Kurt Angle Takes Shot At WWE Stars Using His Moves at WM

Young Money

Dark Match Jobber

TNA star Kurt Angle posted the following on Twitter during WrestleMania 27 tonight:

"To WWE wrestlers, Don't use my Finish. Get more Creative. Hmmmm- Orton. Did I say that."

"I heard Orton had an Awesome match though. Ur welcome. Lol."

"I guess Swagger will use my Ankle Lock as well.Very creative. I'm the Best in the World. You Guys will never be Kurt Angle.can I get an AMEN."

"Kurt Angle will never die. TNA. WWE. I'm a leader. Not follower."

"Why would WWE use my finishes? Is it because I won't go back? R Orton- Angle Slam. M Cole- Ankle Lock? They have some nerve."

"Jerry Lawlor did it too. But He is a Legend. WWE really stuck it to Me.No Love lost. I'm glad that I helped Your biggest Event of the Year:)"

Maybe he shouldnt of destroyed his legacy by going to TNA, Booker T and Kevin Nash are the smart ones for coming back.
Is it just because he's jealous of TNA not able to pull 70k crowds, and a washed up has been that noone gives one shit about?

Also, didn't he steal the ankle lock anyway?
It's funny you mention that because I thought Ken Shamrock used that ankle lock when he was apart of the WWE, but that is neither here nor there. I wish Angle would've just said nothing about it because moves are recycled all the time. He's not the only one to have "his move" used and he won't be the last. Makes him seem petty and like a jilted lover. Why was he watching Mania anyway? Oh right, cause he has nothing else better to do in TNA.
What a twat. The Ankle Lock came into the WWE via Ken Shamrock, not Kurt Angle. The Angle Slam is just a modified Back Suplex, hardly anything innovative. Nothing for him to get his thong in a knot over.

I'll admit, Swagger has been booked as a poor man's Kurt Angle, but to suggest that he invented the Ankle Lock is absurd. I also think it's funny that Orton uses the Angle Slam as a secondary move instead of a finisher. Like a little fuck you to Angle.
Orton responded on his twitter

"Everythings been done before as far as 'moves' go in the sports entertainment. I want to thank SCSA for the 'Thesz Press'."

"And I know for a fact that SCSA got the 'Thesz Press' from Dutch Mantel."

"Point being, instead of taking offense to someone using your move, consider it a sign of respect."

"Btw does anyone know what Ken Shamrocks finish was? I believe Jack Swagger used ankle lock outta respect for Ken?"
What a twat. The Ankle Lock came into the WWE via Ken Shamrock, not Kurt Angle. The Angle Slam is just a modified Back Suplex, hardly anything innovative. Nothing for him to get his thong in a knot over.

I'll admit, Swagger has been booked as a poor man's Kurt Angle, but to suggest that he invented the Ankle Lock is absurd. I also think it's funny that Orton uses the Angle Slam as a secondary move instead of a finisher. Like a little fuck you to Angle.

LOL..I was thinking that too. Kinda like when Undertaker started using the Leg Drop when Hogan left. It's also funny that he talks about move stealing when he used the belly to belly suplex that the Steiners made famous and also the belly to back multiple suplexes that Benoit use to do in his hay day. Kinda hypocritical.
I personally like Kurt Angle as a wrestler, but this seems pretty weak.

Like hollowpoint said, moves are recycled... Booker T's Book End is the Same move as the Rock Bottom, the RKO is the same as the Stone Cold Stunner, except that the opponent falls flat with the RKO, where they stay standing with the Stunner... These are just two examples, but really, there are only so many moves out there.

Thank God Jake "The Snake" Roberts either doesn't have twitter, or isn't as petty as Angle is here... How many times has the DDT been stolen? :)

Angle is honestly turning into a little cry baby. He can't keep his boozing or his pill popping under control. Now suddenly he created the "Angle Slam" which if I'm not mistaken is such a BASIC wrestling move I would venture a guess that it's been around since Pro-Wrestling first started.

