Live Discussion: Raw 6/15/09

Options that would make me explode with markness:

Ted DiBiase Sr.
Eric Bischoff
Mike Adamle
Randy Savage
Stone Cold Steve Austin
I could see maybe Macho Man but I would think that would last for only a short period to promote the DVD. Has Vince had any contact with him during the DVD production?
Holy Shit....maybe it is Macho. No way Vince says , "no chance in hell" for Flair. It would the worst letdown ever......

your giving the WWE far too much credit. these dudes are the fuckin KINGS of the letdown, buzzkill.

itll be the Stan Kroenke impersonator, or something fucking god awful like that
Is it just me or is it weird that there's actually a sense of mystery and appeal that we haven't seen for a while on Raw. I am actually really glad that i am watching this
please not flair remembered when he owned raw back in 2002 talk about a snore fessed it sucked i dont think wwe is that dumb.
Oh yes.

Come on, Dreamer.

The crowd has been pretty awesome from what I've seen. I missed the first 15 minutes.
JBL? Nobody's said him, he is rich, and would be a good GM.

It's going to be Flair, whos already been president of WCW, owner of Raw etc. Stale choice for me.
he said someone he didn't expect to so it won't be flair, shane or steph.

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