Kurt Angle On WWE: "That Company Has No Respect For Me."

You see, here's the issue I am having with this. Kurt Angle, if he is doing this in the spirit of kayfabe, seems to be working as 2 different characters. There's the arrogant, brash heel who can back it up in the ring. The one I... well some people see every week on Impact. Then there's the bumbling, self serving, drunken idiot that he seems to portray on Twitter/in the media, which is the character he seems to be triggering with these comments. Now, maybe it's just me, but I seem to see striking similarities between the second character and the guy he is in real life. Actually, I'd feel pretty confident in saying that they're the exact same person and Idiot Kurt is actually Kurt Kurt. Mind-blowing, I know.

That's the thing it's just hard for me to trust anything these people say whether scripted or off the cuff (i.e. on social networking sites and what not) with any true merit at times. Hell I hardly believe supposedly legitimate and serious folks like politicians and public figures when I hear the stuff they say too considering how disgusting and rancid the media is 99.9 per cent of the time when something is reported. Therefore if I can't take supposedly "legitimate and influential figures" seriously why would I do so with entertainers and athletes in particular professional wrestlers? I just can't man, I'm sorry, can't do it, the fact that so many of us put so much stock into these rantings we see on sites like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and so on can just get unnvering and I think really undermine why we even watch wrestling in the first place. I will admit I have been guilty in the past of taking exception to what these people say. But at this stage of the game I've really stopped caring about what these people say and do outside of the ring unless it's a Chris Benoit style incident . Otherwise it shouldn't really have any bearing on a damn thing regarding my enjoyment (or anyone else's for that matter) of the product. Bottom line we're in the reality era and social networking is a quick and easy way to get attention and obviously the stupidest and most ridiculous statements garner the quickest responses. I think a lot of this stuff is a work from all these people in the business I never said that it was a good way to "work" or that it made any ensue but considering that we are talking about wrestling a red flag always goes off in my mind about what's legit and what's not.

And suppose EVERYTHING Kurt says on social networking sites IS TRUE why the hell are we really playing this "holier than thou" game with what people say and do in the entertainment/athletic world? I am not singling you out Nate because we've all pulled this from time to time but there just tends to be a point where I'm just like thinking to myself professional wrestlers are athletic entertainers and not humanitarians. Seriously...

I won't dismiss the thought of him ever coming back. If he burns his final bridge in TNA and they finally decide to can the piece of shit, I could definitely see him finally taking some initiative toward getting his life together and getting another shot. However, I think you're giving him way too much credit here. Kurt Angle is not some cunning mind who revels in the glory of working internet marks. I'd like to believe that he's out getting drunk and fucking strippers.

I respect that you might not agree with me on what I think about Kurt Angle's latest tirade and again you look over the course of history you see these people that leave organizations and vow to never return. However many end up doing so anyway. I mean think about it over the years Kevin Nash, Booker T, Mick Foley and etc have talked about how much they love being in TNA and how it was a great environment to be in and that they won't go back to WWE. Fast forward to their returns and then WWE gets put back on the pedestal because those aforementioned individuals are getting their paychecks cut by WWE once again. It's a dog and pony show most of the time, I mean it has to be...

Kevin Nash Discusses Why He Did not Return To WWE in 2008

Granted Kevin Nash's words here were not a tirade like the stuff Angle was saying, but you think of all the stuff about him saying that he does not want to be a sell out and he wants to keep his hair gray and all that jazz. Two years later he has a change of heart and for all we know there could have been different circumstances as to why he really didn't want to go back to WWE at that time. What better way to get people talking than by saying all the stuff he said then and two years later people don't even bother remembering him say that he would never dye his hair again and that that phase of his career was over. Granted, I am not saying that I think Angle's words were logical or that I personally agree with the stuff he said but I do hold out the possibility that it's just all for the internet wrestling community to gobble up. Again his latest stunt with saying something stupid has gotten people to talk and the more he does it the more people want to respond and even if he's coming off as an idiot something is just telling me that he loves to drum this shit storm up amongst all us wrestling nerds.

in my opinion I can't prove that it's a work however I believe that my suspicions that it is a work should have just as much merit as you believing it to not be a work. After all it's not like the idea of those that use the media as a tool of misdirection and outright deception is unprecedented...
*sigh* Kurt, Kurt, Kurt......

