Some "Straight Talk" about the Unified Tag Titles & Tag Team Division

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Frankly I'm bored of trying to talk about tag team wrestling anymore, because people don't want to hear the truth. Tag team wrestling has always been shit, apart from when the main event was so good that top quality wrestlers could stay there.

Well, apparently what you feel here and what others feel are two different things. I, for one, don't always look at being entertained by 5 star matches as a requirement for me to enjoy wrestling. I simply like the concept of Tag Team Wrestling and the format of it involved in a match.

Not every match needs to be an Instant Classic for me to enjoy it.

I began watching in 1990 when we had the following teams:

The Hart Foundation
The Rockers
The Orient Express
The Brain Busters
The Bushwhackers

And I was completely fine by that. Along came The Nasty Boys and The Legion of Doom, and I was fine by that.

Where your frustration, Tastycles, seems to be coming from is that you can't understand why people want to see a Tag Team Division, because you don't think Tag Teams produced good matches. I'm simply here to say that this is irrelevant. And the sooner you understand that, the more likely maybe, you will better cope with accepting why people want a Tag Team Division.

Again, smarks are too damn smarky for their own good, sometimes.

Anyway, there's no point in bitching about it, because its the way it has always been, and always will be.

However, I will address the points at hand. Firstly, the tag belts under their new regime have appeared on more PPVs this year than the previous titles put together for years. The current titles look awkward, and I'd probably go with just the one set of belts, but that really is a minor issue.

The two belts seems to be a major issue for a lot of people. I will admit that it is a MAJOR annoyance to me, especially when you know damn well that there are absolutely NO PLANS to split those titles up any time soon.

The choice you have to make with tag team wrestling is you either have people thrown together, or you have shit teams nobody cares about. The only alternative is to have one of the best main events ever, and that isn't going to happen right now.

1) I despise slapped together Tag Teams because it doesn't appear that they will be together for any length of time at all. I like to see workers that actually look like a team, that is in it for the long haul, together.

2) Shit Teams nobody cares about? LOL. Again, maybe people don't define those teams you reference as "shit teams". Tell me who you think were some of the shit teams and explain why YOU think they were shit teams. I'll respond and state whether I agree or disagree with your assessment.

3) Huh? Why does a Tag Team have to be in the Main Event?
As everyone knows there is not really a tag team division in WWE anymore. The one that does exist isnt very exciting though, just based around one set of titles. So what would you do to bring back the tag team division to WWE? What kind of teams and when would it begin to emerge?

This is your own opinion by the way. You can choose something that wouldn't be very possible to something that will almost definatly happen. It's up to you.

For example, pair up 4 new teams and have 2 or 3 old teams and re-unite an old team in an 8 team tournament. new teams (of course they'd have to be paired a few random times before hand):
Evan bourne and another high flyer. Maybe primo or move chavo a bit towards face and team with bourne.

Seeing as neither of them are doing much at the moment, Swagger and Carlito. they've teamed together in the past so it might make sence if they teamed them a couple more random times.

Haas and Hawkins, same reason, because they're not doing much (aka double H XD. thats not funny....)

then maybe Kung fu naki and jimmy wang yang. they're both small and dont win many matches so they'd support each other.

Current teams:
Croft and Barretta. they're a new team and this could be their big breakout chance.

Legacy, nuff said

Hart dynasty. picking them over cryme tyme because CT dont really seem like the championship types at the moment. they could prove me wrong but the HD seems better at the moment.


Straight edge society, when they get up and running.

Big show and kane. i know its a bit far-fetched but they were a great team.

