So lots of hate for Orton and Cena these days. Why?

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Meh. The IWC is more or less comprised of fickle hipsters. Everyone wants to be avant-garde and like the guys nobody likes yet. We think that heels are amazing and faces are lame. We send in house show reports containing things like: "Everyone in my section was booing CM Punk, except me!"

A small handful of years ago, the IWC was having a collective circle jerk over Randy Orton. He was sooooo amazing! Along with Edge and Jericho, they were the trifecta of amazing heels that made WWE worth watching.

Fast forward a few years and now it's all "Orton sucks! He never loses! Why can't he be more like < insert current IWC circle jerk award winner HERE >."

Frankly, it's gotten ridiculous. Orton and Cena win the way they do because they are top faces. It's the way shows have been booked for years. They are the top draws, they get top billing, they get over the top booking. It's just the way it is. But the IWC needs to complain because guys like Zach Ryder are amazing because he has a YouTube show, or John Morrison is being held down for some magical reason. It's always a story of guys being held down, rather than admitting the simple fact that they aren't good enough yet.

Cena and Orton are where they are because they are the top dogs. They are who bring the casual fans (i.e. the majority of the consumer base) to the buildings. It really isn't complicated.
You know im not as upset as some people seem to be about (insert thing we can't talk about). Some people can claim "oh im not gonna watch again" yeah ive heard that a dozen times it just never ceases to amaze me sometimes.

I like John Cena because he works hard,is always there,and is a realible guy,etc. Randy Orton at first I didnt like but over time I have come to respect him in the Ring. People can complain about his character but thats part of his current persona to be that way. So i think some people should cut them some slack here and there.
Look, I appreciate Cena's ethic and his hard work, but saying that Austin couldn't wrestle is not true. Austin was a technician long before he played the brawler, and knew "moves". He was the Ringmaster! I think this part of your opinion is, if not uninformed, under-informed and needs to be remedied.

I didn't say Austin couldn't wrestle, I just said he had a different style as opposed to somebody like Hart or Angle. It just angers me when people compare somebody like Cena to somebody with true technical prowess like Benoit and Angle, its comparing two different and distinct styles. Austin adopted a certain style to suit his persona and his role as top face in the company. You can't have your top star pulling off high risky moves every night. You need to ensure their health so they can keep performing at a top level.
Meh. The IWC is more or less comprised of fickle hipsters. Everyone wants to be avant-garde and like the guys nobody likes yet. We think that heels are amazing and faces are lame. We send in house show reports containing things like: "Everyone in my section was booing CM Punk, except me!"

A small handful of years ago, the IWC was having a collective circle jerk over Randy Orton. He was sooooo amazing! Along with Edge and Jericho, they were the trifecta of amazing heels that made WWE worth watching.

Fast forward a few years and now it's all "Orton sucks! He never loses! Why can't he be more like < insert current IWC circle jerk award winner HERE >."

Frankly, it's gotten ridiculous. Orton and Cena win the way they do because they are top faces. It's the way shows have been booked for years. They are the top draws, they get top billing, they get over the top booking. It's just the way it is. But the IWC needs to complain because guys like Zach Ryder are amazing because he has a YouTube show, or John Morrison is being held down for some magical reason. It's always a story of guys being held down, rather than admitting the simple fact that they aren't good enough yet.

Cena and Orton are where they are because they are the top dogs. They are who bring the casual fans (i.e. the majority of the consumer base) to the buildings. It really isn't complicated.

I agree what is with the Zack Ryder love all of sudden? Oooo he has a Youtube Show,big deal I could have a Youtube Show and get tons of people to watch it if I wanted too. Nothing against the guy but he is not a Main Eventer,entertaining yes,ME not quite.
My point is Austin displayed his technical prowess before being the top dog. I completely agree that you don't put your top draw in position to kill himself. That's not what I'm getting at. Cena is a top guy, no doubt, and he is not the technician Hart, Angle or Austin are and that's why some fans see him the way they do. As the "you can't wrestle" guy.
Now to the Orton complaints:
Most of the complaints are due his gimmick(talking monotone, slow in the ring,bad on the mike,etc.) His gimmick will change eventually, and he will be that smug son of a bitch heel we all love to hate(BTW you can blame the crowd, not Orton or WWE for him becoming a face). So wait until after his reign as the viper ends before trying to blame all of those things on him.

