Jonny Needs Relationship Advise...

Actually, 1 in every 6 people polled say that if a stranger walked up to them and asked for sex, they would do it. So, it might actually be easier to just walk down the street asking people to sleep with you. You gotta be careful where you go to ask though. I currently have an outstanding warrant in Rhode Island.
put it all on the line... like make out ur not intrested at all or get in like a half argument half discussion on purpose, say something like well look ur fucking with my head, either be my mate, be something more or rite now just piss off all together, if she thinks shes going to loose you and reacts like "no jonny, dont be like that!" then it shows she wants u in her life...if on the other hand shes like fine whtever... then u dont need her in ur life ne way ur better off without her...

also WZ mite nt be the best place to get advice though it may try, id say about 70 % here probably have no luck with woman at all lol but more importantly they dont know you and they dont know her, speak to one of ur mates hu knows the situation, sure u mite loose face and look like a man with "feelings" but if hes a good enuff mate his or her advice will show u better thn ne of us could
put it all on the line... like make out ur not intrested at all or get in like a half argument half discussion on purpose, say something like well look ur fucking with my head, either be my mate, be something more or rite now just piss off all together, if she thinks shes going to loose you and reacts like "no jonny, dont be like that!" then it shows she wants u in her life...if on the other hand shes like fine whtever... then u dont need her in ur life ne way ur better off without her...

also WZ mite nt be the best place to get advice though it may try, id say about 70 % here probably have no luck with woman at all lol but more importantly they dont know you and they dont know her, speak to one of ur mates hu knows the situation, sure u mite loose face and look like a man with "feelings" but if hes a good enuff mate his or her advice will show u better thn ne of us could

will & IC25 have given advice and are both married/engaged
I know but not to Jonny there not, every relationships diffrent like how well do we really know Jonny, hes just words to us.
they're just offering opinions on their experience. Ultimately it's his choice though, no harm asking others opinions
Meh. fuck it. fuck these games and trying to figure out alterior bullshit. tell her how you feel. ask how she feels. if she cant be staright up with you, and wants to play fucking soap opera, then fuck it. Seems silly to over complicate things so much.
I dont play that "well a woman does this, and a woman feels that, and this is actually what she means..." bullshit.

fuck that. Your a human being, as is she. If she cant be straight with you, then she doesnt deserve the time, touble or stress. Bye Bye.
Meh. fuck it. fuck these games and trying to figure out alterior bullshit. tell her how you feel. ask how she feels. if she cant be staright up with you, and wants to play fucking soap opera, then fuck it. Seems silly to over complicate things so much.

You know usually I'd do exactly that, but I did that with her a few months ago and I got hurt again. The fact is we haven't spent any time together, in her mind she feels/felt (I dont know which) that we could never work again, but the fact that there is such a massive connection there and some fairly heavy flirting means there is something between us still, I just think she doesn't think it could ever work again. I feel like we need to get to know each other again, it would be like me having one date with a random girl then asking her if she wanted to get into a relationship. I think I need to take the time to be her friend and see if anything develops. The only problem with that is, my feelings for her are going to get stronger while we do this, and she may still end up feeling nothing... so I will probably end up getting hurt, but like Will said I'll regret it if I don't see what could happen... I'm willing to take the risk of getting hurt because the rewards are so much more.
Oh alright, I feel ya better now. Then yea, all you really can do is what you said, and try to keep it chill. I mean at SOME point, there will be a breaking point, and youll have to head it up, epsecially becuase every time some shit happens involving someone else, its gonna hurt. Its just asking for a ton of stress and hurt. but if you feel its worth a try, its worth a try. Just ensure she isnt playing you along as a fiddle. fuck that. Your way better than that.
Actually, 1 in every 6 people polled say that if a stranger walked up to them and asked for sex, they would do it. So, it might actually be easier to just walk down the street asking people to sleep with you. You gotta be careful where you go to ask though. I currently have an outstanding warrant in Rhode Island.

I've fucked more random bitches than Ted Bundy. So I don;t see this as being an answer dude. lol

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