Joint Book This Idea's Thread

That means at most 180 wrestlers...I don't even have a list of 10 damnit! Something else I was thinking of...Should the whole federation have a certain amount of jobbers that any brand can use at their will? Just in case someone's roster is a little short.
As you know I'm good to make sigs after the draft is completed with a select amount of superstars from your brand.
Alright boys, Im back. I had to go to the Doc's to get work compo.

If my brand is the only one with women, I'll draw that last. Or now...
It's official, my original BT has been put on the side for this new one. After all the chops and changes I made to the roster/plans, it was just too much.

Anyway, two BT's and WZCW is just too much. Speaking of WZCW, the only person onboard here that hasn't signed up is Theo Mays.
Is that a plug for me to sign up for WZCW there Falkon lol. I would do it if I knew I could manage to fit it in along with my BT and start school again. If I wasn't getting back into school I'd make time and attempt to tryout for WZCW. Maybe over the summer I'll give it a serious look.
I know I was just messing with ya. It is definitely intriguing and I definitely plan on doing it sometime in the future.
Damn you Theo! :p

Ah, I can't stay mad at anyone. But yeah, can't wait to see the application. I'm more excited about this BT we got going on, especially with what I have planned (assuming no-one picks who I have in store, but I doubt it).
Our roster size in the original was 25 people I believe. I was thinking anywhere between 25-30. That way it gives you a solid amount of talent and some lower level guys.
I think we should start just after the "Wresltemania" PPV, and start with a single brand PPV to give time to build feuds
We crown and do it at the same one. Then we have the champion brand pay per view then our WRESTLEMANIA
I'm going to be so glad once this draft is finished, time zones suck. I have to get up early just to keep up with you guys. I can't imagine what Sivs has to go through.

And holy crap, I need a tag team. :headscratch:
Gasp I had no intention going with all these tag teams. Edge and Christian were just the best two guys available in my mind. And then I wanted Jeff Hardy and figured I just take Matt with him. And the Hart Dynasty has been on top of my board since the start since I have Bret. Time to focus on the singles division.

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