Make A Joke About One Of The Forum Members

There is a full pound of dried semen in the cartridge slot of Lee's NES.

Not a joke so much as it is well informed speculation.
I don't think Crock will ever forget his girlfriends last words to him before she died.

Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?


I know, I'm not funny at all.
Exploring the bland-as-shit maps in that game is a chore

No it isn't. If you read the dialogue instead of skipping it all like a lot of impatient people seem to do, you'd know where to go.

every character that's not blatantly ripped off a character from a Square game is the same bland character as the main one.

This is proof right here that you haven't even made it past the second town. I spent more time on developing my main characters than anything else in the entire creation of the game. They are original. Some have little tributes to other characters here and there, but when it comes down to it they are mine and original. Each of the 12 main characters and a few of the villains receive a ton of character development as the game progresses. You wouldn't know that though, since you obviously gave up on it before it even starts. Tell me this, how far did you even get?

The game artificially adds length by forcing the player to explore unimportant parts of the most visually unappealing maps I've ever seen in a game.

No it doesn't. It took me around 90 hours to do a run through the game including each optional quest and without hunting any Tape Birds to level up faster. Like I said earlier, if you listened to what people tell you, or ask the other heroes at the base (provided you even got far enough to have a base) then you'd know exactly where to go, thus eliminating anything unimportant. All of the required missions end up being important to the story somehow.

Not only are you not allowed to make any income off the game, per the user agreement that you agreed to when you downloaded RPG maker, you wouldn't because the demo is a bag of dicks.

The FREE version is meant to be FREE!!!! That's the whole point of a FREE demo. Besides, did you not see the part where I said I did not care about becoming rich off this game? I set out to make a game, I did it. As for the demo, don't judge a book by its cover. Give it a second chance.

I don't have any reservations about throwing this in your face now that we all know how you truly feel about constructive criticism.

Constructive criticism is stuff like what you were saying back in the official thread in the Bar Room back in the spring. Suggestions on things to improve. Telling me that the game is awful or, as you called it, "a bag of dicks" is hardly constructive criticism. That's closer to trolling than anything.

Trust me, Jose's post was the most tame, constructive criticisms I've seen about your game by everyone who's played it.

That wasn't constructive criticism. That was a blatant stab at me, my game, and my personal goals.

The fact that you blew up on him, out of all people, is about as laughable as "Wolf and Bolf."

1. He's been posting rude things about me in several threads for months now and that post was the final straw.

2. It's Wolfie, not Wolf. There is a HUGE spoiler about him later on. Arguably the biggest spoiler in the whole game. I guess you'll never though because you didn't even give the game a chance based on what you're saying here.

3. Bolf lives on a different planet called Jellasto. Bolf might be a weird name to someone living on Earth, but the fact is that he's from another world. That happens to be a common ordinary name there. Perhaps they might think names like Joe or Frank are laughable. That aside, if Bolf's name is so laughable, I'm not the one using it as a forum screenname. Just saying.

Punchline: Division Blade sucks and you should be taking in all the constructive criticism you get directly up your ass with a smile on your face, and improve your fucking game.

I don't mind constructive criticism. That has already been covered. I'm always open to suggestions, as long as people are polite about it. Speaking of politeness.... I used to view you as a friend on here and thought you were a rather cool person. What the HELL happened to you!? Ever since May you have been acting rudely and have been nothing short of a jerk on here. I have slowly lost damn near all of the respect I had for you.

As for improving the game.... I'd love to. I have a handful of ideas of things to throw into the full version. The thing is.... I don't have time. I have not even touched it since graduation. I had higher priorities after that such as working a job I was miserable at so that I would be able to afford rent, taking care of the new puppies, helping my wife deal with a crisis that has completely destroyed her side of the family, finding a new job ASAP once I got forced into a situation at my old one where I had to quit, and now finally coming closer to being able to live comfortably again by keeping my new job and my family a higher priority. All of which are things that some of the people who never seem to leave the spam zone of this forum would likely never understand, problems that occur in REAL LIFE, the place that actually matters in the long run. Check reality out sometime, you might like it.
It takes you 90 hours to do a run through of your own game?

