Bring Back The Jobbers!

Meat Boy

Dark Match Winner
I was thinking the other day about how I really miss the jobbers. Back in the 80s and early 90s jobbers were always on television. I miss guys like Leory Howard,Chris Duffy,or Ollie John. Even Matt and Jeff Hardy started out as jobbers. I just found the jobbers to be kind of funny at the same time. I liked them because it got to focus the talant on one wrestler. It's not like now now how they have guys like Hawkins and Tyson Kidd getting sqaushed by Brodus Clay in seconds. I think on Raw and Smackdown they should have maybe one or two squash matches. They don't even show jobbers on Superstars. I remember jobbers were always on Heat and Velocity or who could forget about Jakked. Now the jobbers are guys like Ted Dibiase Curt Hawkins JTG Yoshi Tatsu Tyson Kidd Drew McInTyre Tyler Reks. All good wrestlers that could be used much better. I mean all those kids dreamed of one day becoming WWE wrestlers and they got there dream and beacame jobbers. Tyson Kidd vs Yoshi Tatsu was one of the top 25 matches of the year and it was on Superstars look how WWE treats the both of them. I feel theres a empty spot in WWE without the jobbers
I think a big problem with this is the talent in WWE. I mean, guys like Yoshi Tatsu and Curt Hawkins hardly get used as it is. If they brought in jobbers, a ton of lower card guys would get released. I mean, if not to job, what else is Tyson Kidd going to do? There's a lot of guys on the roster and only 6 hours of TV a week, if you count NXT and Superstars. Some of these guys are lucky to even have a job now.

Another thing is that even though I know they are going to lose, it's nice to occassionally see Tyson Kidd and other guys in his position on Raw. I don't want to see jobbers. Only one of two things could happen with that: either they'd be no-names who would be different every week (like local indy talent who might not be able to even work a good match) or they would use the same jobbers every week. But then that'd be just like they do now. So it doesn't really matter. WWE already has jobbers if you want to look at it like that.
I definitely think WWE should start using the "local" "enhancement talent" "jobbers" more.

Every WWE Superstar is a marketable brand and that brand gets damaged when the Superstar gets jobbed out. There is no way Curt Hawkins and Tyson Kidd should have been fed to "The Funkasaurus". That's what no-names are for.

Jobbers serve several purposes:

1) They help debuting superstars look credible

2) They help to keep Lower Card superstars somewhat relevant. Even Curt Hawkins and Tyson Kidd beat jobbers.

3) If you want to get a Main-Eventer on an otherwise packed card, throw them in a jobber match, let them hit their signature moves, and squash someone without damaging an undercard superstar's stock.

4) Jobber matches allow the audience to see a Superstar's full arsenal of moves. Sometimes in upper card matches, Superstars don't get in all of their moves because they are selling for their opponent.

5) Jobbers help put heat back on top level talent coming off of tough losses.

Now, you don't want to overdo it with jobber matches. 2 squash matches per show MAX.
I hear what your saying I liked back in the 90s WWF had a few well known jobbers guys like The Bezerker and The brooklyn Brawler then we had guys who were local indies were all out of shape most of the time around the area. It be real easy to find local guys and I know theres thousands of local guys that would take spot. Instead of haveing guys like Swagger The Miz Big Show Mark Henry Cena David Ottunga Mason Ryan Randy Orton HHH Kevin Nash Michael Cole have all the TV time focus on all those underused wrestlers who we now know as jobbers and try to establish them as the future of the WWE because most of the guys who are on TV now arn't that good at all. Tyson Kidd and Yoshi Tatsu are better than all of the guys who I just named
I definitely think WWE should start using the "local" "enhancement talent" "jobbers" more.

Every WWE Superstar is a marketable brand and that brand gets damaged when the Superstar gets jobbed out. There is no way Curt Hawkins and Tyson Kidd should have been fed to "The Funkasaurus". That's what no-names are for.

Jobbers serve several purposes:

1) They help debuting superstars look credible

2) They help to keep Lower Card superstars somewhat relevant. Even Curt Hawkins and Tyson Kidd beat jobbers.

3) If you want to get a Main-Eventer on an otherwise packed card, throw them in a jobber match, let them hit their signature moves, and squash someone without damaging an undercard superstar's stock.

