Kurt Angle Takes Shot At WWE Stars Using His Moves at WM

Kurt needs to stop tweeting while drinking. Wah, wah, wah. So and so stole MY move.. I doubt Gotch would on Twitter crying that Kurt's using his German suplex.
Angle took Shamrock's finisher, Benoit's 3 triple suplex, Patriot's music, Randy Couture's hard + stubble look.

Kurt is good but it's a shame he didn't retire a while ago. And the comment about him being the crazy ex girlfriend was on point.
typical. old wrestler who should have given it up a while ago, upset because he wasn't in wrestlemania. sad. stop embarrassing yourself kurt
Matt Hardy should be complaining too as The Miz used his Side Effect.

Angle do have a point with Angle Slam though, but the Ankle Lock wasn't created by him and he have no right to complain about it.
Kurt needs to stop tweeting while drinking. Wah, wah, wah. So and so stole MY move.. I doubt Gotch would on Twitter crying that Kurt's using his German suplex.

Or 'Taker taking his tombstone piledriver. though Gotch's tombstone was a clutch variation, but the point is the same.
Maybe he was using twitter to joke around. Or are people not allowed to joke around on twitter?

Fucking idiots, that is all.

Edit: just read Shocky's post, total coincidence.
How dare you use a phrase that I obviously used first. See how well that fits into the convo?
Angle is a little late to the party. Shame I suppose, most parties (not kid parties) have alcohol so you'd think he would be first in line.
I didn't know Angle invented a spinning belly to back suplex.

This is like when AJ was mad about Michelle McCool using the Styles Clash. Get over yourselves.
He's backtracked and said someone hacked his account. No word yet on whether or not this "someone" resides in Angle's head.

Mind games.
most of the moves in the wretling entertainment has been recycled through every generation. kurt angle is not god.

he needs to worry about jeff jarrett screwing his wife than randy orton "supposedly" stealing his moves.

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