Cena has his "5 moves of doom", and so does Orton, HHH, and so on and so on.

The supposed “5 Moves Of Doom” is the worst myth in the history of professional wrestling and it is true that only the most ignorant of viewers will not realise that signature moves are a way of telling the fans that the match should be coming to a close soon. Sure, some matches could end without signature moves and the fans will be shocked. But not every match can end like that and without the signature moves that everyone associates with certain wrestlers, it would be completely underwhelming.

Could you imagine seeing an Ortom match without his DDT or boot through the ropes? Or a Triple H match without his facebuster? The signature moves are the moves that the fans get behind because it shows that their favourite superstar is close to winning the match and is building momentum that should see them through to the win. The 5 moves of doom should be renamed the 5 moves of predictability and should be applied to every single wrestler that works in TNA and WWE.

They are a tool for the fans watching and nothing else. The myth is completely untrue anyway. Cena has a varied moveset and it comes across to me, that the only people who claim he only does 5 moves are PG-era haters that blame Cena for the sudden shift in the WWE's mentality and it just shows me that they are not only stupid but very ignorant.
Super Dave, you are absolutely right. Thats what I was trying to get at in my earlier post. I do not like John Cena only because I find his character and his moveset to lack a bit. Does not mean I do not like him I respect everything he does for the company. I completely agree that signature moves distinguish every superstar in their own way. Like I mentioned earlier every superstar uses the 5 moves of doom. It's not just John Cena every wrestler does and its great tool for superstars to use. It's what makes us the fans get attached to different superstars. Maybe 5 moves of doom is to harsh to say but the ones that use it are the fans who grew up watching who loved the attitude era. Obviously that's done and over with every WWE fan has to accept the fact that we are in a new era and get used to it. I'm not complaining I still watch RAW weekly and it still puts me on the edge of my seat, once in a while. But I just have never gotten used to John Cena. Everyone has their own opinions about different wrestlers and they have every right to them. I'm not picking an argument, just simply stating my own opinions.
Like alot of people have already mentioned, the moves are part of Cena's identity, and Cena's persona is directed at younger viewers, who know that when the sequence of the 5 moves start the big finish is coming, its designed to get veiwers on the edge of there seats in anticipation.
Every wrestler has his trademark moves, that's nothing new.

The reason Cena gets hate is because that's all he does and that is all he has EVER done. That and the fact none of his moves are original or were ever innovative.

Orton, Triple H, The Rock, Austin, etc etc......they have a 5-10 move set that gets/got incorporated into their matches. But that wasn't always the case. Orton has had countless matches where he has shown an arsenal of moves, same with Triple H, The Rock and Austin. Austin had to have limited matches because of his neck injuries. In a way I blame him for it because he set that into motion. Before him......HBK, Bret, Yoko, Taker, Savage, Flair, etc that clearly wasn't the case. Back when main event matches actually went longer, you couldn't keep a match going back then and be the champion without having an arsenal of moves. Now it's expected for all faces to adopt this.

Cena does not perform any one move exceptionally well (save for the STF). He doesn't have finesse and he looks awkward when he wrestles. He has a Death Valley Driver as his finisher......lame. What is he Kama Mustafa?

Orton, Triple H, The Rock, Austin they have a history of amazing technical matches. Orton in his IC title run had some of the greatest matches in history. Triple H has numerous amazing matches with The Rock, Austin, Benoit, HBK, Foley, etc etc. Austin before all his neck problems was one hell of a wrestler, very raw, but very intense.

Cena doesn't have phenomenal matches he has moments. He's like Hogan he has moments not incredible matches. But even Hogan in his hey-day put on acceptable matches, he performed well, he wasn't awkward. He didn't look out of place. He used rest holds and submissions, Cena has a headlock and an STF. That's it.

He doesn't have signature bumps like HBK, Flair, HHH. He doesn't add any innovation to his set moves, with reversals and the like. The only thing he ever changes is what object he AA's you through/on (stage, table, chair).

