*Merged* All Tag Team Division Discussion


I mean...what?

How does this pairing make any sense at all? If you want to epitomize them mixing two single stars together into a tag team, this is it.

Hopefully it's not permanent, but Mason debuted as Kofi's partner at the WWE live events this weekend.

Do you guys like this decision? Do you think it lasts?
I like mason ryan but i can't stand kofi so hopefully mason just gives up on him decimates him and goes back i to contention for the us title
A good way to get Mason a bit better in ring, not full on singles stuff just a few minutes in out tagging, seems sensible. I think Kidd would have been a good choice.
This is absolutely brilliant. Mason Ryan has been treading water since CM Punk's Nexus broke up prematurely and he needs something to do.

Kingston and Ryan compliment each other perfectly. This should work extremely well for both.
and as Kofi seems to have a loyal fanbase, Mason turning on him down the track will have some impact. Ryan needs to be a heel, maybe popping him in a tag team will hide some of his weaknesses he has in the ring, halve the workload yet get a push. Good move WWE.
I like mason ryan but i can't stand kofi so hopefully mason just gives up on him decimates him and goes back i to contention for the us title
There is so much wrong with this sentence.

I'm not really ok with Mason Ryan and Kofi Kingston together, at all. I feel sorry for Kofi, because it's not his fault his tag team partner can't get his shit together, but I also don't want to see this tag team. AT ALL. I would rather sit through the Bashams and the Spirit Squad for the next 60 days! Kofi needs a guy that can match his speed and style. Bourne was the ultimate compliment to him, and that's why Air Boom worked so well in my opinion. If Bourne wasn't an idiot, things probably would have worked out, and they'd be well on their way to making the division a happier place. But no. That would never happen, because the wrestling gods hate me.

I get it, Ryan is this big dude who nobody wants to mess with. Normally that would be enough to sell him for me, but everything they have tried to do with him, they've cancelled a few weeks later, sending him back into obscurity until they come up with some other terrible idea. And to their credit, having him as an enforcer worked tremendously well...in theory. I'm not sure why they are so adamant that he has to be this big, friendly face. Who the heck wants to see a guy like that play nice?

At least they didn't dress him up in a bright-ass red outfit, give him dancers, and name him after a dinosaur. That would be a train wreck...
I like it! Its the typical speed/powerhouse team.

Personally, I would've liked to see Kofi go out and do a shoot promo about himself and Evan how Evan screwed up. Talk about how he is through with this whole Jamaican gimmick and go back to the street one he had against Orton in '09, and possibly tag with JTG...not in a sense of a new Cryme Tyme.

Kofi and his current character has grown stale on me. He needs a change and HOPEFULLY teaming with Ryan will give him an edgier character.

Its also good for Mason too. He hasn't been seen on TV lately and isn't very over with fans. Kofi is over hardcore so Mason can ride the coattails like Ziggler did with Vickie.
Just because something happens at a house show it doesn't mean it is going to transfer to TV. I'm sure Kofi and Bourne had been scheduled for tag matches at these shows so they needed a face replacement. Ryan fits the bill as a face who had nothing else to do so it is a logical choice. If we see this pairing on RAW or Smackdown then we can talk about whether it is a good or bad idea but for right now this is just meaningless speculation of what may happen.
As we all know cryme time were awesome..
And the tag team division needs more teams..
And JTG is being underused (and missused)..

Would anyone like to see a return?

How would you have them return?

Heel or Face?

Who could they fued with?
I am 100% for this idea. The WWE was onto something back in late 2009/early 2010 when they had these guys and The Hart Dynasty becoming the two biggest tag teams in the WWE. Six months later, they were both broken up.

If only they had kept them together...the WWE's tag team division would be in much better shape now.
Just because something happens at a house show it doesn't mean it is going to transfer to TV. I'm sure Kofi and Bourne had been scheduled for tag matches at these shows so they needed a face replacement. Ryan fits the bill as a face who had nothing else to do so it is a logical choice. If we see this pairing on RAW or Smackdown then we can talk about whether it is a good or bad idea but for right now this is just meaningless speculation of what may happen.

No disrespect, but usually house shows are a way to gauge the future and are a way to see how well something works.

They lost the titles at a house show and it stuck and we all talked about it before seeing how it played out...and look what happened. They could've easily had them drop the titles at RAW the next night and it still would've been shocking.

Both men need something to do so I dont see NOT happening outside of a house show. I highly doubt they were just going to throw Kofi into the US title picture out of nowhere, and Mason Ryan has been in creative hell for awhile.
Both of you are correct. It was just a house show, and sometimes they do need a fill-in when a match has already been advertised, or they haven't thought of something for Kofi to do yet. AND, they often use house shows to gauge crowd response and see if something will work. I'd say 8/10 times the things at house shows end up on TV...

REGARDLESS, this doesn't change the fact that I don't want to see Kofi and Mason Ryan as a tag team. Do you know what my favorite moment of his was? A couple weeks ago when Miz was looking for a body guard, he stared him down, shook his head, and walked away. That was it. I think he looks bad-ass in street clothes, but that is the extent of my praise for his character.
WWE are clearly just trying to get Mason over. They don't give a fuck about Kofi, if they can get Mason over majorly, they can put him in the US or IC title picture. Everybody knows that Vince loves big guys, he probably popped a boner when he saw Ryan for the first time. When this team inevitably breaks up Kofi will get fucked over. I feel bad for Kofi really, it's not his fault Bourne is a fuck up and now he's gonna suffer because Evan can't stop helping himself to sum' weed every now and again. Mason will benefit from this team, Kofi won't. Shame really...
No disrespect, but usually house shows are a way to gauge the future and are a way to see how well something works.