I'd start this on the first raw after elimination chamber with the matches spread out during that time and WM26, with the last match being on smackdown! right before 'Mania to build up the suspence. and maybe build some tension between the champions and the qualifying teams, like maybe have matches with them. if they booked it right it could be really exciting and if they picked the right team they could have a specialty match.
To help the WWE bring back the tag team title, they need to un-unify them. One brand gets their own title. On top of that, but have legit tag teams. Not a big name guy grabbing another big name guy, and having them go for the title. Just straight up tag teams. I hate it when a legit team jobs to do guys they want to push. Like in 2000 Kurt Angle and Benoit took on the Dudley boys. They made the Dudley boys look like they never had a match. It happens today as well. John Cena and Batista just dominated, same as Shawn and Cena. It's not so believable when a team that has trained for years, just lose to two big name guys. WWE needs to push that image that the tag-division is different from singles division. They need to get rid of the perception that any two guys can get together and just throw a team around. Cryme Tyme should be able to beat DX cleanly. So give each brand their own tag title, leave it off of ECW, have legit teams win. I don't want to see Cena and HHH get the titles so Summerslam can have potent main event.
i know some of you will disagree with me but i would like to see evan bourne and rey Mysterio team up i know this will be bringing down rey but both are great high flyers and teaming up with rey could be good for evan.

i like your idea here macksstream it what could be best for it. i am a big DX fan they are a good team but not for the tag belts we need a better tag team holding them DX are two great single wrestlers that can team up but are at there best when in big fued or can be best used giving rub and making team like legacy look good like they did few months back
look the tag division is fine, all it needs it for the titles to be broken up again. if the titles are broken up, new and different tag teams will emerge e.g. hass and hawkins. but if the titles are broken up two teams will get a chance instead of one which makes it better and gives more teams a chance at gold. when the tag teams were unified, at first i was ecstatic but then i saw how much of a stupid idea this was and how WWE is now throwing the tag titles basically to the dog house. i know everyone will disagree on this but DX are the best unified champs so far, their innovative, they interact with the fans and if WWE played their cards right they could have built more to the fact that it was the first tag title for DX. DX are different to the usual unified chumps and no that isnt a typo i say chumps because the tag division now basically consists of two jobbers put together and try to form a storyline, i mean look at tna their tag division is incredible, with teams like motor city and lethal consequences their is no way the tag division of tna will fail, unlike wwe. so all wwe needs is to break the titles up once again and every now and then switch the titles from brand to brand like how the WWE championship and WHC change brands every now and then, and mabye even unify them as well but restricted to one team at a time and just break them up again, i suggest a tag team turmoil ladder match where one team grabs the wwe tag championships and another grabs the world tag championships
I'd try to steal MCMG from TNA. They are, along with Wolfe and Pope, the only guys in TNA that I believe can make some serious money and draw. And if you decide to split MCMG I think both gentlemen would have outstanding single careers.

I also think MCMG is the type of team that could be brought into the E and have a tag division built around them

Will it happen? Nope. Probably because they are signed for a few more years, and Vince would never do it.
I would bury the tag division all together so these damn threads can stop about how everybody would fix the tag division on a weekly basis. I think a new one of these is started every single week.

"The tag division sucks."- No shit.

"We need more teams in the tag division."- No shit.

"The tag division needs featured more."- No shit.

These threads are nothing new and nobody ever has any good new ideas. I could pull an idea out of my ass right now and it would be better than half the ones anybody comes up with. Ummm...... strip the titles from DX, give them to a surprise returning JBL and Ron Simmons, and have an Acolytes reunion tag team tournament challenge. Hell, give the titles to the Ninja Turtles. Give them to 2 unicorns. I don't care. All of those ideas are better than the obvious ******ed things everybody comes up with every single day. I think it's pretty clear that nobody really misses the tag division enough for anything to be done about it. Simple as that.
How I would bring back the WWE tag-Division is...Instead of making teams out of rookies make some teams out of HUGE money makers..for exmple we've all been talking about "when is cena gonna turn heel??" well here's a solution Cena moves to Smackdown, Joins Y2J and hopefully with enoguh heel promos cena is the next y2j (not literaty) but you know what I mean.....Also, It seems like there is a tag team championship match every PPV....What WWE needs to do Is make a huge story line and not blow it the first PPV that come around....they need a huge build up to get a high match raiting
There's more than enough guys around that aren't doing anything on the main rosters at the moment that you can make multiple teams. Knox/Haas, Dolph/McIntyre, Bourne/Primo, Chavo/ Carlito, hell even Finlay/ Khali for shits and giggles. Have the current teams be involved in a tournament. Un unifying them also sounds good, but some more teams need to get put together to add some depth before that happens.
You need new tag teams like 5 on RAW and SD and at least 3 for ECW to work with for storylines.
RAW gets the WWE Tag Team title and Smackdown/ECW get the World Tag Team title

