*Merged* All Tag Team Division Discussion

The only thing WWE's tag division needs is exposure. WWE has a great tag division, but nobody knows it. Why? Because they're never on TV, and when they are they don't have any kind of story lines. Look at WWE's teams:

Percy Watson/Titus O'neil (I think they split, but replace Titus with Xavier Woods)

Then you can add Ziggler and Swagger to the division, bring up The Kings Of Wrestling, and there is the potential for Joe Hennig to join Dibiase.

I don't think WWE needs to bring 2 main eventers to the division to add interest, they just need to showcase the talent.

Dibiase keeps getting attacked 2 on 1, so it would make sense for an old friend in Hennig to help him out. Now you have a story line in place. Let the Usos and the Colons feud. Let them get on the mic. Jimmy and Jey can talk, but I've never heard Primo or Epico speak. There is tons of potential here, but WWE hates tag wrestling.
The problem with bringing in main eventers to the tag team division is, altough I'm sure you'd get good matches and stuff, nobody will buy the fact those big stars would want to go after the tag titles..
And even if you have more teams, and big stars, only the main single storylines get enough airtime to develop a feud and a storyline. So you can bring in everyone you want, but as long as the WWE doesn't care about stories for them, the division won't get better. And I think before that happens I will start to geld old... (I'm 16)
It would be good if WWE put two highly established main eventers/ upper midcarders together to get the Tag team divsion worth more but they would have to have worthy opponents! i also think that if WWE puts a main eventer/ upper midcarder with a midcarder/ lower midcarder it would work well a bit like the wildcard team of Samoa Joe and Magnus of TNA!
The tag team division is lackluster no matter what and alot to do with it is that there are no competition to major stars when they are in the tag team division just look a jerishow, they had to lose to dx, dx had to be punked out to lose their belts, and then the tag team division became a popcorn fart all over again. You want the tag team division to be relevant again, we need to go back to mid 90's when Tag teams had real storylines look at the Outsiders/Steiners, Owen & Bulldog/HBK & Diesel, New Age Outlaws/Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie, Rock & Sock I mean there was a story for each of these feuds now a days there is no build in the tag division, and without substance theres just a flash in the pan
The problem is that they have so many lower mid-card singles guys on the roster that could easily be put into tag teams and if you watch NXT (and I know hardly anybody does) Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins have good chemistry as do Yoshi Tatsu and Trent Baretta. Someone like Tyson Kidd could also do with a tag team my suggestion would be to pair him with a heel Alex Riley.
I think that if these singles guys were utilised in a tag team then it would make the division a lot stronger.
It is no secret for anyone that the tag team division of WWE is a big joke at the moment.But after giving it some thoughts do you think that if two established superstar like Cena and Orton(it's not necessary to be them just the first that came up to me) are turned into a tag team will help the division.That way we will have Primo&Epico,The Usos andThe two established stars which can battle for the titles.

Yes, that would such a boost to the division. Teaming up two established stars and making them tag champs would help a division full of actual tag teams.
Have you been living under a rock? The majority of recent tag team champs or tag teams has been two random wrestlers that WWE teamed up. The division needs more long standing, real, tag teams. Like the Usos and the Colons.
i completely agree, with adding a couple main eventers. but they still need to make the titles credible. the have been fucking it over since miz-show lost it. what they need to do is when a tag team loses a title, they dont break up right after. its fricken stupid. they are just sending the tag division down a drain, and making it harder and harder to make it worth something.

relating to adding a couple of main eventers, i think sin-cara and mysterio would be a pretty sweet tag team
I know a lot of people complain about throwing together random teams, but it's not exactly like it's a new concept that's "ruining" the product. Some of my favorite teams have been random upper-mid-card talents put together to "freshen up" the division. The period between 2001-2004 was excellent, and there was a LOT of make-shift pairings when the Dudleys and Hardys weren't holding the belts. Think about the amount of people that you wouldn't think work well together, that ended up having excellent chemistry... Booker T and Goldust, Christian and Chris Jericho, William Regal and Lance Storm, Edge and Rey Mysterio, etc.

I'm not a big fan of the Cena/Orton idea. They're just too "big"... Hogan and Savage worked, but it was made to be a HUGE deal, and they weren't really meant to be a savior to any tag team division. The best thing to do is to put together two stars that have done well for themselves, but aren't THE top guy, and aren't doing much of anything anyways. Edge and Mysterio were excellent mid-card talents with a lot of history in the business, but neither was that "over" at the time and needed the exposure. I though they were doing a great thing putting together Miz and R-Truth, but they kept them away from the tag team division - more importantly they took time AWAY from the tag team division, having to still make room for them to compete in tag matches every few weeks.