And the Ankle Lock? Yeah so what was Ken Shamrock doing all that time in the WWF? I KNOW it was used before Shamrock did it in the WWF I just can't pin point an exact time/date. Angle is such a joke now a days. WWE should never and more than likely will never re hire him after all of this even if he comes BEGGING.
To Stick it to Angle WWE should have Michael Cole come out to his music on Raw and do the whole pyro thing, Angle's spin in the ring, let him wear a condom around his neck with a red white and blue ribbon..oh wait nvm that can't work this is PG WWE we're talking about, but wait wouldn't that be promoting safe intercourse? anyways...WWE should have a bit of fun at Kurt's expense. Maybe even have some wrestlers (IE the Rock and Cena take subtle jabs at Kurt during promos)..
Rock could say "Cena's a piece of trash but at least the cops don't find him sleeping in his car on the freeway" or something.

Because in all honesty WWE could and SHOULD take some shots at Angle.
I can only assume Angle was being 'toungue and cheek" or playing a rib on Orton in some way...

Seriously if cannot be that he actually is that full of himself that he believes he invented a modified back drop and the ankle lock????

For starters Ken Shamrock was using the Ankle Lock long before Kurt Angle came along and as for the Angle Slam... that is so not even an 'inavative movie'

Seriously this has to be a joke.. everyone uses someones moves at some point, everything has been reused.

P.s. Kurt Angle way to steal Jake Roberts finisher.. I have seen you use a DDT you SOB!
as for the post above.. I think it would be an awesome idea to have Cole come out to Angle's music and intro (which they own) and make fun of him.

Its not like they haven't done that a millions times before with the Hogan rip off (Brisco and Patterson) back in the day and HBK playing Hart's music during his Hogan fued.

I am going to have to email WWE and beg them to turn Cole in to an Angle rip off now.. that would be awesome.
Kurt just being petty since his moves existed before he incorporated them and it's not like they were calling them the Angle Slam and Angle Lock or something along that nature.
He's only saying that because he secretly misses the WWE. Why else would he even mention it?

And yes Angle, you are a follower. You did not invent the back suplex nor the ankle lock.
angles just pissed becuz even it being the shittiest mania in a long time that one show generated more revenue than tnas combined ppvs all yr. lol how petty and immature to even mention something as trivial as some moves. kurts really fallen down hill.
I personally like Kurt Angle as a wrestler, but this seems pretty weak.

Like hollowpoint said, moves are recycled... Booker T's Book End is the Same move as the Rock Bottom, the RKO is the same as the Stone Cold Stunner, except that the opponent falls flat with the RKO, where they stay standing with the Stunner... These are just two examples, but really, there are only so many moves out there.

Thank God Jake "The Snake" Roberts either doesn't have twitter, or isn't as petty as Angle is here... How many times has the DDT been stolen? :)


Actually, the RKO is a Diamond Cutter aka Ace Crusher.. not a Stone Cold Stunner, the Stunner is basically just a jawbreaker..

I truthfully think Kurt Angle was just joking around and not taking it serious.. but if he wants to talk about "stealing moves." What about the belly to back suplex he uses, some guy used to use it back in the day, his name was Benoit or something like that :)
Angle's done enough pain killers and god knows what else to probably really believe he invented those moves. I think Koji Kanemoto would like to have a word with you about the ankle lock. Doesn't Angle do a moonsault? Why would you do that, you didn't invent it! Ever use a DDT? You aren't Jake Roberts! Seriously, moves have been copied by everyone, that's how wrestling works. There's no way you could make up a completely unique moveset, it's just not possible, or feasible. He should be happy Orton uses that piece of crap, glorified body slam. And the ankle lock was cheapened ages ago when Angle uses it like 300 times in his "great" matches that people love. How about this, how about instead of getting on Twitter and pretending you're awesome, why don't you go learn how to sell or maybe learn a little psychology, you overrated, washed up, has been that never really was.
I really can't believe Angle on this one. Maybe his brush with the law or the fact that he works for TNA (does everyone there have their heads up their 'arris's or what...WHAT!!) has made him a little bit deluded but wrestler's finishers are recycled all the time. I didn't hear Bret Hart or Sting throw a hissy fit when either used the Sharpshooter/Scorpion lock?
*cough* Public Relations *cough*