New and Current Teams
DX- HBK and HHH, huge money makers with all the merchandise stuff
Fortunate Sons- Orton and Hennigan, a new legacy after legacy's split
Cross Rhodes- Cody and Dustin, the two bros. together just to battle all Leg.s
Priceless- Ted and Brett,
Swagger and Carlito- can get the titles

Ruthless Roundtable- Regal and Jackson
Croft and Baretta- maybe can get at least a feud with team below
The Brood- Kevin Thorn and Gangrel(or somebody else) Ariel

Brothers of Destruction- Taker and Kane- can get the titles maybe
McIntyre and Ziggler- get the titles
Straightedge Society- Punk, Gallows, James- Gallows and James get shots
Jericho and Batista- top heels on the show
Cryme Tyme-
Hart Dynasty- can get the titles
i would do most of what you said. do some scouting. sign some new teams. use the teams WWE already has. Make a couple of new teams. And have a tournament. Make the division valuable again. The main problem the WWE has right now is that they dont make any of the titles mean anything anymore. Make these teams want to be tag team champions. Make it valuable again. They know how to do it, they just dont want to.
I view the task of re-establishing relevancy to the tag scene in the WWE as a three pronged approach:

1. Continue to build up the crediblity of the teams that are already established in the company. Simply push teams like Cryme Time, The Legacy and the Hart Dynasty as formidbale forces against the stalwarts of the division (like DX and JeriShow). Obviously with the Legacy they have proven that they can go toe to toe against DX but that brief moment competence was never sustained they and have fallen back to Orton lackey status during the following months (even though that situation appears to be remedied for now)

2. Acquring established teams from other promotions. I guess one recent example is TNA making an overture towards the Young Bucks who apparantly have taken TNA up on the offer. The WWE could very well do the same thing by bringing in new young studs from the indy scene who have experience working together in the squared circle

3. Make tag team wrestling a focal point of the card. I'm not talking about the tag matches with DX that are in the main event. Well it's a start because it makes the importance of the division a little more obvious to the casual fan, but the tag main event's or co-main events have to be all inclusive. They cannot be merely the domain of DX and whoever their tag opponent of the month is. Every tag team has to be presented in such a way that the casual fan feels that they are worthy of their time, money and emotional investment.
look the tag division is fine, all it needs it for the titles to be broken up again. if the titles are broken up, new and different tag teams will emerge e.g. hass and hawkins. but if the titles are broken up two teams will get a chance instead of one which makes it better and gives more teams a chance at gold. when the tag teams were unified, at first i was ecstatic but then i saw how much of a stupid idea this was and how WWE is now throwing the tag titles basically to the dog house. i know everyone will disagree on this but DX are the best unified champs so far, their innovative, they interact with the fans and if WWE played their cards right they could have built more to the fact that it was the first tag title for DX. DX are different to the usual unified chumps and no that isnt a typo i say chumps because the tag division now basically consists of two jobbers put together and try to form a storyline, i mean look at tna their tag division is incredible, with teams like motor city and lethal consequences their is no way the tag division of tna will fail, unlike wwe. so all wwe needs is to break the titles up once again and every now and then switch the titles from brand to brand like how the WWE championship and WHC change brands every now and then, and mabye even unify them as well but restricted to one team at a time and just break them up again, i suggest a tag team turmoil ladder match where one team grabs the wwe tag championships and another grabs the world tag championships

1. DX have not been the best tag team champions. They have only fought against Jericho for the belts and they haven't helped out any other tag teams yet.

2. The titles do not need to be split up because they are simply not enough tag teams. You have Legacy, DX, Cryme Tyme, Hart Dynasty, and that tag team from ECW. That's five tag teams right there and I see DX splitting up down the road so they need another face team. Vince simply doesn't care about the tag team division and adding more teams or trying to get some from TNA isn't going to change his mind. The tag team division hasn't been a draw and never will be.
2:nah,you need another set of established wrestlers on each show,they can be used in other feuds other than title feuds,getting rid of the wrestlers mean that one show can only compete for the belts,which is silly.

1:nah,first, it looks cool,second,it makes you look more important when you have two belts instead of one.