That would be ridiculous on a game with a wholly original engine. For an RM2k3 outing (particularly one that seems to be built out of RTP content) it is unfathomable.
I didn't care if it made money or not. I had a dream of making a video game, I accomplished it.

Good for you man. Really. I respect the initiative it takes to stick with something this long and actually have something to show for it. Kudos, champ. I think you were so butt hurt by being poked fun at that you failed to see the point, or more importantly you projected your own insinuations onto it.

My point is that maybe with the time and energy you've spent making this kind of epic game, you should have been learning how to program for a platform from which you could profit. Not to "be rich". Not to "sell out". Only because it would give you a skill set from which to benefit from in the future. Something to support your family with.

You have no room to talk on here about game development until you too have made a 90 hour game with 32 playable characters and over a thousand maps to explore.

Actually during my time living in San Francisco I had the pleasure of working for a few different gaming companies. While I was no where IN development myself, many of my friends and my roommates were. I kinda have a little bit of knowledge of what I'm talking about. I'm no expert, true, but I certainly have a better idea of what the industry is like and what goes into making a game than most average people.

And, if you really want to get down to it, I made a short game once on RPG Maker for the PS1. Now that's fucking dedication, homey. Seriously though, making a LONG game with LOTS OF CHARACTERS is not nearly the same as making a GOOD game and one that will do anything but languish on a server for a few years before being forgotten by most everyone except the one who poured his life into it (and at that point I wrap this back into the concept of the thread: a JOKE).

How many video games have you made?

3, but they were all RPG derivative of everything else that had influenced me. I have no shame admitting that.

Probably none because you are too busy sitting on here telling people how much you think they suck when you don't know a damn thing about them.

When have I ever told you that you suck? When have I ever done more than make a few jokes at your expense, which is something I do to many around here. For fuck's sake, go look at the way I treat the people that I don't it? Good. Now see how I don't do that to you? So I make a few jokes about you, made a thread copping your posting style as a joke that actually ended up being as successful as your usual threads, and told you that you might want to look into making real games as opposed to using a boxed engine like RPG Maker. Big. Fucking. Deal.

Get a life and grow up.

Yes, yes, I see now that you have refrained from the basement comments you usually make. Why is that?

I have a life. Not the greatest, but not bad either. I just spent the night making tacos and watching The Blues Brothers with my lady and I think I might get some ice cream after this. Thanks for the concern though.

As for improving the game.... I'd love to. I have a handful of ideas of things to throw into the full version. The thing is.... I don't have time. I have not even touched it since graduation. I had higher priorities after that such as working a job I was miserable at so that I would be able to afford rent, taking care of the new puppies, helping my wife deal with a crisis that has completely destroyed her side of the family, finding a new job ASAP once I got forced into a situation at my old one where I had to quit, and now finally coming closer to being able to live comfortably again by keeping my new job and my family a higher priority. All of which are things that some of the people who never seem to leave the spam zone of this forum would likely never understand, problems that occur in REAL LIFE, the place that actually matters in the long run. Check reality out sometime, you might like it.

1: I leave the spam zone plenty, in fact for the longest time WZCW was the only reason I'd stop in here, and kinda still is.

2: I understand the life thing, hence my initial suggestion you turn this passion into something that could be a great career for you. Take some fucking night classes, learn some programming, and use your experience towards better shaping a system for developing and designing a game and then getting it made. Make something of this instead of letting it be some fucking side hobby while you waste away at some job that eats you alive and spits you out on the other side of 40 with nothing to show but a receding hairline and a fucking mortgage if you're lucky.

3: I would check out reality, but your sig is always telling me to do otherwise.

Ok, that's it, that's all I got for now, sorry to pull you all away from the jokes. If you need me, you can probably find me in the spam zones kicking puppies and punching kittens.
DirtyJosé;3470468 said:
I have a life. Not the greatest, but not bad either. I just spent the night making tacos and watching The Blues Brothers with my lady and I think I might get some ice cream after this. Thanks for the concern though.

Sounds like a great fucking night

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