I've had this thought recently, that Alberto del Rio and the Miz would make an interesting tag team. Their characters, despite ADR's aristocratic background, are incredibly similar. Arrogant douche-baggery would certainly abound - Ricardo Rodriguez playing the necessary comedic relief. Both of them are average to above-average wrestlers that can draw above-average heel heat. And they're just "big" enough to bring some main event status to the tag team division.
[Heel] Green Ranger;3711432 said:
I know a lot of people complain about throwing together random teams, but it's not exactly like it's a new concept that's "ruining" the product. Some of my favorite teams have been random upper-mid-card talents put together to "freshen up" the division. The period between 2001-2004 was excellent, and there was a LOT of make-shift pairings when the Dudleys and Hardys weren't holding the belts. Think about the amount of people that you wouldn't think work well together, that ended up having excellent chemistry... Booker T and Goldust, Christian and Chris Jericho, William Regal and Lance Storm, Edge and Rey Mysterio, etc.

I'm not a big fan of the Cena/Orton idea. They're just too "big"... Hogan and Savage worked, but it was made to be a HUGE deal, and they weren't really meant to be a savior to any tag team division. The best thing to do is to put together two stars that have done well for themselves, but aren't THE top guy, and aren't doing much of anything anyways. Edge and Mysterio were excellent mid-card talents with a lot of history in the business, but neither was that "over" at the time and needed the exposure. I though they were doing a great thing putting together Miz and R-Truth, but they kept them away from the tag team division - more importantly they took time AWAY from the tag team division, having to still make room for them to compete in tag matches every few weeks.

I've had this thought recently, that Alberto del Rio and the Miz would make an interesting tag team. Their characters, despite ADR's aristocratic background, are incredibly similar. Arrogant douche-baggery would certainly abound - Ricardo Rodriguez playing the necessary comedic relief. Both of them are average to above-average wrestlers that can draw above-average heel heat. And they're just "big" enough to bring some main event status to the tag team division.

Actually I think a Del Rio/Ricardo team would be the perfect way to introduce Ricardo as a competitor. Ricardo can tweak his gimmick to be Kennedy-esque in order to continue the ring announcer schtick, coming out to the ring first to his own theme song, introducing himself before proceeding to introduce Del Rio.

The higher card guys should always have a regular tag team partner that they can team with whenever they are not in the World Title picture. This would be a much better way to use them rather than having them floating around aimlessly or beating low carders in meaningless squash matches. A face turned Miz could be reunited with Riley. On top of that, we could have Del Rio/Ricardo, Cena/Ryder, etc.
I think Orton/Cena would be to dominant. Instead pair someone up like Ezekial Jackson and Mason Ryan as both are absolute monsters and I could see a tag team like that dominating the tag division.

Also Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett look solid as a tag team. I know that they are stars on Smackdown, but it could work.
The Tag Team Solution….This is only for you who like a long read

Primo and Epico are stripped of the belts for one of the following reasons, either as a punishment for a vicious or heinous act or because of a kayfabe injury where they cant defend the titles within a 30 day period. An announcement is made by Cole that the tittles have been declared vacant and that Triple H will be making a major announcement concerning the tag team division in the next few weeks. 2 to 3 weeks later it is announced a week ahead to build some hype that “Next week Triple H will be here live to make a major announcement concerning the vacant tag team titles and the tag division as a whole, Cole says “word has been passed down to me that this announcement will be huge and will change tag team wrestling (if they can say wrestling, I just cant see saying tag team entertainment or sports entertainment!) in the WWE as we know it! LIVE the following week on RAW, Triple H says the fans have spoken, they are correct and he is going to admit and address it. “The tag team division is just a memory of the glory days of The Hart Foundation, The Rockers, Demolition, The Road Warriors, The Killer Bee’s, The Rougeou Brothers, The Islanders The Brain Busters and the list goes on. It was a huge division full of great teams and this needs to not only go back to the good old days but needs to be made better than even. So I Triple H am here to announce effective next week we will begin a 16 Team Elimination Tournament where the 1st two rounds will take place on Raw and Smackdown over the next 5 weeks and both the Semi Finals and Finals will take place at the “BLANK” PPV (2 PPV’s away) The winners of the finals will be crowned WWE World Tag Team Champions and in a 1st in many ways the night following the PPVon RAW the 3 teams from the semi finals that DID NOT win the tournament will compete in a 3Team Elimination match…the winners will be crowned the 1st EVER WWE Intercontinental Tag Team Champions! The 4 existing tag teams in the WWE will automatically be entered in the tourney Primo&Epico, R Truth and Kofi,Ziggler&Swagger&The Uso’s. The other 12 teams will be announced each week at the top of Raw and Smackdown. They will be comprised of 8 teams made up of combinations of current WWE Superstars, all superstars will have the next 7days to submit there entry’s with a team name and the WWE will approve the 8 teams it see’s most worthy. If the Board decides there are not 8 worthy entry’s they will appoint some teams to fill those 8 slots. The final 4 slots will be open to international and developmental talent who will have the next 14 days to submit applications to the board. The board will select the best 4 entry’s of talent from that pool (mostly FCW teams unless they can sign a true international team from Japan or Mexico within the next few weeks. This will create the largest tag tourney in WWE history and the first time ever that the semi finalists of a championship tourney will have the opportunity to win another championship. The WWE strongly hopes the WWE Universe are happy with this decision and hope is that WWE will retain at least 12 of the 16 teams to keep a deep enough tag roster to allow 2 tag team champions. What do you guys think? it’s a little complicated but definitely interesting, IDK if WWE can afford to add more payroll, but a lot of the teams can be guys brought up from FCW or FCW talent paired with WWE talent or resigning of some departed WWE Supertars. Here are my suggestions for teams…..What do you guys have for teams?