Sometimes yes but not always. When something like an injury or suspension happens I think it's more likely that it's just a quick fix for what was initially planned. I'm not saying this won't happen on the main shows just that it's a little early to know for sure.

They lost the titles at a house show and it stuck and we all talked about it before seeing how it played out...and look what happened. They could've easily had them drop the titles at RAW the next night and it still would've been shocking.

A title change at a house show is completely different. When something like that happens it isn't speculation of what may happen on the main show. The titles aren't just going to change hands at a house show and then not translate to the main shows. Especially in this internet age.
I'm fine with this. I mean, why not? What Ryan needs is ring time, even if it's just 20-30 seconds a night. Kofi has the match, Ryan comes in and hits a few big power moves, gets the pin. I mean, it's not like he's doing anything otherwise. He was around once the other night when Miz was looking for someone to fight for him so it's not like this is a step down for him. No problem with it.
But anyways, i do wonder why is WWE so hellbent on keeping Kofi in the tag team division? He proved during his Randy Orton feud that he has what it take to get to the next level, yet WWE just doesn't even want to recognize that. As fun as a potential Kofi/Mason tag team could be, I'd much rather see him chase after the US or Intercontinental championships. A draft move to Smackdown could do great for him if he's put in a feud with Cody Rhodes or someone.
Im only going to answer one question since my entire answer is based on that...

Only for the fact that WWE needs tag teams. However, they released Shad so there was obviously something WWE didn't see in him. He seemed like just another big guy but limited in the ring as far as style.

I was not a HUGE fan of Cryme Tyme because it was a negative stereotype. WWE made them look like crooks that did back alley deals every time they were shown backstage.

I would actually like to see JTG team with someone else and form a tag team with. There are so many guys in NXT and FCW he could work with that aren't being used.
A title change at a house show is completely different. When something like that happens it isn't speculation of what may happen on the main show. The titles aren't just going to change hands at a house show and then not translate to the main shows. Especially in this internet age.

True, however, there have been instances where it has happened in the past. Albeit not as often. If the show had been on a Friday or Saturday, I would've said they would've gotten them back before Monday. I have read where this has happened.

Mike is right though. I wasn't nor am I trying to argue your point, just add to it. I remember hearing that Tyson Kidd was having 3 different managers escort him on Superstars but then nothing came of it.
who says Cryme Tyme were awesome??? Personaly they ere ok, but certainly not awesome. They were given hardly anything decent storyline wise, geeting air time with Cena got them over but that was about it. A run with the titles would have been good, but they were pretty lame and with the tag team division non-existant,. it would be pretty stupid to bring them back with no decent competition to feud with. The Uso's are not going to get over, Primo and Epico are dull as dishwater. Best bet is to have Tyson Kidd tag with Kofi. There would be a tag team that could get over
I dunno, they just don't look like 2 guys that would hang out with each other. Maybe Kofi/Jackson would've worked better? I mean, not being racist but the guys have to look kinda similar to be a credible tag team, The Usos are meant to be brothers, Primo/Epico are cousins, Air Boom were both high flyers. What do Kofi and Mason share? Nothing.
As has been pointed out, Ryan may simply be a substitute for Bourne as I'm reasonably certain that Kofi & Bourne were scheduled to work as a team for these house shows. It's not necessarily an indication of things to come.

If Ryan does turn out to be a replacement for Bourne, I can't really say one way or the other whether I'm into them as a team or not. But, on the surface, it does look like a good mix of speed & agility with size & strength. It could potentially be a good way of covering up some of Ryan's shortcomings in the ring until/unless he improves.
This past summer we got to see some very quality matches on Smackdown for The Usos. Matches against tag teams like Michael McGillicutty & David Otunga and also the team of Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater, brought out The Usos and gave us a chance to see what The Usos were capable of. They seemed like a very well-oiled tag team and they looked just a few weeks away from becoming tag team champs.

However, that obviously hasn't happened. Over the past few months, The Usos haven't really been used much on WWE television, and when they have, it's usually for a quick 3-5 minute match that would usually end up in a loss. What happened to the momentum they seemed to have gained in those few weeks during the summer?

This leads me to my question. Now, I don't know if The Usos will get their push some time soon or not, but I ask this question. Would a return of their father, Rikishi help get The Usos back on track? In my opinion, The Usos have the in-ring skills and the automatic chemistry they need to compete as a tag team, but their missing something. With Tamina on her own now, I believe the lack of a presence may be holding The Usos back. I believe Rikishi may be the answer, even if it's only for a couple months.

So, do you think a return of Rikishi would help The Usos? If not, do you believe The Usos, as they are now, are enough to compete as a mainstay in the team division. What do you think needs to be done to get The Usos back on track and gain some momentum back?
In terms of their talent and ability I think the Usos are fine. They are very good in the ring and also talented on the mic when given a chance. Why they haven't been pushed as the top tag team, I don't know. Hopefully that push is coming soon. In that aspect I think a brief return from Rikishi could help. He was always over with the fans as a face and him coming back for a short period may get the WWE to pull the trigger on their push. However, in the long run it may be better if they just do everything on their own.
I'm not a fan of Ryan at all, but perhaps this might work.

In a way, it's a better idea than pairing Kofi with another high flier. People would look at him (say, Justin Gabriel for example) as a "substitute" for Evan Bourne, making it hard for him to get over.
Since Ryan is as different from Bourne in the ring as it possibly can get, this creates distance, which is good.

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