Meilichia Tribute Thread

Wheelchair wrestling Entertainment was sooooooooooooo boring as we can how Y2Jerkiko will continously job to Umaga and Orton
We don't see Orton losing that's for sure we see Jericho being another jobber so Orton can go and claim another victory and adding Jerkiko on the listof the others he destroyed to be the legend killer (john cena,Hbgay,underfaker etc)
Well Jerkiko keep jobbing you had a chance to be something in TNA and all you really are in WWE is nothing now !!
^Shut the Fuck Up
If Jericho was on TNA he would be jobbing to Angle
I dont know why you bother to watch WWE if all you do is bitch about it
Wheelchair wrestling Entertainment was sooooooooooooo boring as we can how Y2Jerkiko will continously job to Umaga and Orton
We don't see Orton losing that's for sure we see Jericho being another jobber so Orton can go and claim another victory and adding Jerkiko on the listof the others he destroyed to be the legend killer (john cena,Hbgay,underfaker etc)
Well Jerkiko keep jobbing you had a chance to be something in TNA and all you really are in WWE is nothing now !!

IF you don't like the show then don't watch it, it is really that simple!!!!

besides that has nothing to do with this thread what so ever
When will WWEsuxTNArulez or w/e his name is be banned, he's more annyoing then that fat southern kid on youtube who say's the same damn thing... Any way here Mel. hav an e-hug, hope things get better for ya :)
Does this "guy" only show up after RAW each week to annoy the hell out of us?!? Seriously, how has "he" not been banned yet. "He" is not even entertaining anymore. Just fucking obnoxious. TNASUX, no talking on Meilichia's tribute thread.
awww thanks guys for the hugs! and yeah TNASUX guy or whatever you are, get off my tribute thread, only nice things can be posted about me here!! :p
I feel better today still a bit down but i am being cared for by my housemates with tea and ice cream :) not at the same time because that would hurt my teeth... oh and also jack daniels, hense the rambling i think. oh and erm i feel mean because i only know a few of your names... so because i feel like it, i want you all to tell me your name, what colour hair you have and a fact about yourself that might shock me :p
I'm not cruel, i just get what i want. Ok now you have to write me a poem, credits and a interesting fact and you get your naughty picture :p
Nope, well you could because obviously i don't know if your going to lie to me, but i judge it's worth, and if its not good enough no picture for you...
Yeah me too. I'll give you the vBookie credits, a fact and I'll let you be one of my ''friends'' on My Space.
WTF DUDE!!! Spit on their grave?!?!? What are you, a mentor for serial killers? She asked for hugs, not a sit-down with Jeffrey Dahmer. Creep.

Actually you are rather wrong. Jeffrey Dahmer only spit when he had left over fat in his teeth. And it wasn't into graves either dude. You might mean someone like Ted Bundy, who was the kind of sick prick who would do that. But I wasn't saying that she should kill anybody. Or EAT anybody. I was saying that life goes on so to keep her head up. It maes the spit fly even better when they died a cold insecure death without you. :-D

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