You know you need a life when...

That guy must have Indian burn on his dick for the amount of times he's rubbed one off to IC25, Norcal and myself. He reminds me of a little boy in grammar school that had a crush on a girl, so he decided to pull her pigtails to get her attention. Well, all except for the part where the little boy liked a girl...
That guy must have Indian burn on his dick for the amount of times he's rubbed one off to IC25, Norcal and myself. He reminds me of a little boy in grammar school that had a crush on a girl, so he decided to pull her pigtails to get her attention. Well, all except for the part where the little boy liked a girl...


Thread Title: "Just how secure in your sexuality are you?" Homophobic Challenge Thread

Well, D-Man's mouth got him in trouble again.

This came up in the High School Wrestling Thread in here, and he said that there was absolutely nothing I could possibly ask him that would make him feel uncomfortable at all about his entire wrestling career. I simply told him he was very much mistaken and that by the time I am through, I guarantee he would be red in the face from his time of being a wrestler.

I told him we could do it over PM, but he insisted it be done publicly. So here is D-Man for all to see, because he couldn't swallow his pride.

And in this line of questioning, to get him red in the face, I knew the strategy to go about this that would do it would be to test him by a series of questions that would be very borderline homophobic. Because at the end of the day, we are going to find out just how secure D-Man really is with his sexuality.

Anyway, guess who started the High School Wrestling thread that caused all this? :lmao::lmao:
He was fishing for mastur-bait!

EDIT: Also, what Armbar said. Don't insult him because he's gay. Insult him because of the creepy things he did.
Honestly the gay jokes are a little lame. He's obviously acting like a child, don't devolve to the same level by using 7th grade jokes to insult his sexuality. Douche or not.

It's posts like this that killed Jack.

Scream and cry more, and shake a vending machine.
Didn't read all of that, but the sheer fact that Sidious' opening question was heading right down the "he likes to wrestle men therefore he must be gay" highway made it seem incredibly ridiculous
While I don't condone any form of gay bashing and nobody here should either, that thread really did seem like he ws asking for some stories. Like he wanted to know how D-Man felt wrestling another dude, knowing full well that D-Man wasn't aroused. Or I assume.
Sidious has given me the courage to say what I really feel. Here it goes.

I don't respect Goose and I think your group is lame.

You have no idea what a burden it was keeping that locked away.
You'd be a better mod if you committed yourself to solitude. But we know how politics help you avoid real initiative.

You frat.
I don't recall reading through that thread Hume posted before. I'm in awe.

Sidious being too lazy to write his own detailed, well-paced erotica? Considering the time I've seen him put into replying to wrestling posts of mine, I find that very surprising.
Sidious has given me the courage to say what I really feel. Here it goes.

I don't respect Goose and I think your group is lame.

You have no idea what a burden it was keeping that locked away.

Must have been tough for you. Well done, you know, getting that out. Anyway, back to obscurity you go...
Doc, you're still in contact with TM? ... tell him I say hi. lol! he left the day i came back to the forums.. maybe if i leave.. nahhh.

No, I'm not. Can't stand the guy. I just know from Scotty that TM is trying to get him to leave the forums.

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