What better way for him to draw attention towards him and TNcrAp at the event that everyone interested in wrestling follows!? Nice move, and for those who would have a rip-off on RAW? You better never be in charge of such a show, since you would give him/them free advertising on your very own flagship-show.
didnt angle call it the "angle slam" and the "angle lock"??

doesnt cole use the "an-cole" lock and swagger the plain old ankle lock??
i dont think i have ever heard commentators mention "angle slam" when randy orton does his move, it could be called the orton back drop or anything

i know i am just talking bullshit, but felt like making fun at angles ridiculous comments hahaha
The WWE made Swagger into some what of an Angle v2. He's easily as athletic as Kurt, bigger, stronger and probably almost as quick. He also wrestles very similar to Angle.

Well obviously he doesn't own the ankle lock, but the Angle slam was his finisher fair and square. But hey as people have said everyone uses everyone's finishers in wrestling. Hell what about Eugene? He copied everyone's finishers even from wrestlers who weren't with the company anymore. :lmao: :shrug:
The thing about Angle being "petty" is that he eventually became known as an intense player because of that one move and how quickly he could lock it in. Back when he wrestled in the WWE, he could lock it in out of literally nowhere.

Shamrock and Swagger on the other hand? Not so much.

I'm pretty sure Austin would have been vocal about Disco Inferno using the stunner in WCW too if wrestling companies had embraced the internet back then as much as they do now. But I digress.

I can understand where Angle is coming from, but only about the Ankle Lock. The Angle Slam on the other hand, definitely petty.
The thing about Angle being "petty" is that he eventually became known as an intense player because of that one move and how quickly he could lock it in. Back when he wrestled in the WWE, he could lock it in out of literally nowhere.

Shamrock and Swagger on the other hand? Not so much.

I'm pretty sure Austin would have been vocal about Disco Inferno using the stunner in WCW too if wrestling companies had embraced the internet back then as much as they do now. But I digress.

I can understand where Angle is coming from, but only about the Ankle Lock. The Angle Slam on the other hand, definitely petty.

So it was a move he did efficiently? Sure, but he didn't invent it so don't go claiming rights to it or anything like you did. At least when Swagger and Shamrock did it, people tapped to it. Angle is to the point now where NO ONE taps to the damn thing until about the 12th time in the match and he has to lay down and grapevine it. Why not just do that from the start? Why not actually have a moveset that works the leg instead of a ton of slams leading to a leg submission? I digress though, the point is, even if he did invent the moves, who cares? People are allowed to do them, and they certainly don't owe shit to him for it.
I think all Ex WWE guys get like this around this time of year . Seeing people they worked with headline infront of 71'000 when if they are lucky they got to perform infront of 2000

So they make comments or a appearance (Ric Flair) to try and get some of the spot like so they can feel like they are still relevant to the masses and not just the impact zone
hes drawing the wrong kind of attention with his comments, He's going to make more TNA viewers want to watch WWE with these types of Tweets.
he should focus that kind of posting to make his company look better, not try and make the other company worse, Mudslinging isn't productive, especially when you're flinging it at Goliath.
Lol Orton the fraud is the one dude who responded. Of course hes going to back up using other peoples moves, he wasnt too creative to come up with something unique himself. His whole career has been him trying to be like someone or do somethings things.

When I read those tweets I took them with a grain of salt. i could see Angle smirking as he wrote them, obviously NOT BEING SERIOUS. But its the internet and people are morons. I mean there were prolly 500,000 people who paid for one of the most poorly hyped and poorly booked WMs ever.
I thought Kurt Angle was taking the piss out of Swagger and Orton,to be honest.If he really thought that someone stole his moves,I'd imagine he'd sound way more upset in his tweets.Maybe he's drunk,or high,or both,and he just wanted to make his presence known.

It's not like Angle has any grounds to call out other wrestlers for stealing moves.Ken Shamrock was the first guy who brought the ankle lock to the WWE and all the suplexes that Angle does were done first by the Steiners and Benoit.

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