Alright, my five would have to be...
Either The Rock, or Stone Cold. Both had the charisma and mic skills to run a crowd like they were heardin caddle with a monstertruck. and both were good wrestlers, but manly for the crowd and mic skills.
Edge Arguably one of the Best bad guys in wrestling. The guy can take a crowd and make them do whatever he wants, he can get a reaction for anything. and you never see him break character.
Kurt Angle I mean seriously, how good is he? he is REALLY good. at just about everything. he is extreemly precise, has great intensity, and has a damn olympic gold meddle. whats more to say?
Jeff Hardy or AJ Styles In terms of high flying, or speed "High Risk" manouvers. they both seem to be very good at these, and i know hardy seems to be able to take a beating...(from himself obviously, but you get what i mean)
Not really sure...
Probably either:
CM Punk (He is amazing most the time)
Shawn Micheals (<--Spelling?) and really, he's been around quite a while. and he is THE BEST stumbling wrestler EVER.
Tripple H Cuz again, he is very good at what he does.... and can become very intense when he gets on a role
Brock Lesnar Just for the sheer speed/power combo. the dude was really good. except for the wrestlemania F"** up, he was awesome
RVD I mean, seriously, the guy is crazy, the flexability, and martial arts, would be a big plus.