The difference is these guys have a history of great matches, Cena doesn't. His only good matches have been with Edge. But it had more to do with Edge and the fact Cena and he could utilize various weapons/matches.
It's simple, think back to when you were young and listening to Hulk Hogan. It's pretty much the exact same thing. Hulk had Hulkamania, Cena has the Cenation. Hogan could never lose and was a powerhouse wrestler, Cena can never lose cleanly and is a powerhouse wrestler. Bandanas, armbands. Hogan was fired and came back in a mask. You remember the pics of Juan Cena, right?

The point I'm trying to make is if you were youngster during hte Hulk days (as I was) you can easily see why kids buy into it. Everyone loves the superhero and as a kid, you're just naive enough to believe the world has some superpower out there protecting it against all the evils of the world.

I see what you're saying with the similarities.
And I know WWE needs Cena just like they needed Hogan.

And I grew up during the Hogan era and I hated him. He was lame. I don't go back and rewatch many Hogan or Cena matches. But I rewatch plenty of HBK, Bret, Bulldog, Savage, Steamboat, Flair, Perfect, Orton, Triple H, Benoit, Y2J, Mysterio, Bam Bam, RVD & Angle matches.

I wonder why that is? hmmmm. Because even when I was a kid, it was the matches that mattered. Not the catchphrases and T-shirts. Now it's about image and not ability. A great match will always be more well remembered to me than a great promo.
So before I go back to bed and continue to enjoy this fine and wonderful Sunday afternoon, I'm going to tell you why I dislike Cena so much.

- Cena has the potential to be something more, but he's stuck in the PG era. Do I blame him for that? Not at all, if he was allowed to do more than I'm sure everyone would dislike him a little less.

- Now, to the "Five Moves of Doom". First off, it's illogical. Watch it, and tell me if it makes sense that when someone runs off the rope and drops a fist on your face, you're going to get up and get the FU. Not feasible. I hated it when The Rock did the "People's Elbow", especially when he finished matches with it. I also hate it when Santino hit's "The Cobra". It's completely ******ed. Also, before any of you start off and start saying it's scripted. What are you, ******ed for thinking I don't already know that? Of course it is, BUT MAKE IT REALISTIC.

- His theme songs. Read the following excerpts.


"So, you think your untouchable?
Word life! Its a place for thuganomics
It's a pretty place for thuganomics
Word life, I'm untouchable but I'm forcing you to feel me
Word life, Its a place for thuga - thuganomics
Word life, I'm untouchable but I'm forcing you to feel me."

That is laughable.


"In case you forgot or fell off I'm still hot - knock your shell off
My money stack fat, plus I can't turn the swell off
The franchise, doin' big bid'ness, I live this
It's automatic I win this - oh you hear those horns, you finished
A soldier, and I stay under you fightin'
Plus I'm stormin' on you chumps like I'm thunder and lightning
Ain't no way you breakin' me kid, I'm harder than nails
Plus I keep it on lock, like I'm part of the jail
I'm slaughtering stale, competition, I got the whole block wishing
They could run with my division but they gone fishing
With no bait, kid your boy hold weight
I got my soul straight, I brush your mouth like Colgate
In any weather I'm never better your boy's so hot
You'll never catch me in the next man's sweater
If they hate, let 'em hate, I drop ya whole clan
Lay yo' ass DOWN for the three second tap"

Now, before you Cena buffs jump me. Let me explain. How is someone going to talk like he's so "Hood" in his entrance, and suppose to be a poster boy for children? Sure, I understand that his gimmick changed. But even so, continue to look at his lyrics. Also, The lines in bold make no sense, just saying.

- Wrestling is suppose to be entertaining and have the ability to tell a story. When you watch his matches, he gets beat up and then suddenly pops the "Five Moves of Doom" and then he's holding his title up. The Champ is here? Gtfo my internets.