3:man it looks like shit now,jerishow are done dx are gonna hardly appear on smackdown let alone ecw,cryme tyme have run there course legacy, are splitting up,and the hart dynasty are not good enough yet,it looks very bleak,i say they should make single stars team up and go for the belt's,ie mvp/cena ,mysterio/morrison.
2:nah,you need another set of established wrestlers on each show,they can be used in other feuds other than title feuds,getting rid of the wrestlers mean that one show can only compete for the belts,which is silly.

1:nah,first, it looks cool,second,it makes you look more important when you have two belts instead of one.

3:man it looks like shit now,jerishow are done dx are gonna hardly appear on smackdown let alone ecw,cryme tyme have run there course legacy, are splitting up,and the hart dynasty are not good enough yet,it looks very bleak,i say they should make single stars team up and go for the belt's,ie mvp/cena ,mysterio/morrison.

How does it make you look more important when you have two belts instead of one? Everyone loved the tag team wrestling when it was The Hardy Boyz, E&C, and the Dudley Boyz. How many tag team titles were there back then? Only one. When the brand split occured, they had to create another set of titles and that period from 2003-2009 had some awful tag teams and tag team matches especially on PPV that nobody cared about. With the small amount of teams, one set of titles is good and splitting them up would just be stupid.
I have some sad news for everyone who seems oh so fixated with tag teams.

Tag teams are, and always have been a means to get new, future stars ring work, and exposure, until they are ready for a singles push. The lone exception being The Road Warriors, becuase of their immense popularity, and success. Name a great team, and you are looking at at least one, or two succesfull singles wrestlers, or attempts at singles pushes.

The rockers
Twin Towers
Edge And Christian
Harlem Heat
The Dudleys
The Hardys
The Colons
Morrison and Miz
The SMoking gunns
The New Age Outlaws
The Blade Runners

I could go on, and on. The WWE now feels comfortable enough in its farm systems to not need to do this anymore, or at least it appears thats how they feel. If they wanted a tag division, they would make one. They feel confident in bringing guys along without it, so, its unecessary. Get over it.
First off, I couldn't give two shits about the fact that there are multiple belts. Who cares if there are 4 belts instead of 2? It just shows that the champs are strong enough to carry that much weight, which is impressive.

I do, however, agree with the rest of what you're saying for the most part. The tag division is pretty much trash; has been for awhile. Sure, Jerishow are a pretty cool tag team and DX is somewhat entertaining, but they'll both split up shortly, and we'll be left with nothing.

Legacy have faded into obscurity, the Hart Dynasty have done nothing, Cryme Tyme is shit, and those new guys on ECW are just pointless.

If Vince doesn't want the tag division to be a big part of the company, he should just move the whole division to Smackdown. Have 4 or 5 teams there to fight over the belts. It'd be a great place for the current, unproven tag teams as well as directionless midcard guys such as R-Truth or Swagger. Throw together some teams and see what sticks. After a team has had a title reign or two, you can break them up as singles competitors and they'll be that much better off. Rinse and repeat. It's pretty simple stuff and is much more excitng and promising than what the WWE currently has to offer.
I have some sad news for everyone who seems oh so fixated with tag teams.

Tag teams are, and always have been a means to get new, future stars ring work, and exposure, until they are ready for a singles push. The lone exception being The Road Warriors, becuase of their immense popularity, and success. Name a great team, and you are looking at at least one, or two successfull singles wrestlers, or attempts at singles pushes.

I would have to disagree with the "always" part of your statements. They have been a means to accomplish this, yes. But it doesn't always go from Tag Team to Singles Stars. Some times, it goes from Singles Stars to Tag Team, and therefore is not used as a grooming tool. In those times, it has been used to give some guys work or give them a refresh because they were getting old on their own, like (off the top of my head):

Money Inc.
The Natural Disasters
The Quebecers
Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart
The New Age Outlaws

Other times, the teams never went on to Singles Wrestlers at all, and stayed in Tag Teams like:

The Dudley Boyz
The Nasty Boys
The BodyDonnas
The Heavenly Bodies
The Bushwhackers
The Orient Express
The Headbangers (not counting Mosh's run as Beaver Cleavage)

So I can see it being used as 1 mean for guys to get exposure to eventually be broken up, but it certainly wasn't the only use for Tag Teams in the WWE.

