Lariat's single...again.


Team Finnley Baylor
I'm not one to post things like this...but me and the Mrs. had another knock down drag out fight and broke up. THIS time, it was over me making motions to move to Lexington. I mean, we weren't serious. Dated for about a couple of weeks, had some sex, and we got along with each other. Apparently, we were serious, she 'loves' me, and wants to start a family with me. After two damn weeks? Really? THEN I told her I was wanting to move away from here, and she flipped her shit, calling me things such as inconsiderate, an asshole, and a mind fucker. Apparently, she took my 'negs' about her wearing too much makeup and being a ditz too seriously. So, on the 4th of July, I took her ass back to her house, told her we should see other people. She whispered something inaudible at the moment. I then asked her to repeat herself. She said, 'She already had other people.' So...being the man that I am, I yelled and called her names to the point of her crying her eyes out and told her to get the fuck out of my truck and to never call my ass again. Stupid cunt. Yea, I called her that. That's what started the water works. AND I have to work at 9 am tomorrow. Oh well. I'm single again, and plan on staying that way until I move, or until Scarlett Johansson moves to town.
Wow...I love ya lariat, but I've never been one to call a girl a cunt. Even if she does break my heart. I would just get up and walk away.

But being single is awesome and such...
Damn sorry to hear that Lariat, seems like this 4th of July is going down as a bad day for a lot of us. Don't worry bout it man, you'll get yourself a great woman, just gotta keep looking and trying.
oh goodness. people take the C word WAAAYYYY too deadly serious over here. they say it on the regular in England. or so Jake informs me.

You did the right thing, especially if she is gonna say some CRAZY disrespectfull shit like THAT to you. oh NO.
Damn sorry to hear that Lariat, seems like this 4th of July is going down as a bad day for a lot of us. Don't worry bout it man, you'll get yourself a great woman, just gotta keep looking and trying.


True Dat.
Single FTW.
Hopefully I get it on with the MILF later
Damn sorry to hear that Lariat, seems like this 4th of July is going down as a bad day for a lot of us. Don't worry bout it man, you'll get yourself a great woman, just gotta keep looking and trying.

today was shit for me too. Damn. Weird, dark day. just odd, all this shit man.
Wow...I love ya lariat, but I've never been one to call a girl a cunt. Even if she does break my heart. I would just get up and walk away.

But being single is awesome and such...

When she told me she was cheating on me, I nearly punched her in the head. I actually told her to get out before I WOULD hit her. I was that mad. I would NEVER hit a woman, but man, she had me close to it.
today was shit for me too. Damn. Weird, dark day. just odd, all this shit man.

Yeah today was supposed to be a day of fun, drinking and blowing shit up. Turned into a day of mourning for me at about 4:30 this morning, still blew shit up just to get my mind off things later on, but it just wasn't the same.
When she told me she was cheating on me, I nearly punched her in the head. I actually told her to get out before I WOULD hit her. I was that mad. I would NEVER hit a woman, but man, she had me close to it.

Yeah, cheating is not cool, but why stoop to the level she was at and start making her feel like shit? It makes you the better person once you let things be and not say anything. Even if it would make you feel better about yourself.

Self control, odd coming from me, but it's a wonderful thing.
oh goodness. people take the C word WAAAYYYY too deadly serious over here. they say it on the regular in England. or so Jake informs me.

You did the right thing, especially if she is gonna say some CRAZY disrespectfull shit like THAT to you. oh NO.

I hate using that word because my idiot dad uses that word on my mom every single day. But I hadn't been that mad since my first girl and I broke up about two years ago. The cops were called that night.
I love how she reveals she is cheating mere seconds after talking about how she loves you :lmao: all women just think they are the center of the damn universe
Yeah, cheating is not cool, but why stoop to the level she was at and start making her feel like shit? It makes you the better person once you let things be and not say anything. Even if it would make you feel better about yourself.

Self control, odd coming from me, but it's a wonderful thing.

I'm the first one to take the high road. Trust me. But when I feel disrespected and demeaned, it brings out some dark shit. I can mentally fuck someone up. She didn't realize that until she blew up on me tonight. 'How could you say those things? I thought you cared about me. Was I just some pussy you could get on?'