- He either squashes people, or the following above happens. Meaning that it doesn't allow people to really get the rub they need for beating him, and if they do beat him. Then it's a heel and it's an UNCLEAN win. Whatever happened to that in the first place? I know, again, not something that's really Cena's fault, it's the writing, but why can hardly anyone go over Cena cleanly? Make someone look beatable and then you'll have more PPV buys. Logistics, you hardly have it WWE.

- The only moves that he does that ALWAYS looks fluent, is again his "Five Moves of Doom". He jumps off the top rope for a flying "Fame Asser", but when he does, half the time it looks ugly and it's hardly believable that someone is going to stay bent over for so long while he climbs the ropes to jump off and hit something so horrid. Leave that to drugged up, "High Flying", Ultimate Warrior wannabes.

As for my post, I'm done. If I were wanting to sit here for a whole lot longer, then I'd do so.

People wrestler's should aspire to be for variety?

- Kurt Angle
- Bret Hart
- RVD [ pre-WWE ]
- AJ Styles
- Brian Danielson
- Curt Henning
- Rick Rude
- Ricky Steamboat
- Arn Anderson
- Vader

That's just to name a few.

Who does Cena remind me of?

Abdullah The Butcher.

One more thing, I loved how the most recent thing I've seen Cena do is a drop kick. But last night, I seen Orton do the "Olympic Slam". Just saying.
Like I said before, I don't care if Cena knows 1 move, 5 moves, or even 1000 moves. One of my complaints against him is that his moves are lame. His AA is a lame ripoff of the F5 and his 5 Knuckle Shuckle is lame. If he were to have better moves then I wouldn't be complaining as much. Look at Orton. He has the RKO which can come out anywhere (example-Orton rko-ing Evan Bourne while he was attempting to do a shooting star press). He does the scoop slam with such speed and agility that it leaves one impressed. Those are my twocents on the matter
I agree with what most are saying. It is common to only have a few moves. The problem with Cena is that his moves are very weak looking, yet he dominates the WWE. The five knuckle shuffle (a poor mans people elbow). What does he actually do? He never seems to ever connect with this, he just punches the mat.
The STFU, why does he never lock this in, you cannot blame PG or Benoit as Danielson always locks in his submissions.
The firemans carry drop. Super weak finishing move yet it beats nearly evryone.
Then Cena has very bland basic moves like shoulder blocks and the occasional closeline thrown in. I much prefer to see someone with suplexes, drop kicks and other throws as their basic moves.
Do not get me wrong, Cena can be good, he just hasn't been for a long time, bring back the rapper Cena and let him show us what he can do.
I think another perspective needs to be thought of here, and that's the worker/company side. We're all talking in terms of gearing towards children, or showing the comeback/finish for the fans to rally behind, and that all makes sense. But what about making sense from the performance safety standpoint also? When actors make a movie, what do they do? Rehearse, learn lines, and blocking, etc. They practice a "moveset" in fight sequences in order for things to look better and reduce injuries or harm to other actors. When a figure skater is doing a routine, what do they practice? They practice a pre-decided set of moves in order to look fluid and so they can perform a routine w/out or minimal injury.

Let's look at that idea from a wrestler's perspective. If you're in the top spot, wouldn't you want to attempt to do things in such a way that not only makes it easier to perform on a weekly basis, but also things that you've practiced over and over in order to protect yourself and your opponent from harm? For the sake of routine work, that's the most logical way to do it, and then put more effort and extra time and moves into the ppv match.

I think that everything intertwines together. The minimization of injury to top performers, setting up the finish, allowing the crowd to interact in order to get a reaction. Things are geared towards the spectacle, and what better way to add to that spectacle than "prompting" the crowd in order to get those cheers/boos and add to the overall entertainment package? A casual viewer can hear that crowd reaction and think "hey, this sounds like people love it, it must be interesting to be able to get a reaction like that, I think I'll check it out". Better to have a crowd that's sort of prompted to their end reaction than one that gets so surprised by an out of the blue win that they say "what the f*** just happened instead of cheering/booing. It actually makes a lot of sense when you think of some of the reasoning behind it.