--Existing Teams-- (only ones announced in advance to keep mystery and suspense to the tourney)

Primo & Epico
Swagger & Ziggler
“Air Truth” Truth & Kofi
The Uso’s

--WWE submitted& approved teams--

“The New Freebirds“….Tyler Rexx and Curt Hawkins Managed by Michael Hayes
“The Champs” Cena&Orton
“Cryme Tyme” JTG&X Woods Managed by Slick (?Can they get him back for cheap?)
“The Juarez Cartel” Hunico&Comacho Managed by Vickie G.
“Miz and Daniel Brian
“Perfect Money” Ted Dibiase & Joe Henning (not M Miguilicutty!) Managed by Ted Dibiase
“Nexus 2”Mason Ryan & Justin Gabriel
This would be a great time to bring back a few managers they often managed tag teams back in the day

--WWE Board of Directors Pairings--

The Hart Dynasty (resign D H Smith)
Kane & Khali

-International and Developmental Talent--

“The NEW” Demolition Stone & Damien (idk who but why not paint up and leather out 2 FCW guys and re-invent Demolition…..Maybe a combo of …Leo Kruger and Kenneth Cameron or Damien Sandow
“The NEW” Road Warriors Animal and Crusher (Sign Animal and pair him up with a good FCW guy possibly Leakee)
“Kronik” Bryan Clark and Brian Adams

Sign a Japanese or Mexican tag team, Preferably Mexican, more exiting But if they cant find anyone they could use Jiro & Sakimto ( From FCW if they aren’t ready yet have them be an International team that’s eliminated in the first round and goes back to FCW to train until they are WWE Ready)

“The New DOOM” Ezekiel Jackson “Big Zieke” & “Big E” (Langston “FCW)managed by Ron Simmons
“The Kings of the Rings” Kassious Ono& Anthony Ceasaro (Former Kings of Wrestling)
“Worlds Greatest Tag Team” (resign) Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Hass
“Generation Next” Richie Steamboat & Bo Rotundo OR Bo Rotundo and Husky Rotundo
Whatever happened to Brett Dibiase? He could pair with Steamboat as “Generation Next” and then pair
“The Rotundo Brothers” Maybe managed by father Mike “IRS” He works backstage for WWE anyway

And lets not forget this opportunity to bring up Seth Rollins…..Pair him with anyone, maybe Tyler Rex and drop Curt Hawkins or pair him with T Kidd instead of trying to resign DH Smith (Smith is wrestling for Ra Ka King…He may be under contract but he also maybe on a paid by appearance deal)

There is a TON of options for teams here with minimal payroll expansion I think I have over 24 options, pick the best 16 or add 8 more and make it a 32team tournament ( A lot more temporary pairings of current WWE Superstars could be added to fill out the rest of the teams. Or figure out a creative way to make a 24 man Tourney work (maybe bye‘s for 8 of the teams made up of existing WWE Superstars? I think belts make things interesting and they only need to keep say 12 teams to make this work with 2 belts but I know a lot of you out there will just want to keep the 1 Title because you already think there are too many championships. If my memory serves me right NWA/WCW had both World and U.S/National Tag Champs and during that time period they also had a 32team tag tournament with a similar concept, teams from “around the globe“ it was toward the end of the territorial days and they brought guys from other NWA territories (Pacific N West, World Class, Mid South) to the WCW/Georgia/Mid Atlantic Region which was there main territory to compete there in the tourney which I think had the finals at the Bash or Starcade.