So what I'm basically trying to say is get over it. No one here wants to hear about your bitching about how guys like Zack Ryder, ADR, Swagger are being held back and deserve a world title run.

Then afterwords you'll bitch about how they had a shitty run, or the WWE is using the world title as a way to get them over. Then you'll whine about how the WWE is buring them after losing ONE match(Miz) or how a wrestler has been beaten 3 times in a row is being buried, how has not even re-signed with the Company yet(Punk)

Or best of all, you'll all whine and bitch about someone not coming back to the WWE for several years, and then turn around and say they are BORING(Rock). To be honest I think the IWC has no idea what the fuck they want, and like being dicks and bash the product that they CONTINUE to watch(someone PLEASE figure this one out for me)

Well now its Mr. John Cena's turn(this should be fun)
Well you say he is TERRIBLE in the ring, I say look at Cena's matches of the last couple months, they are far from terrible.
You say he's bad on the mike, I say what are you smoking. He was in a war of words with the Rock and held his own quite nicely.
You say he is being shoved down our throats, I Say no shit Sherlock. He's the Face of the WWE for fucks sakes, what do expect them to do have him job to those banished to WWE superstars?
You say turn him heel, well I say why should they? Who else could take over as top Face of the WWE and cover the possible loss of income from the turn. No one.

Go head and bash me for this, it's just my opinion. And theres not a damn thing you can do to change that.
Its like I said time and time again, the internet exists only to distribute porn and allow people to bitch about things they can't control but want to. Its the cold blooded truth. The fact is ppl hate on Cena and Orton because they're successful. If they got where they are, its because they kissed Vince's ass right? I mean what else could it be? A lot of ppl want Christian to run with the title because they believe he "deserves" it. Here's the thing, I like Christian, he is a hard worker and is as responsible for the ladder match being a staple in pro wrestling as Edge and the Hardy's are. But why does he "deserve" it in the eyes of the common IWC fan? Simple, because they see themselves in him. Christian is the nice, hard working guy, but the fact is, believe it or not, pro wrestling and especially the WWE is show business, and show biz is about putting butts in the seats (hence Charie Sheen). Cena is the top draw in the biz, and yes he's aimed at the kids, but kids make their mom and dad pay, its business folks. Orton is being built to be the same (albeit a draw with more of an edge). So yes you can hate them for their success, just like you hate Lebron for taking his talents to south beach or having a top player sign with the yankees for slightly less then some small market teams entire payroll, but in the end, things don't change because fickle wanna be control freak fans aren't happy with it, and the IWC is about as fickle of a community there is. At the end of the day the job of a fan is to enjoy the show, or change the channel.
This is my first post on here. I have been reading the message boards for over a year and for the first time I really thought I had to finally say something. I believe that every person should be able to cheer for a person or boo a person as they please. What I do not understand is when people say Cena or Orton never lose a match clean and use Rock or Austin as an example.
At Austin's height of his career(late 97 to Survivor Series 99) Austin lost 2 matches clean. The losses were at Summerslam 99 in a triple threat match with Mankind and Triple H, and at No Mercy 99 in a singles match vs Triple H. Even after Austin returned in 2000 he really only lost 1 match as a face in a clean fashion, which was the 2 out of 3 Falls match at No Way Out 2001. I understand that when Austin became a heel after Wrestlemania X-7 he was more vulnerable, but that is how every heel is supposed to act. When Austin returned face after Survivor Series 2001, he never lost another match cleanly.
I am not trying to say that there is something wrong with how Austin was booked at all. My point is that it is not uncommon for a top face to not be pinned cleanly for a long period of time. I enjoy watching wrestling every week. If something does not entertain me I choose to not watch it.
it is very unlikely you will ever see any superstar say "hey, i don't need the belt. let's give it to ..." for one simple reason - money. yes the top guys get paid well but the champ always gets a little extra, headlines ppv and again gets a little extra, .... not to say someone like edge never said it, but it is few and far between.

