Meilichia Tribute Thread

*e-hug for Milichia* there feel better:)

And for the record no Dahmer did not spit on the graves of his victims, there would be no point cause he ate their remains so no much would be left in the graves, and what I think Spawn was saying was someday those people are gonna die, and hopefully you'll still be around, and you'll be able to spit on their grave, you know like the way they spit in your face(figuratively speaking of course)

Though I could see how you could find that creepy, I just don't think he meant she should go out and kill them;)

Yeah, what he said. lol
Actually you are rather wrong. Jeffrey Dahmer only spit when he had left over fat in his teeth. And it wasn't into graves either dude. You might mean someone like Ted Bundy, who was the kind of sick prick who would do that. But I wasn't saying that she should kill anybody. Or EAT anybody. I was saying that life goes on so to keep her head up. It maes the spit fly even better when they died a cold insecure death without you. :-D

You are a morbid sumbitch. lol it's fun.
Wow. That. Is. A. Rack. Wow. Just...Wow. Amazing.

[And theres my one perverted post of the day]
Yes I'm afraid I don't stoop to the levels of Jake and yourself with the endless flirting. I don't expect to be going to England any time soon, so I'll save that flirting energy for the real women around me.

I'm so ronery. :(

come on people wheres my names, hair colour and interesting facts!

Oh, right. Well, as you already know, my real name is Dexter O'Connelly, and I have naturally blue hair. That could also be my interesting fact, but I'll give you an extra: I have a secret desire to oneday be a Broadway producer.
Oh, right. Well, as you already know, my real name is Dexter O'Connelly, and I have naturally blue hair. That could also be my interesting fact, but I'll give you an extra: I have a secret desire to oneday be a Broadway producer.

hmmmm... is it me, or does that now make sense... naturally blue? you said your name was Jeremy and your an actor too... not a producer :p
hmmmm... is it me, or does that now make sense... naturally blue? you said your name was Jeremy and your an actor too... not a producer :p

NO!! I told you... my name is Dexter- oh dammit! My fun has been ruined! foiled again. I was really hoping the name Dexter O'Connelly would catch on.
Some facts about me... My real name is Kenneth, My old username on this site before I was modded was Kfowlkes. I'm 20, In college, and studying to be an engineer. I'm single, I love all types of music except Pop music. I have Schizo Affective disorder (essentially Bi polar and Schizophrenia mixed) and I prefer Womens wrestling over much of the mens stuff.
Really? I collect Antiques too, except I set mine on fire. Nothing better then destroying World History.
Thats nice .... Although i don't really like antiques ... i refer to them as dust collectors...
Echelon, I was diagnosed with Bi-polar over summer too, although i just thought i was just a moody person!
Well just to recap... I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years, my best friend and housemate got knocked down and has a spinal injury, I am stressed for a huge uni thing next week, i am a digital photographer and my really expensive lovely digital camera ran out of warranty two weeks ago, and today it decided to die and i am so poor i can't afford another one, i just found out my ex is moving in with another girl on Saturday which if you ask me is pretty quick and i had been feeling a bit weird like sick and emotional, so i went to the docs, and i have to go for a test tommorow, and i really don't want that test to come back as positive, if you get what i am saying. so now i shall be drunk instead!
Do you think i deserve an e hug?
Well just to recap... I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years, my best friend and housemate got knocked down and has a spinal injury, I am stressed for a huge uni thing next week, i am a digital photographer and my really expensive lovely digital camera ran out of warranty two weeks ago, and today it decided to die and i am so poor i can't afford another one, i just found out my ex is moving in with another girl on Saturday which if you ask me is pretty quick and i had been feeling a bit weird like sick and emotional, so i went to the docs, and i have to go for a test tommorow, and i really don't want that test to come back as positive, if you get what i am saying. so now i shall be drunk instead!
Do you think i deserve an e hug?

Damn you have had a bad week, and yes you deserve the mother of all e-hugs, I really can't say to much to make you feel better other than keep your head up, cause things have to get better

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