If the fans want a Tag Team Division in the WWE, which given the amount of anger I see on the Internet over this, which has certainly reached WWE Creative, as even Jim Ross has commented on it several times on his blog .... then there really isn't any reason why Vince can't provide this for the fans.

It provides a good break in the action from simply having one singles match after another. That gets boring and has gotten extremely boring. Specialty Matches don't cut it for variance, and that includes Triple Threat Matches. I want to see Tag Team Matches.

There is zero reason at all that Vince can not provide fans with a respectable Tag Team Division in the WWE. No reason at all.
I would have to disagree with the "always" part of your statements.

99%. True they may be used for a rehash of older guys. and what would the point of that rehash / rejuvenation be? To eventually go back into singles wrestling. Obviously. Also, just becuase singles pushes never panned out for some guys, doesn't mean that wasnt the intent. They may have just been shit.

Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart
The New Age Outlaws

The Blue Blazer? The One Billy Gunn? He won King of The Ring for fucks sakes. Best athlete in the WWE in like, forever. Ask JR. He probably angrily stated THAT in his blog as well.

The Dudley Boyz
The Heavenly Bodies
The Bushwhackers
The Orient Express
The Headbangers (not counting Mosh's run as Beaver Cleavage)

Dudleys - Reverend D-Von? The first draft they had?

Bodies - Singles wrestlers in SMW

Asswhacker ( I refuse to use that racist name they had ) - shit

Express - Bullshit. Tanaka is a singles wreslter to this day. He is SmackDowns number 1 announcer.

Headbangers - Yes, counting Beaver Cleavage. How does that not count? It was intended as a singles push for the guy they felt was more talented. Um, "Chaz" anyone?

So I can see it being used as 1 mean for guys to get exposure to eventually be broken up, but it certainly wasn't the only use for Tag Teams in the WWE.

Yes, and men dont go to clubs to try and fuck girls. Intent, not result.

If the fans want a Tag Team Division in the WWE, which given the amount of anger I see on the Internet over this

Which we all know makes up such an immense amount of the veiwing audience. They are also known as a damn good source of paying customers.

then there really isn't any reason why Vince can't provide this for the fans.

I was unaware that you were outside every WWE event interveiwing the kids and girls with John Cena spinner belts about what they want to see. That must involve a ton of travel, dude.

You just seem baffled and upset about this, im merely trying to off you a logical answer to the situation. I love tag wrestling as much as anyone, but as I said, there just isnt a need for it anymore, or so the WWE thinks.
99%. True they may be used for a rehash of older guys. and what would the point of that rehash / rejuvenation be? To eventually go back into singles wrestling. Obviously. Also, just because singles pushes never panned out for some guys, doesn't mean that wasnt the intent. They may have just been shit.

It also doesn't necessarily mean it was, either. You mean to tell me that Demolition was paired together because they thought that Bill Eadie had a glorious singles career waiting for him to go back into?

How about when Andre the Giant and Haku were paired together? Obviously, they were already singles wrestlers and were paired together because Andre couldn't work Singles matches anymore.

Dudleys - Reverend D-Von? The first draft they had?

And how did that pan out for him?

Bodies - Singles wrestlers in SMW

Which was before their time in the WWE. We are talking WWE here aren't we, since this is a WWE section?

Asswhacker ( I refuse to use that racist name they had ) - shit

Never went on to do anything in WWE. Stayed as a Tag Team.

Express - Bullshit. Tanaka is a singles wreslter to this day. He is SmackDowns number 1 announcer.

Actually, no he isn't. That is Funaki. I am talking about Pat Tanaka from the Orient Express, not Kai en Tai. And no, they did not go on to be anything but a Tag Team in the WWE.

Headbangers - Yes, counting Beaver Cleavage. How does that not count? It was intended as a singles push for the guy they felt was more talented. Um, "Chaz" anyone?

His Singles run was nothing.

Clearly, I can point out teams that either stayed in Tag Teams to you or went from Tag Teams back to Singles Wrestlers. Your post implied it always went from Tag Teams to Singles, and clearly that is not the case.

