5 Favorite Moves In Wrestling?

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Brilliance In Supremacy

Getting Noticed By Management
Don't you all crave certain moves when you watch wrestling? Then when you see it you go, "Hell yeah." My question is, what are five moves that you just love? I don't care if it's a strike, an aerial move, a submission, or a throw. SO THE MODS DO NOT DISH OUT ANY WARNINGS, BE SURE TO LIST THE MOVE, LIST THE WRESTLER THAT YOU OFTEN SEE DO IT, AND TELL WHY YOU LIKE IT!!!!

My five favorite are:

1) The German Suplex - Done best by Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit; what I love about it is that it can come out of nowhere and its a move that always makes the crowd clap
2) Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex - Done best by Kurt Angle; As with the German, this can come out of nowhere and it still is the best belly-to-belly variation
3) Moonsault - Done best by Kurt Angle & Christopher Daniels; the moonsault is perhaps the most beautiful move in wrestling. It's the move that makes the most take a picture. Plus, if you ever see a photo of a wrestler in the middle of a moonsault, it's a fascinating picture
4) Half Nelson Suplex - Done best by William Regal & Kenta Kobashi; Its such a brutal suplex because it folds up your opponent. Watch it in slow motion and you can't help but say, "oooh!!!"
5) Olympic Slam - Done best by the one and only Kurt Angle; Obviously, I'm a little biased to what anything Angle does. But what makes the Olympic Slam so great is that it's a finisher that make sense (unlike the 619 [seriously, a wrestler either stupidly sets himself up for this move or gets "knocked out" by a drop toe hold to the ropes], the F-U [wow! a standing fireman's carry! wrestler can't kick out of this and they usually kick out of a death valley driver], The Stroke [it's a wear-down move converted into a finisher], amongst others) and Angle is capable of doing it to anyone. I love the spin that he adds to it also...
1. F-5: When done by Brock Lesnar did it it always looked great. He always managed to make it look deveastating. If he was doing it to a smaller wrestler he would make them look like a rag doll. And wheneather he did it to Big Show he did'nt look like he would drop him.

2. 5-Star Frog Splash: I like how R.V.D. sell's that his finishing move almost hurt's him as much as his opponent.

3. Shooting Star Press: I find this even more impressive than a Jack Evans style moonsault. It annoy's me how when Kidman was in WWE they stopped London using his version, even though Kidman very rarely got it on target.

4: Ring's Of Saturn: I saw somebody get kicked out of a club once and a bouncer put the Ring's Of Saturn on him, that bloke was screaming.

5: Stunner: I like how it can come out of anywhere to win you the match.
1. Pepsie plunge. Its a pedegree of the top rope
2. sliced bread #2. i like this because its looks cool and only in professional wrestling can you finisher be named sliced bread.
3.canadian destroyer. looks cool and very devastating
4. Sharpshooter. Classic move that looks cool too.
5.Dragon DDT / Asai DDT. Backflip ddt and is done by the best, ultimo dragon
Trip Bombs. that move must hurt..

F-5 is another one of my fav..

Figure Four Leg lock.. I done that to a friend in back yard wrestling.. It really messed his leg up bad..

Half Steppin'.. I used this as a submission when I wrestled Back Yard Style.. What you do is set them up in a head lock.. Side step and take them across your back.. You choke them and mess their back up at the same time.. I have put people to sleep with this move and also made their back hyper extend.. Great move..

Stunner.. That is another one that is good to use..
To think of the top 5 of my favorite wrestling moves, you have to think of the moves that changed wrestling... what made them special... my favorite 5 are as follows...

#5 - Crossface Chicken Wing - Used primarily by Bob Backlan during his "reign" in the WWE, it could be one of the most painfullest moves I've ever used against someone and one of the most painfullest moves I've had applied to me... I first used it against a kid in school who said wrestling was fake and I was like "I bet I could make you think differently" and I applied it and he screamed like a girl... the time I had it done to me, someone snuck up behind me, slapped it on, and that's all she wrote for me... my turn to scream... I think the Crossface Chicken Wing needs to make a comback soon...

#4 - Reverse Death Valley Driver - Oddly enough, #4 was the toughest one I had coming up with but I had to use it. The first time I saw this move was on a video game and I was like "is that humanly possible?" so after a few attempts trying it at the local gym on weight bags, this guy questioned me, wth I was doing... I explained... he laughed but then told me he had seen the move done in Japan... so I did some looking and found a 5 second shot of the move... I was physced... when a "local" wrestling promotion that had openings for people, I joined as a writer/manager and ended up meeting a guy who was trained how to do the reverse DVD. He hit me with it (just for my resume LOL) and in all honesty, it didn't hurt too much but damn, from ringside it looks painfull as all hell...

#3 - Sharpshooter - I don't remember when Bret Hart started using this, but it wasn't until i saw Sting do it that it made a big impact in my "wrestling carreer" I had to figure out the leg combonation to do it, and when I did my first victum tapped quickly... our neighborhood had a few wrestling fans and we spent Saturday afternoons in our backyards without ropes or a ring, getting the crap knocked outta us... the Sharpshooter was the first submission move ever used in our backyards but it wasn't that last...