I said, "Apparently so. But YOU made it that way."

She was full of drama. Her ex was one of my good friends and warned me about her dramatic ways. Thought he was bitter. Turns out, he's the one that's fucking her behind my back. He got his, too.
Yeah, cheating is not cool, but why stoop to the level she was at and start making her feel like shit? It makes you the better person once you let things be and not say anything. Even if it would make you feel better about yourself.

Self control, odd coming from me, but it's a wonderful thing.

I've had 2 girls cheat on me in my lifetime, as far as I know.

The first one I stayed with her for a few more days while plotting on how to cheat on her with one of her friends. Well I broke up with her instead, but the time after that when we got back together, I cheated on her with another girl that shared the same name. Only time I've ever cheated and only time I will.

The second girl, this was interesting, one night we were chilling at her friends house, went to the room she was and tried to get freaky, well she pushed me away and said no. So Burna got pissed, left and went and smoked a HUGE bowl to chill. Next morning I get a call saying she cheated on me with some dude that painted his face like ICP. I cannot make this shit up. So I called her and ran her down hardcore and told her that we're done because I don't wanna fuck you for fear of getting a clown STD and suddenly a giant red nose begins to grow on me.

Later on she claims that he forced himself on her, but this dude was like 105 lbs, soaking wet, and was a bitch, so I have a hard hard time believing that.
I love how she reveals she is cheating mere seconds after talking about how she loves you :lmao: all women just think they are the center of the damn universe

She thought she was hot enough to pose nude for Penthouse and shit. I mean, honestly, she probably would stand a fighting chance. She's well built, curvy, and her boobs are big, but don't sag yet. I never fed into her ego, though. ALL guys before her did. I'd tell her her tits were sagging, her makeup was awful, and her pussy was nasty. THAT made her mad. I lied. It was a good nasty.
And here's the kicker in all of this. The friend I was talking about that warned me about her is the one that's fucking her behind my back. So...what I did is confront his ass at our local hangout, which is actually a parking lot behind McDonalds. I was ready to light into his ass, then I seen his woman in the car with him...

She works with me at Bank of America. I have her as a friend on I told her we should hang out sometime. And instead of mentioning the guy, she said, 'Sure, about tomorrow night after work, we go riding around...'

Payback's a bitch.
She thought she was hot enough to pose nude for Penthouse and shit. I mean, honestly, she probably would stand a fighting chance. She's well built, curvy, and her boobs are big, but don't sag yet. I never fed into her ego, though. ALL guys before her did. I'd tell her her tits were sagging, her makeup was awful, and her pussy was nasty. THAT made her mad. I lied. It was a good nasty.

dude, a girl saying that, or talking up how much they get complimented by guys, is a FUCKING self centered idiot. Learn that lesson. My 2nd ex, the bikini model, used to say shit like that ALL the time, and she was the fucking bane of my existance. Always remember THAT lesson man
And here's the kicker in all of this. The friend I was talking about that warned me about her is the one that's fucking her behind my back. So...what I did is confront his ass at our local hangout, which is actually a parking lot behind McDonalds. I was ready to light into his ass, then I seen his woman in the car with him...

She works with me at Bank of America. I have her as a friend on I told her we should hang out sometime. And instead of mentioning the guy, she said, 'Sure, about tomorrow night after work, we go riding around...'

Payback's a bitch.

ah. so this is how they get down in Kentucky, I suppose. Eye for Eye just makes the whole world blind Lariat...
dude, a girl saying that, or talking up how much they get complimented by guys, is a FUCKING self centered idiot. Learn that lesson. My 2nd ex, the bikini model, used to say shit like that ALL the time, and she was the fucking bane of my existance. Always remember THAT lesson man

Speaking of which, the first chic that cheated on me always thought she was hot enough for Playboy. Eh...she was hot, a lil on the chubby side, nice ass and all, but was extremely self centered, and spoiled rotten, thought that life wasn't fair to her, blah blah blah, etc etc. And she was a ho.

Come to think of it, no wonder why she and I never worked out.

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