John Cena's 5 Moves...


Getting Noticed By Management
Everyone always goes on about how John Cena is a crap wrestler cos he only has 5 wrestling moves blah blah blah, so I decided to count for myself how many moves he actually has:

Five Knuckle Shuffle
Swinging fisherman suplex
Spin-out powerbomb
Running shoulder block
Belly to belly side slam
Repeating clotheslines
Sitout hiptoss
Running facebuster

This counts to 11, not 5. Therefore, how can anyone say he doesn't have enough moves in his arsenal? People always say he should use more moves, but isn't 11 enough? Anyway, how many moves is considered to be a good amount for a wrestler to have? 7? 8? 9? 10? 15? 20? It's impossible to say. From now on, when all you Cena haters go on about Cena sucks cos he only has 5 moves, you should realise that you're wrong by saying this.

By the way, I am by no means a big Cena fan, and I don't really think he is a great wrestler, I just wanted to set this straight cos it's it's unfair to say he can't wrestle cos "he only has 5 moves", there's more to it than that.

What are all of your opinions on this?
When people say Cena has just five moves, most of them do not mean it literally. It’s called an exaggeration. It’s like when a singer/band is called “one-hit wonder,” it’s not so much that they just have one hit song, but that they are known (or remembered) for that one song.
and the 5 moves they are referring to are the five moves of doom. at the end of a match he begins to battle back and over come the odds by using 5 moves in the same order every single time. Punches/Clotheslines, flying shoulder block, Five Knuckle Shuffle, Spinning Sidewalk Slam, then the FU. Every now and then he throws in the STFU. But I'm pretty sure that is what they are talking about.
its just cuz cena only uses a few of his moves and then hedoes the 5 knuckle shuffle and then the fu and then the stfu and wins
jefferson411 said:
and the 5 moves they are referring to are the five moves of doom. at the end of a match he begins to battle back and over come the odds by using 5 moves in the same order every single time. Punches/Clotheslines, flying shoulder block, Five Knuckle Shuffle, Spinning Sidewalk Slam, then the FU. Every now and then he throws in the STFU. But I'm pretty sure that is what they are talking about.
And to be fair Cena is not the only one who posseses the "Five Moves of Doom," as it's basically how WWE booked most of their wrestlers:

Guys like HBK and Bret Hart were also known to have the so-called "Five Moves of Doom." (And these are not restricted to just a series of "five" moves).

Bret - Russian leg sweep (usually as a reversal), elbow drop, backbreaker, second-rope elbow drop, sharpshooter.

HBK - Flying forearm smash (usually as a reversal), kip-up, atomic bomb, bodyslam, top rope elbow drop, sweet chin music.
peopleschamp said:
And to be fair Cena is not the only one who posseses the "Five Moves of Doom," as it's basically how WWE booked most of their wrestlers:

Guys like HBK and Bret Hart were also known to have the so-called "Five Moves of Doom." (And these are not restricted to just a series of "five" moves).

Bret - Russian leg sweep (usually as a reversal), elbow drop, backbreaker, second-rope elbow drop, sharpshooter.

HBK - Flying forearm smash (usually as a reversal), kip-up, atomic bomb, bodyslam, top rope elbow drop, sweet chin music.

yeah i mean cena does have only 5 mves of doom, but its just that they dont seem as powerful, as intense. Like hbk, when he goes to the top rope for the elbow drop, the crowd goes wild. But not with the 5 nuckle shuffle. HBK can also put on an awesome match.
every wrestler has their "spots" in the ring if you pay close attention to them you will see them in every match, but sometimes they switch it up, like in gimmick matches, (TLC, Ladder matches, ect.) or they switch up their moves on PPV for the big match...
nshade07 said:
every wrestler has their "spots" in the ring if you pay close attention to them you will see them in every match, but sometimes they switch it up, like in gimmick matches, (TLC, Ladder matches, ect.) or they switch up their moves on PPV for the big match...
Yeah, and WWE tends to go out their way to highlight these spots. One problem I have with WWE booking is that you could smell the ending from a mile away, and you could telegraph when a wrestler is going to perform their signature spots. I would like to see more "out-of-nowhere" wins where wrestlers beat their opponents with moves such as small packages or back slides a la the old NWA/WCW.
peopleschamp said:
Yeah, and WWE tends to go out their way to highlight these spots. One problem I have with WWE booking is that you could smell the ending from a mile away, and you could telegraph when a wrestler is going to perform their signature spots. I would like to see more "out-of-nowhere" wins where wrestlers beat their opponents with moves such as small packages or back slides a la the old NWA/WCW.

