Kurt Angle Takes Shot At WWE Stars Using His Moves at WM

Ummm have all of you idiots considered the possibility that maybe just maybe Kurt was having a little bit of fun and did not mean what he was saying. Yeah I know tnas in the gutter and so is kurt with his lame promos, stupid ex wife gimmick and DUI's and god knows what else but i thnk he knows tht he didnt invent the angle slam or ankle lock.

so ppl lighten up and appreciate the humor in the situation
The thing about Angle being "petty" is that he eventually became known as an intense player because of that one move and how quickly he could lock it in. Back when he wrestled in the WWE, he could lock it in out of literally nowhere.

Shamrock and Swagger on the other hand? Not so much.

Mate Ken Shamrock is a UFC legend and if you've ever seen his early UFC fights that guy got ankle lock submissions extremely often in real fights. You can't compare Kurt Angle's "worked" ankle locks to Shamrock's real ankle locks he did to make great fighters tap. Too bad Shamrock can't do that anymore :(
Why does anyone care what he says? so he's washed up because he won't work for vince? I guess Hall and Nash were "washed up" when they went to wcw right? since most everyone who posted here seems to dislike him so much I ask the question again, why care what he says?
Why does anyone care what he says? so he's washed up because he won't work for vince? I guess Hall and Nash were "washed up" when they went to wcw right? since most everyone who posted here seems to dislike him so much I ask the question again, why care what he says?

That's the problem, I do like Angle. I think he will go down as one of the best all time. When you are an above average talent and a future all time great, you don't need to bring attention to yourself like this. So he used your move..so what?! Take it as a compliment and move on.
Kurt Angle took the move from Shamrock, yes, but he made it famous. Michaels took the superkick and made it into The Sweet Chin Music. It's what they're known for.

And it's not just the ankle lock. I think Orton did the Olympic Slam too. So there you go, that's why he's upset. People were doing the ankle lock left and right. Why not do the crossface? Sharpshooter? Boston Crab? Walls of Jericho? Oh right! Benoit's dead, Bret Hart and Jericho didn't go to TNA.

I bet that if Angle did a Cutter like the RKO and then Orton's weird twisting backbreaker thing people would immediately recognize where that came from.

Twist this in any way you want, this was a jab at Angle in some form or the other.

Wrestlers are very sensitive when it comes to "moves".

And please, "I did this because I was paying respect". What? Is Angle dead? Is he the reason why you became a pro wrestler? Ugh ... not only do you suck and bitch, but you're a liar too. Way to go Orton.
First, I dont think this is a rib on Angle's part, b/c Orton replied on his twitter.

To Zaculeh, everyone is talking about when Shamrock was in WWE he used the anklelock, not his UFC days. Shamrock also had a "worked" ankle lock.

To Kurt Angle: if you dont want WWE Superstars not using "your" moves, then tell "your" company (TNA), to be alot more original and come up with their own shit, as well.
Abyss- Ripoff of Mankind, Kane, Undertaker
Stone Cold Sharkboy- I am surprised McMahon didnt go after TNA for this one.
Jay Lethals Machismo- whatever it was called. I am surprised Savage didnt go after this one.

The list goes on for stuff they have rip offed.

I used to want Angle back in WWE, but for awhile now, even before these tweets, he just doesnt have the appeal he used to have. Maybe it's b/c he doesnt 'roid now. He just looks like a skinny, bald white guy out there. I dont know.

Regardless, Angle, those aren't "your" moves. You use them as part of your moveset, but they are far from being your moves.
Kurt Angle took the move from Shamrock, yes, but he made it famous. Michaels took the superkick and made it into The Sweet Chin Music. It's what they're known for.

And it's not just the ankle lock. I think Orton did the Olympic Slam too. So there you go, that's why he's upset. People were doing the ankle lock left and right. Why not do the crossface? Sharpshooter? Boston Crab? Walls of Jericho? Oh right! Benoit's dead, Bret Hart and Jericho didn't go to TNA.

