If You Could Be Trained By 5 Wrestlers...

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Well Uhh:

Kurt angle: Great style, Technical with the perfect german suplex!

Chris Benoit: Well, technical style is great!

Finlay: Great style, smart moves!

Thought this one for ages but Tatanka: UNDEFEATED FOR 2 YEARS. NOW THAT WOULD BE HARD

The Rock: Well he was my favourite of all time and his style was great!
Alright, my five would have to be...

1. Either The Rock, or Stone Cold. Both had the charisma and mic skills to run a crowd like they were heardin caddle with a monstertruck. and both were good wrestlers, but manly for the crowd and mic skills.

2. Edge Arguably one of the Best bad guys in wrestling. The guy can take a crowd and make them do whatever he wants, he can get a reaction for anything. and you never see him break character.

3.Kurt Angle I mean seriously, how good is he? he is REALLY good. at just about everything. he is extreemly precise, has great intensity, and has a damn olympic gold meddle. whats more to say?

4.Jeff Hardy or AJ Styles In terms of high flying, or speed "High Risk" manouvers. they both seem to be very good at these, and i know hardy seems to be able to take a beating...(from himself obviously, but you get what i mean)

5.Not really sure...
Probably either:
CM Punk (He is amazing most the time)
Shawn Micheals (<--Spelling?) and really, he's been around quite a while. and he is THE BEST stumbling wrestler EVER.
Tripple H Cuz again, he is very good at what he does.... and can become very intense when he gets on a role
Brock Lesnar Just for the sheer speed/power combo. the dude was really good. except for the wrestlemania F"** up, he was awesome
RVD:robvandam: I mean, seriously, the guy is crazy, the flexability, and martial arts, would be a big plus.
UltimateMe said:
Kurt Angle
CM Punk
Samoa Joe
Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!

Obvious, but hey. :P

dude, your supposed to put WHY, otherwise its considered spam... and my lil post will prolly be considered spam, cuz i'm new... but i see it all the time... so anyways, make sure to actually "Discuss" your post.
1. The Rock(He's just one of the best guys that had a handful of great charisma in the ring along with holding his own style..maybe he'd be of some help with helping mold a new style)
2. Edge(He's just so quick when it has to count and knows how/where to strike the opponent..he's definately a good advantage seeker.)
3. Victoria(I'm sorry, she's just so good in the ring and she's got a great meanstreak..NEVER SELL A WOMAN SHORT! She damn sure knows how to hold her own in a man's world.)
4. Fit Finlay(He would probably be able to hand down so much advice as a veteran of the wrestling business.)
5. Shawn Michaels(Where would you begin on why you would want HBK to train you, he's done it all and still is doing it. From charisma to stanima he could probably teach you how to make yourself last in the ring/the wrestling business.)
2.The Undertaker
3.Stone Cold
4.The Fabulous Moolah
5.Trish Stratus


1. X-pac

2. Triple H

3. Undertaker

4. Bret Hart

5. Dean Malenko


1. Bret Hart
2. Kurt Angle
3. Chris Benoit
4. Rey Mysterio
5. A.J. Styles

You are sussposed to give reasons.
I'd only choose 2 people. That's Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr. These guys have trained countless wrestlers (including one of my all time favorites, Kenta Kobashi). I'm currently reading Terry's autobiography and it gives a lot of insight into the lives and careers of the two, and makes you develop a whole new respect for them and what they have accomplished.
My pics:

1: HHH, for ring psychology and experience.
2: Dean Malenko, for matt wrestling, countering moves, etc.
3: Kurt Angle, kinda for thesame reasons as Dean Malenko.
4: Finlay, the people who he trained all became great talents. Perhaps he can do that to me as well.
5: Bret Hart, for technical wrestling skills.
1. Finlay because his style is one of my favourites and if he can wrestle at his age he can teach anyone.
2. Undertaker can teach me the life of a wrestler.
3. Killer Kowalski can teach the basics.
4. RVD can teach the high flying techniques.
5. Regal good old fashioned chain wrestling
If I could choose any combination of trainers from any time period...then I'd choose from these...

1.) Mr. Hito and Mr. Sakurada - The two gentlemen that were responsible for training Bret Hart. The "Excellence of Execution" wouldn't have been excellent if it weren't for these two.

2.) Larry Hennig and Vern Gagne - Produced Curt Hennig...arguably the best seller in the history of the business. Curt was so good that he could make the punch of a twelve-year-old ashtmatic boy look like a hit that came from Superman.

3.) Satoru Sayama - Trained his replacement (Tiger Mask IV) and is legit in MMA style shooting and is a pioneer of high flying himself.

4.) Yasuhiro Kojima (Hiro Matsuda) - Trained Hogan, Luger, Hall, Simmons, Orndorff and the Great Muta (Keiji Muto). I'd definitely show up not looking to be as smartass on my first day of camp, though. Hulk Hogan's dumb 6'8" ass did and Matsuda broke his f**king leg for it.

5.) Red Bastien - Trained my favorite wrestler (based on his performances up until the end of 1996), Sting. Bastien was one of the first proficient high-flyers in his own right and definitely had an influence on Sting's style which was, in my opinion, the perfect combination of theatrics, athleticism, technical proficience, selling, and smashmouth offense.

If I had to choose trainers or a school from today only or from school that are active today and money was no object:

1. Texas Wrestling Academy - Rudy Boy Gonzalez has helped to produce many current stars I respect the ability of including: London, Kendrick, and most importantly Bryan Danielson.

2. Ring of Honor - Danielson himself is the current head trainer and ROH has a pretty good success rate and have pretty good facilities to work in.

3. New Japan Dojo - California school that has solid facilities and connections to the mother company.
1) Killer Kowalski- He trained Triple H and more. He would be for the Basics.

2) The Undertaker- Ring Psychology is some thing that if you don't have you won't go far in that business.

3) Triple H- Backstage and in the ring. The idea of Evolution was to bring potential out of two more inexperienced members and push them to be big stars in their own right. It Worked.

4) Edge- The No.1 Heel in the business. learn the art of the Heel and that mysterious art (at least in the WWE these days) of Tag-team psycology. He also is a master of ladder matches.

5) Chris Benoit- Brilliant technician, a master of the submission and the suplexes. He was also trained by Stu Hart so he knows his stuff.

the Honourable mention section.
-Chris Jericho- Promos and similar stuff plus in ring (every name is plus in ring if i name an extra part)
-Shawn Michaels
-Kurt Angle
-Jeff Hardy- Tag team and daredevil moves
-Matt Hardy- Tag team
-William Regal- Brilliant technician
for ring skills:bret hart/chris beniot. best techical wrestlers in the game also train under stu hart. i would also like to be train by triple h for his work ethic
for mic skills the Rock cuz nobody can hype a crowd like him.
Eddie Guerrero for the lessons in life.
Triple H and the Rock for mic skills, and to know how to make fans react during a match.
Kurt Angle for intensity and mat skills.
Shawn Michaels for his own unique style and to help me believe that even the biggest dreams can come true (Shawn Michaels was pretty much the first "high flyer" that become World Champion - don't count Randy Savage, he's not that much of one except for the awesome elbow drop :p).
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