Me too, The WWE used to be good about surprises during the monday night wars, but recently they just don't seem to care.
DeathIsARight said:
Me too, The WWE used to be good about surprises during the monday night wars, but recently they just don't seem to care.
They were doing it (i.e. surprise finishes) even before the Monday Night Wars, but nowadays it seems like wrestlers are "obligated" to perform their series of signature moves. As great as HBK is, I often get annoyed whenever he does his "Five Moves of Doom" routine in every match! The problem is that not only do you know what he's gonna do, he also takes up a lot of time doing it!
It needs to be understood that it’s not about how many moves you have, it’s about how you incorporate those moves you've got, into having a good match, which many wrestlers are far better at doing than John Cena. Many of the greats such as Bret Hart and HBK always use, more or less, the same moveset to make their comebacks. However, their use of great timing and spot on in-ring psychology is far superior to that of Cena's, which is why their matches are far superior. There is nothing wrong with Cena having his 5 moves of doom. But it is the way he uses those moves, the way he executes them and the timing of those moves that should be improved on if he is to have better and more exiting matches.
Yeah when I googled "5 moves of doom" to make sure that I got that order correct I saw that a couple different wrestler names came up, the most seen one being Bret Hart. I'm split about how I feel about it. Sometime when the 5 moves of doom starts it is cool. Like lets say Bret was able to come back and he began his 5 moves of doom, i bet lots of people would feel chills when it started because of the nostalgia behind it. but when Cena does it it is so predictable, because he does it every single match, maybe not PPV's though I don't want to comment about that cause I haven't ordered a PPV.
Yeah, it's no so much that wrestlers go through their "Five Moves of Doom," it's that sometimes it seems like they take up a lot of time doing it. A good example is HBK. Sometimes when he does the top rope elbow drop routine, he would take FOREVER to get to the top turnbuckle (which would make you reason that his opponent should have enough time to get up). Another example is Cena, as he would often pose too long for his Five Knuckle Shuffle. Sometimes these extended showboatings just kill the flow of the match!
shayx said:
Everyone always goes on about how John Cena is a crap wrestler cos he only has 5 wrestling moves blah blah blah, so I decided to count for myself how many moves he actually has:

Five Knuckle Shuffle
Swinging fisherman suplex
Spin-out powerbomb
Running shoulder block
Belly to belly side slam
Repeating clotheslines
Sitout hiptoss
Running facebuster

This counts to 11, not 5. Therefore, how can anyone say he doesn't have enough moves in his arsenal? People always say he should use more moves, but isn't 11 enough? Anyway, how many moves is considered to be a good amount for a wrestler to have? 7? 8? 9? 10? 15? 20? It's impossible to say. From now on, when all you Cena haters go on about Cena sucks cos he only has 5 moves, you should realise that you're wrong by saying this.

By the way, I am by no means a big Cena fan, and I don't really think he is a great wrestler, I just wanted to set this straight cos it's it's unfair to say he can't wrestle cos "he only has 5 moves", there's more to it than that.

What are all of your opinions on this?

lol, that was nice quoting from I never really judged a wrestler by how many moves he does. There is much more to wrestling than that. ANd I am a John Cena fan and think that he ahs the talent to be a great wrestler one day as he is already pretty good now and works his ass off in every match. He just has to take it 1 day at a time.
Also, I think he should keep people guessinga little bit more by doing more roll ups and random moves like DDTs, corner splashes, and simply working more spots in his matches.
dmacid said:
Also, I think he should keep people guessinga little bit more by doing more roll ups and random moves like DDTs, corner splashes, and simply working more spots in his matches.
It's not a matter of what Cena should do, it's a matter of what WWE should ask him to do! are Cena's actual wrestling grapples

Swinging Belly-to-Belly Suplex
Release Fisherman Suplex
Belly-to-Back lift to Powerbomb
Hip Toss
F-U (a standing fireman carry)

Those are decent moves and all, but I agree that it's so predictable that I'm disgusted by them. Plus, they look ugly as hell. Cena's probably got the ugliest variation of a belly-to-belly ever.