Therefore, there were other reasons for a Tag Team Division other than simply being there to groom young talent into Singles Stars, like you were implying.

It was one means to do so, yes. But not the only means, and nor was it the only purpose.

Which we all know makes up such an immense amount of the veiwing audience. They are also known as a damn good source of paying customers.

Vince is sure concerned about those Spoilers hitting the Internet, though, isn't he? If the Internet audience is so small, why should Vince give a Fuck about Spoilers hitting the net, and changing plans?

I was unaware that you were outside every WWE event interveiwing the kids and girls with John Cena spinner belts about what they want to see. That must involve a ton of travel, dude.

I was unaware that you did the exact same thing, too.

You just seem baffled and upset about this, im merely trying to off you a logical answer to the situation. I love tag wrestling as much as anyone, but as I said, there just isnt a need for it anymore, or so the WWE thinks.

No, I'm not baffled at all. I just clearly don't buy all of your statements. I agree that obviously WWE doesn't see a need to invest in Tag Teams anymore. But just because WWE doesn't see a need for it, doesn't mean that the fans don't want to see it as part of their wrestling entertainment.
It also doesn't necessarily mean it was, either.

Well, evidence supports that it was more than the latter. Just sayin.

You mean to tell me that Demolition was paired together because they thought that Bill Eadie had a glorious singles career waiting for him to go back into?

Probably, until he got his heart condition. Or, to groom and mentor Barry Darsow, and Crush who....well would you look at that, went on to succesfull singles carreers.

How about when Andre the Giant and Haku were paired together? Obviously, they were already singles wrestlers and were paired together because Andre couldn't work Singles matches anymore.

it was wait, you already answered it for me. So, clearly, it was merely a favor for Andre, with plans centered on Haku going back to singles competition....

And how did that pan out for him?

Intent not result. See my men in bars example.

Actually, no he isn't. That is Funaki. I am talking about Pat Tanaka from the Orient Express, not Kai en Tai. And no, they did not go on to be anything but a Tag Team in the WWE.

:blush: No way

Vince is sure concerned about those Spoilers hitting the Internet, though, isn't he? If the Internet audience is so small, why should Vince give a Fuck about Spoilers hitting the net, and changing plans?

Im sure that knowledge of events came from an entirely reputable news source. Did you know Rey Mysterio is gonna be out for like, 100 months for knee surgery?

I was unaware that you did the exact same thing, too.

Odd we have never ran into each other.

I agree that obviously WWE doesn't see a need to invest in Tag Teams anymore.

ah, well then. Thread over.

But just because WWE doesn't see a need for it, doesn't mean that the fans don't want to see it as part of their wrestling entertainment.

that actually sort of is what it means. Fuck it though, lets have a round robin tournament for the newly christened Cruiserweight title though.
Who cares what the intent was, Tag-Teams served a purpose that Vince totally missed and for some reason can't see the value in. They we're the closest you could get to a Main-Event without actually having a Main-Event. Back in the day, even if the New Age Outlaws we're just getting set up for future singles runs, they we're obviously greater than the sum of their individual parts.

Headbangers, obviously more of a draw together than apart. LOD, bigger draw together. New Age'ers bigger draw together. Dudley's jobbers by themselves. Who cares if Vince intends for the Tag-Teams to lead to singles stars, he's missing easy opportunity's by cancelling out the division all together. APA, Bradshaw was probably more of a draw as a part of the APA than he was a s JBL.

Sure the WWE doesn't need Tag-Teams, but they'd be better off with them, its sorry and lazy to not try just because you don't need to, its called being lazy and complacent.

Back to the original topic, I no longer see any purpose to the Unified Tag-Titles AT ALL. I mean, D/X never shows up on SD(and btw, Jericho never does either, even though he's their superstar and he's been kicked off of Raw like 50 times), they've defended the Titles like once or twice, and I never thought they we're going to lose once. If they ever defend it against a real Tag-Team I'll be surprised if they lose, basically its either going to be a fluke loss or they'll lose them to yet another already established slapped together squad. But of course, the Titles really aren't about the Tag-Division, they we're just made to screw SD and the Tag-Division over.
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