To close up here, if some of the FCW guys are too green u send em back for a while to retrain. And I think team names makes it seem more like tag teams that will stay together and not just be a flash in the pan. But no name is better than corny ones and a few of my ideas are probably a little corny. What do you think of this idea? How would you tweak it? Who would you have for teams? And who would win? Lets see some brackets!
was thinking about this to while wtaching that tag match on raw and it reminded me how much i miss the tag division and that was an entertaining fast paced match
QUOTE=====whatiswrestling6=======was thinking about this to while wtaching that tag match on raw and it reminded me how much i miss the tag division and that was an entertaining fast paced match

I dreamed this up last week but watching that tag match inspired me to post it. What do you think?

At the end of the match when Kane came out I thought maybe Kane was going to have a new partner (maybe an FCW guy) and they were going to actully throw them into the tag team division to give it a jump start....it is on life support!
[QUOTE===Brian Adams died so no to Kronik. (RIP Crush)

I did forget about that.....good point....Thats a "my bad yo"

And the Cena and Orton tag team could just be used as a part of the tourney to drum up interest and add some main eventers to it. I didnt mean that they would stick as a tag team. I was saying that mabye 75% of the teams end up staying as teams
I like your idea, but I'd try to see what we can do with what we have before calling anyone up or signing anyone.

Zack Ryder forgives Cena for kissing Eve, and Cena tries to make up for all of Ryder's misfortune by teaming up with him and going on to win the tag team titles. This would lead to a tag title feud between Cena/Ryder vs. Ziggler/Swagger.

Miz and Alberto Del Rio have a singles feud based on the alleged heat between the two. They have a series of matches and Del Rio wins every encounter due to interference by Ricardo Rodriguez. Miz eventually challenges the two of them to a handicap match (in which Ricardo makes his serious in-ring debut). ADR and Ricardo win due to Miz being unable to handle the numbers. Left with no other choice, Miz runs to his former friend Alex Riley for help, convincing him that they should reunite because they're both in huge slumps right now and this would be the best thing for them. Riley initially refuses but saves Miz from a 2 on 1 attack, leading to a Miz/Riley vs. ADR/Ricardo feud
For WWE to restart the tag division, they need at least one or two legit established vet teams to start putting over the new guys. Which is where WWE is lacking lately. They don't really have any legit tag teams. Just a bunch of randomly thrown together guys with no team names or actual tag finishers. Also known as no connection to the audience. Which sucks, because WWE could have a great tag division if they tried.
I posted this idea in your earlier thread..

- Since Eve has been exposed as a Hoeski, Zack Ryder and John Cena patch things up and form an official team after Wrestlemania 28.

- Ricardo Rodriguez makes his official, serious in ring debut as Alberto Del Rio's tag team partner.

- Based on the rumored heat between The Miz & Del Rio, the two of them begin feuding, with Del Rio having the advantage due to Ricardo by his side. Miz reluctantly asks his former friend Alex Riley for help, convincing him that the two of them need to reunite to pull themselves out of their respective slumps. The two of them reunite, and have a lengthy feud with Del Rio & Ricardo

- Mason Ryan and Ezekiel Jackson form a tag team of big bruisers. They'd still be used as singles jobbers, but they'd dominate in tag team action.

- Johnny Curtis & Derrick Bateman can reunite once their feud is over and form a comedy jobber team, whether as faces or heels.
you mean besides changing the design of the belts? It's very very simple, BRING IN TEAMS!!! Make Teams from people who aren't doing anything else (and by "make a Team" I don't mean just throw two guys together, i mean make a team complete with team name, entrance, attire, ect.) and Tag TEAM Division needs to have TEAMS to fill it.

They recently signed Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli, AKA The Kings of Wrestling to contracts, yet there are already reports that they have no plans of using them as a team... WHY? The know each other and work well together, where is the downside?

I would have a TRUE team, like the Kings, come in and win the Titles and start to demand that WWE bring them in competition. at first they should face the random paring teams that WWE seems to like, and absolutely destroy them using superior team work and then ask where the competition is. and as time goes on WWE would be forced to provide the competition that their champions are demanding.

and the most important part is this... DON'T HAVE YOUR SINGLE STARS BE ABLE TO DESTROY YOUR ENTIRE TAG TEAM DIVISION IN A MATTER OF SECONDS!!! Seriously, why did they have Kane come in and destroy not just any team, but the Tag Team champions AND the top TWO challengers for the titles?
So wait. You posted a thread yesterday ... Then you re-posted the same thread today? If you don't get the response you're looking for this time, are you going to go for the trifecta and re-post it again tomorrow?