4) Jobber matches allow the audience to see a Superstar's full arsenal of moves. Sometimes in upper card matches, Superstars don't get in all of their moves because they are selling for their opponent.

5) Jobbers help put heat back on top level talent coming off of tough losses.

Now, you don't want to overdo it with jobber matches. 2 squash matches per show MAX.

Great post. Jobbers were essential to making superstars look credible back in the 80's and 90's. Nowadays you see guys get jobbed out, and they lose credibility if the WWE wants to push them later. Damaging their "brand" as you stated. Unfortunately in the quest for ratings, they got rid of jobbers and now have only superstar vs. superstar matches on Raw and Smackdown. This also damages the PPV's, because why should I pay $50 to see a match I'll get for free on Raw or Smackdown? They need to stop giving away big matches on free TV to make the PPV's more special, and therefore higher buyrates.
I definitely think WWE should start using the "local" "enhancement talent" "jobbers" more.

Every WWE Superstar is a marketable brand and that brand gets damaged when the Superstar gets jobbed out. There is no way Curt Hawkins and Tyson Kidd should have been fed to "The Funkasaurus". That's what no-names are for.

Jobbers serve several purposes:

1) They help debuting superstars look credible

2) They help to keep Lower Card superstars somewhat relevant. Even Curt Hawkins and Tyson Kidd beat jobbers.

3) If you want to get a Main-Eventer on an otherwise packed card, throw them in a jobber match, let them hit their signature moves, and squash someone without damaging an undercard superstar's stock.

4) Jobber matches allow the audience to see a Superstar's full arsenal of moves. Sometimes in upper card matches, Superstars don't get in all of their moves because they are selling for their opponent.

5) Jobbers help put heat back on top level talent coming off of tough losses.

Now, you don't want to overdo it with jobber matches. 2 squash matches per show MAX.

I don't think bringing back the jobbers is a good idea. Back when they were used, it was nothing more than a boring segment in which the dominant superstar would hit his signature move and then pin the jobber to get the victory. That's it. Less than a minute, and the match would be over.

Keeping this in mind, what good does having local jobbers do? Build credibility to the dominant wrestler you say? How so? The guy the superstar is fighting is more than likely not only scrawny, but he's most likely not relevant enough to make said superstar look any more of a bigger force than they did before. It's like when you have a petty little soldier tryna take down the Hulk. What good is that little soldier gonna do? Hulk can just punch the poor bastard and he'll die. Did Hulk doing that make him look any better? -- No, it was obvious that little soldier wouldn't stand a chance.
Unfortunately in the quest for ratings, they got rid of jobbers and now have only superstar vs. superstar matches on Raw and Smackdown. This also damages the PPV's, because why should I pay $50 to see a match I'll get for free on Raw or Smackdown? They need to stop giving away big matches on free TV to make the PPV's more special, and therefore higher buyrates.

Are you really complaining about this? It might not be the best thing for the WWE's bottom line, but its much better for the average fan to be able to see superstar vs. superstar on weekly TV. It's not like WWE is going under because their PPV buyrates are too low because their free TV is better.

I don't think we need any more jobbers than we have now. Santino fills that role and takes enough time. Some have said it hurts the later careers of low card wrestlers like Tyson Kidd, etc. to spend time as jobbers, but if the WWE had to keep more pure jobbers on the roster, maybe Tyson Kidd wouldn't have a job anyway. There's limited space on the roster, having guys like Tyson Kidd or whoever be a jobber for now makes sense, since they still have time to develop into a legit superstar later. Just because someone jobs now, doesn't mean they won't be formidable down the road. The Hardys were mentioned as a good example. Former jobbers, and became IMO one of the better tag teams ever.

There's not enough TV time on the main shows to devote more to squash matches or jobbers. Maybe if they were going to have Heat and Velocity or shows along those lines again, then it could be done. But as it is now, there's enough time devoted to jobbing.
The problem with the idea of jobbers these days is that the IWC is far too vocal and they like their bandwagons. A few good matches does not a good wrestler make. Knowing the IWC, if a jobber accidentally had a decent match or has had a few good matches in a different company or FCW, people would be complaining that they're not getting pushed enough and they deserve a chance. Ezekiel Jackson has essentially been reduced to a jobber for the time being and I've even seen a few people saying he's better than that and deserves to be pushes higher up the card. Ezekiel freakin' Jackson!