Angle, my favorite wrestler, also displays a small moveset (overhead belly-to-belly, German suplex, snap suplex, belly-to-back suplex), but he'll often pull them out of nowhere and incorporate those moves into a fast-paced match. Cena's matches are slow which make him look really bad...
shayx said:
It needs to be understood that it’s not about how many moves you have, it’s about how you incorporate those moves you've got, into having a good match, which many wrestlers are far better at doing than John Cena. Many of the greats such as Bret Hart and HBK always use, more or less, the same moveset to make their comebacks. However, their use of great timing and spot on in-ring psychology is far superior to that of Cena's, which is why their matches are far superior. There is nothing wrong with Cena having his 5 moves of doom. But it is the way he uses those moves, the way he executes them and the timing of those moves that should be improved on if he is to have better and more exiting matches.

Very well put shayx. :lol2:
Cena doesnt do his moves bad, except STFU...ugh, he needs to learn how to crank on the hold from Benoit or some shit. You can discuss whats predictable and what isn't all day long. When I watched Kurt Angle in WWE I could've called jus about every one of his moves before he did it just by the way the opponent was moving or the way he was. The only thing I wish for Cena is to make his inring work a little more intelligent and vicious. I remember at WM 22 when HHH almost took cena's head off with a stiff clothesline and 2 minutes later Cena fired back with just as hard clothesline. He needs to do more things like that. But intelligence doesnt really mix well with WWE style of wrestling. And TNA is even worse, so I can't really complain I guess.
ek2222 said:
yeah i mean cena does have only 5 mves of doom, but its just that they dont seem as powerful, as intense. Like hbk, when he goes to the top rope for the elbow drop, the crowd goes wild. But not with the 5 nuckle shuffle. HBK can also put on an awesome match.

its not just the intensity... but also the fact that during the rest of the match Cena resports to 40 punches, and then maybe one other move... while guys like bret would be innovative, figure four around the pole, second rope clothesline, ya know, i dont think cena can even do a double clothesline with someone to b oth go down for the ten count, which used to be a pretty intense part of the match. shawn also had top rope moves, when he got tossed into the corner he flipped... these guys had so much, and then yea, 5 or 6 signature moves, but cena has his signature moves, and then a lot of punches... oooo... and the running shoulder block DOES NOT COUNT as a move, either does a clothesline
shayx said:
Everyone always goes on about how John Cena is a crap wrestler cos he only has 5 wrestling moves blah blah blah, so I decided to count for myself how many moves he actually has:

Five Knuckle Shuffle
Swinging fisherman suplex
Spin-out powerbomb
Running shoulder block
Belly to belly side slam
Repeating clotheslines
Sitout hiptoss
Running facebuster

This counts to 11, not 5. Therefore, how can anyone say he doesn't have enough moves in his arsenal? People always say he should use more moves, but isn't 11 enough? Anyway, how many moves is considered to be a good amount for a wrestler to have? 7? 8? 9? 10? 15? 20? It's impossible to say. From now on, when all you Cena haters go on about Cena sucks cos he only has 5 moves, you should realise that you're wrong by saying this.

By the way, I am by no means a big Cena fan, and I don't really think he is a great wrestler, I just wanted to set this straight cos it's it's unfair to say he can't wrestle cos "he only has 5 moves", there's more to it than that.

