Book This Help Thread

If I want to practice writing matches, but can't be arsed writing endless promo's, have I come to the right place?
If I want to practice writing matches, but can't be arsed writing endless promo's, have I come to the right place?

Match writing is something that will come naturally with more practice. If you want to do a full federation, you'll want to be able to write promos as well; hard to gain respect around here without em.

However, you could start a thread where you provide backstory and characters and just write matches for them. I don't believe it's been done before, but any type of fantasy booking is welcome here. Main thing is, format it well, and make it interesting.
Thanks for the advice! I've already gotten my feet wet promo-wise with the e-fed, but I think I'd prefer writing the matches. I'll check out the rule book and hopefully have something up in the near future :)
Hey guys, would a ten-man roster be too small? I've created fourteen guys, but I want to have a few in hand...
Hey guys, would a ten-man roster be too small? I've created fourteen guys, but I want to have a few in hand...

Your doing a created fed with created wrestlers? Usually not easy to pull off so good luck.

Ten guys seems way too small. You wanna have plenty of people to work with in case you wanna run injury storylines or start to hate writing someone.

Maybe create some women and have a women's division too? :shrug:
Falkon gave me the okay to use the e-fed's template in my roster page and coming up with the 12 most used moves for so many people is a biiiiitch...

I have one girl and that's her gimmick, being the girl ;) I'll add more people as I go along, but was thinking 5 matches per show would be enough?
The only problem I could see is eventually running out of talent that you can use to put guys over. You don't want your mid-card jobbing out, you want your main event and mid-card guys all to look strong.
You could always create "squash" type guys. They were always an important piece of wrestling's past and having a guy be a Barry Horrowitz or Brooklyn Brawler wouldn't be too bad. Nothing wrong with jobbers and local talents. That's an easy way if you "lack" talent.
Hi there!

So, I am starting to wright a BT! for TNA Impact starting at January 4th with Hulk Hogan taking over. I am going to rewright the episode because I feel they even did wrong in several spots and I don't want to hire a few people. I just have a few questions before I get started.

1.) Some people that I want to write for and work for TNA were used by WWE at this time, can I use them and just say they were fired by WWE or do I have to follow actual timelines for WWE?

2.) How detailed should the matches be? I watch wrestling mainly for the drama not really the wrestling so I am not too great at match writing.

3.) Am I allowed to use wrestlers that died after 2010 and keep them on the roster even after the date the died?

Thanks for answering these!
Hi there!

So, I am starting to wright a BT! for TNA Impact starting at January 4th with Hulk Hogan taking over. I am going to rewright the episode because I feel they even did wrong in several spots and I don't want to hire a few people. I just have a few questions before I get started.

1.) Some people that I want to write for and work for TNA were used by WWE at this time, can I use them and just say they were fired by WWE or do I have to follow actual timelines for WWE?

2.) How detailed should the matches be? I watch wrestling mainly for the drama not really the wrestling so I am not too great at match writing.

3.) Am I allowed to use wrestlers that died after 2010 and keep them on the roster even after the date the died?

Thanks for answering these!
1. It's your booker so you can use anyone, For example if I was doing a TNA Thread starting at Slammiversary 2012, I could say John Cena and Randy Orton debuted.

2. It's up too you. If you want you can right the match in full, just the result or even just the ending if you want or you can recap the match. Couple of lines about what happened in the beggining, middle and end.

3. As long as the wrestler didn't die BEFORE your Booker thread.. like if you do a January 4th 2010, you couldn't use Chris Benoit as he died before that date but you could use someone who hasn't died before that date. It's your choice if you keep them in your booker or if you decide to write them off.
Hey guys, would a ten-man roster be too small? I've created fourteen guys, but I want to have a few in hand...
Not at all. With 12 men in the Bound for glory series, you can get about 67 single matches, you could get about 30 different tag team matches and you could have Triple Threats and Fatal Four ways along with the whole deal involving rematches.
Hi there!

So, I am starting to wright a BT! for TNA Impact starting at January 4th with Hulk Hogan taking over. I am going to rewright the episode because I feel they even did wrong in several spots and I don't want to hire a few people. I just have a few questions before I get started.

