5 Favorite Moves In Wrestling?

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I only really know about wwe so ill be choosing wwe moves (except for canadian destroyer) They're in no particular order either

1. Petey Williams - Canadian Destroyer - It's unique and would be hard to peform

2. Undertaker - Tombstone - Great move, would hurt alot aswell.

3. Paul Burchill - C4 Aka Backflip Urange slam - Just like the canadian destroyer, Hard to peform and its unique

4. Kane - Chokeslam - Great move, and used by one of my favourite wrestlers.

5. Stone Cold - Stone Cold Stunner - Used by my favourite wrestler ever, and I believe it would hurt very much.
Canadian Destroyer-Amazing to watch. The reason I watch a Petey Williams match

The Grade- Saw it live and WoW!

DDT-Simple and it's all about the way the victim sells it

Stunner- Scott Hall selled it brilliantly

Backcracker- Carlito's finisher ROCKS!
top rope Alabama slam
reverse brain buster
backwards tombstone (lift up like Alabama slam but just sit down)
double anaconda vice *ouch*
stunner over the ropes (person delivering it inside the ring whle other is on the apron

Since you have 4 posts I will let you slide. But you have to give atleast some reasoning as to why you like those moves, don't just list them.
5. the eye gouge, i dont care i laugh every time anybody pulls it off to get out of a sticky situation
4. low ki/senshi's double stomp from the top rope, does not look like it would be fun to take
3. cop killa, innovative and just looks good
2. canadian destroyer, the reason i watch petey williams
1. pepsi plunge seen it live and was like OMG, and we never get to see it all
Well my top 5 favorite moves in wrestling right now are. in no order, I hate doing ordered lists.

The Green Bay Plunge: Mr. Kennedy use to use it all the time before he got injuried i'm hoping he goes back to useing it as his full-time finisher.

The Canadian Destroyer: One of the most flashy and entertaining finishers ever, one more thing I want to say about Petey, a lot of people say he's a one trick pony but I like his wrestling style he's very talented even without the move, well at least to me.

The Border Toss/ Crackerjack: This is the biggest baddest powerbomb ever, everytime I see Hernandez use it, it makes my eyes pop, just a devastating looking move.

The Vertabreaker: I agree that this is one of the best moves ever, but I saw someone put down Homicide's Cop/Gringo Killa is the best version but i'd have to disagree with that "Sugar" Shane/Gregory Helms version is the best to me.

The Razor's Edge: I mean the first one not after they made him change it a little, i'm talking about the one the folded people up and made them look like there spine was servered from there body, used it through most of his WWF/WWE career but changed it to the more popular version everybody remember's where the opponent land's on their back insted of my favorite the one where they land on their shoulder's and head.
5.arn anderson spinebuster
4.arn anderson ddt
2.rock bottom
1.figure four
5. Stunner
4.Ankle lock
3. Shooting Star Press
1.Diamond Cutter/RKO
5. Doomsday Device - High risk & high impact
4. Arn Anderson Spinebuster - he was the enforcer for a reason
3. Swanton Bomb
2. Figure-4 Leg lock - Ric Flair...nuff said
1. Frankensteiner (yes I know its a hurricuranna) back before it got mainstreamed and before Steiner started the juice.
i'm going to count down
5.Chockslam off top ropes By Kane it was awsome when he did it to Matt
3.mICHINOKU driver By taka mICHINOKU
2.Moonsault By Matt Hardy
Number one is hbk's sweet chin music
These arent my favorite but they are moves I really enjoy seeing.

1. 630 Senton (Jack Evans)
2. Triple team axe kick to nuts (TARU)
3. Curb Stomp (Super Dragon)
4. DDT (Jake Roberts)
5. No Hands Plancha (Hayabusa)
5. Shooting Star Press (Kidman): Death Defying and ******ed to even attempt.

4. Five Star Frog Splash (RVD): Perfect frog splash. Sells it perfectly and my hair stands up on my arms when he perches the top rope and looks around.

3. Canadian Destroyer (Petey Williams): That simply looks unreal.

2. Diamond Cutter (DDP): I'm sorry but nothing compares. So many variations and he could nail it at anytime. When they almost got caught with it and pushed DDP off they always had a look on their face like they just looked death in the eyes.

1. Vertabreaker (Shane Helms): God I loved that move. I still remember the first time I saw it. Amazing.
In order: And no one said it had to be a move done by one dude, so I be including my favourite Tag-team move.

1. The Last Ride. Undertaker. Too bad he never uses this one anymore, as it
was just a sick move. Didn't think anything could top the Tombstone or Old School but this one was just awesome. Like a Razor's Edge but done in slow-motion at first and then BAM!

2. DUDLEY DEATH DROP, aka, 3D BABY! Awesome move, Dudley's=BEST TAG TEAM EVER! D'von chucks you up in a flapjack throw, then as the opponent falls towards the mat (or better...GET THE TABLES...) Bubba Ray applies the cutter...and goodnight! Sick, sick...move. Especially through a table.

3. Okay, way too dramatic, and unless you were just blasted with a chair...in reality you would have plenty of time to, oh I don't know, get up, or like roll out of the way...
But: The Rock's People's Elbow is an elbow drop, preceded by a routine that involves The Rock pulling off his elbow pad and throwing it into the audience, bouncing off the ropes, then lifting one leg as if performing a leg drop, and hitting the elbow drop as his opponent lays motionless on the mat. Way it was sold was great, almost identical to Hogan's Leg Drop, just with an elbow.

4. UNDERTAKER. OLD SCHOOL. A classic, almost never used anymore as maybe the old dead man's balance just isn't what it used to be, but no one
does the old walking on the top rope thing and clubbing opponent on back of the neck better.

5. TAKER CLOSES it out with THE TOMBSTONE. Other than Kane, has anyone
ever kicked out from this move? Just looks so devastating...REST IN PEACE.
Great finisher on small to average dudes, but unfortunately can't be used
on giants like Big Show or the late Yokozuna for obvious reasons.

Too bad I am limited to 5, but these be my faves.
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