Meilichia Tribute Thread

Lol, I'm curious to whether Jonny was serious. 99% of me thinks he was pissed off and said my name because he thinks I'm a ****. On the other hand the 1% thinks that he sees me as his logical successor. I'm torn on which way to support. I want to become admin, but I don't want Jonny to leave either.
Do remember Jonny also said I was the next admin and was 100% serious about it. This I am not sure about due to what he has said before. But either way I'd rather he stay. I think he is just a tad mad.

Damn, even locked this thread won't die. :lmao:
Honestly I was 100% serious.

Of course I am still thinking about it and I am fucking destroyed (just had the worst night ever)... but it wont be up to me who the next admin is... personally I think it should be DIAR, but Luther would probably get it (thats no offense to either guys there, both are great mods).

I appreciate the PM's I have gotten. To say I'm mad is an overstatement to say the least. I'm mad in WZ Terms and part of me thinks why bother with this crap anymore... I truly feel like the most under appreciated person here because what I do goes so unnoticed.
Just rest a bit Jonny, check out the thread Will made and I hope that makes you feel better. We do appreciate you Jonny and don't want you to go.

Thanks for saying I am a good mod, I try my best and am trying to find ways to become more involved, this goes around MMA which I hope I am around long enough to do.

BTW, who is it up to in picking the next admin? I knew it wasn't you when you said you would suggest me for it. But I was not sure who's choice it is. My guess is Cash.
This situation is only a big deal if you make it one. Jonny made that last post at 4 in the morining. I'm assuming he was drunk. He'll wake up today and he either will have changed his mind, or he'll resign to Cash who'll say: Nah we'll get rid of Jake instead.

Some people overreact. Jonny might have sounded pissed when he was typing but I doubt he was hunched over his keyboard typing like an angry monkey. And I sure wasn't pissed about it, I was having a great time. I assure you I was fully reclined with a cigarette in my mouth when that conversation took place.
Using this philosophy then, I should be able to state my opinion that this girl provides nothing of quality to this forum, other than to take pictures of her breasts and post them. And that very few people care to talk to her if it's not about her naked body.

But, apparently, that kind of discussion isn't "allowed" in "her" thread. So, she makes up her own set of rules, and tries to tell people where and how to post in "her" thread.

Which is where the problem comes in.

See, the problem is, if you just come in to have a go at Dannii, then that's against WZ rules althogether. It's called flaming Sly, look it up sometime. But, if you're actually trying to start discussion, and backing up your claim instead of picking on one person for no apparent reason, then I don't see a problem with it. The thing is, you tend to lean towards the first option.
See, the problem is, if you just come in to have a go at Dannii, then that's against WZ rules althogether. It's called flaming Sly, look it up sometime.
Flaming is allowed in the Bar Room Cola. It has since I first joined.

But, if you're actually trying to start discussion, and backing up your claim instead of picking on one person for no apparent reason, then I don't see a problem with it. The thing is, you tend to lean towards the first option.
No, I tend to lean towards option 3. Respond when someone talks about me in this thread. Almost every single time there was a problem in this thread, it was when my name was brought up by this girl. It's true. Go back and look it up.

Quit sucking her dick just because you don't have one, Cola.
Forever. It's just not really enforced.

WZ Rules Thread said:
6. Flaming. Flaming is Banned at WZ, flaming another member will result in a warning. The Bar Room will allow this to an extent, however excessive flaming will result in a warning, no matter where you are.
It's in the rulebook...

And I know before the last Bar Room crashed, it was in the forum rules there as well.
Quiet Junior. It's almost bed time. Tell your chav friends they have to go home now.
Funny thing is nobody has posted in this thread since Sunday, until you two came in asking for it to be closed again, people probably would have just forgotten about it had you not said anything, oh well

just found it funny the only people that even post in here now are the ones asking for it to be closed:laugh:
Funny thing is nobody has posted in this thread since Sunday, until you two came in asking for it to be closed again, people probably would have just forgotten about it had you not said anything, oh well

just found it funny the only people that even post in here now are the ones asking for it to be closed:laugh:

Closed the thread Justin

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