#2 - Powerbomb - Done by some of the biggest dudes in wrestling (Kevin Nash, Giant, Undertaker) and some of the smallest guys (Rey Mysterio, Jr., Chris Beniot, Dean Malenko) and just looks painful... Never being on the recieving end of the move (unlike the other moves on this list) I hope never to be...

#1 - Hulk Hogan's Leg Drop - It's one of the simplest moves in wrestling, you drop a leg over your opponents neck and follow up with a pin... what makes it so special? because Hogan did it for years and he sold it like it could bring down anyone...
lonedog80 said:
To think of the top 5 of my favorite wrestling moves, you have to think of the moves that changed wrestling... what made them special... my favorite 5 are as follows...

#5 - Crossface Chicken Wing - Used primarily by Bob Backlan during his "reign" in the WWE, it could be one of the most painfullest moves I've ever used against someone and one of the most painfullest moves I've had applied to me... I first used it against a kid in school who said wrestling was fake and I was like "I bet I could make you think differently" and I applied it and he screamed like a girl... the time I had it done to me, someone snuck up behind me, slapped it on, and that's all she wrote for me... my turn to scream... I think the Crossface Chicken Wing needs to make a comback soon...

#4 - Reverse Death Valley Driver - Oddly enough, #4 was the toughest one I had coming up with but I had to use it. The first time I saw this move was on a video game and I was like "is that humanly possible?" so after a few attempts trying it at the local gym on weight bags, this guy questioned me, wth I was doing... I explained... he laughed but then told me he had seen the move done in Japan... so I did some looking and found a 5 second shot of the move... I was physced... when a "local" wrestling promotion that had openings for people, I joined as a writer/manager and ended up meeting a guy who was trained how to do the reverse DVD. He hit me with it (just for my resume LOL) and in all honesty, it didn't hurt too much but damn, from ringside it looks painfull as all hell...

#3 - Sharpshooter - I don't remember when Bret Hart started using this, but it wasn't until i saw Sting do it that it made a big impact in my "wrestling carreer" I had to figure out the leg combonation to do it, and when I did my first victum tapped quickly... our neighborhood had a few wrestling fans and we spent Saturday afternoons in our backyards without ropes or a ring, getting the crap knocked outta us... the Sharpshooter was the first submission move ever used in our backyards but it wasn't that last...

#2 - Powerbomb - Done by some of the biggest dudes in wrestling (Kevin Nash, Giant, Undertaker) and some of the smallest guys (Rey Mysterio, Jr., Chris Beniot, Dean Malenko) and just looks painful... Never being on the recieving end of the move (unlike the other moves on this list) I hope never to be...

#1 - Hulk Hogan's Leg Drop - It's one of the simplest moves in wrestling, you drop a leg over your opponents neck and follow up with a pin... what makes it so special? because Hogan did it for years and he sold it like it could bring down anyone...

Bryan Danielson of ROH consistently incorporates the crossface chicken wing into his wrestling match. If you like old school and technical wrestling, this guy epitomizes it. He even does the airplane spin...

Kenta Kobashi - only the greatest wrestler ever in Japan - uses the Burning Hammer (an inverted DVD) as a finisher. He rarely does it due to how dangerous the move is, but he's done it many times over his near 20 year career
the STO...simple enough takedown but it ALWAYS gets my attention

The Canadian Destroyer...my jaw drops EVERY time i see it

Powerbomb... a fairly routine move these days, but still very effective

the kahtahajima (sp?) Tazmission... you know a chokeout is brutal, like he really was choking them

the Koji clutch...the only time i ever saw it was when Fallen Angel put it on AJ Styles, but it just looked so brutal
5. German Suplex. Great move that can really turn the match around
4. Angle Slam. Great move
3. Swinging Full Nelson (Masterlock). My brother set this on me and not only really hurt my arms but choked me out
1 and 2. Jackhammer and Swanton Bomb. These are just so great and i can't seperate them. Swanton's are a simple and very devastating move
5. 450 splash
4. f 5
3 candaian destoryer
2 any cutter move
1 a 610 swanton never seen it done but it would look awsome
5. Con-Chair-To (how ever it's spelled)

4. Canadian Destroyer

3. RKO

2. Rolling Thunder

1. Sharpshooter
5. Con-Chair-To (sp?)...You hafta give it to Edge & Christian.....they make it
look so good, and to this day nobody seems to trust
anyone except E & C to do it to them.

4. Canadian Destroyer.....most innovative move EVER!!!!

3. RKO......just when you think you have things under control...RKO...another
legend dies

2. Rolling Thunder.....now that the people's elbow isn't around, this is
definitely the most electrifying move in sports

1. Sharpshooter.....can't help it, BRET HART IS THE MAN!!!
5. Masterlock so simple yet so devastating it never fails to make whoever it is used on look like a ragdoll.

4.Dragon Stunner simply amazing when done.

3.Spiral Tap a move like this only comes along so often.