His ego is his major flaw and I think he just wants to get some attention or give WWE bad rep for whatever reason. In my mind everyone gets their sig moves copied at some point but it's never direct . (unless were talking about the former Hart Fondation) As MikeyTheAwesome said, everyone has a right to do whatever moves they want to do.

The point we're all makin is that Kurt really needs to stop whining.
Yes he did as retaliation for Orton "stealing" the angle slam. Angle himself however is the innovator of exactly 0 moves, therefore has no right to claim them as his own, and also, while he may be the first "olympia" (not sure on that), the patriotic gimmick has been done and done and done so thats not hsi either.

He's not the innovator of any of these moves, and he's not the first Olympian, either. Mark Henry was also in the 1996 Olympics but debuted in WWE before Angle did. Ken Patera was an Olympian in the 1970's and later wrestled for Vince. Henry and Patera were weightlifters, but both played off on their Olympic pasts as Angle later did. As a surprising aside, Bad News Brown was also an Olympian in the '70's--in judo!

Like the overwhelming majority, I'm embarrassed for Angle and think he's completely in the wrong. It's a shame that he hasn't been able to keep his personal life in order because he has a ton of talent and was certainly one of the best.

His comments were simply stupid. The Angle Slam is a pretty terrible move anyway, and the ankle lock was directly lifted from Ken Shamrock. Does he really believe in what he's saying? If so, dude does need help. If it is kayfabe, Kurt doesn't work for the WWE anymore and needs to separate reality from fiction. If he can't--again, dude needs help.
"The Viper" Kurt Angle!



Delusional, petty Kurt Angle strikes again.

Wrestling moves aren't the sole property of a wrestler. If so, Jake Roberts would've been shooting on everybody for using his DDT, but even in a messed up, drunken state, he still has move class than Kurt "D.U.I./I stalk my girlfriend" Angle.

I don't understand what the hell he is talking about about people using moves from other wrestler's and is how it's "disrespectful." The Ankle Lock has been used for years, it's a pretty standard submission move. I'm pretty sure I can guess there is probably another 100 other wrestler's using it in the world.

And the Angle Slam, I doubt that's disrespectful of Orton's part, it was probably just a move he though looked cool and it'll be a good move to add to his arsenal. And I haven't seem do it for a while too.

Angle should grow up, and get a fully functional brain. Him doing the RKO at Lockdown last year was petty and stupid, and only added to the claims that Angle is a pathological liar and a moron. Kurt is only looking for attention, plain and simple. The guy is a wreck, not a Scott Hall type wreck but he's getting there. His addiction to painkillers, DUI's, and constant over bumping is going to cut his career (and maybe his life) someday. He's a liar, a stalker, has a constant disregard to other humans lives, and above all else a overrated, overhyped wrestler.
Oh and on another point about moves being used by other wrestlers, I can't remember who but on this thread or another one someone mentioned Triple H using the cutter early in his WWF career and DDP calling him and asking him to stop using it, and also mentioned about Austin not getting upset that Santino uses a version of the stunner. Well, to be completely technical neither Austin or DDP have any right to tell either wrestler to not use that move since it wasn't created by neither. The man that can legimately gripe about someone using it which he obviously hasn't since he is the one to suggest it to steve austin and I believe DDP as well is the inventor of both versions cutter and stunner. Which is John Laurenautis, aka Johnny Ace. Hence why the move is called an Ace Crusher. So how does DDP know that Ace didn't suggest to Hunter about using the Cutter since it is his fucking move. He has been working for WWE for a very long time so it is safe to say that he gave it to Hunter. It's just like when people where claiming that Booker T using the rock bottom as his finisher was plagiarism. Even, though Rock isn't the first person to use it, not even in the WWE. Yokozuna and Kama both used a version in WWF and Hiroshi Hase, the moves inventor, and Wrath used it in WCW, and the version that came known as the Rock bottom was used by Buh Buh Ray Dudley as early as 1995-early 1996. All before Rock made is WWF debut and a long time before he even started using it as a finisher, which was first called the Hase in honor of the moves inventor. People complaining about others using their moves is pretty petty and stupid since every move has been done. So Kurt, who came up with exactly 0 anything in his entire career except for being a gold medalist, needs to get a life and stop complaining about every fucking thing that doens't go his way in his drug and alcohol feuled mind.
1st off, Im pretty sure that if the owner or the head guy of the Compay you work for now is banging you wife and you didnt know till it was to late and all you got were divorce paper, Im pretty sure they dont have respect for you either.

