Kombat Diaries: WTF is up with you...?


Dark Match Jobber
Okay, WTF... when I'm a heel, people give me green rep for being funny, supporting santino, being pro-canada, saying I would form a stable with Deadman, TM, Jericho-aholic, just being a jackass, and etc. Then once someone red repped me, I turned face. I was face for a day, and got red repped more than I did when I was heel, and just for speaking truth... WTF... am I a such a good heel that I don't know it? Was my Top F/T/T of WZ thread right all along? Is it me... or is it you...?

Here's whats up...

You try and manufacture an alignment for yourself on a forum, now lets forget for a moment the fact that it's lame and ******ed to do, and lets focus on why you FAIL. You can't come on here and leave everyone nice rainbow happy utopian comments and expect to be deemed a "face", nor by the same token can you rip into people for the sake of being deemed a "heel".

I think you're just a fuckin pissant loser who is begging for attention, to be honest with you. It's really pathetic, but it's humourous I guess, not that your funny or entertaining in a good way.. just the way that you completely suck tickles me.

Read the following over and over until you get it through your head, this is a forum not a wrestling business we don't have faces or heels we have people expressing opinions, people being friendly or deuchebags.. that doesn't make someone a "face" or a "heel" it just makes them a member of the online forum community.
I second Profit's opinion.

Also, you don't get rep for being a heel or a face. That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. I don't say to myself "wow, this guy is an impressive heel, he just totally OWNED that kid, lemme give him rep". No, I say "wow, this guy has a detailed/funny/well thought out post, I'll rep him". You're not impressing anyone with all of your heel/face talk. To put it in terms you'll understand, you're getting X-Pac heat. Go away.
I was unaware that we were divided into heels and faces on here besides in WZCW. What does one do to be considered heel/face?
Face response:Just the style of posting, whether the general populous likes you or not.

Heel response:Fuck you you fucking fucker fuckfaced fuck.

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