

Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Why couldn't you have been here during OCW? While I was out for my walk tonight I thought of a perfect segment with you in it.

We cut to D-Man's dressing room where he's polishing up his Taz Title in case he meets some random girl with big boobs that he can show it off to since D-Man has a tendency to do that. In walks his new manager.

D I got you a match for tonight. You have to defend that belt one more time.

D-Man grabs his mic which he always carries with him and speaks into it.

Awesome man. Who do I get?

Why in the hell do you have that damn microphone anyway? I'm two feet away from you! Anyway, it's a submission match against Norcal.

D-Man FREAKS over this, running his hands over his bald head and violently punching walls while shouting about how much trouble he's in.

D what's wrong???

I can't wrestle a submission match! I don't know any submissions!

You mean......

That's right. I can only do covers.
Back in the day I would constantly think of OCW angles and matches and stories etc. Occasionally they just pop in there still but most of the people are gone so there's no point.
I remember when Christian Battlez took over my e-fed he raped it to bits with his crap, appauling, its good to see people on here with creative minds, i have scenarios of how im gonna turn on FalKon or how we will form our stable in the promotion were going to.
Oh I remember OCW, I was actually trying to look for it thursday but I failed. How great. I forgot the ending tho, was it a dream or did it actually come into a final PPV.
I did a reunion show recently that had like one match with the original guys. WZCW invaded and left everyone laying to end it.
Oh...... I cant even remember that :|.

Feeling like starting it up again? Or atleast one more PPV?

I believe KB gave me your old gimmick, the Jack Swagger before Jack Swagger debuted.

He's quite proud of coming up with it.
Basically he's crazed into thinking a Ouija scroll/board is telling him what to do and is a bit of a darker character, ok quite a bit. He's got a Sheamus/Triple H mixture of wrestling style with a bit of submission work as well.
Hmm. KB tended to be just a brawler that was more like Vince if he had a lot more talent. I went 0-78 to start my OCW career.
Ty went undefeated and became the first Eurasian Champion (one of WZCW's midcard/upper midcard titles), lost his first match to Harthan's character Drake Callahan by role up because Harthan failed to write his part of a two fall triple threat match for two titles (think Jericho/Benoit/Angle), and won the Mayhem (hardcore) title when it was more prominent in the upper mid card.

I still think it'd be a hell of a match. Perhaps a crossover opportunity down the line somewhere could be considered between OCW and WZCW.
I had fun writing it. It just wasn't the same without the guys here constantly yelling at me to get new stuff up and bickering with each other over titles. And I didn't blow up any countries here.

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