I bet that if Angle did a Cutter like the RKO and then Orton's weird twisting backbreaker thing people would immediately recognize where that came from.

Twist this in any way you want, this was a jab at Angle in some form or the other.

Wrestlers are very sensitive when it comes to "moves".

And please, "I did this because I was paying respect". What? Is Angle dead? Is he the reason why you became a pro wrestler? Ugh ... not only do you suck and bitch, but you're a liar too. Way to go Orton.

This is in no way a jab. Overanalysing the use of a move is absurd. As you've stated the ankle lock was used by Shamrock so technically Angle is the ''liar'' stating it is his move, and the hypocrite.

Look when Booker T and Rock both used the same move at the same time. Bret and Sting too? Did anyone think that was a jab? Finlay using the tombstone in WCW too?

Wrestlers moves get recycled, that's life. A move that became famous in WWE being used again is suddenly a jab?. I dunno whether Angle was drunk again but he certainly sounded bitter he wasn't on a WrestleMania card.

On a side note, cannot wait for RAW tonight, apparently Sheamus is facing Scott Hall over rights to the Razors Edge :/
Basically Randy Orton and such are paying tribute if you look at it.
i think so too i dont think the E is insulting him in anyway at all i mean vince left the door open for him to walk back through. Kurt was probable answering some questions or something, he did not seem upset at all. Hell i wouldn't be , if i check the PPV and realise that my old moces are used in WM even after i have left.
If one looks at Angles tweets they atleast to me come across as ramblings from someone very bitter and slight intoxicated.

Some of you thinks he wrote them in an attempt to be funny. I must say the attempt failed miserably if humour was what he aimed for.

I have always liked Angle, but when he spews out utter nonsense like this there is nothing excusing such behaviour.
Hes a washed up wrestler, if he stayed in the WWE he would be far from washed up, did you see Jerry Lawler? Hes being treated as if he were part of the gang which is the wwe. Kurt Angle is just acting like a 4-year old, "oh look! he stole my move!" umm. Kurt Angle, I believe Ken Shamrock!!! Was the first to invent the Ankle Lock in the WWE, and I don't hear him crying, because he is a successful MMA fighter. I like Kurt Angle, but he acts like a washed up jerk all the time since he left wwe. But it was kind of unnecessary for Orton to use the angle slam... what a ******..
Hey Kurt, do you think in TNA they will ever draw 71K in an event? Saying you're the leader of TNA shows how pathetic TNA really is. I guess Jeff Hardy is the moral voice of the company. Did you notice that both WWE challengers lasted longer then 30 seconds? Now go back to your postage stamp sized arena and delude yourself that anyone cares anymore.
Wow, I guess Kurt is hoping all those sour grapes will turn into booze. Cry more, drunky.

I used to have a lot of respect for Kurt Angle and considered myself a fan, but this is making him look like a giant douche. Hell, I'd side with Orton over Angle based on grammar and punctuation alone. Everyone that's watched any amount of wrestling knows that moves are reused, that's basic enough to be virtually indisputable.

Have fun trotting out your personal life for no ratings, Kurt.
Yeah what they said... Shamrock called, he said get over it haha.

And as far as the "Angle Slam" goes, its a friggin side suplex for gods sake. Its not like it was that original.

Dont get me wrong Kurt is still one of the best of all time though, but he's got to let this go. Get attention by being part of another match of the year, not tweeting...
Just so long as WWE wrestlers do not adopt Kurt Angle's philosophy on late night driving everything will be fine.

I am a huge fan of Angle but the only move I remember as something I had never seen was that leap to his feet while the other guy is on the top rope, jump to middle rope straight into a suplex.

