin, Million Dollar Man, of course the Road Warriors, Four Horseman, Demolition, Nasty Boys, Money, INC(Ted Dibiase and IRS), Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, Brothers of Destruction, and a hundred more teams that people PAID to see. These teams have helped make stars of nobodys and tur stars into legends. Four of the Six participants in the Monday night raw EC match were tag-team chapions before they held any other belt. Thepoint of this rant is that tag-teams are IMPORTANT to help bring exposure to younger talent and to help established talent become better.

As far as Billy Gunn goes, I had the opportunity to speak to him after the Royal Rumble. He said that while he is very interested in coming back, and had lobbied to do so, currently, WWE has no interest in him. He is still in great shape, has that killer smile, and, imo, would be a great value to the company, we can only wait and see if things change in the future.

With all that said, I think that Road Dogg should become a manager for a tag-team, much as i wish they would have used Brett for with the Hart Dynasty. Road Dogg could then be on the mike(because thats where he is the best), and help put over a couple young wrestlers, ala Capt. Lou Albano and Mr. Fuji, both former tag team champions in their own right.

I realize im probably going back farther then most remember, and maybe im a little too passionate about this, but, DAMMIT, I WANT MY TAG TEAM WRESTLING. And i dont mean Santino and whoever they put him with this week.
As much as I'd love to see one of my favorite tag teams of all time get back in there it ain't gonna happen and frankly if we saw them back we wouldn't want much more. Road Dogg looked better than we expected when he came into the rumble on Sunday but he was still pretty damn wiped out and you could see it. On top of tat Gunn isn't exactly a guy on great terms with the company which probably the only reason we didn't see both of them kicking ass together in the rumble. They wouldn't be able to go like they used to, they wouldn't be able to handle the schedule and Gunn isn't on good terms. If they got past that last one ad just had them do a surprise tag team main event on Raw one time I think that would be great but I don't want to see those guys gasping for air in matches on a weekly basis.
My first response is to the people saying tag-teams dont sell. They may not have the "Marquee" value, but Shawn Michaels, Brett Hart, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash(as Diesel), the Brtish Bulldog, and many more all became names in tag-teams. Throw in the Rock, Mick Foley, Austin, Million Dollar Man, of course the Road Warriors, Four Horseman, Demolition, Nasty Boys, Money, INC(Ted Dibiase and IRS), Owen Hart, Brian Pillman, Brothers of Destruction, and a hundred more teams that people PAID to see. These teams have helped make stars of nobodys and tur stars into legends. Four of the Six participants in the Monday night raw EC match were tag-team chapions before they held any other belt. Thepoint of this rant is that tag-teams are IMPORTANT to help bring exposure to younger talent and to help established talent become better.

Just like another poster before you, you're not looking at things the right way. I fully understand how they were all originally tag team members who found success once they branched out into singles divisions. I also completely understand their contributions towards the tag team division 10 years ago. But when was the last time an audience bought a ticket to watch tag team wrestling?

All of your points are completely valid if you're referring to the past. But in today's market, no one pays to see tag teams. Tag team members are still flourishing once they embark on their journey towards the top of the singles divisions (i.e. The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Christian). Prior to that move, they were making no real money for the company.

So, if we already know that tag teams are nothing more than a conduit for a superstar to draw money via the singles route, why do we need to improve the tag division by bringing in has-beens like Road Dogg? Like I said earlier: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

As far as Billy Gunn goes, I had the opportunity to speak to him after the Royal Rumble. He said that while he is very interested in coming back, and had lobbied to do so, currently, WWE has no interest in him. He is still in great shape, has that killer smile, and, imo, would be a great value to the company, we can only wait and see if things change in the future.

Forgive me if I'm a bit skeptical (to put it lightly) about your supposed "conversation" with him after the Rumble.

With all that said, I think that Road Dogg should become a manager for a tag-team, much as i wish they would have used Brett for with the Hart Dynasty. Road Dogg could then be on the mike(because thats where he is the best), and help put over a couple young wrestlers, ala Capt. Lou Albano and Mr. Fuji, both former tag team champions in their own right.

I have never disagreed with this theory of veterans appearing on television as mentors or managers for newer talent. Just like the names you mentioned like Albano and Fuji, men such as Bob Orton, Tony Atlas, and Michael ayes have done wonders as managers of tag teams and singles competitors. Plus, it makes perfect sense to use them from a knowledge perspective for newer talent.

I realize im probably going back farther then most remember, and maybe im a little too passionate about this, but, DAMMIT, I WANT MY TAG TEAM WRESTLING. And i dont mean Santino and whoever they put him with this week.

