Joint Book This Idea's Thread

Alright guys, I apologize for not chiming in, I was out all day for New Years Eve and didn't have any computer access. So if I could, I'd like the United States for my main title (I'm not sure if it was selected or not). And then the National Tag Team Championship. And I'll stick with the name Catastrophe.

And regarding name, it really doesn't matter to me. I like the name we have or maybe something with Alliance in it, like Wrestling Alliance of America (WAA) or World Wrestling Alliance (WWA).
I shall take The Undertaker as my locked superstar.

Also for the rest of the picks are we doing a draft style, pick by pick?
Here it is
X Division - Sisviboi
Cruiserweight - Big Pimpin
Hardcore - Mr. Baller
Womens - Falkon
Regional - Theo
Light Heavyweight - SC

Title Belts
Mr. Baller - IC Championship/IC Tag Team Championship
Sisviboy - International Championship/ International Tag Team Championship
Pimpin - Television Championship/ Brand Name Tag Team Championship
Theo - United States Championship/ National Tag Team Championship
Falkon - Oceania Championship/ Tempation Tag Team Championship
SC - Pure Championship/Pure Tag Team Championship

Brand Names
Baller - Massacre
Pimpin - Rampage
Sisviboy - Nightmare
Theo - Catastrophe
Falkon - Temptations
SC - Rage

Player Locks
Baller - John Cena
Sisviboy - Chris Jericho
Falkon - Kurt Angle
Pimpin - CM Punk
Theo - The Undertaker
SC - Triple H
Looks good to me. Now when exactly do you guys wanna start the draft for the rest of our rosters?
Not sure if all of us are online right now, but I should be good until tonight. I might have plans come 1030 my time (it is 645 now), but I'm free until then. But those plans aren't set in stone. And if the plans fall through I'll be on the rest of the day. So today could definitely work.

Tomorrow I'm busy in the morning and won't be home until mid-Afternoon. Sunday I'll be home all day watching football so I could do it then also.

Question for the draft. Do tag teams come together as a pick or do we pick them separately?
ASAP so I can start brainstorming for my show. Also, how do we decide who posts their show first? And when would we do pay per views ? I'll be online a lot , hours are cut at work so I only work a few shifts a week .
ASAP so I can start brainstorming for my show. Also, how do we decide who posts their show first? And when would we do pay per views ? I'll be online a lot , hours are cut at work so I only work a few shifts a week .

I don't think the order should matter, but no one should post a 2nd show until after everyone has show number 1 posted.
Ok, for the draft...I say we do it like we would do the order of shows. It doesn't matter what order you do it in but nobody can pick a second person until everyone has picked a first. Women and men can be picked in the one draft. You pick them one at a time. Should you end up with no current tag team, you get to create some! After the draft people can trade amongst themselves.

Everyone happy with that?
I just did a quick pull out of the hat and the order is:

1. SC
2. Sisviboy
3. Mr. Baller
4. Pimpin
5. Falkon
6. Theo

Everybody fine with the draw?
Are we doing the draft order as a snake order (where the order reverses the next round) or is it the same each round. Just wondering. I think that is the most fair way. At least that is the way it has been done in other drafts I've participated.
Oh yeah, you can have women but the only person with a female championship is Falkon. I say we do Superstars first.
Yes it is Snake. So whenever SC picks we will begin picking superstars (I guess we are doing that first)

Edit: Whatever SC picks is what we follow I say

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