1.) Some people that I want to write for and work for TNA were used by WWE at this time, can I use them and just say they were fired by WWE or do I have to follow actual timelines for WWE?

2.) How detailed should the matches be? I watch wrestling mainly for the drama not really the wrestling so I am not too great at match writing.

3.) Am I allowed to use wrestlers that died after 2010 and keep them on the roster even after the date the died?

Thanks for answering these!

Hi Emily. Welcome to BT.

1. You can use whoever you want; it is a creative show and you make the decisions. Some people like realism but if you decide to throw realism out of the window, that's your call - just as long as it is well written.

2. Matches can be as detailed as you want. First up, I'd say get the booking and the storylines right with good promo writing; match writing will improve over time. Start with recap form and extend it when you feel comfortable. I, personally, like to see more than a sentence - a paragraph or two can recap a match without being overly detailed. The ending is generally the most important aspect of the match so that's the bit to make sure about.

3. If they were alive at the date you start writing, it's fine. You could argue that it would be respectful to then remove them from the BT at the point when they died in real life.

One last thing: write not wright. I'm not a grammar Nazi but it doesn't half put me off! Many will agree. :)
Thanks for the answers! I didn't even see that lol! I am blaming my subconscious I was thinking about the word "fight" and when I went to write "write" the words combined on the screen.

Thanks for answering me though!
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Thanks for the answers! I didn't even see that lol! I am blaming my subconscious I was thinking about the word "fight" and when I went to write "write" the words combined on the screen.

Thanks for answering me though!
Ha ha. No problem that's what this thread is for.
Inspired by various Book this threads that I've read as a lurker, I think it would be fun to try one.

Problem is... this is going to be my first and I'm slightly overwhelmed the project I'm considering.

Don't get me wrong: I have read "Red"'s guide. How to start isn't the problem.

To illustrate:

I'm creating my own all female fed with fictional characters.

1. Pick something you'd like to write about

I'm a fan of wrestling storylines and a game I own that is based on wrestling storylines (Face to the Mat), will be used as a skeleton to form storylines off of.

Further more, one of my favorite web comics is an awesome wrestling based one called Rival Angels, hence, the itch for an all women fed.

2. Make sure you are confident you can write about to near perfection

I watch the occasional SHIMMER release and Shine ippv, plus I'm a WSU (Women Superstars Unleashed) subscriber and have been keeping up to date on them.

3. Try to make it interesting for the reader

Face to the Mat, the system I'm using, is random in the sense that it can and will twist things on it's head. Friends or partners could back stab each other at anytime, heel/face turns can happen, Fed commissioners can make decisions that impact a match ot the event itself, and even Kayfabe isn't safe, as a performer could get arrested for drugs in real life, suffer a career ending injury or other disasters (though they may hit positive notes as well, like a Television spot).

In short, as I attempt to fictionize this madness, I will be shocked and stunned... so I can imagine that fellow readers will be as well as it will be next to impossible to predict when a swerve is coming.

So, in addition to above, I have 30 fictional women wrestlers of varying ability: 15 faces and 15 heels with no tweeners (I don't believe in anti-heroes, ou're either a rule breaking heel, or an honorable face). My current plan is to do a massive 30 woman tournament (randomly seeded, but in kayfabe is determined by untelevised wrestling matches)

Obviously, this tournament will be broken up into several shows, culminating in a ppv several game months in the future with the finals that crowns the first champ.

Throughout, I will have ooc notes to explain how Face To the Mat has effected things and on whether I stepped in to kee thigs from becoming too crazy.

So... after that massive wall of text (sorry about that) would this be feasible? And also, since these are fictional women, would biographies be required or should I just let the readers figure it out through my fiction?
EDIT: Wrong thread

However I'll contribute.

Best advice is to find an era or idea that you are passionate about. If you have that you are golden. Everything will come easy to you and ideas will just click. MY thread with Peep is an example. I bounced around threads here, but never had "it". When Peep and I came together it clicked and everything went from there. Shame it didn't last long, but I like to consider it one of the more successful projects here. That's all you can do. Find a topic, be passionate, and be sure you have the allotted time to make it work. If you force a project it isn't going to work and you (and the viewer) will lose interest fast.

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