i think the basic problem goes back to a simple idea - you are only as good as your opponent. people ate it up back in the 80's but those "Hulk Hogan vs local guy #3" type matches won't work today since people know Hogan is not going to lose. that is what is happening here - people don't even care because they know cena/orton is going to win, either in that match or down the road. sure miz won at mania but everyone was talking rock/cena and here we are, a month or so after mania and who has the title? funny thing is, this is the exact opposite of what happened back during the attitude era. you had bret, taker and hbk at the top fighting it out and austin, rock, hhh, and mankind in the middle. every once in a while, one of the middle guys would get pulled up to the top (austin and mankind a few times) to get people used to the idea and they finally made austin champ. the moment they did, they had 3 other guys ready to take to that next level since they had all beaten austin in the past. not to say that they were not protective then and that some guys maybe had the belt longer than they should have, but no one guy was untouchable. if it made sense for the story, any one of them could lose the belt. today, you just don't get that. look at the whole cena/nexus thing or the recent orton/punk feuds - horrible done because even when it made sense, cena and orton were untouchable and didn't lose. i would say it pisses the fans off but it doesn't - wwe fans are those kids they are catering too and much like hulkamania back in the day, they don't understand your top guy has to lose from time to time. vince could care less what the wrestling fans think.

btw, what is up with cena's shirts? i mean, it has been the same design for like a year, just in different colors. you could tell he wasn't going to smackdown - they just brought out a red version of it.
I think Cena is going to lose the title eventually to ADR, so that way ADR can go on and brag about how he "ruined" the Rock vs Cena match Mania.

I don't care about the number of reigns a guy has, just the quality of it. I also don't care about how long the reign is as long as it makes sense to lose it fast.

But to the main point. The problem with Cena/Orton is that they are both still young and are 100% committed to the WWE plus they have a brand split and have many ppvs, so that forces them to have the spotlight. But, right now, they cannot undo the brand split (way too many people), can't undo the dual-branded ppvs (single brand ppvs sucked and also they had a lack of star power) and wont undo the amount of PPVs (money money pennies). Cena and Orton don't need the title, but they are forced to win the title. If my predicitions of ADR beating Cena for the title are right then ADR winning this way would give him more credibilty/star power/whatever than if he beat Cena without the title. Plus Morrison shouldn't win the title til he stops getting butthurt or something that was Kelly Kelly's spot anyways.

PS- Stop giving hints like we know what blah blah did but we wont tell you, that pretty much spoils it a little bit. I DON'T know what happened, but I can pretty much piece it together with people posting things like this.
I think IWC just want to root for wrestlers they feel are being "held back". Look at Daniel Bryan for instance. It seemed like the "Daniel Bryan" chants and hype were actually louder and stronger during the time he was fired. The guy barely gets a reaction from fans now a days.

Orton being drafted to smackdown is pretty easy one to figure out. Edge retired and Undertaker is part time. They wanted a top face for the brand. Sorry Christian was never going to be that guy.

If people want to complain that Orton or Cena dont lose enough, and that they are selfish. Then you have to have the same criticism for Rock, Triple H, Undertaker, Hogan, Austin etc etc. In their primes how often did they lose and were booked to look bad?

