Favorite Move Sets In The WWE (Past & Present)

Brilliance In Supremacy

Getting Noticed By Management
Which guys in the WWE have the best move sets. Also, list some of your favorite moves from them.

Kurt Angle - I loved it each time he pulled off a belly to belly or a German suplex
Chris Benoit - Gotta love the rolling Germans
Bret Hart - It certainly got repetitive overtime, but it was never predictable. You always yearned to see what Bret was gonna do next
Owen Hart - If he had as much time as his brother, he might've become as respected as his brother
Eddie Guerrero - Dude pulled amazing moves out of nowhere
Lashley - For a guy who apparently will make a career out of being a power wrestler, he pulls off some of the nicest suplexes and will also pull them off in succession
i always love a kurt angle match and an hbk too. lesnar was the best. who else would run into the ring, belly to belly suplex the big show and stand up waiting for him to come back.
worst move set ever: hogan.
Hogan's is pretty bad being that all he does are lame punches, a lame big boot, and a lame leg drop...but for some reason the crowd always reacts to the man. I'm puzzled.

Honestly, the worst I've ever seen is Khali's. But that's inevitable being that he's terrible as a wrestler
chris benoit shelton benjamin juventud guerrera undertaker brock lesner
My favorite move past or present has to be the RKO. It was shocking and it came from no where when he defeated Benoit at that SummerSlam ( REALLY, did anyone expect Orton to beat Benoit. I mean HHH fought Benoit for months for that title and never won but Orton comes along and beats Benoit like that)
i loved that match. i had it downloaded for awhile. it was around that time i became an orton fan. the rko was beautifully placed and shocking and it really did a lot for both men, yes benoit even benefitted from it. i will not forget the way he came to the ring and shook ortons hand. it really was a great thing. too bad hhh effed it up by beating orton the next month.
but speaking of hhh, he has one of the best movesets ever.
Modern day Triple H has a relatively limited moveset. In his early 30's, this guy was wonderful. He wrestling abilities have taken an obvious fall since his injury
When it comes to finishers, the best technical finisher I've ever seen has to be somewhere between the Canadian Destroyer, Styles' Clash, the Muscle Buster, and the Angle Slam

In terms of "holy hell! that came out of nowhere finishers", I always dug the Stunner

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