Joint Book This Idea's Thread

I just realised something... I have one mens single title and a tag team title. Looks like I have to even out the roster and get some tag teams happening.

Guess I'll have to pick about 8 or 10 women then.
With what I have planned, it's looking good. It comes down to this:

Do you want to pick guys you want or guys you need? Right now, I'm doing both.
Here's a trick I'm doing. If tag teams I want get picked, I try and find someone else already on my roster who has a chance of being paired up with another undrafted person.

And I have one wrestler that no-one will pick who I have major plans for.
I have no plans to take Trish.

But, I should really say that it would be a long shot if someone picked him/her. Essentially, its someone who is in the lower card that I will be pushing to the big time.
Why would I push a woman to the top? I have the womens division. If I had anyone else's third tier division, I'd push a girl to the top.

I'm not going to say. You'll just have to wait, mate. Sorry :(
I don't know why I've taken such an interest...OH well.

The time zones have screwed you now because I have to go and won't be back for 19 hours...Ha!
Well, even if Pimpin posts, Baller aint online so we'll just have to wait.

About the roster pages, I created some for the FWA and I have a simple replica for those who'd want it. Where it says "spoiler=" you add the person's name:

TitanTron Theme:
Fighting Style:

You can add stuff like Nickname and Associates, and probably switch Background with Gimmick or have both if you like. I also have a stable page:

TitanTron Theme:
Stable Finisher:
Stable Signatures:
One way to speed this up would be a big board. It is something I've done many times and it involves send a list of maybe 3 or 4 guys to someone who will be on and they make your pick for ya.
I mean I took Eddie and I want Chavo, and I don't know how long to wait on him because I don't want to reach either
We could start taking two people per pick or generate a list of 25 superstars like we did with the other one and the ones that aren't duplicate are given to the person that put them on their list. And then with the duplicates, those who put them could settle it somehow.

(Sorry this is poorly written, I'm on a time limit.)

Everyone makes a list of 30 wrestlers (in order of preference) and PM me. The order that I recieve the PMs will determine everyones ranking (if Theo was 1st, Baller was second, when it comes to detemining the first tie, Theo gets it, Baller gets the 2nd etc.)

If everyone has different #1, #2 #3 etc. Everyone gets what they pick. (makes sense?)

If Theo wants HHH, Baller wants Eddie, Mickie wants Undertaker etc. everyone gets them. and then I go to #2.

If Theo and Baller want CM Punk for #2, then Theo would get him, Baller's #3 pick would become his #2 pick.

(any of this making sense)

I'll continue doing that until everyone's roster is full of 25 wrestlers. If you have less than 25 wrestlers, you get to pick 'x' amount until you have 25.

And if things really want to get can have x amount of hours to trade amongst yourselves.

Again, sorry this is poorly written, but its an idea if you want to go this route. However I wont be online untill tomorrow night but that will give you all enough time to make your list.

Interested? let me know!
Good idea 4FoF. I would definitely be up for doing that if it is alright for everyone else. Gives us just one more day of work, compared to x amount of days it will be to finish the draft.
I'm fine with it.

Is anyone else wanting women on their roster (wrestlers, managers, valets)? Makes it easier for me to make a final list because I am drawn between having 8-10 girls. Giggity.
Well with the Hart Dynasty I'd love to have Natalya since she is part of the group. Other than her there aren't any woman I want that came to mind.

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