2. Figure four A move so painful that makes even me scream.

1. Test Drive this move looks so painful and is done so quickly its aweinspiring.
5. Canadian Destroyer - just looks so smooth and devastating - petey williams uses it (obvious) i dont think i would like to see other people using it, he pulls it off so well and anyone else would just seem like a rip off.

4. Shooting star press - Love it, looks stylish as anything, dont care if its a standing one or a top rope one, it looks smooth as hell. - Billy kidman first person i saw do the move, so i guess the one that sticks in my mind.

3. Brainbuster - there is some people that can just make this move look so brutal, especially the fishermans variation. - Nick Gage always makes it look good, specially through a window pane to the Wifebeater in CZW

2. Van-terminator - HE JUMPED ACROSS THE RING!!!, first time i saw RVD do it to scotty anton, my jaw just dropped - RVD no one else pulls it off as well.

1. Vertebreaker - how painful does that look every time someone does it, it is one move i cringe at everytime i see it - Homicides Gringo killer version is the best version in my opinion

There you go, i like doing list's about stuff, makes you think really.
Here they ar in no particular order:
The Canadian Destroyer by Petey Wlliams
Swanton Bomb by Jeff Hardy
Double moonsault by Paul London
Pepsi-plunge by CM Punk
Top rope C4 by SuperCrazy
1. Canadian Destroyer (obviously)
2. Sliced Bread #2 (half for the name)
3. Perfect Plex (Hennig was the man, this move just seemed like it would win matches)
4. RKO/Diamond Cutter (they get pulled out of nowhere anytime Randy or DDP wrestle)
5. F-5 (this move looks like death)
1. Stunner-Especially when Shane O, Rock, or Devon Dudley took it. They sold the move well.

2. Muscle buster-Makes me wonder how people aren't seriously injured

3. Canadian Destroyer-I saw the move live once. It was SICK!!

4. F5-Made me say "Oh my God" when I first saw it done

5. Pedigree-This move has withstood the test of time, and is a legitimate finisher. In terms of kayfabe, the pedigree will knock you out. Some finisher's shouldn't come out of nowhere, and should legitimately signal the end of a match (its called a finisher)
1. Canadian Destroyer- sickest move ever

2. Sweet Chin Music- if he warms up the band or it comes out of nowhere Shawn will find his mark.

3. Swinging Full Nelson- hasnt been used it years, but saw film of Ken Petera using it in the 70's, he would pick u up and just throw u around, he even broke one guy's neck with it.

4.Figure four leglock- its a classic, and we've all tryed doing it.

5. Bionic elbow- The Dream's greatest move
Pedigree- This is the sickest move in wrestling

Canadian Destroyer- This move is amazing, the first time I saw it I was amazed

Muscle Buster- joe makes it look awesome

RKO- How he just pulls it out of no where is amazing. Especially at mania 22 when he did it to rey of the ROPE

Coast to coast- Shane makes jumping across the ring and smashing something into someones face look great
5.Piledriver[Must Really Mess up there Neck like hell]

4.Running Powerslam Best Done by bobby lashley

3.Missle Drop Kick to arm [best done by rvd or sabu i think i was backyard wrestling once vs my brothers friend and missle drop kiked me it hurt my arm like hell

2.Powerbomb OMG Ilove the powerbomb its like a last ride instead you dont limp up you just throw them down when they on your shoulders

1.F-u As Everybody probably fought i love the F-u because john cena is my fav wrestler
1)Styles Clash -Used by AJ Styles I love seeing him drop people on their faces.
2)The BME(Best Moonsault Ever) used by Christopher Daniels I love anything he does.
3)Canaida Destroyer -Used by Petey Williams That move just looks like it really hurts.
4)Swanton Bomb -Used by Jeff Hardy I love watching replays of him doing this move
5)Twist of fate - Used by Matt Hardy I just love watching him plant people on their heads.:twak:
dreamkiller said:
5. Sweet chin music
4.Stone cold stunner
3.Pepsi plunge

Warned for spam. Don't just list the moves, add some reasoning behind your choices.
Spine Buster- It is a sick move.. Arn Anderson did a nasty one. There is also this indy wrestler I have seen named Dirty Money and he does maybe the best spine buster I have ever seen.

RKO/ DIAMOND CUTTER- Since Orton is the LEGEND KILLER I would like to see these two have a match.. Becasue nothing is better then seeing somone lose by there own finsher.

Canadian Destroyer- Sweet move... I have seen it live.. It is so damn fast.

Razors Edge/Outsiders Edge- Sweet sweet move. My favorite as a kid.

Gringo Killa- Best move in wrestling today. So devastating.. I don't know how anybody can take it..
Well not in order.

Performer: |Move: |Why:
Great Khali |Chop to Head |Wouldn't it just hurt?
Petey Williams |Canadian Destroyer |It's definitely number 5!
Triple H/CM Punk |Pedigree, Top Rope Ped |Great move, No doubt!
Paul Burchill |Backflip Urange Slam(C4)|Who wouldn't like it!
Mr. Kennedy |Green Bay Plunge |My number 1
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