Oh, and to the people that are still trying to justify the dislike of Cena by changing from "5 moves of doom" to "order that 5 moves of doom are done in are always the same", get real. Now you're stretching. You try to act like Orton and others always do different crap which is just far from the truth. It's called grasping at straws, and that's exactly what you're doing. And I'll take Cena's energy and passion in a match over Orton's standing around grimacing and staring and doing nothing any day. Face facts, hes horrible.

And to the people that say his moves are lame and look like they don't hurt, are you kidding? Look where Hogan got with the weak moves he had. Look at the 619. For that matter, what about 'Taker's old school move? Very unbelievable. Why walk the ropes, does it add force to the move that just jumping from the turnbuckle wouldn't have? What about the Angle slam? Surely the AA, in which Cena tosses them up in the air before coming down for impact would hurt more than just picking somebody up and dropping back w/them? I think a little extra height and helping to push them down would produce more impact. The point here is stop being so critical of somebody for something when it's obvious that almost everybody had a move that, if you thought about it, wouldn't do as much damage as it was portrayed as having.

In other words, don't be so hypocritical. Don't hate, appreciate.
I kind of agree, but people need to work on bigger movesets, Like orton for example. he has started using a "Angle slam" kind of move in order to set up for his ******ed voices lets punch the floor kinda thing.
Everyone's bringing things mentioned back into the equation.

-the reason Cena always gets his ass kicked then comes back with the same "5 moves of doom" is because that's how the WWE portrays him. As their own "Superman." He is loved by kids and women because thats how the WWE wants him to be.

-Cena's moveset sucks we know that. His character is stale and old and boring, but if you think about it John Cena is "The Rock" of today. Much like Orton is the "Stone Cold" of today. They are all similar character and move whise. The RKO, obviously ripped off from the stunner. The AA is just as lame as The Rock Bottom. 5 knuckle shuffle and People's Elbow, obviously similar. But the WWE knows that that's how they want it to be.

These 2 points have been mentioned so many times and explained to the fullest.
We are now in the PG era this is something we have to get used to. Every wrestler uses the "5 Moves of Doom." Just get used to the fact. I despise Cena as well, but who care? Every one is allowed to Like/Dislike whichever wrestler they choose. That's a part of being in the WWE Universe. We all just have to wait until the WWE turns John Cena heel. Maybe then would he become a better wrestler.
- Cena has the potential to be something more, but he's stuck in the PG era. Do I blame him for that? Not at all, if he was allowed to do more than I'm sure everyone would dislike him a little less.

Everybody has the potential to be something more, and he isn't stuck
in the PG era. You're just saying that. There's nothing wrong with WWE's show rating, it's fine. I say this to everybody that hates on the PG era; the Attitude Era was booked under PG.

- Now, to the "Five Moves of Doom". First off, it's illogical. Watch it, and tell me if it makes sense that when someone runs off the rope and drops a fist on your face, you're going to get up and get the FU. Not feasible. I hated it when The Rock did the "People's Elbow", especially when he finished matches with it. I also hate it when Santino hit's "The Cobra". It's completely ******ed. Also, before any of you start off and start saying it's scripted. What are you, ******ed for thinking I don't already know that? Of course it is, BUT MAKE IT REALISTIC.

Wrestling isn't real. I hate using that term but it's the only one I can use when you're basically saying you want John Cena to flat out punch somebody in the face.

- His theme songs. Read the following excerpts.

No, his theme songs have nothing to do with the point you're making about you disliking Cena. If I wanted to go and read his lyrics I would. I don't like R-Truth's theme, but I don't go and make an entire post about it.

Now, before you Cena buffs jump me. Let me explain. How is someone going to talk like he's so "Hood" in his entrance, and suppose to be a poster boy for children? Sure, I understand that his gimmick changed. But even so, continue to look at his lyrics. Also, The lines in bold make no sense, just saying.

You said it yourself.