My guess is that your original idea was shot down by members of the IWC ... my prediction is that it will be shot down again here. Fans are tired of watching guys continually get shuffled into random tag teams. Kofi teamed with Punk 5 years ago, then with Evan Bourne and now with Truth. Truth teamed with Morrison a few years ago, then with Miz and now with Kingston. Morrison had a dozen tag partners during his tenure (Mercury, Miz, Truth). Primo is on his second tag team after having been with Carlito a few years back. Miz worked with Morrison, Big Show and Truth. Show has worked with The Undertaker, Kane, Jericho and Miz. Jericho won titles with Benoit, Christian, Rock, Show and Edge.

Tag team wrestling is supposed to be an art form where two guys are so in tune with one another that they can beat their opponents simply because they work together so well. Can you see how that concept has been bastardized by the random pairings?

The only way to fix the division is to bring in new guys and push them as a tag team from the start, at least give the illusion that the two wrestlers in the team are in tune with one another. That's what worked with the best tag teams like the Rockers, Road Wariors, Nasty Boys, Hart Foundation, Hardy Boys, Dudley Boys, etc.
So I realize that I'm late on this, but last Monday on Raw, the WWE showcased what I believe to be the first three way tag match of its kind... if not, then it hasn't been seen since the Attitude era.

Now I know, WWE's had triple threat tags before, but it's never been how they did it this past week. Usually, every competitor would start off in the match, or two competitors at a time. However, this past week, every team had someone in the match at all times.

To me, this was very interesting to see. It was a nice touch looking at a three way hot tag instead of the traditional style.

But anyway, did you like or dislike the triple threat tag match style this past Raw? Why or why not?

And yes, this is a thread on a match type. Sue me.
I did post the thread yesterday, but i didnt repost it today. Some moderator or site police man, condensed all the tag team talk going back months into 1 thread with 22 pages today! And i see your point about starting guys together, I had in my storyline the WWE pairing up a bunch of FCW guys and bringing them up to the main roster as new teams. Thats probably the best part of the idea
I believe I have seen a few of these but it is definitely uncommon. Personally, I thought it was fun. But a match of that kind I think should be done elimination style. With one person needing a pin it is essentially 4 on 2 whenever anyone goes for a pin. It just seemed sloppy towards the end.

I liked the match but the thing I liked most about it is that in the past weeks they have been booking a very strong tag team division. They now have solidified R-Truth/Kofi and Ziggler/Swagger as tag team title contenders. Then they put the champs over them giving you 3 legit contenders heading into Wrestlemania. If WWE does this right they have the door open to bringing back an entertaining tag division. Bring in a 4th team this week hold a 4 way elimination at WM have Ziggler/Swagger win the titles and call out everyone. Put together some teams of guys who have no feud. After WM have a big tag team turmoil style match for the #1 contender and lift off...
I dont think WWE needs the big names to be involved in the tag team division.

What they need are 5 or 6 tag teams. And just be committed to using them weekly. Give them some promo time and storylines. Hopefully those teams put on top notch matches where fans take notice. I think that is best way to build back up the division.

I do like the idea of Del Rio and Ricardo teaming up. Ricardo is entertaining and Del Rio is not ready to be a legit main eventer right now. Doing something like that might actually help him long term.
I personally thought it was a bit messy. There was far too much going on at one point, made all the more confusing when guys entered the ring without tagging in. I thought the final sequence was nicely done, but I would have liked to see them go an extra 4-5 minutes. There was nowhere near enough wrestling on this episode full stop, I only think one match went close to 10minutes.

On a wider note, I have less problem with the format of the match (which I think is a good way of pulling all the viable contenders together), than I do the overall booking. Primo and Epico have had no build whatsoever, they lost in under 5 minutes to Truth and Kingston the other week. They've got no heat. I have absolutely no reason to boo or cheer them, and the crowd clearly feel the same way.

I also don't like the may they are using upper midcarders to pad out the tag division, when it's obvious they haven't developed a decent programme for them. Why isn't Swagger feuding with someone chasing his US Title? How does Justin Gabriel qualify as the main contender - when did Gabriel last win a match?? WWE are completely neglecting the midcard, and the result is poorly booked and messy tag team matches with no meaning whasoever.

Mania is 4 weeks away and you've got three upper midcard / main event players in Truth, Kingston and Ziggler embroiled in pointless and badly booked tag matches, getting destroyed by Kane post match. Wake up WWE.

But back to the question, I think the format is appealing, but I would have liked to see a bit more effort go into the preparation, and more investment in the match itself. Then people, including myself, might actually care a bit more.

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