Jobbers These Days...

The Jew

Dark Match Jobber
really, really are annoying. I mean, what's the point of putting them on a show if you're not gonna do anything with them?

Raw Jobbers:
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Masters
Evan Bourne
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
Vladimir Kozlov
Zack Ryder

SmackDown Jobbers:
Jimmy Wang Yang
Mike Knox
Slam Master J
Shelton Benjamin

Raw should have less jobbers than SmackDown because it is the flagship show and should have every superstar in storylines. Most of these guys have potential and are better than half of their respective rosters (take away the fact the Raw Jobbers are about half the Raw roster), they just have to be repackaged and given a direction, whether it's a feud or a title contention push.

Carlito was given a fucking WWE Title push around New Years Revolution 2006 then just vanished. He had the potential to be at the level of Randy Orton, John Cena, but didn't happen. He won the first ever Unified Tag Team Championship with Primo, lost it and was shoved to jobber position. He could at least be feuding for the United States/Intercontinental Championship.

Chavo Guerrero should be in Intercontinental/US Championship feuds right now, not jobbing to that peace a crap Hornswoggle, or anyone else for that matter. He deserves much better than being a permanent Superstars jobber.

Evan Bourne beat Kofi Kingston when he was US Champ the past summer and never got a title shot, instead, he started jobbing and used for his shooting star press. The kid has got talent and can get places with his skills.

Kofi Kingston got the Sheamus/Swagger push by feuding with Orton and actually being repackaged by losing his Jamaican gimmick and doing the boom drop onto Orton in Madison Square Garden. Can it get bigger than that? Last week he fought Sheamus, the WWE could've capitalized on that and further Kofi's push with letting him win, but what happens? Kofi jobs to Sheamus and gets the not intimidating Celtic Toss. This guy's a lost case.

Chris Masters was on the rise with Carlito but then jobbed to Kane and Big Show at WrestleMania 22. Then he got fired. He came back as a heel and stopped MVP from facing the WWE Champion at that time. Had a short feud with MVP then he started his dancing pecs, got with Eve, where he actually won matches on Raw and Superstars. Now he's MIA. WHAT THE FUCK.

Mark Henry. That is all.

MVP lost 50 matches. Won a match against a heel and automatically became face. Got drafted to Raw, and tag teamed with Mark Henry which went nowhere. This guy was the perfect heel, being the highest payed playa in SmackDown. People want to see the heel MVP cut perfect promos and be the guy that everyone hated. Come on.

Primo, was supposed to feud with Carlito. 2 weeks later formed a tag team with Carlito. Won the first ever Unified Tag Team Championship with Carlito at WrestleMania XXV, lost it to Edge and Jericho. Had a nice feud with Carlito. Then... was a permanent Superstars performer. This guy has talent and it isn't being utilized correctly.

Vladimir Kozlov, had the part in SmackDown, undefeated, became a destroyer in ECW. Came to Raw, did his move on Cena and wasn't seen again. I don't know about this guy. He doesn't fit into anywhere.

Zack Ryder, was totally repackaged and had his match with Christian for the ECW title, didn't win it. Came to Raw and became a Superstars jobber. He should get rid of Rosa and get serious contention for the US/IC Title.

Jimmy Wang Yang, this guy is my favorite cruiserweight. And I think that's the only place he belongs, in cruiserweight title contention.

Goldust came back and it was ECW where he was gunning for the ECW title. Never happened. Went to SmackDown, beat Mike Knox and had an amazing match with Chris Jericho on Superstars. That's about it. Maybe the the draft will see him getting together with his brother and forming a tag team and winning gold. He has a great gimmick and was a great IC title contender back in the day and HAS shown his skills with his match against Jericho. He deserves a push to IC/US Title contendership.

Mike Knox, read Mark Henry.