Also, IWC just likes to complain too. When an established wrestler wins they complain oh they dont need a win. They should put another wrestler over. When a new guy for instance like Sheamus won the WWE title. The complaints were he is too green, he hasn't earned it and he is only champion because Triple H likes him. WWE will never do anything right if they listen to the IWC.
well i'm hating orton right now cause of what happens on smackdown. But thats personal. I don't mind either. Didn't like cena or orton for awhile, but thanks to Vince shoving them down our throats every week i've grown used to em. I think there are two problems with things right now. To me it seems like they just dominate all the time. Seemed like back in the day the top wrestlers seemed to have bigger mountains to climb to stay on top, but i was a kid so that just might be nostalgia playing a part in that. The only other thing keeping em hated i believe is WWE only has "Two top stars" so it gets old seeing em all the time. In the attitude era it seemed like they had HHH,Stone cold, The rock, The Undertaker, and to a lesser extent mick foley fighting for the title. But sadly i think the wwe is still in a "Regrow" period and in the next couple of years they will have the other stars grown and built to a point that they will have 4-5 top contenders.... and to be fair, back then they only had 1 show to have these 4-5 wrestlers on, now they have two. so that hurts em a bit.
oh.... and gotta add one thing. It still amazes me how big of a draw Cena truly is, he does deserve to be where he is. DID YOU SEE THE AMOUNT OF CENA SHIRTS IN THE CROWD ON MONDAY? It was insane
-i am a fan of both orton and cena, also a fan of undertaker and HHH. i do agree that orton and cena are burying talent right now. i get that they are 2 huge names in the wwe atm, but they dont need to be the champs all the time. let guys like christain, chris masters, and a few other new guys have the title.
-hell, you could even give the big titles to older guys who are retiring soon like mark henry, maybe the big show, they dont got to long now, maybe toss them a world title for a bit then let them settle down till they retire.
-just a few suggestions, but at least it would be a change.
-i have to agree, all people do now adays is bitch and whine about wrestlers and all the matches (saying all the matches except one or 2 were good), would it hurt to watch wrestling cause you like it? just a thought. of course i bitch about some stuff, but for the most part i just like watching the matches.
The only overrated superstar right now in the wwe is cena!!! He has been shove down our throats since the day he became wwe champion for the first time.As for orton and christian its not their decision on whats going to happen on storylines.Its obvious vince's decision.So don't blame orton for what happen to christain blame vince!
The IWC just doesn't know what they want. i mean they ask for something and when they get it they find something to complain about. They ask for the Rock and they get him. Then a few weeks later they start calling him boring. They were all get wet over Orton turning face saying he's the greatest but not he's boring and mono tone. HE'S BEEN DOING THE SAME THING HE DID SINCE 2008 SO THE IWC JUST NEEDS TO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND WATCH WRESTLING OR IF THEY DON'T LIKE THE PRODUCT THEN TURN THE FUCKING CHANNEL. ITS THAT SIMPLE BITCHES. I FUCKING HATE SPOILED LITTLE BITCHES AND THATS EXACTLY HOW YALL ARE ACTING.
I respect Cena and Orton and I like their work unfortunately I can't seem to get emotionally invested in them. As faces they just tend to get too generic and none of the emotion build up around their storyline comes off as natural.

Perfect example is Cena his free of fired angle, they tried so hard to make us feel for Cena but it just didn't work. Same goes for Orton his character as a face has become monotone somewhat as well.

Compare Cena with Austin, Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels, or Bret Hart. When they were faces they had a purpose in what they were doing and when they do their promos and work their matches you were into their characters. Foley's desire to main event WM was one example how he wanted so badly to main event WM but loosing at No Way Out, fans felt devastated knowing the dream is gone. Or how about Austin and McMahon, Austin came there to raise hell and do whatever he can to break the establishmetn and we rebeled with him.

Even guys I am not a big fan of like Jeff Hardy I was really behind. It was because they built him up so well as an underdog in late 2007 that it was his time to realize his dream.

For Cena and Orton all I see is that there is a good guy ... he want's to fight the bad guys.
Cena is quite frankly the best in WWE in every aspect. He Is the best wrestler in WWE. In ring work is not about hitting flashy moves, It's about putting on matches that people care about.That's what Cena does, he attaches fans to his matches and make them care about the match more than anyone in recent history and that for me is being the best in ring worker.If idiots think he can't wrestle, it doesn't change the fact that he is a great in ring worker. How many great matches someone has to put on to finally be known as a great in ring worker? He is the guy in WWE, and he deserves it, people can have their opinion, so I'm OK but I show my middle finger to every angry Cena-hater just because they deserve it.

And about Orton, to be logical, he is really over. Fans like to cheer him and I think he's also in a point that can not turn heel, just like Cena. But his booking has been questionable, It's a funny thing people call Cena SuperCena, While the person who really deserves that nickname is Orton.

For the past year, not for once he went out of Raw as the underdog, The only time was after that Miz cashed in. Just to for you to recall, I've got to say whole Old Nexus attacked him and he still won the match against Barret, While Cena was beaten by Nexus so many times and lost to Barret at Bragging Rights. So he must be called SuperOrton, but again I don't see a problem with that. He is a superhero and people seem to like it, and even though I'm not a fan of this type of booking, I can deal with it, so once again to hell with the haters.

Although, I have a gut feeling that I'm gonna hate One of these two to death in a short time. I don't know why, maybe because of him ruining something special, but I'll know that it may not be his fault so maybe my hatred not be a legitimate one.
I've thought about it a bit, and the answer is no. I know the situation you're referring to, O.P, and yeah it did piss me off. But I can't really blame Cena and Orton. Neither do I blame the fans for disliking this.