What are all of your opinions on this?
all of this is so true, and im really tired of heaing people saying that he only has 5 moves and that he can wrestle. i know when peeps say this that their saying it out of sarcasim, but, still. most of you guys need to realize that this is how the wwe works, how many times do i gotta tell you peeps. its not about how many moves a guy has, its all about his gimmick, thats what the wwe is all about. who has the best gimmick, and who brings in the money. now i think most of you guys hated cena's wigger gimmick, but still he brings in money, because that hate that you people show him, brings a reaction. which equals the money. cena is getting overpushed but, even when he is out of the title picture, he will bring in money regardless. like eric bischoff said, controversial stuff sells, and brings in money. most of you guys dont realize that your hate towards john cena is adding fire to the controversy over him and his gimmick, character, etc...... honestly tho, what do you guys expect and want from this kid? you act like he should be pulling off moves like rey mysterio, or shelton benjamin or something. he's 250 lbs, lol. and i dont expect extreme moves from him. like i said two days ago, you guys pay to much attention to his gimmick, rather than his decent ring ability that he has. stonecold steve austin, wasnt that great of a wrestler, but he had a good gimmick that all of you guys bought into, you can say the same for hulk hogan, and really john cena has more ability than those two, i rather see an f-u, than a leg drop, while both moves are not exactly finishers, i rather see that. but you guys need to just lay off of john cena, you still have to respect him, for what he does, most of you guys dont realize what him, or any other wrestler in the wwe, or tna, has to go through. john cena one of my favorite wrestlers, and i respect him, and every wrestler for what they do, just to entertain us. respect that kid for what he does, hate him or love him.
dmacid said:
lol, that was nice quoting from I never really judged a wrestler by how many moves he does. There is much more to wrestling than that. ANd I am a John Cena fan and think that he ahs the talent to be a great wrestler one day as he is already pretty good now and works his ass off in every match. He just has to take it 1 day at a time.

I wouldn't say that because he wrestles the same exact match every time. He gets beat up the entire match with the occasional flurry or shot here or there then hit 2 clotheslines, flying shoulder block, occasionally his throwback, killswitch(spinning out powerbomb as the ******ed announcers say even though it is not a powerbomb at all), five knuckle shuffle, f-u, and sometimes the stf-u. That's pretty much his all match right there.
deez428 said:
all of this is so true, and im really tired of heaing people saying that he only has 5 moves and that he can wrestle. i know when peeps say this that their saying it out of sarcasim, but, still. most of you guys need to realize that this is how the wwe works, how many times do i gotta tell you peeps. its not about how many moves a guy has, its all about his gimmick, thats what the wwe is all about. who has the best gimmick, and who brings in the money. now i think most of you guys hated cena's wigger gimmick, but still he brings in money, because that hate that you people show him, brings a reaction. which equals the money. cena is getting overpushed but, even when he is out of the title picture, he will bring in money regardless. like eric bischoff said, controversial stuff sells, and brings in money. most of you guys dont realize that your hate towards john cena is adding fire to the controversy over him and his gimmick, character, etc...... honestly tho, what do you guys expect and want from this kid?
you act like he should be pulling off moves like rey mysterio, or shelton benjamin or something. he's 250 lbs, lol. and i dont expect extreme moves from him.
like i said two days ago, you guys pay to much attention to his gimmick, rather than his decent ring ability that he has. stonecold steve austin, wasnt that great of a wrestler, but he had a good gimmick that all of you guys bought into, you can say the same for hulk hogan, and really john cena has more ability than those two, i rather see an f-u, than a leg drop, while both moves are not exactly finishers, i rather see that. but you guys need to just lay off of john cena, you still have to respect him, for what he does, most of you guys dont realize what him, or any other wrestler in the wwe, or tna, has to go through. john cena one of my favorite wrestlers, and i respect him, and every wrestler for what they do, just to entertain us. respect that kid for what he does, hate him or love him.

Okay first off, John Cena and Shelton Benjamin are the exact same weight 248 lbs to be exact, So that argument just went out the window. And what about guys like Vader who was 450 lbs, Hugh Morrus(Bill DeMott) 310-350 at the time, Bam Bam Bigelow 360 lbs and Rosey 400 lbs. and all these men could or still can perform a moonsault. When was the last time you seen Cena do anything remotely acrobatic in a match period. And How about John Kronus who was 265-350 and using a 450 splash, or Brock Lesnar who was 295 and able to do a shooting star press. Everyone one of those wrestlers are bigger than John Cena yet that did not stop them from pulling of those moves.
John Cena has one of the worst move sets ever because of wwe.i respect him though
Agreed. I am not a big fan of quick wins of small packages, but when it is done right, it can be really good and exciting. I am especially thinking of the time when Bret Hart beat Diesel with a small package pin when Diesel was about to Jacknife Bret Hart.

-=MaStA ViC

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