- Wrestling is suppose to be entertaining and have the ability to tell a story. When you watch his matches, he gets beat up and then suddenly pops the "Five Moves of Doom" and then he's holding his title up. The Champ is here? Gtfo my internets.

Wrestling is entertaining, if you don't like John Cena, then that's your own opinion. If you don't want to watch him, then don't watch him. Surely, you could have found that one out for yourself, yes?

- He either squashes people, or the following above happens. Meaning that it doesn't allow people to really get the rub they need for beating him, and if they do beat him. Then it's a heel and it's an UNCLEAN win. Whatever happened to that in the first place? I know, again, not something that's really Cena's fault, it's the writing, but why can hardly anyone go over Cena cleanly? Make someone look beatable and then you'll have more PPV buys. Logistics, you hardly have it WWE.

First of all, everybody has their Five Moves of Doom. The Rock had it. Stone Cold had it. John Cena has it. Randy Orton has it. The Miz has it, hell even Michael Cole has it. You'd moan if nobody used interesting moves and it'd be boring to watch.

You're right, it isn't Cena's fault. So back off.

Back the fuck off. What is the point you're trying to make? So far you've just moaned that John Cena uses the same five moves, his lyrics are terrible and that WWE have no logistics. You have no brains. There are other superstars to watch and other companies to watch if you're that bothered about it.

- The only moves that he does that ALWAYS looks fluent, is again his "Five Moves of Doom". He jumps off the top rope for a flying "Fame Asser", but when he does, half the time it looks ugly and it's hardly believable that someone is going to stay bent over for so long while he climbs the ropes to jump off and hit something so horrid. Leave that to drugged up, "High Flying", Ultimate Warrior wannabes.

There are no 'drugged up Ultimate Warrior' wannabes in the WWE. Who are you referring to? I don't understand what you're trying to get at.

As for my post, I'm done. If I were wanting to sit here for a whole lot longer, then I'd do so.

Thank goodness for that. You're a persistent one, I'll give you that, but you're dumb as fuck.

People wrestler's should aspire to be for variety?

- Kurt Angle
- Bret Hart
- RVD [ pre-WWE ]
- AJ Styles
- Brian Danielson
- Curt Henning
- Rick Rude
- Ricky Steamboat
- Arn Anderson
- Vader

That's just to name a few.

I say again, dumb as fuck.

Who does Cena remind me of?

Abdullah The Butcher.

Nice of you to share that with us.

One more thing, I loved how the most recent thing I've seen Cena do is a drop kick. But last night, I seen Orton do the "Olympic Slam". Just saying.

What more do you want? It's a Wrestling company, they do Wrestling moves, they're Wrestlers, it's what they do. You've moaned that they use the same old moves, yet you moan when they use different moves. There's just no pleasing you is there? Tell you what, after you've had your nap that you felt the need to tell us about, sit your ass down and watch something else. You obviously have a major problem with WWE's flagship programming.
I think T.R.E. said it all, and hit the nail right on the head. The point of a discussion is to offer opinions and hear others' opinions of not only the subject, but also what has been brought to the discussion table. It's pretty cut and dry, and like T.R.E. said also, almost every top wrestler in the biz has had their "5 moves of doom". So yeah, it's not a big a deal as everybody's making it out to be and should be taken with a grain of salt. There is also talent out there that has more moves than just 5 so there's plenty of variety.
I think that for me it is that he does all of them in a row. If he would spread them out during the match, then it wouldn't be so bad. The problem is that Cena is ALL momentum. He isn't the biggest "thinking" wrestler. The truth is that his fans go crazy when he starts on his roll. I'm convinced that is the reason why Orton has gone to doing the same thing. His fans go crazy as well.

I've always been a big fan of using your signature moves as a counter. For example: During their match at TLC, Miz went for the SCF, and Orton reversed it into the Angle Slam. It was a perfect situation. Orton got to do one of his signature moves, and he didn't have to set it up or anything. It isn't as predictable that way.

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