Shelton Benjamin has what it takes to be World Champion. Unfortunately, he hasn't been pushed beyond Intercontinental/US Champion. He is one of the best pure athletes in the WWE and can put on extremely entertaining matches. He just isn't being used.. at all. He should win the next Money in the Bank match and the PPV and win it and cash it in to win one of the top 2 titles. Has has the size, wrestling background, mic skills, and whatever a successful WWE superstar needs to be elevated to World Champ status.

A huge door for many jobbers is the Cruiserweight Championship. What the fuck was the point of vacating it and never seeing it again? That was the stupidest decision WWE could make at the time. I mean, many jobbers can feud for this title on SmackDown. Jimmy Yang, Slam Master J, Primo, Chavo Guerrero, Dudebusters, and more CWs and new guys. This would open so much more feuds and storylines.

Let's hope the draft does good for these jobbers.

Your thoughts?
well on the shelton note, he's lazy and doesn't WANT to perform. He is in it for the paycheck. The end. I honestly think they should bring his momma back, she worked harder than he did lol. As for the rest, I totally agree with you. honestly the smaller guys should go to TNA ASAP. Look what happened with Elijah Burke/Pope and Shannon Moore. Vince only cares about the roid monkeys. On that note, can some one PLEASE shed light as to why VKM let Matt Morgan go?! I know he was on tough enough a while back, and he's 7 fucking feet tall. So how did Vinnie Mac drop that ball?

On the topic of goldust, yeah I think they should repackage him with out the gimmick and put him with the fortunate sons or what ever the fuck they're gonna call the stable. Maybe have their daddy as a manager, I do miss hearing that inbred talk lol
Haha long thread over jobbers. Ok Im not reading a thread this long over jobbers but I read parts. So let me see this EVERYONE CAN'T HAVE A TITLE. Kofi kingston isn't a jobber, Shelton Benjamen isn't a jobber, and some of the other guys you list aren't jobbers they just aren't utilized on tv as much. You stated Shelton Benjamen should be world champion you said he can wrestle your right, you said he has size your right, and you said he has mic skills wrong I rather hear jullian sing then watch Shelton talk. The problem is some of these guys are in their mid to late thirties and others just aren't over with the crowd enough.
Honestly, I prefer jobbers this way. These guys have a chance of winning in appearence, so it makes the top tier and ME's more credible. If you remember wrestling programs from the 80's jobbers got squashed, and everyone knew it. would you rather see Bourne or a guy like Iron Mike Sharpe. I miss watching the cruiser weights wrestle, but the ones that can cut promos and move merch get pushed to the ME status. Plus some of these guys are happy where there are at, makeing a much larger paycheck than they did in the indies. Blus these guys wrestle each other at house shows, and if they go over, then they get bigger pushes. As for Carlito, doesn't he just about quit every other month? And my final point is, remember, they have one less show for these guys, since ECW is now NXT, so maybe some of the guys you mentioned above might get a renewed push after the next draft.
It seems these jobbers are some of the greatest actually wrestlers in the wwe. Too bad, wwe is entertainment not wrestling. Some people think that sounds really dumb, well vince even says their in the entertainment business, not the pro wrestling business.

but actually some of these jobbers deserve better pushes, i never though of kofi as a jobber though.
I completely agree with you about MVP. I really hope WWE stops just making every black wrestler seem as if they were brought up in the hood and try and make them have cool catchphrases, if anyone disagrees with this JTG has Yo yo yo written on his glasses. I really hope it doesnt happen, I doubt it will happen but I really hope Kofi doesnt get wasted. In this PG Era I thought many superstars like him could have excelled a little more than he has. Kofi got a huge reaction whenever he came out. I think he is being overlooked because he isnt a roidmonkey like someone mentioned before me, and he is looking really small compared to them. Whearas I think he could actually be World Champion right now along with John Morrison, Swags and The Miz.

Shelton though, I dont completely agree with you. Shelton is an amazing athlete and is good in the ring nobody will argue there but you claim he has good mic skills. I think his mic skills are the reason he is not and probably wont get a push. He gets hardly any reaction from the crowd. I do think the WWE creative, who I dont think are very good, should seriously take a long think about how to get him over and on the next level.