Yeah, Tyson Kidd, Tatsu, Hawkins and Tyler Recks are decent young wrestlers. But they've got no mic skills or charmisma. No one really cares all that much about them, even when they have good matches on Superstars. So maybe they're not exactly jobbers, but the lower card talent is where they belong until they do something that actually gets them over.
The thing with having jobbers and more importantly, a show like the old Superstars, was that it actually meant something when you had a star vs star match. I remember as a kid in the 80's getting up and watching Superstars on Saturday and would get super excited when they'd have a non jobber match. Even in the early days of Raw, you'd have the occasional jobber match. All this srved to make the big matches BIGGER. I realize that it would likely hurt ratings to do this, but to have a few jobber matches each week on Raw and SD would serve to keep guys from having to match up early in a feud but still keep them on a show.
They don't do it anymore because nobody wants to watch it. Even back in the day little kids who still thought it was real knew perfectly well that guy is gonna be staring at the lights before the commercial. What's the sense of watching if you already know what's gonna happen? The whole show was matches like this followed by a main event that was guaranteed to end in a schmozz, a count out, or oops we're outta time hur hur. No, I don't want to see wrestling go back to that bullshit.
I like jobbers, It makes your sure star more credible. The thing was back in the day all superstars had a gimmic something you wanted to watch even if they were wrestling a jobber. Jake the snake for example, you knew that snake was comming out of that bag and you waited for it and we're never disappointed. That's why it won't work today not everyone has something going on you want to see. Plus keeping your superstars from wrestling each other every week makes PPV much more interesting, such as if Albert del rip didn't wrestle cm punk every week on raw before the PPV then them finally getting it on makes you want to pay money to see it. They need to stop giving it away for free.
The lack of Jobbers in the WWE is a serious issue, now the WWE has the ability to do this the right way, In doing so I will also show how NXT and Superstars can help solve the problem.

On Raw Brodus Clay debuted and squashed Curt Hawkins. What was the point. Did Kurt have any credibility, no. So Brodus crushed a no name wrestler and made Kurt look like a joke. Back in the day this roll was filled by local wrestlers with no entrance music and basically no name. I will refer to these wrestlers as Squashers. Squashers are necessary because they make powerhouses look tough. But employed WWE wrestlers should rarely ever be squashed. They should be no names who have no credibility, and nothing to lose.

Jobber should be wrestlers with credibility. For an example i will use Yoshi Tatsu. On NXT Yoshi had a feud with Tyson Kidd. Which led to him debuting a new look and getting him a win in a pretty decent match. Now on NXT he has a story and has built credibility as a face. Now lest suppose he shows up on SD no entrance, to face Cody Rhodes. Now most people would not know that he has been wining matches on NXT, Cause they don't watch it. If he loses in 2 min with little offense in a squash, what good will this do. Cody will not look any better because Yoshi has no known credibility to anyone sitting at home. And Yoshi can only look worse.

Now lets say that before the match, I.e. during Yoshi's entrance, they play a clip of his recent wins over Tyson Kidd. Now the credibility he has built on NXT has transferred to SD! Now lets say he loses in a 4-6 min match, where he got a couple of nearfalls and lost clean. Now, Rhodes looks better for getting a clean pin as a heel, which makes him look tougher, and he beat someone who was on a winning streak. Yoshi who put up a good fight gets a nice rub off the IC champion, and both look better because of it.

The WWE needs to bring back real jobbers, but they needs to do it the right way. They needs guys with credibility. Credibility that can be easily built up on Superstars or NXT.
We still see random jobbers in squash matches from time to time.

To much talent is already in the back not being used to bring back the jobbers,or as me and my broski's called them in the 80's when we were like 6 years old *The Fake Wrestlers* LOL :)

When I was very young I remember laughing tho when Freddy Joe Floyd I think his name was beat Ted.D by count out LOL.
I can't understand why WWE does local talents to put over some of the lower card WWE guys. It'd be a great way to give guys like Hawkins and JTG some legitimacy, and at the same time evaluate indy talent.

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