Pro-wrestilng is an interesting business. It's part sport and part scripted, and it's the scripted part that causes such a disconnect between the wishes of some fans and the reality of the product. In a sport, it's hard to disagree with the outcome as the results are genuinely objective. In pro-wrestling, there are definite objective differences in ring-skills and mic-skills, but who gets ahead often comes down to the opinion of the people in charge of the company. And whether you agree with them or not, a lot of fans just don't have a great deal of respect for wrestling's creative. They believe that anyone can write, and that the writers play a large part in determining who gets over and who doesn't. Which is at least partially true. That's why we rarely accept "this guy can be a champion, and this guy can't, because we say so": because we genuinely believe that "insert midcarder here" can be a big star if he's just pushed. While I don't think this is a bad thing, as it shows that the audience is at least involved and creative, I don't believe it's true, either. We all tend to know what WE want to see in pro-wrestling, and therefore it's hard for anyone to tell us we are wrong (and hard for us to accept when pro-wrestling gives us something else). But in the real world, the WWE is appealing to many demographics besides our own. Pro-wrestling's fan-base is very diverse, and that means that a lot of us are going to be disappointed with a lot of what we see, as most of the business decisions being made aren't likely being made with us in mind. It also means that the guys who go the furthest are probably going to be the guys who appeal to the most demographics, from kids to casual fans to the IWC. And that just happens to be Orton and Cena.

I think it's safe to say that what the IWC generally wants to see, and what the mainstream audience wants to see, are often different things. And unlike some of the posters here, I don't fault IWC posters for that, and I don't believe that their opinions are motivated by any desire to bitch or complain just for the hell of it. I believe that the entertainment that they wish to experience and that they are a fan of happens to be buried inside this much bigger entertainment form that is pro-wrestling, where the reality is that the majority of the show is just never going to appeal to them (and isn't designed to). The short version of this is: we know what we want to see, (based on our opinions of who's better, who's more deserving, etc), but we don't comprehend that the business isn't really targeted towards us or our tastes in the first place.

So back to Orton and Cena. I think a lot of the flak that comes their way is an extension of this disconnect about what pro wrestling is intended to be. IWC fans look at them and say ""insert midcarder here" is better than these guys in the ring. Why aren't they pushing him???" Or "this guy's character doesn't appeal to me at all. It's like it was written to appeal to kids for some reason. Why don't they push this other guy instead??" And the seemingly most common answer is: 'Politics'. These guys must be manipulating their way into their spots. Now, while I don't doubt that backstage politicking plays some role in determining who gets ahead and when, I also don't doubt that Cena and Orton would find themselves over-saturated regardless. They make Vince the most money, therefore Vince wants to give them more exposure so they can make more money. And you really can't blame them for accepting that exposure; any of us who do the same in our own occupations, I'm sure. As a fan this sucks, because while I genuinely respect Orton and Cena, I'm also genuinely sick of both of them, and I do want to see "insert midcarder here" get more exposure. But, it's the nature of the industry I'm afraid. I'm part of a niche market, and the WWE is the Wal-Mart of pro wrestling; they carry some of the things I'm looking for, but they certainly aren't specialized in the area I'm interested in.
they get heat by smarks because the current crop was brought up on crude and rude wrestling. In the attitude era, a LOT of fans left wrestling and didn't like it because they were brought up on the wholesome family oriented wrestling. The pendulum always has to sway the other way either because people get tired of one style or because of social conditions.

Plus they're actually conditioned to boo Cena. He works them into it. It's cool to hate Cena. Some dumbass invented the term "resthold" which only exists in the world of indy spotfests and because Orton works a chinlock to get lots of heat (especially as a heel), people who have never wrestled or even understand basic match structure call it a resthold. Youtube "Al Snow shoot" to find out what real wrestlers think about "rest holds".

In other words, the people that hate them either don't understand business or they don't understand wrestling, or a lot of times, don't understand either. You can dislike Cena or Orton because they flat out don't entertain you, but you have to understand why they are where they are. You can't just bitch about you not liking Cena or Orton or say you think they suck at wrestling (which they don't). There is a reason they are where they are.