He once used the "small package" so is he going to criticize high school wrestlers for stealing that, too.
I'm going to guess that Kurt Angle was just having some fun by being a troll, taking credit for the moves that he is synonymous with being used at the competing company's biggest event of the year. If he wasn't going to mention it, some other smark would have rolled up his sleeves and typed an extravagant rant about how Orton and Swagger aren't creative in deciding their move-set. With the amount of shots TNA has taken towards WWE, I'm not totally surprised this happened... but I am shocked that Angle has taken this long to respond to Swagger's use of the ankle lock in such a huge fashion.

As long as Angle isn't in the same company as Swagger/Orton, I see no reason why those two can't expand their move-set with a move that has won many matches over the years. The ankle lock has been around forever and was a finisher of people before Angle and the Olympic Slam is another suplex variation. If it's not difficult to pull off, other wrestlers will eventually adopt it in their set... it's the cycle of wrestling. Otherwise, shouldn't we be complaining of the over-use of the DDT due to Jake Robert's using it as a finisher (as previously mentioned)?
Yeah I'm not sure if someone else has previously mentioned this, but um, didn't someone in TNA used the RKO as a finisher? Homicide, or whatever the f.. his name was? He called it the 'something' (gringo?) cutter I believe. So yeah before Kurt Angle freaks out at babyoil kid how taking his move, he should look at the superstars in his own company that have taken moves from WWE superstars. And what the hell makes him think he has rights over the moves that he uses? The WWE should be entitled to use whichever one of Angle's moves they wish to, after all, Angle first made a name for himself in the WWE, not TNA. So yeah, get back to smashing guitars over Jarrett's head and stop complaining.
Yeah I'm not sure if someone else has previously mentioned this, but um, didn't someone in TNA used the RKO as a finisher? Homicide, or whatever the f.. his name was? He called it the 'something' (gringo?) cutter I believe. So yeah before Kurt Angle freaks out at babyoil kid how taking his move, he should look at the superstars in his own company that have taken moves from WWE superstars. And what the hell makes him think he has rights over the moves that he uses? The WWE should be entitled to use whichever one of Angle's moves they wish to, after all, Angle first made a name for himself in the WWE, not TNA. So yeah, get back to smashing guitars over Jarrett's head and stop complaining.
What an absolute toss pot.

If it was something that was highly creative - such as an A.J. Styles finisher - then I could understand. However, both the Angle Slam and the ankle lock have been around significantly longer than has Kurt.

So is Kurt calling himself a thief every time he uses "his own" moves?

Go back to your glorified Indy, Kurt.
Don't know if you guys had seen this yet but Randy Orton just posted this on his twitter:

"Everythings been done before as far as 'moves' go in the sports entertainment. I want to thank SCSA for the 'Thesz Press'."

"And I know for a fact that SCSA got the 'Thesz Press' from Dutch Mantel."

"Point being, instead of taking offense to someone using your move, consider it a sign of respect."

I'm guessing he was a little peeved.
I love Kurt Angle as a wrestler but come on now, he's just trying to find something to complain about since he got arrested. The ankle lock isn't HIS move and neither is the angle slam. I don't care for orton using it all of the sudden since its not making him a good wrestler but the ankle lock is for anyone. Ken Shamrock used it waaaaay before Kurt and I don't see him complaining. Angle saying he doesn't want people using HIS moves is like Ted Dibiase saying "ziggler can't use my sleeper hold." With that being said, I disagree with everything Kurt said.
Kurt Angle's been in TNA too long -- he's gotten that WCW mentality where he thinks he owns wrestling moves simply because he's popular. Kurt Angle didn't invent a single one of the "signature" moves he uses, in the WWE or TNA, and it's a slap in the face to everyone before him that used "his" moves.
All this does is make Kurt Angle look like a whining little bitch. As others have mentioned, Kurt Angle didn't invent the ankle lock, Ken Shamrock is the first guy that I saw use the move. The Angle Slam is nothing more than a modified version of a back suplex so it was hardly some major innovation among wrestling moves.

