Live Discussion: Raw 2/8/10 W/Guest Host Carl Edwards

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I have no idea how Miz got the push and Morrison dropped to Mid card


Looks like it's been replaced by

The good thing about this: Miz gets to have 3 belts at once. When was the last time someone has had that in the WWE, if ever? I know it's only 2 titles, but I'm honestly wondering about the 3 belts at once.

I remember Lance f'n Storm having the US, Hardcore, and Cruiserweight at the same time, and he gave them all Canadian names. But that's the only one I can remember. Lance Storm did it because he was the Man. I can't recall WWE doing it off the top of my head.
Oh good grief. More WWE "reality". LIke they haven't been told every damn thing to say to make the company look awesome.
I have come online for the first time in several days for one reason and one reason alone:

Shut the fuck up with your Punk hatred FTS. It's old as hell. Notice he got more heat during his "boring promo" tonight than Sheamus, the WWE Champion, ever has.

Also, I'm quite pissed about Christian jobbing cleanly to Sheamus. Fucking pointless, and silly. Sheamus still can barely get a reaction when he comes out, so let's have him beat one of the most popular faces in the company who came out to massive face reactions tonight as usual and holds the crowd in the palm of his fuckin' hand.

And Miz/Show new tag champs? Can you say fucking pointless?
^ This is full of epic win.
X, you must never read my posts. If I hate CM Punk, then, in my world, he is doing his job. What other compliment can I pay him?

OK, I could pay him a compliment, but he gets cheap heat. "Hey, you're alla bunch of weak willed drunks, boo me please while I botch knees in the corner."

And, your Punk fanboyism is just as old and twice as lame.

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