I also completely agree with the Cruiserweight part you mentioned. So many people will get wasted because of this division doesnt exist and will end up just getting released. I think Smackdown should really have it. Smackdown struggles to fill up the 2 hours it has and with that 2 hours they fill most of it with promos of Raw, adverts and they actually have The Vault?!?! The vault is the most horrible thing about the WWE right now. Instead of that and filler matches or promos that mean nothign and will go nowhere why not have crusierweight matches and tag team matches ?? People are always complaining not enough in ring time and I think a proper cruiserweight and tag team match could be the answer.

I also think William Regal is being wasted. If you remember when he won King of the Ring he became a massive heel and got an almost JBL like reaction. I think they should have given him a JBL like push right up to the top level. Especially again, on Smackdown! I think he could excell. He is a great technical wrestler nobody can disgaree and could put on some great macthes. I know he is getting on a bit but for the few years until the likes of John Morrison and Ted DiBiase take the spotlight he could do a great job I think.

Also put Christian on Smackdown! they need him.
I thought long and hard on this... There aren't really "jobbers" per se any more. Anyone remember Barry Horowitz? The Brooklyn Brawler? Someone mentioned Iron Mike Sharpe. The list goes on. Those guys were JOBBERS, you knew each and every week they were going to "do the job". No doubt about it. Most of the guys you listed win every now and again. So, I submit to you, they are not "jobbers", but more "not quite stars". And the stars need someone to beat up, but we also need filler matches. I would love to watch Orton RKO everybody, 75 times a night, but he might get tired. So, your "jobbers" are just the other guys. Not everyone can have a title or a huge (or any) push. We have a rule in the Army, we call it the 80/20... you spend 80% of your time dealing with 20% of the Soldiers... creative is the same way. The stars (20%) get most of their attention, but you still gotta fill the rest of the show. And there you have it.
I wouldn't call guys like MVP, Kingston, Henry, Benjamin, Bourne, etc. jobbers. Someone has to lose when creative has something for them their used more. Jobbers don't perform at Wrestlemania. Which a lot of guys listed were just in the money in the bank match. MVP recently had a feud for the US title, Kofi fueded with Orton.

Several years ago HHH and Austin were in the same situation. HHH was losing hog pen matches to Henry Godwin. Austin was losing strap matches to Savio Vega. Jack Swagger was in the same position as most of the guys listed a month ago. Now he's world champion I think a lot of those guys will get another push one day.
Really? I haven't seen Chavo "job" to Hornswoggle in a LONG time. I recommend you watch the Hardys dvd that came out about a year or so ago. They talk about being REAL jobbers. Real jobbers are nobodies from the indies brought in for usually one night only to get torn apart. The Hardys jobbed all the time in the mid-90s.
Raw should have less jobbers than SmackDown because it is the flagship show and should have every superstar in storylines. Most of these guys have potential and are better than half of their respective rosters (take away the fact the Raw Jobbers are about half the Raw roster), they just have to be repackaged and given a direction, whether it's a feud or a title contention push.

Carlito was given a fucking WWE Title push around New Years Revolution 2006 then just vanished. He had the potential to be at the level of Randy Orton, John Cena, but didn't happen. He won the first ever Unified Tag Team Championship with Primo, lost it and was shoved to jobber position. He could at least be feuding for the United States/Intercontinental Championship.

First off, lets not forget the biggest jobber on RAW, well... when he fights, Santino Marella. But, to go on with Carlito. Carlito has a bad attitude and is hard to work with from all reports from backstage. He is a constant complainer. If he has had all the pushes he has had and still cannot get over, face it.. he wont get over. Personally I'm fine with it since Carlito doesnt really have the look. His gut looks like mine... and I'm no where near US Title material.
I'm not sure the WWE even has jobbers, or as their properly called, enhancement talents. The only people close to this status are Santino and Carlito. Carlito apparently has attitude problems, as for Santino, I'm really not sure why he doesn't get more in-ring time. From what I've seen he's a better in-ring performer than Batista.
Someone commented that Benjamin gets no crowd response... I totally disagree with that, He may not get pops as big as Cena, Orton, Edge or Christian but his pops defiantly compare to Swagger, MVP, Big Show or even Batista.... Plus he is easily 1 of the top 3 pure athletic guys in the company... Shelton needs to go TNA where he will be properly used...

