Live Discussion: Raw 6/15/09

Donald Trump gets the Official Thumbs up from Shocky!!!

Finally, we might see the Fucking Brands be exclusive again.
great episode so far tonight

Jericho/Mysterio has been great to this point, Orton is back as champ, and a huge twist with Trump.

Get more attention? Good job Vince, there are currently 120 people viewing this topic.
I think Trump is a great idea, as long as we don't go back to brandsplit PPVs. However, Trump is obviously not going to be running the show on a weekly basis, so I am reserving judgement until the actual GM is announced.
This could've been one of the biggest angles that WWE has had in a long time. Instead they bring in Trump who no one could give a fuck about.
How the fuck does Dibiase an Rhodes get into the battle royal for the WWE title, was Chavo and Santino busy or some shit, the Colons too busy hanging out with their dad?
Cena will eliminate Show, Miz will eliminate Cena, Trips will eliminate pretty much everyone else. Yay.
I realize I'm about an hour behind everyone right now, but did anyone else catch Matt Striker's comment? Right after McMahon announced that he had sold RAW, Josh Matthews asks Striker who he thinks might have bought RAW, and he responds "Could it be Barack Obama? He owns everything else already".

Are you fucking serious? Shut the fuck up Matt Striker. Nobody wants to hear your political opinions on the air, go tell that shit to a brick wall. We don't tune in to listen to your half-brained politics.
Fucking Triple H vs. Orton Again, are you fuckign kidding me. Everyone has been saying prepare for the dissapointment, well when fucking Trips wins the match and we see Orton vs. Triple H again, you'll have your wish. Oh maybe we can get the Epic Cena vs. Triple H III at Night of Champions again, I shiver with anticipation...

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