We all want things the way they used to be. But we all have to realize that times change. We've become the older audience that the WWE no longer wishes to cater to. Children are the most marketable group that the WWE aims at so we're just going to have to accept this newer ideology.
Ok this is my first ever thread on the forums. its bee nreported for a while that WWE are trying to re-shape the tag divison amd get it back as what it used to be. they tried to get things going with airboom but we all now how that went. Now the championships are on a legit team epico and primo. To me this is only a short time sloution to the problem facing this divison. if they really wanted to get the tag divison going to mean I would love to see the return pf London and Kendrick. brilliant in rimg talent and great chemistery together. i realise that kendrick is in TNA but when he's comtract his up I think WWE should bring him back. So what former WWE tag champs (from the time when benoit and angle were champs to today) would you like to see back to liven ip the tag divison?
I was never a huge fan of his in ring work but when paired with Billy in the New Age Outlaws, VooDoo Kin Mafia, ect.. he was part of a very solid tag team. Billy had the in ring skills to hold the team down while Road Dogg could whip almost any crowd into a frenzy with his mic work. I wouldn't hate if we saw them back for a short while but he looks out of shape and Billy seems fairly content with his current role
The WWE can always create new tag teams, whether it's from guys already on the roster or guys down in FCW. But to answer your question, if the WWE ever begins to give a shit, the teams that could really help out are Londrick, World's/Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team and the Hart Dynasty.
they tried to get things going with airboom but we all now how that went.
Hey, I LOVED "Air Boom". Evan and Kofi have some excellent chemistry, and once they gave them a legit entrance with matching outfits, the fans really got behind them because they finally saw the WWE putting stock in making them a "real" team. They're about as real as you're going to get in this day and age when it comes to WWE... More real than Otunga/Cena anyways!

Now the championships are on a legit team epico and primo. To me this is only a short time sloution to the problem facing this divison.
I don't think it's a solution at all. How are they any more "legit" than Air Boom is/was? Because they have ancestry in common? Because they look similar and have matching outfits? I get the immediate reaction to say Epico and Primo are more of a "real" tag team, but they really have nothing that Air Boom doesn't. Kofi and Evan might not have been real enough for your standards, but they drew a WAY better reaction than the current champions. Huge face pops will outweigh ZERO heel heat any day of the week. Every time they hit the ring the crowd goes dead. Go ahead and look at the Rumble, and notice how when Kofi came out they all lit up like crazy, but when Epico and Primo came out, everyone sat down and it knocked the wind out of the match each time.

if they really wanted to get the tag divison going to mean I would love to see the return pf London and Kendrick. brilliant in rimg talent and great chemistery together. i realise that kendrick is in TNA but when he's comtract his up I think WWE should bring him back.
This isn't a terrible idea. People genuinely loved "Londrick" and they were a great asset to the tag team division. But I would only want to see them back if WWE was going to take the division seriously. You don't need two more under-card guys sitting on the roster not actually doing anything.

So what former WWE tag champs (from the time when benoit and angle were champs to today) would you like to see back to liven ip the tag divison?
Personally, I don't feel it's necessary to bring back old talent. If we absolutely had to, for the sake of this discussion, I'd bring back Haas and Benjamin now that they've started taking things seriously in Ring of Honor. I'd consider bringing back La Resistance for their ability to draw heat consistently. As you already mentioned I'd consider bringing back Londrick. Maybe even RVD and pair him together with Booker T again, but that's really a long-shot if they've got nothing else going.

I have a hard time believing they will do anything with these times, considering the talent they have that they aren't using. You talk about Air Boom like they aren't a "real" tag team, but then mentioned Angle and Benoit? If you go back and look at those glory days of tag wrestling, almost half of those teams were singles guys thrown together because they had decent chemistry! So take a look at the current roster, put a few guys in the mid-card together, and use THEM! DOn't bring in more guys just to sit around and take up spots... Use Air Boom as an already established team that draws a great reaction! Use Epico & Primo and do something with them to draw some heat. Use the Usos for Christ's sake!!! They have enough talent, it's just a matter of actually using them.
The WWE could benefit from getting back the Dudley Boyz. They are still doing some of the best work of the careers in TNA and coming back as dominant heels could add some legitimacy to the tag devision. Other than them Loundrick would be a great choice but WWE doesn't seem to like those guys. They really need an established credible team to come in. An Alternative to a credible team coming in would be putting one back together. I say reunite Cody and Ted in Legacy and let them have a run with the titles. Codys credibility can cover both of them, and with their past as a cohesive group they could seriously put over a current team the WWE are building.

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