Chavo should not be jobbing week in and week out or doing comedy skits... Simply put he is a Guerrero...

Evan Borne should not even exist... He is Matt Sydell and IMO the 2nd coming of Rey Mysterio period... If he sticks around once Rey retires Evan will become the best little man in the business....

Chris Masters has the look period, given the right role he could become a dominate enforcer for a heel group of wrestlers...

MVP I agree go back to being a heel....

Henry, Kozlov, & Knox should be the guys who every week goes out and brutalize their opponents then get caught in the roll ups or DQed.... These guys should be playing the jobbers who pull out the surprise win over top stars on occasion to keep us guessing

Santino the guy can out wrestle 90% of the roster on Smackdown or Raw... He should have been an NXT Pro because he is 1 of the best wrestlers and arguably the most entertaining on the mic.... He needs to keep his comedic side, however become a more serious threat to win matches...

The Big Show this guy should not be losing nearly as often as he does, another star better suited for TNA

And finally break out jobber of last year is The Miz, everyone thought Morrison was the star of that team... Weren’t we all wrong on that count...? Miz will be a World Champion by the end of 2011... And my prediction for him will gain alot of heat but think about it... Miz will be the man to end Takers wrestlmania streak... He is on the cusp of Cena, Orton, & Edge size pops + he is arguably the best heel in the business right now the best way to elevate him to the level of Cena, HHH, Orton, & Edge would have him do the most shocking feat of all and end the streak
The interesting thing about "jobbers" -- WWE's "enhancement talent" -- is that they have a long history of success in the indies before moving to the "big leagues" and losing every week on television. In the past, the WWF employed performers like "Iron" Mike Sharpe, "Playboy" Buddy Rose, Barry O, Barry Horowitz and long list of others. Most were established "stars" in regional promotions who showed up in the WWF to make a splash, and maybe did for a very brief time, before spending the rest of their career as McMahon's whipping boys.

Of course, unlike the majority of the guys you bemoan as "jobbers," none of these men (TRUE jobbers, in every sense) ever wound up anywhere NEAR WWF gold. A few came close, I guess. "Iron" Mike Sharpe, under the tutelage of The Grand Wizard, once took WWWF Champion Bob Backlund to the limit in a title match. Once. Literally. Once. "Playboy" Buddy Rose had a few shots at the belt. Still, even these guys -- in that true wrestling fans still remember their names years after-the-fact -- fared better than the rest, those what Bobby "The Brain" Heenan called "ham 'n eggers."

However, it is not uncommon for wrestlers to receive major pushes early in their WWE tenure only to slowly lose momentum, sliding down the company's roster until they become what I would consider "name-brand jobbers." These are guys who have won titles, are known to fans, have gimmicks, receive occasional pushes, and can be believable contenders when given the occasional title matches, but who have no realistic chance of ever winding up as WWE champ.

In the past, people like Pedro Morales, the first man to ever win both the WWWF World and Intercontinental championship, former IC champ Don Muraco, multiple-time IC and tag champ Tito Santana and many others have taken this route. Former World tag champs The Moondogs became jobbers of this nature, as did The Wild Samoans. Now we see people like Chavo Guerrero, Carlito, Goldust and Shelton Benjamin filling these shoes.

These are men whose accomplishments in the industry are well-known. This allows the announcers to hype their resume during matches, making a victory by a newcomer over these veterans seem impressive or significant. It doesn't mean the established performer can't work, couldn't be successful outside the WWE or isn't capable of selling a match. It means their time, in the eyes of the WWE, is either not now or has passed.