What about all them suplexes you use, you didint her tazz complain, the belly to belly, im pretty sure shane douglas was still wrestling thats was his finisher. shamrock was still wrestling when you did the ankle lock. Benoit's german suplex. what about the moonsault, you have any idea how many people were doing the moonsault before you that were still doing it while you did it.

Let it go Kurt, Let it go. You know you wanna go back to WWE, cause in tna you have to see the man that was bangin ur wife behind your back and tell you what to do and put him over in the ring. but dont worry he respects you though.
@ Canadian_SXE

DDP used the AceCrusher modified it with his own twist. DDP, HHH along with other guys were in the ring practicing moves that's when he created the Diamond Cutter. HHH admitted it was cool and used it. When asked not to he agreed and made the pedigree. Story came outta Paiges mouth. Either believe it or take it as a grain of salt.
(Sigh).......this is Kurt Angles way of getting noticed because nobody watches TNA anymore.

If he wasn't a drunk druggy then I am pretty sure Vince will have reached out to him and offered him to rejoin. Angle is trying to be Chris Jericho with the 'he stole the best in the world thing'....it isn't working Kurt.
(Sigh).......this is Kurt Angles way of getting noticed because nobody watches TNA anymore.

If he wasn't a drunk druggy then I am pretty sure Vince will have reached out to him and offered him to rejoin. Angle is trying to be Chris Jericho with the 'he stole the best in the world thing'....it isn't working Kurt.

It's really sad to see what's become of Kurt. He's still great in the ring, but off screen...DUI's? *sigh*

I wonder if he was always this way, or just when he went to TNA.
@ Canadian_SXE

DDP used the AceCrusher modified it with his own twist. DDP, HHH along with other guys were in the ring practicing moves that's when he created the Diamond Cutter. HHH admitted it was cool and used it. When asked not to he agreed and made the pedigree. Story came outta Paiges mouth. Either believe it or take it as a grain of salt.

Um that would be wrong. DDP did not create the Diamond Cutter at all. Like I already said, Johnny Ace invented the move. Just look up clips of him in Japan he does both versions of what would become known as a Diamond Cutter or a Stunner. So again DDP doens't have any right to claim the Cutter as his invention.
Angle will one day return to the WWE, he needs to I don't know anyone other than the guys like jaydub who do podcasts who even take any notice in TNA, I remember when Angle left in 2006 I didn't know he was at TNA until 2009, I though Road Dogg and Billy Gunn had retired until I found out they had been with TNA, Matt Morgan who if you remember did actually work for WWE in 2003/2004 was in the Survivor Series Elimination Match on Team Lesnar in 2003, and I thought he had just stopped wrestling, never even heard of guys like Samoa Joe and AJ Styles, and I had thought Christian was just done, until I turned on TNA one day and saw Christian near the ring side area and then one of my all time favorites came out, Rikishi I then watched one episode and have never watched one since that was like 2009.
@ Canadian_SXE

DDP used the AceCrusher modified it with his own twist. DDP, HHH along with other guys were in the ring practicing moves that's when he created the Diamond Cutter. HHH admitted it was cool and used it. When asked not to he agreed and made the pedigree. Story came outta Paiges mouth. Either believe it or take it as a grain of salt.

Paige also claimed to have given Randy his blessing or taught him how to do the Cutter/RKO. In reality it was Johnny B Ace's idea and DDP wasn't involves at all. I'll get the salt shaker.
I'm going to play Devil's advocate here and say that Kurt is very devoted to his career and likely to his legacy within it as well.

He didn't innovate the ankle lock in any sort of way, but Swagger "stole" a little more than the ankle lock from Angle. He's kind of a younger, less successful version of Angle. I don't think he has too much to piss about with the Ankle Lock, but I'd take offense to Swagger being his cover band while Angle's still on tour...

I feel a little different about the Angle Slam though. That was his finisher and people weren't using it, it wasn't trademarked by anyone. Angle used it to finish his matches, it takes from it when Orton can't close a match with it.

But Kurt Angle, so I'm told, is no angel either.
Meh, it's Kurt Angle, if his lips are moving he's either bitching or lying. Kurt has fallen from grace over the last few years. He was someone that I held in high regard as far as a competitor in between the ropes, but the last few years he's revealed an ugly, shallow side to himself. I get the red ass mentality of wanting to be the best and compete in the best company, but that's simply not happening with TNA.

Kurt, when have you ever invented a move that was truly unique and never done perform? When you come up with something, I'm sure you'll let everyone know.

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