As with most other wrestlers, Kurt Angle's entire move set is made up of maneuvers that were used long before he laced up his boots. After all, you don't see Harley Race or Taz or Scott Steiner complaining abut Angle's use of all the various suplexes he often employs. Angle better not use the Thesz Press anytime soon or the old timer'll start rolling in his grave. Man, what an arrogant cunt.
didn't someone in TNA used the RKO as a finisher? Homicide, or whatever the f.. his name was? He called it the 'something' (gringo?) cutter I believe.

I just want to start by saying the Gringo Killer is nothing like the RKO. But the RKO is the exact same at DDP's diamond cutter. And Cena's Attitude adjuster is the same as the DVD. Miz's skull crushing finally look just like Jeff Jarrett's Stroke. Sheamus's Celtic cross is Scott Hall's Razors Edge. The list goes on and on. There are very few original moves left in wrestling.
Kurt Angle talking about this is, to me, along the lines of Larry Z (aint even gonna try to spell his surname) moaning about Jericho using the "Living Legend" name, it's just plain old divvy and, yet again, shows that Kurt Angle should be kept away from any form of interaction with the public (unless he's got a carefully worded script in front of him)
Kurt Angle took the move from Shamrock, yes, but he made it famous. Michaels took the superkick and made it into The Sweet Chin Music. It's what they're known for.

So? Angle could've made the move into something that people buy and it wouldn't take away from the fact that he didn't innovate it so he has no right to get pissed off about it. Kurt shouldn't really give out about stealing other peoples moves either. He uses the German Suplex, who made that famous? Debatable but it was innovated by Frank Gotch and was made popular by people such as Chris Benoit and Alex Wright WAY before Angle started using it.

And it's not just the ankle lock. I think Orton did the Olympic Slam too. So there you go, that's why he's upset.

Orton does the Angle slam but then again Angle has been gone from WWE for nearly 5 years at this stage, what stops him from using it? Again, Angle has no right whatsoever to be upset since he has no claim to the move whatsoever. Mickie James and Drew McIntyre use DDT's as finishers but they do have any claim to it? No. They don't if anyone does it's Jake Roberts but he doesn't care and neither should Angle.

People were doing the ankle lock left and right.

No they weren't. Jack Swagger, a wrestler uses the ankle lock. Michael Cole uses the Ankle(Or as he calls it the An-Cole lock) Lock because Swagger was his coach and Jerry Lawler used the Ankle lock as a means of embarassing Cole.

Why not do the crossface? Sharpshooter? Boston Crab? Walls of Jericho? Oh right! Benoit's dead, Bret Hart and Jericho didn't go to TNA.

Daniel Bryan, a current WWE superstar, uses the crossface. The Walls of Jericho is an elevated Boston Crab and is used by Chris Jericho, a semi-current WWE star. Natayla Neidhart, DH Smith and Tyson Kidd all use the Sharpshooter and are all current WWE Superstars. The Ankle lock was used by Jack Swagger because nobody else used it. How hard is this to comprehend?

I bet that if Angle did a Cutter like the RKO and then Orton's weird twisting backbreaker thing people would immediately recognize where that came from.

You mean like the "Pizza Cutter" that Robbie E. uses? Yeah I noticed that but I didn't care because Orton didn't innovate the move, John Laurinaitis did.

Twist this in any way you want, this was a jab at Angle in some form or the other.

And so was the time when Alberto Del Rio uses German suplexes and when the entire roster uses suplexes and punches right?

Wrestlers are very sensitive when it comes to "moves".

No. Only Angle and AJ Styles.

And please, "I did this because I was paying respect". What? Is Angle dead? Is he the reason why you became a pro wrestler?

Seriously? Is this a serious point? Angle's not dead(With the way he's abusing his body with alchohol and drugs he may soon be though.) and he ain't the reason Orton became a wrestler but maybe he HELPED Orton become better as a star? Maybe he helped Orton in working a crowd? You are really sounding desperate.

Ugh ... not only do you suck and bitch, but you're a liar too. Way to go Orton.

This is just too funny to respond to. :lol:

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