There is also quite a contrarian culture amongst the IWC. Guys who aren't being pushed but are moderately talented become net darlings faster than they call a stumble 'BOTCH'
All i'm saying is , If I was (person not to be mentioned even though it has several times) i'd leave.

As for Cena and Orton, Cena I like. Orton I can't stand. Cena puts people over, Orton is burying CM Punk and New Nexus I see no reason why they can't have gone over at least once. OR why one of them, JUST ONE could have beaten him. He was beaten down week after week, beat all four members. Got injured, beat Punk at WM, got battered by all of them again, beat Punk at ER.

The reason the original Nexus looked so strong was because Cena struggled. (although at the time we were complaining)
I used to like Cena...when he was ENTERTAINING!!! The corny jokes, facial expressions, and pure lack of talent in the ring I've noticed over the years. Cena when he had his "Dr of Thuganomics" gimmick was brilliant, its just a shame the PG Era has toned it down. When he was going against Rocky<3 on the mic and was allowed to freestyle, I was very happy to see it again. But he is back to the same old crap and given the strap again, understandably he has been given it because of the WM28 match with The Rock. But really? really? REALLY? why couldnt they just book him to win the title at the Royal Rumble, and go onto Wrestlemania with The Rock coming out the next night and Rock Bottoming Cena.

Anyways as for Orton, everyone here has made so many valid points about why Orton is hated, and again its so understandable. Here is a guy that was being groomed to be the next HHH. In Evolution you seen the start, but I really started to like Orton when he first started feuding with Taker. Orton will always be a better heel than face...why? Because he is used to being a heel and infact said himself in an interview he loves being a heel. Much like HHH did. Now with him being a face he cant disrespect anyone because he is Smackdowns Cash Cow right now. Like Cena for Raw.

But as everyone said, Orton and Cena work their butts off outside of the ring and do deserve the strap...but as was said again they dont really need it. They have enough star power. One man I'd like to see in the Main Event Scene is Drew McIntyre...he is the future huge heel of the WWE
Well, as boring and stale as I find John Cena, I respect as a person him and unlike Orton he has actually put over quite a lot of talent over the past year I.E Sheamus, Miz, Barrett, The nexus etc.

What has Orton done since turning face? Bury, bury, bury. I can't remember the last time he suffered a clean loss. I've complained about Cena's moveset in the past but Orton's is practically identical; gets beaten down, then have a spaz attack, hit a few clothelines, powerslam, rope-hung DDT then RKO. If you're lucky he'll chuck an angle-slam or backbreaker somewhere in there. He has no mic-skills, and the only reason people like him is because he has a cool look, a big presence and sweet tattoos.

I can understand why WWE push the more marketable wrestlers but for a lot of us mature fans the top faces are just boring and predictable. Unlike SCSA/The Rock, Cena/Orton will never win over the entire WWE fanbase, simply because they are'nt as interesting and appealing to older fanbase.
I liked Orton for many years. I thought he has the moves and is good in the ring... that is until he evolved right into a snake/serpent -- he started wrestling less and less, played more and more into his "serpent" persona, so much so that all his matches is like the previous matches. The LOL moment for me is when he dislocated his shoulder banging his fists in the ring as he was getting into character.

As for Cena, he is the worst wrestler, and the least improved wrestler in the ring in the span of over a decade. I still watch Orton's matches, but not Cena's if "conditions" permits.

I know they are both industrious and committed in their work (they're in tip top condition). But why still call it wrestling when these champions hardly wrestle at all? (Cena can't wrestle, Orton's too theatrical)
I think people need to stop worrying about who does what and just enjoy it for the entertainment purpose. You're not really going to lose anything if Cena is the champion for a year or for the tenth time compared to Miz holding the championship for a little longer and no longer being in the main event. The IWC always complain about the storylines being repetitive or one-dimensional or something like that. But do you want to see a match that entertains or worry about who has the spotlight and who is not in the main event? I admittedly hate when certain wrestlers are there for the sole purpose of being beat down to make others in a higher position look good (Trent Barretta is a perfect example) but as long as you get entertained stop worrying so much.

I used to be one who didn't care about what happens and just wanted to see my favorites on top, but unfortunately, the storyline obsessive poison has taken me with it as well and I'm doing my best to stop caring so much about it.
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