Make A Joke About One Of The Forum Members

D-Man is sitting in his locker room when his manager walks in.

Manager: "Great news champ. I got you another rematch next week."

D-Man: "Awesome."

Manager: "Yeah it's a submission match."

D-Man: "WHAT???"

Manager: "Is something wrong?"

D-Man: "I don't know how to do any submissions!"

Manager: "You mean....."

D-Man: "Yes.....I can only do covers."

D-man walked into a bar. Ouch.

I'm just about positive IC is do I know this? His dick tastes like D-Man's ass.

Knock knock

Who's there?


D-Man who?

D-MAN broke down as his mother's Alzheimers had gotten to the point where she no longer remembered who he was.

IC25 and D-Man both become erect during an amatuer wrestling match with each other. Lord Sidious says he's delighted at finally seeing some stiff competition.
Which forum member don't you want at your party? Killjoy. Also Sid/Tm as they're creepy.
Not like somebody already used that joke, right? RIGHT?!

Did they? Shit, I didn't check. Apologies, I had three hours of sleep last night and was tossing and turning for a bit before giving up and browsing here. I see Crashin, and blammo, lazy anti-joke time.
How many TNA marks does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Three, one to screw in the bulb and the other two to continue slobbin' Bischoff's and Hogan's knobs.

Why did Dizzy cross the road?

I don't know but if TNA does something shitty, the important thing is that WWE once did something shittier.
How many forum members does it take to screw in a light bulb?

One, Slyfox holds the bulb and the world revolves around him.

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