Truly, many of these men if on the indie circuit or in TNA could likely make their way back to the main event roster or be seen again as credible challengers for a major title. Unfortunately, it's always been Vinnie's history to sign these performers to long-term contracts and, before deciding to release a superstar, job them relentlessly to devalue them to the competition.

Most of what you're noting and frustrated by with the wrestlers listed has been ongoing for the 30 years I've watched pro wrestling. It's worked for WWE for all these years, so I wouldn't hold my breath for VKM to change it now. While I'm fairly certain they might like a great opportunity in WWE, I bet even the guys you've mentioned don't expect any different.
Jobbers were the ones who would lose consecutively almost 90 percent of the time. You just don't see that anymore. Everyone wins most nights because WWE has built them that way. People like Jamie Noble are gone and/or have retired. Meaning no disrespect, but he is IMO the last real jobber to have left WWE recently.

Santino isn't a real jobber in my honest opinion either. Lot of people would disagree, and they are entitled to it, but jobbers by definition are the guys that put over rising stars week after week and usually have no real reason to be there Except make their opponent look good. So far Santino has shown a lot of true talent-outside the ring. He doesn't even put over wrestlers hardly anymore-more like the Celebrity Guest Hosts.

And people like Shelton Benjamin, Matt Hardy, Khali, etc these guys can go out each week and win some, lose some. That is not what a jobber is so we cannot call them that. It's hardly an upset if they were to beat ex. Dolph Ziggler, Khofi Kingston, etc.

The days of jobbing is just about over. The only real jobbers in WWE anymore are the ones that are already in the ring (w no music, gimmick, etc) waiting to get owned by whoever WWE wants them to get owned by.
I agree with everything people have said Inc luring the fact some if the wrestlers he mentioned are not jobbers. Also everyone forgot to mention Yoshi Tatsu, he has also been under utilized and could be a great cruiserweight champion. But I think if they do bring back the cruiserweight title it should be the Light Heavyweight championship so other jobbers you mentioned who don't quitefit the cruiserweight description can be included.
I think the only pure jobber that's in the WWE is one that the OP never mentioned...Funaki.

Most everybody else mentioned I couldn't really consider a jobber. Bourne only loses to the big dudes but when he goes against someone usually in his price range he usually wins. Kofi is still big in my eyes right now, but ather guys are top priority right now. Most guys that are considered jobbers are usually picking up wins about as much as they're racking up losses. Remember Superstars is the place where those "jobbers" get their wins.

I think CultOfRaven said it best when he said if you see a guy already in the ring with no music and no fanfare, THAT guy is a jobber.
If the focus is on 90% of the main roster or you try to make 90% of the rosters stars - then NONE of them are stars. A star is supposed to stand out. traditionally your should really only have 2 or maybe 3 top guys. Thats how it works. If you class these guys as jobbers (I can see why you would) then they arebeing used. They "enhance" other talent (or they're s'posed to). You just cant, under any circumstances, focus on pushing 10 guys at the one time or involve them all in storylines - you basically kill your business with over exposure (and that goes for matches aswell - do you pop for a table bump now like you did the first time? course not - cos you've seen it at least a few times a month for 10 years now - AND for FREE). The internet has moaned for years that vince only focuses on the main title. Guess what? So did every promoter who came before him. AND you can quote Jerry Jarret on that one

In my opinion less is more - and I know for a fact that guys 100 times smarter and experienced in relation to pro wrestling than me, agree.
I would not call Kingston, MVP, etc., jobbers. They have had losing streaks, but they win sometimes and could get a push at any time if the writers change their minds. Carlito has become basically a jobber, which is sad. He and Primo could have been great. To me the best example of a true jobber was Val Venis. From after the Attitude Era until he retired a few years ago, that guy's entire role in WWE was putting over new talent. You knew he was never, ever going to win, but he was a good, veteran worker and made new guys look good.

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